Comments 82

Re: UK Sales Charts: Tearaway Unfolded Flops Like Wet Paper


I bought it.. I loved it on the vita.
Games are like music.. No idea why Justin beiber gets to number one yet a really good song gets no where. I can't fathom the lure of minecraft but it constantly does well..
Some great games have just past by, I really liked vanquish and binary domain on ps3 but they did nothing at retail but they were great games.

Re: The Teen Who Ruined PS4's Christmas Narrowly Avoids Jail


How did he miss out on jail time with over fifty thousand charges!?!
I'd like to give the git a good kicking for what he did and break his damn fingers...society is so bloody soft on the wrong people.
He was the ps4's bleedin grinch,he ruined Xmas for so many folk.
I think ras Al ghul was right from batman begins,criminals thrive on societies tolerance.
Why doesn't he take down the tax office rather tha people's fun....annoying.

Re: SEGA: We Want to Win Back Gamers' Trust


Yeah sega have missed a trick...

Golden axe like the witcher
Open world sonic game with super fast autobahn sections.
Streets of rage fully modernised
Phantasy star online like an mmo mass effect
Outrun brought up to next gen level
Space harrier
Alex Kidd like zelda
And obviously some fresh ideas too but it all works.
Sega were always my fave.
But don't kill sonic. I still have faith in him,superman endured enough poor movies before he shone again.
Sonic and crew are great (excepting sonic boom of course)
He just needs realising properly.

Re: Crash Bandicoot Could Have Appeared in Uncharted 4 on PS4


@kyleforrester87 I totally get what you're saying and do agree too..
But they really don't seem like they want. To do anything with him...but then again if the platformer genre takes off like you said it's a great investment.
Best thing is I dint really like crash...I liked a game called croc if you remember that one!

Re: E3 2015: Sony's Done Making Big Games for PS Vita


Such a shame as its a great piece of kit,remote play is still fun.
Sony seems to go the way of sega with failed bits of kit.
I still have mine but I'm in two minds whether to keep it or not..I still have my 3ds with a Pokemon game still to start too!...but for the ps les ps4 games and Lego games remote play is great...not so much for first person games though..and pstv just doesn't work for online shooters at all..and I have 152 meg broadband.

Re: Reaction: Xbox's E3 2015 Attempts to Block PS4 Upgrade Path


I have all 3 consoles plus a gaming pc so all news is potentially good news
Looking forward to some 360 games as I never owed one.
But it will balls up remastered games for Xbox possibly.
Gears4 looks great as does tomb raider.
But the games I want to see are all third party anyway. (Kingdom hearts!!)
But I will admit either way ps4 is my favourite!!!

Re: Uncharted 4's Neil Druckmann Hints at Nathan Drake's Departure


I don't want drake to die...maybe go missing and his son takes up the mantle and sets off to find his long lost dad years later.
Maybe finds him alive but in a indiana jones and the last crusade style elderly state to give him a proper send off and fully pass the mantle to his son.
apart from tomb raider of which i really don't like the character there isn't many games like's a shame to kill of such a great thing after only 5 games.(6 if you include the strange card game!)

Re: Prepare for Destiny to Take to the Stage During Sony's E3 2015 Press Conference


I hope to see some uncharted running in its upgraded glory at e3.
Exclusives are great and all. But just some great games is good for me.
Hope Kingdom hearts makes a showing too.
Destiny is pretty good but I have done the unspoken and bought it on Xbox one cod there are no great Xbox games apart from halo,titanfall and oni.
I've no struggle on ps4 for great games. So Sony are doing something right.

Re: Feature: What Are June 2015's Free PlayStation Plus Games?

unionjack3rd ground zeroes anyway..but it's pretty decent of you don't have it.
PS3 call of juarez i've played and didn't do anything for me.
I think my vita is gonna get sold soon before it's no real value..such a shame as it's a great system but woefully unsupported..i'm not really into indie too much.i'll stick with my 3ds for portable now i think.

I'd like to see knack as a ps plus game..wonder how much i'd get for my vita...:0(

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