Comments 679

Re: Soapbox: Why Do We Treat Gaming Like a Chore?


@VanillaLake I've only been reviewing for a year or so, so I'm probably not the right person to ask about that. Still, I can't imagine someone hating all games because they've played so many, but there are probably a couple that have stopped playing games.

As for the beating the game before reviewing it, a lot of gaming websites try to get their reviews done for the embargo and in the process might rush it (I'm not making accusations, though) but I speak for myself - and, I imagine, every reviewer at Push Square - when I say that I try to play as much of the game as possible before I review it. Of course, with bigger games such as Fallout, The Witcher, and other content-heavy games, it's inevitable that the reviewer hasn't played the entire game (otherwise the review would take weeks, maybe a month to come out) but for every other game, we play as much as we can before reviewing

Re: Soapbox: Why Do We Treat Gaming Like a Chore?


For me it's actually quite the opposite - since I've become a reviewer and have had access to more games than before (it used to be 1 every couple of months for me) I've become a little more content with not completing some games - or just leaving them for later.

Case in point: The Witcher 3. I absolutely love it, but the amount of stuff it has to do is way more than I have time for, so I left it for a couple of months and came back to it. Same with Just Cause 3 - I sweated that for a couple of months, left it for a while, and now I'm back on it. I'm less in a rush to finish games now, and I'm not really a completionist anymore

Re: Review: Alekhine's Gun (PS4)


@Captain_Toad That was pretty much the only way I could think of describing it

@themcnoisy You never know! Sometimes it's nicer to review a... not so good game - gives me a chance to go all-out on metaphors

Re: Review: Alekhine's Gun (PS4)


@Elodin It would be a funny ironic buy if it didn't cost £30. There are some funny glitches, but mostly they're just horrible, headache-inducing ones. I'm sure its value will go down pretty soon though


@sonicmeerkat There haven't been many Cold War spy thriller games, and I was hoping this would turn out to be good. As you can see very clearly, it didn't

@Bad-MuthaAdebisi I'm not sure if I would even want to rent this considering the first level gives such a bad impression. Maybe a demo might come out

@naruball While the graphics might look fine in the trailers and screenshots, playing the actual game shows how horrible it is - no anti-aliasing, flickering textures and shadows - the graphics themselves aren't awful, but the game is rendered so badly that it honestly hurts your eyes

Re: Review: Ironcast (PS4)


@MinerWilly Thanks! It doesn't have any local multiplayer modes - Campaign is the only mode, but it's randomised enough so that it stays fresh for quite a while.

@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Considering Puzzle Quest started out on the PSP, you're probably right - Ironcast would really suit the Vita. No word on a port yet, though.

@DominicanGlory Thanks! I didn't know that either, actually, so I'll probably pick it up at some point.

@NomNom I got hooked on this one for quite a while - at least you know it's good value!

@Dan_ozzzy189 You might want to check Ironcast out, then: it's only £10, and has a good bang/buck ratio

Re: First Impressions: Hitman PS4 Brings the Franchise Back to Its Golden Years


@AXEL314 It really was. It seemed to throw all of the stealth aspects out of the window.

@Gamer83 While Absolution did get quite a lot of praise (Currently sitting at an 83 on Metacritic) it was a pretty divisive game, and a lot of fans of the series (myself included) They took everything that made Hitman great and ignored it, plus it was way too linear for a Hitman game

Re: First Impressions: Hitman PS4 Brings the Franchise Back to Its Golden Years


@get2sammyb I'm pretty sure in the second mission alone there were 13 ways to kill the target, which is excellent. However big this game turns out to be, thanks to its sheer amount of replayability and its Contracts mode it should last a while.

@Quintumply To be honest I'd wait for the game to fully release as well, in order to make sure it turns out as a good one. It all depends on whether the first episode sells me or not!

@PostmanPatinator It feels a lot more pure and fun than Absolution ever does, and if this has half the amount of replayability that Blood Money ever did, then I'll be pleased. Loving your new name by the way

@SegaBlueSky The performance issues are pretty weird, considering I didn't get any. I did get plenty of glitches, though, so maybe flaws in the game's code are to blame for that. Hopefully these issues will be fixed before the game releases. I've heard a lot of people say that game seems "last-gen" too, and I can see where they're coming from, but I still enjoyed the almost-clunky animations and that sort of thing because it reminded me of Blood Money. It's all a matter of opinion though. The voice acting is pretty bad though, like you said.

I'm here to answer any more questions anyone may have!

Re: Review: Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia (PS4)


@KratosMD DA!

@verynaughtyboy Afraid not, which is quite annoying. Still, if you're looking for a good platformer (though it's not much like Mark of the Ninja) then N++ is excellent

@fluggy I have no idea what the mentality behind the decision was, but I think it was something to do with the success of Grow Home and trying out smaller games - either that or trying to bring the series to Vita. The only reason they continued it, I imagine, is because they promised it, which is a shame for the developers. I'm not sure if reviews are all-round bad, though: mostly average, as far as I can see.

@john_c It's great that you're enjoying China, but what I was saying is that Russia's gameplay is almost the same as the previous games. Still, if you enjoy it, then why not give Russia a try! We all have our own opinions, after all

@JoeBlogs Believe me, I had plenty of Soviet puns ready for this review

@jmbenetti To clarify, no review is ever objective. An objective review would simply be listing off facts about the game, so every review is subjective. The fact that the site doesn't give AC games good scores is pretty much a coincidence - different people review the AC games (for instance, Sammy reviewed Syndicate) so we're bound to have different opinions. Still, everyone's opinions are different, and they're all valid.

@viciousarcanum The VITA versions actually come out in April, so it's a matter of whether we get a review code for it. By the looks of it, like you said, this mini series seems more suited to portable consoles

Re: Review: Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Awakening (PS4)


You make some really good points, so I guess the whole lesson we can take away from this is to vote with your money - don't buy shameful cash grabs and bad value DLCs, buy the better-value, better-made games instead, and hopefully we can make a difference. I

If you want to read a little more about this, the article I wrote last year about gaming greed might interest you ( plus there are some really good comments too

Re: Review: Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Awakening (PS4)


@Boerewors It's true that Black Ops 3 and its DLC are offering a lot more value than most shooters, and, unlike a lot of AAA games, Black Ops 3 feels finished in its vanilla form.

I get where you're coming from, and I get that DLC comes a lot worse than this, but I think that a season pass shouldn't cost the same price as a AAA game, the way a single DLC shouldn't cost the same as a decent downloadable game. I get the state of the industry, with inflation and rising production prices, but I still feel it's a little too much.

Re: Review: Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Awakening (PS4)


@xMEADx The Splash glitch was in the original review, but one of my friends (who's a compulsive COD player) said that yesterday the exploit was fixed thanks to a hotfix that David Vonderhaar announced yesterday

@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Zombies is a lot more enjoyable with friends. Playing it by yourself just gets frustrating, especially if you're playing it for the first time.

@Boerewors It's definitely a lot better than most DLCs in terms of value, but I think that £12 for a DLC of this size is still a little too steep, considering the excellent Witcher 3 Hearts of Stone expansion was the same prize, and added a lot more. It may be a little unfair to compare the two, but I feel that, especially with the money Activision's making, it's too much.

Re: Review: Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Awakening (PS4)


@itshoggie Like Sammy and Robert said, it's pretty much a matter of opinion. I'm not happy with the price of this DLC, but the content in it is good, hence the 7 score.

@Bad-MuthaAdebisi To be honest I've never like COD'S multiplayer since 4, so I'm the opposite really. The campaign in BO3 kind of sucked, but it was still relatively fun. If you don't enjoy Zombies, I wouldn't buy this pack.

@NomNom Black Ops 3 does have one zombie map on disc, but it's probably the worst one. I agree with Activision's greed, though - I don't like the way they operate their games.