Comments 679

Re: Review: World of Tanks (PS4)


@whizzkidd That's a strange one, not sure what's causing that. Maybe they've upgraded their's a lot?

@Intron Your last point is the one that frustrated me in the game. I've played more hours and gotten used to the mechanics, but it started off as a frustrating, repetitive slog until I got the hang of things.

@MeskaP It's good that all tanks have weak points, but my main problem with Premium tanks is that I'm often destroyed by them before I know where their weak point is. I really love the concept of the game though - I wish more shooters were historical, rather than set in the future.

@blah01 I wouldn't necessarily say the devs are greedy, but I think the microtransactions could've been implemented better. I personally like the LoadOut method, where everything dynamic in the game can be attainable by playing the game, and certain cosmetic items are premium content

Re: Review: World of Tanks (PS4)


@whizzkidd You can probably chalk the speed problem up to either a) you're using a tank destroyer or heavy tank and they're using a light tank or b) they're using a particularly fast premium tank

@LieutenantFatman Considering most AAA games are 30-40GB it does seem a little ridiculous

@wittypixel I think @themcnoisy is right here - there are plenty of shooters dependent on twitch reflexes, so World of Tanks tries to be slower and tactical to distance itself from others

Re: Review: World of Tanks (PS4)


@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Yeah, taking a look at l of the menus and dials in the game pretty much exhausted me, it seems a little much.

@MinerWilly If you're a big fan of WW2 planes and tanks then I'd recommend the Battlestations series and Heroes of the Pacific. I went through a phase of loving that kind of thing, and Heroes of the Pacific especially was great. Avoid the Air Conflicts series at all cost though, as @get2sammyb can probably attest

@ozgood The biggest issue I have with this game is pretty much the solution to every problem I have seems to be "play more" I get where you're coming from, and considering I'm not usually the most patient gamer I'm probably not the target audience for World of Tanks. Thanks for the extended write-up of your opinion, though - it's interesting to see what other people think!

@whizzkid Admittedly this hasn't happened to me, but that must suck. I know how frustrating it is to shell a tank repeatedly and get killed in one shot, but that sounds way more frustrating

Re: Review: World of Tanks (PS4)


@dryrain The ammo problem annoys me because I am trying to make good hits, it's just that I get matched against amazing premium tanks and experienced, levelled-up players when I'm using the first tank that you get in the game. Their tanks seem absorb all of my shells, so I end up using all of my ammo and have no choice but to die. The complexity of game interests me, but has ended up putting me off in the end. Not a bad game though, as I said.

Re: Review: World of Tanks (PS4)


@Sanquine It's good that the game's got a friendly community, but I generally feel like everything could've been explained in a better way. It just felt like I had to put in a lot of effort to actually get into the game, which really put me off. Still, I see the appeal

@get2sammyb Yeah the file size is kind of ridiculous. It's a testament to how much content is in the game, but, for that much space, it's not worth it if you're not a huge fan.

@whizzkidd Generally most shooter games control better on the PC due to the keyboard and mouse being more responsive, but the controls are still fine on World of Tanks

@xMEADx Exactly, that's what I thought. If I had enough time and patience
to play the game for hours on end, I'd try, the complexity puts me off a little. I see the appeal, though.

Re: Review: Infinifactory (PS4)


It's a shame that this game has been ported badly, because I played this on PC last year and it was one of my favourite games from 2015 (Admittedly, though, I did enjoy a lot of last year's games)

Re: Review: Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India (PS4)


@themcnoisy No need to say sorry, I wasn't offended ot anything - I was just making a point on how this game seems to have a tiny audience

@sonicmeerkat It isn't, but I can see the mobile vibe that you're getting. It probably could be ported relatively easy, but I doubt it'd be worth it for Ubisoft

Re: Review: Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India (PS4)


@themcnoisy I love how more people are talking about Watch Dogs 2 than AC Chronicles on an article about AC Chronicles. Just goes to show how disinterested most people are about this game, and to be honest they'd be right!

@FullbringIchigo I've taken a bit of a break from AC since Black Flag, though I played Rogue recently and quite enjoyed it. I hope Ubisoft aren't making any mainline games this year so the next one is better

Re: Review: Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India (PS4)


@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Yeah, I honestly have no idea why they would bother doing a sequel. It was a solid game, but honestly I don't know and haven't seen anyone demanding a sequel.

@KratosMD Like I said, it's a very solid platformer, but other than that it has no real selling point. There's nothing particularly "Assassin's Creed" about this game bar the setting, but there are plenty of far better stealth platformers out there.

@LieutenantFatman Yeah, to be honest I'm a little more intrigued about the upcoming 1910s Russia game because I'm wondering how it'll implement all of the modern technology, but really this is quite boring storywise.

@Quintumply Thanks! It seems Ubisoft almost forgot about this subseries because of how little anyone paid attention to it last year.

@get2sammyb Maybe, but to be honest there are much better platformers on the VITA than this. The setting is interesting because it hasn't really been done before, but it's nothing to get excited about.

@SegaBlueSky I agree. Yearly franchises always turn out boring unless you have plenty of developers so development cycles are long, and in my opinion AC really needs a refresh. Not only has it gotten stale, but it's story is so cluttered that no one seems to know what's happening anymore. To be honest, I'd prefer Assassin's Creed if it was a little more like Hitman - lots of different levels set in different time periods and locations. Sounds more compelling to me.

@dryrain The movie does have Michael Fassbender in it, which is a reason to see it, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Watch Dogs, while good, didn't have me begging for a sequel, so I'm not too bothered either way.

@Neolit It honestly seems like these were a side thought. It's not like Ubisoft are putting any real effort into advertising these, I just think that, because China's release wasn't big at all, Ubi are trying to realise them all in quick succession so they can focus on bigger games. Thanks for the praise on the pun by the way, it took a lot of research and testing to get that.

Re: Feature: 10 Under the Radar PS4 Games to Look Out for in 2016


@Hego It could well be the year of the indies. Indies have definitely improved over the years.

@Sonyinfinity What is and isn't "indie" is a very grey area. Most people say that indies never have publishers, but Devolver Digital, Double Fine, Sony and Microsoft all publish indies. Some say it's the size of the studio, but the team working on Elite Dangerous (a game without a publisher) have employees in the hundreds. It's weird.

@get2sammyb @Hego Firewatch looks amazing. I watched some gameplay and I couldn't believe how good the voice acting and sound design was.

Re: Feature: 10 Under the Radar PS4 Games to Look Out for in 2016


@iDangerMouse_ I really hope RIME is going well considering Sony have been hush about it for a while. I'm really looking forward to What Remains of Edith Finch because I loved The Unfinished Swan. Wasn't a huge fan of Everybody's Gone to the Rapture though, although the two are made my different developers.

@adf86 I'll take a look at that soon, haven't heard about that one!

@ShogunRok I put Grow Home on my Game of the Year list, I've deserved this title for a while.

Re: Here's to an Amazing 2016 on Push Square


I started writing for the site in June this year, and it's been so great. The community is like no other site I've come across, and I've gamed with plenty of you. Happy new year to everybody in the community as well as my fellow writers, and I reckon that 2016 is going to be a great year for the site!