Comments 679

Re: Soapbox: Why Mad Max Is a Hugely Overlooked Game


@CaptainAsian27 I didn't actually know that. Thanks, I'm gonna try that soon!

@RaymanFan2 Definitely. It's great that Avalanche put so much effort into the visuals of the game.

@Bad-MuthaAdebisi I've got a huge backlog as well as a load of games from 2015 I need to buy. Can't believe how good 2015 was good for games!

@BAMozzy Ah, see I haven't watched the originals, so I wouldn't have noticed that. I suppose it could've done with a little more fan service, and maybe some more stuff from the universe e.g more outlandish cars.

@notdead That's the only problem, really - the world's pretty huge, though, and there's quite a lot of stuff to do, but comparing it to other games such as Fallout 4, the Witcher 3, and other open-world titles shows that Mad Max doesn't have as much replaybility as other sandbox games.

@chris730920 Same here - MGS V disappointed me in quite a few ways, to be honest, but that's another article.

@carlos82 That's fair enough - I don't really play any of the Ubisoft open-world titles so I don't play sandbox games too often, therefore Mad Max probably seems less stale to me than other people who play sandbox games regularly.

@dryrain Yeah, it was an unfortunate time to release, but it's better than being rushed out in May to accompany the film.

@MadAussieBloke If another Mad Max film comes out, it'll be a good time to play it!

@kyleforrester87 I doubt it'll come to PS Plus in my opinion, but you never know. Open world is a very crowded genre, and I tend to avoid the majority of Ubisoft open-world titles because of this

Re: Soapbox: Why Mad Max Is a Hugely Overlooked Game


@RaymanFan2 Yeah, it definitely doesn't reinvent the wheel, but it's excellent at what it does

@LieutenantFatman That would've been a neat idea actually, but nevertheless this game has some good gameplay design choices

@Draythedestroyer This is why I think Mad Max was overlooked - it released right next to MGS V, as well as marking the start of an onslaught of games coming out in October and November

@BAMozzy That's fair enough - Mad Max does borrow quite heavily from other games rather than trying to innovate, so not many would consider it a contender for GOTY when there are more adventurous games releasing. Still, I think it delivered, although, because the movie was so good, some parts did fall a little flat.

@SuperSilverback Just Cause 3 is excellent, so I can understand that! Both games are made by Avalanche, so you can sort of see the similarities the two games share - the biggest one being the frequency of explosions!

@Ahabspampurse Glad you're enjoying it - I tried to go for the platinum but too many games released, so I'll be going back to it once the releases dry up.

@glassmusic Ayyy

@Splat I really liked how the punches and kicks crunched, and how Max almost effortlessly pulls out his sawn-off and blows someone away without warning. It felt so rugged and dirty, which perfectly suits the world

Re: Game of the Year: Graham's Personal PlayStation Picks


@Churchy Yeah, pretty sure we can all agree that the soundtrack was excellent! I have no idea what went wrong with Hotline Miami 2, I think it's because the big levels made the game all the more frustrating. In Hotline Miami 1, every death felt like it meant something and that it was entirely your fault, but thanks to the bigger levels in 2 there were a lot of frustrating, cheap deaths that made the game less enjoyable.

Re: Game of the Year: Sam's Personal PlayStation Picks


@themcnoisy FIFA is definitely good, but not GOTY material. In my opinion PES plays a bit better too, but I prefer FIFA because the licenses. Also nobody plays PES!

@Quintumply Thanks! Quite a few of the technical problems have been fixed, which is good - though blowing up anything in the city leads to framerate drops, which is a shame.

@sub12 You know it Good list, too - I've yet to play Fallout or Wolfenstein, though, although I really enjoyed The New Order

@Mrobinson91 Definitely. Whatever genre you like (RPG lovers especially) you had a good year in 2015

Re: Game of the Year: Sam's Personal PlayStation Picks


@BAMozzy Yup. It's better that everybody has different opinions because it opens up plenty of opportunities for debate. Plus it would be boring if everyone loved the same games!

@mrobinson91 It seems like the most divisive game on the list, which I get. What's your top 5 then?

Re: Feature: Why The Witcher 3's CD Projekt Red Is the Best Developer of 2015


I love CD Projekt Red because of how they're going against all of the greed that's consuming the industry - they update the game freely, offer good value for money, and are generally really consumer-friendly. What developers and publishers don't seem to get is that if you treat the players well, they'll pay you back in the long run.

Side note: CDPR also run Good Old Games, a really get alternative to Steam that sells every game DRM-free.

Re: Game of the Year: Sam's Personal PlayStation Picks


@Boerewors Sorry if I offended you with that, I'm not religious so that word never really felt bad to me. The Witcher 3 and Rocket League are both excellent, and while Grow Home isn't for everybody, I'd recommend that you try it.

@sub12 I think so too, plus the new patch really improved load times and framerate for me. Some people seem to forget that the Witcher 3, while not having load times, was still pretty buggy on release, but sadly that's the state of the industry these days. I agree that JC3 is far from perfect, but it topped my list because I've never had more fun in a game than I've had in JC3

@Frank90 Thanks! I haven't managed to play Fallout 4 yet due to my huge backlog, but I'd certainly like to.

@BAMozzy It's cool, we all have our own opinions. Glad that we can agree on how great The Witcher 3 was though!

@Cron_13 @Kidfried I find that smaller games like Grow Home are often pretty divisive because they're usually pretty niche, so not everybody enjoys them. At least you tried it though!

@THEONE19 Thanks! I feel that Mad Max was criminally underrated this year, plus it probably suffered a lot from releasing so close to Metal Gear Solid V. Still, it's a really fun game

@Neolit Thanks! It was a game that I really didn't expect anything from and just blew me away because of how well-made it was.

I'm here to respond to any other comments! Just to say, it was really hard picking 5 games, so here are some of my honorable mentions, because this year was amazing:

N++, Bastion (Since it launched on PS4 this year) WWE 2K16, Life is Strange, Tearaway Unfolded, Gauntlet: Slayer Edition

What a year!

Re: Talking Point: Did You Get Any PlayStation Gifts This Christmas?


I got WWE 2K16 and Tearaway Unfolded, the latter of which I've yet to play because I've spent so much time making a new roster on WWE! It's easily one of the best wrestling games in a while.

I also got Ashens' new book Terrible Games You've Probably Never Heard Of, which is excellent too!

I've got more family to visit tomorrow so there might yet be more!

Re: Rumour: Could Max Payne Dive onto PS4?


@get2sammyb @Toddlernaruto @JesWood13 @grawlog @stevie85 I would honestly take any Rockstar property, their rap sheet is crazy - Bully, GTA, Max Payne, Midnight Club, Red Dead, LA Noire.

I really want to play Bully again on PS4, though.

@mrpapaya You're goddamn right - add Pro Skater 3 to that, too.

Also if anybody suggests The Simpsons: Hit and Run, I will assume that they're not sane. That game is the devil

Re: Review: Just Cause 3 (PS4)


@not-another-ad @nifty Good idea!

@justerthought I suppose, I just feel like the wingsuit (As well as the improved parachute) is better overall, plus things like that did happen to me in Just Cause 2 - I just might've been bad at it though!

Re: Review: Just Cause 3 (PS4)


@Cron_13 Perfect time talking about this - I tried just that yesterday and it seems to work! It seems like an MGS V style problem, really. Strangely, when I played online too, the loading times were improved again. Maybe it was just a server problem.

@teknium_ We all have our own opinions, but it's strange that they're being so negative about it.

@DualWielding This isn't really a GTA game - there are some similarities, but Just Cause is a lot more boisterous than GTA, and more outlandish, albeit with a worse story

@ApostateMage My favourite thing to do is attach someone to a gas canister and launch it into the air. Never ceases to make me laugh

@Swiket @CD546 I don't understand how this went under the radar at Avalanche (Maybe it didn't?) but they really need to fix it soon

Re: Review: Just Cause 3 (PS4)


@john81 I know what you mean, I love it when a game has tons of replayability but I know I'll never finish it!

@sinalefa Good idea

@adf86 I wouldn't say that it gets repetitive - every base is quite different, and there's a lot of different ways to approach them

@themcnoisy I know, it's pretty ridiculous! I remember playing PS1 games that loaded far quicker than this game

Re: Review: Just Cause 3 (PS4)


@Gamer83 Half the time I play this game, I have a big, dumb smile on my face. Good idea to wait until the stuff is fixed

@Bad-MuthaAdebisi @fit6958 Good idea, hopefully by then the hitches should get fixed!

@kyleforrester87 As Sammy said, we decided this was the best score - I was originally going for a 9 but I thought the technical stuff shouldn't go unpunished. Thanks for not reading into the score too much! I might do a follow-up piece in a month's time or so (Whenever they release a patch) to see if anything changes

@JMillsDezign The load times are really weird, they seem to vary depending on what you're loading up, how long you've played etc. Peculiar

@Elodin Just look for the Bull sign on the map. If not, I'd reload the game again, or look for a guide. Not sure about the Day 1 vehicles either, though I'm glad you're enjoying the game!

@Quintumply Thanks! The load times are quite annoying at times, but if you've got patience, it's definitely rewarded!

@Dodoo Good idea, it's weird how the game's been gold for a while now but the issues haven't be fixed.

@teknium_ It's true about how big the world is, I love the size of the map. I reckon most of these problems are caused by the scale of the map and the physics engine.

I'm here to answer anymore questions you might have!

Re: Review: Deadpool (PS4)


@adf86 Hopefully it'll get discounted soon - if it's ever below £20, I strongly suggest you get it

If anyone has any questions to ask about the game, fire away!

Re: Review: Call of Duty: Black Ops III (PS4)


@Gamer83 @themcnoisy I'm the same, I'm never really known to play online multiplayer, especially in shooters, but I quite enjoyed it this time around. The appeal will wear off soon for me, though, so I'll probably play Campaign more often than not

Re: Review: Call of Duty: Black Ops III (PS4)


@themcnoisy I'd wait a little if you were gonna buy just for the campaign for the price to drop, but I think that, if you have a couple friends, it's fun to run through it. The fact that a second campaign unlocks after helps too

Re: Review: Call of Duty: Black Ops III (PS4)


@iDangerMouse_ The storyline has gone insane and I love it. Can't wait to see the craziness unfold as more maps get released!

@Gamer83 @Boerewors I agree fully with you guys, I hugely love this year's campaign, probably the most fun I've with friends in a while. Boerewors, me and my friend were discussing that they should take a break and remaster a game next year, because they obviously need it!

@gusty81 I agree that it's a little frustrating when it comes to the constant cutscenes, but I love the level design this year, the campaign as a whole is a lot more open