Comments 679

Re: Desert Child - A Fantastic Retro Racer That's Way Too Short


@3MonthBeef That's a fair point, but I stand by the score for a few reasons:

1) A 6, in my eyes at least, is a positive score. A 6/10 doesn't have to have anything wrong with it to be a 6/10 - I'd even argue the same for a 5/10. I get that numbered scores mean different things to different people, which is a big problem, but I hope this makes sense.
2) Length in games is hard one, but I really felt that Desert Child suffered a lot for being so short. As you say, some short games are fantastic because their length is just right - Portal is only about an hour long, but I think its length is right because it makes sense for the game to end there. For Desert Child, its short length didn't work for me because I felt genuinely shocked and disappointed that the game ended as early as it did. It felt like a huge anticlimax. Your point that the game is a one man operation is fair, but then again I mentioned that in the conclusion, so that was a factor into the score.

Hopefully that clears anything up - let me know if you have any more questions.

Re: Knowledge Is Power: Decades - An Unnecessary But Functional Trivia Title


@Kidfried Agreed, this game doesn't feel necessary at all.

@bindiana Sort of. The categories are a lot more open - the categories at the start of every round are always 80s, 90s, 00s, or 10s, then the next one after that is always either music, films, tv, or something else. There are still specific ones as you delve further into the categories, though: a few times "The Strokes" popped up as a category, which is weirdly specific.

If anybody has any questions, go ahead!

Re: The Jackbox Party Pack 5 - Fun and Games


Thanks for the comments everybody, give me a shout if you have any questions.

As @RevengeFan said, unlike PlayLink you don't have to download an app to play this game. As annoying as it might be for some people, I don't think many of these games would be possible on a controller since they all involve an element of secrecy, as well as drawing and typing.

Re: Review: Fire Pro Wrestling World (PS4)


@SoulChimera I haven't played the PC version so I can't say for sure, but by the looks of it nothing's been removed from the console version. Pretty much every tiny detail can be customised, it's insanely deep

Re: Hands On: Call of Duty: Black Ops 4's Multiplayer Changes 4 the Better


@gingerfrog There wasn't a hardcore mode in the beta's first weekend, but Treyarch said they'd be adding more modes next weekend so I imagine they'll announce if any hardcore modes are in it.

@Jaz007 It definitely feels slower. You can get body armour after a certain level (level 7 I think) and pretty much everyone equips it. I'm hopeful it'll stay that way, although I'm not sure because a lot of COD fans have been complaining about it on Reddit and Twitter.

If anyone has any other questions, let me know!

Re: Review: Red Faction: Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered (PS4)


@Shigurui I haven't experienced any major slowdowns or bugs during my time with the game so maybe it's a PS4 Pro problem seeing as I played it on a standard PS4. That'd be odd considering the Pro's more powerful, but quite a few games have had poor Pro compatability.

If anyone has any questions, shoot!

Re: Review: Frantics (PS4)


@roe That's a great way of describing it!

@PS_Nation @get2sammyb Yeah, I'm a big fan of this game's art style. I'd say I prefer of Frantics to Knowledge Is Power but the latter's still a fun quiz game.

Happy to answer any questions if anyone has any!

Re: Review: Gravel (PS4)


@themcnoisy Cheers!

@Bonbonetti I made a mistake - I played Gravel on the standard PS4 (I don't own a Pro) but I must've accidentally put PS4 Pro when writing the review. To answer your question, I had no framerate problems with Gravel at all!

Re: Review: Gravel (PS4)


@Anguspuss Although some liveries and parts of the crowd don't look that great, I'd say that it's still a pretty good looking game.

@Rudy_Manchego It's not enough about family - no one love family more than Dominic Torretto.

Re: Review: Kerbal Space Program (PS4)


@seanobi No, this is a new review for the Enhanced Edition. By my experiences it's still a very buggy game, though I can't comment on if it's improved since I didn't play last year's version since it only released in NA

Re: Game of the Year 2017: Sam's Personal Picks


@themcnoisy Cheers! PES does have its annoying moments definitely, but considering I'm still playing it regularly now - way past the time of year that I've usually played any other football game in the past - they haven't put me off as much.

Glad to see both you and @Tasuki have mentioned Cities: Skylines too: I feel like it got overlooked a bit this year, although it's a pretty niche game to be fair.

Re: Game of the Year 2017: Sam's Personal Picks


Cheers for the responses everybody! To be perfectly honest, had I played Injustice 2 and Yakuza 0 earlier, they'd be on this list as I've really been enjoying them. Still, I think all of the games on this list are great nevertheless.

Re: Review: Dead Rising 4: Frank's Big Package (PS4)


@sinalefa The 6 multiplayer missions are 4-player online co-op (although you can play them by yourself, but I wouldn't recommend it) but they're not nearly as fun as the single-player. You can also play Super Ultra Dead Rising 4 Mini Golf online or split screen, and to be honest it's more fun than the co-op missions.

Re: Review: Dead Rising 4: Frank's Big Package (PS4)


@SMKpaladin Thanks! Yeah, as much as it might disappoint fans, I definitely think that the removal of the timer makes it much more enjoyable.

@kyleforrester87 The title definitely reflects the new tone of the game. As for the timer, I think it'd be hard to rework into the game because, in previous games, there was a reason for the timer - in DR1, Frank would get rescued in 3 days, and in both DR2 and 3 the military would bomb the city after a certain amount of time - and the game was designed around a timer: certain missions would appear at certain times. A more basic version could probably be added, but it wouldn't be like the previous games.

@GamerDad66 Yep, all DLC (including the smaller bits) is included.

Re: Review: Hidden Agenda (PS4)


Nice review, shame that it's not as good as I hoped but I'll probably pick it up if it gets discounted since it reminds me of the show Trapped where someone had to sabotage everyone else

Re: Review: Knowledge Is Power (PS4)


@shafedog247 Yeah, I love the character designs in this game. Wiener guy every time!

@JLPick Yeah, I think this has a little less longevity than That's You, but as you say I'd really enjoy a new Buzz game since they were so fun back in the day. PlayLink definitely has potential for good party games, which is why I'm a fan of it. Definitely look out for Hidden Agenda which comes out later this month, as it's by Supermassive Games and has a really cool concept for a detective game.

Re: Review: SingStar: Celebration (PS4)


@Incognito_D I'm definitely a fan of the game's PlayLink functionality - it's much better than having a load of mics lying around like you say!

@naruball Fair enough, that's your opinion. I'm a big fan of karaoke games - you can see my reviews of earlier ones - but I just felt like this game's tracklist wasn't as varied as other titles like Now That's What I Call Sing and the like. Reviews are subjective, so maybe you'll like the tracklist more than I do.

@1ManAndHisDroid Thanks for providing it - the reason I didn't include it in the review is because it would be a slog for people to read through, and we never usually provide the entire tracklist in karaoke reviews. Like I said in the review, the game suffers because of its lack of four-player functionality which really kills its credentials as a party game, which is why I gave it a low score as there are plenty of karaoke games on PS4 that have this functionality.

@Octane I'm actually a pretty big fan of PlayLink as an idea, and I'm looking forward to Hidden Agenda as it's an excellent concept for a game. This is probably the only game on PlayLink that I wouldn't have bought.

@Useyourname That's fair enough, but as I said in the review I think that Singstar is first and foremost a party game, which is why I was disappointed at the lack of four player support.

If anyone has any questions, ask away!

Re: Review: Knowledge Is Power (PS4)


@naruball Word up, son!

@get2sammyb Yeah, the app thing might get annoying in the future as more games come out but I suppose there aren't many other ways to do it.

@Octane I wouldn't call it shovelware, but it's definitely good!

If anyone has any questions then ask away! If you're looking for a poor man's Splatoon then @Quintumply put his De Blob review up today.

Re: Review: L.A. Noire (PS4)


@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Sadly not, the VR stuff is in a separate game coming out next month that's currently only releasing for the HTC Vive.

@carlos82 Yeah, I prefer playing without all the hand-holding stuff too, getting a case right is way more rewarding when you've done it without help.

@hi_drnick No, since I don't have a PS4 Pro I've only been playing in 1080p so I can't say what it's like. Eurogamer's Digital Foundry might have done something on it though, so I'd check there

Re: Review: L.A. Noire (PS4)


@Mergatro1d Hmm, I haven't noticed that since I haven't played it using headphones yet. Here's hoping it's patched.

@hi_drnick Yes it does! I've been playing it that way ever since discovering that option.

Re: Review: L.A. Noire (PS4)


@shonenjump86 It's definitely worth it - one of the best games of last gen to me, mainly because of how unique it was.

@Dodoo I hope you're right! Obviously Team Bondi wouldn't be able to do it since they've been shut down, but I'd welcome a sequel if it was as good as the first!

@Th3solution Cheers! Definitely pick this up at some point

@Bluetrain7 I've definitely played it in sessions longer than I care to admit

@mookysam Yeah, the new labels for interrogations are more fitting definitely. It makes them much less frustrating as well as helping them flow a bit better

If anyone has any questions, I'm here to answer!

Re: Review: LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 (PS4)


@Elodin Thanks! The open world doesn't have any real sidequests - they're more random encounters with goons mixed in with some mini boss fights. If this game gets a price cut around the £20 or less mark then I'd say it's worth it since you'll be playing it with your daughter, but as you say I think LEGO Worlds is the better game anyway as it's much more different and interesting compared to the other mainline LEGO games.

@themcnoisy Yeah, I think TT either need to slow down their release schedule a bit or just find a new gameplay style entirely as their games are getting too formulaic and bloated now. LEGO Worlds was definitely a step in the right direction, though, so hopefully they'll make more original games instead of pumping out licensed ones.

Re: Review: LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 (PS4)


@Quintumply Cheers! Yeah, the best way to describe this game is bloated - there's no real reason to have an open world in a LEGO game, just a simple hub world like the Cantina in the LEGO Star Wars games.

If anyone has any questions, fire away!