

Occasional Creative | Sensory Glutt

Comments 17

Re: Go Under the Waves in New PS5, PS4 Aquatic Adventure


I think if you go into this game wanting or expecting a horrifying experience, you're going to come away disappointed.

This looks to me to be similar in tone to games like What Remains of Edith Finch, A Memoire Blue and Dear Esther.

Tbh, I think it would cheapen the experience to have something like megalodon randomly shoe horned into a plot where it doesn't seem in keeping. I think that big, phat blue whale is probably enough.

The game obviously has two agendas - tell a compelling story about loss, recovery and mental health and to also be a love letter to the sea.

If its done right, the only scary aspects should be anything man made, that contributes to destroying out oceans.

Re: Insider Says Silent Hill 2 Remake, Townfall, and Ascension Trailers Incoming


I'm looking forward to Townfall the most out of the three mentioned here (Silent Hill f is the game I'm truly waiting on).
Ascension looks the least "Silent Hill-eque" game from the new titles and is looking to dangerously add new lore (and I fear that this is so it can lazily ignore existing lore).
I think the SH2 remake by Bloober will be good, but SH fans (like me) have drank the SH2 Kool-Aid a long time ago and any change will be criticised. It's a poisoned chalice. Good on them being brave enough to give it their all though.

Re: Death Stranding 2 Just Got Outed by Norman Reedus


This is a cunning Kojima ruse.

Misdirection. Peppering lies with hidden truths.

Now much easier for Reedus to be seen working with Kojima Productions without arousing suspicion. Kojima has already stated he wanted to make a horror game next. Timed with the leak of 3 x Silent Hill games in the works. Sony still to announce new major publisher acquisitions.

All signs point to Silent Hills.

Re: Martha Is Dead (PS5) - Censorship Is the Biggest Story in This Uneven Horror


Whilst I was initially concerned about the censored content (when the censorship story broke), I have no ishes insofar as the actual content is there. I'm 100% not bothered about it no longer being interactive.
The review is kind of how I expected it might be and its already downloaded and waiting for me.
Started playing Town of Light last night, so get a flavour of LKA's strengths.
Beautiful graphics, but rudimentary gameplay.
I think this will be an evolution of this, rather than a revolution. And I'm fine with that.

Re: Distressing Horror Martha Is Dead Censored on PS5, PS4


@Flaming_Kaiser Agreed.

I think I wouldn't be too bothered if the scenes in question were automated, rather that interactive (although I would still argue that as a sane adult, I could deal with cutting a digital face off a digital avatar (but would get no "enjoyment" out of it)). I'm more concerned that the scenes may get removed completely, which is more of an issue for me.

But also, screw that. I don't want Sony to be my Dad. Let PEGI rate it and then let the audience deal. One thing that has always had me curious is when the likes of censors at the BBFC (or Sony) decide that some material is "too much" because it might have a profound and lasting effect on the viewer, then why aren't censors going mental and slaughtering people? Because they're made of sterner stuff than your average everyday gamer?
I'm going to argue "not".

Re: Distressing Horror Martha Is Dead Censored on PS5, PS4


I'm not saying anything that hasn't been said previously, but just re-affirming that:

1. Horror games are supposed to be horrific. There is no link between just playing horror games or watching movies leads to knife crime (or any other crime). Mental illness, lack of parenting, social pressure, "social" media - they're the real bad guys here.

2. I pre-ordered this game as a full product and paid up front (I'm not just jumping on the bandwagon of MiD now its hit the headlines) - now Sony has removed a chunk of the experience, so I am now getting less of a product. Any offer of a refund? Nope.

3. LKA have obviously worked hard on this game to make it atmospheric and, yes, traumatic - they've never said otherwise. In fact, they've been careful to advise of this all the way. In censoring this work, Sony/Playstation are hurting small developers, who I thought they championed. I've no need to bring up the comparison between this small title and how others (AAA) have been apparently differently treated. There is no consistency in PlayStation's internal censorship.

Its a bad call by Sony and I hope its something they will re-think, but I'm very much doubting it. I now find myself kind of torn in that I have been faithful to Playstation from its inception because they help get titles like this from small developers in the public domain. But now I'm questioning that.