Comments 679

Re: Review: Max: The Curse of Brotherhood (PS4)


@sketchturner Like I said in the review, I think it varies. The opening section in the desert really doesn't look good in my opinion, but the many sequences in caves and underground dungeons look great. The biggest problem for me was the difference between how polished Max's character model looks compared to the other assets in the game, which threw me out a little.

@clvr I can see where you're coming from since Splatoon is all about paint and this game's all about pens, but they're pretty much two completely different games considering Splatoon's a shooter. Still, I've never played it, so I wouldn't know!

Re: Review: Call of Duty: WWII (PS4)


@get2sammyb Yeah, I really enjoyed last year's campaign when I reviewed it but the rest of the game was pretty poor.

Shame about the campaign in this one, as that's what I was looking forward to most. I'll probably pick up Wolfenstein 2 instead considering how microtransaction-ridden this is. Still, good review Joey!

Re: Review: Sonic Forces (PS4)


Nice review! By the sounds of it, it's not as bad as everyone's expecting, which automatically makes it one of the best 3D Sonic games ever made. I still need to play Sonic Mania!

Re: Party Brawler Gang Beasts May Finally Be Coming to PS4


I've been looking forward to this for years but to be honest I pretty much forgot about it until today's announcement. The long wait's certainly killed my hype, but hopefully it'll turn out great once it launches - I remember really enjoying the first free version they put up.

Re: Review: Rugby 18 (PS4)


@get2sammyb They're definitely moving in the right direction, but yeah there are some things they really need to polish in terms of gameplay and they really need to improve or add to their gameplay modes.

@hadlee73 I was pretty surprised to find out that there hasn't been a mainline Rugby game since Rugby 15, so I'm assuming that the extremely negative reviews that game got made Bigben realise that change was needed. It's definitely a hard sport to make a game of, like you say - from my experiences with Rugby 18, there are really never enough scrums or penalties as high tackles only seem to occur randomly, as well as the whole scrum collapsing thing that you've talked about.

@ellsworth004 Haha it is pretty complicated, the hardest thing about it I think is the jargon but once you pick that up and understand the set-pieces it gets much easier.

@TheIronChimp Seems like it yeah, the best rugby games seem to be on the 6th and 5th generation consoles.

Re: Review: Madden NFL 18 (PS4)


@themcnoisy Cheers - I never knew you were a fan either!

@jonny_aces Yeah, might as well stick with 17 if you're not bothered about rosters and the new features. Longshot definitely isn't a USP by itself, it's way too short and too light on gameplay

Re: Review: Madden NFL 18 (PS4)


@roe Longshot is quite disappointing, so if you were going to buy Madden just on the basis of Longshot then maybe wait for a price drop. Still, Franchise and Ultimate Team are excellent modes with tonnes of replay value that definitely make up for the price. Good to see another Dolphins fan here too!

Re: Review: Madden NFL 18 (PS4)


@flapjack-ashley Thanks!

@Th3solution Yeah, I doubt it'll sell much here in the UK, although the sport's really been increasing in terms of popularity over here thanks to the games they play in London.

@Fooligan Yeah, Brady's definitely a divisive choice for front cover star!

Re: Review: Cities: Skylines - PlayStation 4 Edition (PS4)


@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Safe to say that I enjoyed this game way more than Tropico, so that's a good shout.

@get2sammyb I had no idea! That's cool

@Devire Ah, I didn't realise - I had Cities Skylines on PC and I swear that there was never a day/night cycle before the DLC came out, might just be me not remembering it right though. Still, as you say, it's included

Re: Review: Cities: Skylines - PlayStation 4 Edition (PS4)


@Tasuki I'd say so, yeah. All the concepts are clearly explained with tooltips, and while you might need some pre-existing knowledge with city-builder games, that shouldn't be a problem for you seeing as you've played plenty.

@wittypixel Yep! As games go, it's very open-ended - there's no way to win, you just keep going and going until you're bored.

@nathanSF I didn't know a wiki existed! I'll take a look now, but I'm definitely sure that the After Dark expansion is included in the PS4 as otherwise there wouldn't be a day/night cycle.

Re: Review: Cities: Skylines - PlayStation 4 Edition (PS4)


@darkswabber I admit subtitle puns would've been much easier to write if this game was bad

@Sinton Cheers! I played on a regular PS4 so those issues may not be present on the Pro

@1ManAndHisDroid It contains the vanilla game and the After Dark expansion, though I don't think it contains any of the other DLCs that I know of

@Tasuki Cheers! I've been playing the SNES Simcity recently so to be able to review this game was great!

@Flurpsel This is easily the best city-builder in recent years, especially after the disappointment that was EA's Sim City game in 2013. Hopefully some of the technical issues in Cities: Skylines will get patched too.

Re: Review: Cities: Skylines - PlayStation 4 Edition (PS4)


@SegaBlueSky Yeah, it's good to see genres that you wouldn't normally see on consoles come to PS4.

@VotesForCows Nope, it's completely narrative-free. Apart from regular Tweets from your citizens that pop up, it's completely a sandbox game.

@dellyrascal Smooth and easy to use, although at night the framerate drops cause it to slow a bit.

Re: Soapbox: PlayStation Plus Price Hike - Is It Justified?


Thanks everybody for reading this and for a good discussion. Some people have raised some really good points - especially those who talked about the failure of Sony's movie division as a reason for this rise.

Regardless of whether you see the price rise as justified or not, Sony definitely should've handled this better instead of trying to subtly announce it by email.

Re: Review: Demetrios - The BIG Cynical Adventure (PS4)


@Fight_Teza_Fight Yeah, the humour was the biggest barrier for me even though I enjoyed some of it. It's scattershot really, the amount of jokes that are good versus bad ones isn't a very big amount.

Agreed about the cookie system though, I'm glad that was a feature.

Re: Review: That's You (PS4)


@Sanquine It is!

@themcnoisy Cheers! Hopefully Gordon will be added in as DLC as part of the Phillip Schofield Expansion Pack

@Quintumply Cheers!

@LieutenantFatman Cheers! I went through a few uncomfortable moments definitely

@JonnyMack If only I'd known that earlier

@Godsent It's not that much of an inconvenience - it doesn't take up too much storage plus it means that more than the usaul four people can play. The fact that the app has it's own game is pretty good too!

@Elodin I'd imagine so, but I'll have to get back to you on that one. You might want to give it a trial run yourself with the family-friendly option though, just to be sure.

Re: Review: I Want to Be Human (PS4)


@Rudy_Manchego Too kind sir, too kind!

@roe Hats off to the developers for selling at such a low price point, but as you say it really doesn't warrant a purchase, even at a price that low.

@get2sammyb I do admit that I laughed the first few times, but as great as it sounds an endless stream of "Tampon" on my screen got a bit tiresome

@sinalefa I see what you mean, even though they're two different genres - for both games the visuals seem to be the main USP

Re: Square Enix Considering Flogging Hitman


I really don't understand why getting rid of IO and Hitman would be a good idea for Square considering that Hitman sold pretty well. It's unrealistic that an episodic game in a niche genre such as stealth would sell the 10 million copies they were expecting, so I don't see how Hitman is seen as a failure for them.

Considering that Square have iced both the Deus Ex series and Sleeping Dogs 2 for both apparently "not selling well" - even though Deus Ex is once again in the niche stealth genre and Sleeping Dogs sold damn well for a market awash with open-world sandbox games - maybe we should've expected this.

Re: Review: The Deer God (PS4)


@adamjramsey It was nothing - sometimes the taglines write themselves!

@gmxs @Fight_Teza_Fight @kyleforrester87 @Tingle_The_Great All valiant efforts!

@Quintumply @Rudy_Manchego Sadly that's really the only redeeming factor about this game. It's beautiful as an experience, but far too shallow to be a game.

Re: Review: LEGO Worlds (PS4)


@blakey78 I imagine that it is compatible, although I'm not sure if they're going to release a special PS4 Pro mode like other games have. As for past 100 gold bricks, from then on you have access to Free Mode in which you can generate your own world and create whatever you want - probably the best mode in the game.

Re: Review: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands (PS4)


Great review Alex, couldn't agree more. Having played this myself, it was quite a big disappointment to see how it's reverted back to the Ubisoft styles of old (just as Horizon: Zero Dawn has) considering that Watch Dogs 2 was such a fun departure from the usual formula

Re: So, They're Making a Sleeping Dogs Movie


I'm not supposed to be excited for video game films but Sleeping Dogs is basically full of martial arts film cliches, so this could actually work. Depends who they get in as director - and more importantly who they cast as the pork buns salesman

Re: Review: Sniper Elite 4 (PS4)


Part of me thinks getting this is unnecessary considering I've already sniped Hitler in the balls twice, but then again I'd quite like to snipe Hitler in the balls for a third time. Sold!

Re: Talking Point: Should Sony Really Curate the PlayStation Store More?


I honestly don't see the point of curation. Let people buy what they want - reviews and online discussion will seperate the wheat from the chaff.

I agree profusely with @RedMageLanakyn since Sony's refund policy is abhorrent and should be changed to something akin to the refund policy on Steam. In fact, I wrote an article about it last year (shameless plug I know)

Re: Review: Spheroids (PS4)


@themcnoisy Could be either of those haha. Strangely, in the options menu (which only consists of 2 buttons) there's an option to view credits, so that's a weird choice, especially because the ending feels unfinished.