Comments 679

Re: Review: Assassin's Creed Syndicate (PS4)


Knew this one wouldn't be too good. Looks better than the last couple, but AC4 was the only one that I really liked. AC needs to completely change their formula if they wanna be interesting again - I'd go for a Hitman-style thing where there's no open world, just separate missions set in different centuries where you have to use the tools in that year.

Re: Review: Rock Band 4 (PS4)


@ztpayne7 Thanks for all this info! I wouldn't have known about the drums or the vocals thing since I only have a guitar, and the whole "update later this year" thing was a brain fade on my part. Thanks!

Re: Soapbox: Why I'm Worried About Star Wars Battlefront on PS4


Fully agree with you here, the beta hasn't sold me at all. Sure, the presentation is stellar and the sound design is great, but the maps have no sense of scale and it has unlocks and perks and the sort of crap that I hate in online gaming. I hate that vehicles are pickups rather than actual vehicles, I hate that the vehicle controls are terrible and I hate how literally nothing from the older Battlefront games has been carried over. Because of unlocks, games aren't balanced anymore and it's just a completely different game to Battlefront 2, in the wrong way. I hate to play the whole "Battlefield Star Wars" card, but that's honestly the best way to describe it

Re: Your Free PlayStation Plus Games Can Be Downloaded Now


Though it's kinda ridiculous that they haven't added many AAA games yet (I'm not complaining, it's just you woulda thought that Sony want to cater to a wider audience with PS Plus) but I'm really happy with this lineup. Though I've already played Broken Age, it may be one of my GOTY picks. Super Meat Boy is a hugely fun game too

Re: Review: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 (PS4)


Played this round a friends house for a couple hours and I'm so sad about this. It's by far the worst AAA game this year (As well as the worst skateboarding game. Yes, it's worse than Simpsons Skateboarding) but it's just depressing how little effort was seemingly put into this. It feels floaty, there's no acid drops, no manual or grind switching, the slam button replaces grind, the mission markers don't work, the online sucks, there's no controller rebinding etc. You can't even bail from a manual or grind, wallrides are automatic, you can't change specials, you can't even turn off or play specific songs.

I'm sorry that I seem a bit whiny, but I'm angry and sad at the same time. Guess I'll have to keep playing Skate 3 and the older Tony Hawks until another one comes out...