Comments 440

Re: NVIDIA Issues Statement on Possible List of Leaked Games, Used for 'Internal Tracking and Testing'


@Northern_munkey Not for the same actual price but you can adjust it. The PS5 performance seems to vary from game to game. Gamer Nexus test of Dirt 5 equates the performance of the PS5 to a GTX1060 - 1080 while Digital Foundry's test of AC Valhalla suggest the PS5 is performing around 2060 or 2070.

It will get much cheaper to build a PC with the same specs as the PS5 over the years and since the life cycle of a console last from 6 - 7 years. It's not hard to imagine that PC gamers can build a PC with the same performance as the PS5 around the $500 mark.

Re: NVIDIA Issues Statement on Possible List of Leaked Games, Used for 'Internal Tracking and Testing'


@Northern_munkey You got a point but the PS5 doesn't output native 4K and it only has RT reflection, not full RT at 30fps. Reusing your gaming pc's accessories, fans, RAM and ssd's/hdd will bring the cost down as well. Not to mention that you can still play your old games with every upgrades. Both PC and console have pros and cons. But PC isn't just a gaming system. You can do so much more with it.

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Showcase 2021 Was Good, But Not Good Enough


@Hypnotoad107 Yeah. Both Xbox and PS had a great showcase this year. Xbox have Starfield, Plague Tale 2, Stalker 2, Forza, Psychonauts 2 (already released), Hellblade 2, AoE 4, Outer Worlds 2, Contraband (teaser), Sable, Eiyuden Chronicle and Atomic Heart while PS have Ragnarok, Spiderman 2, Forspoken, Kotor, Wolverine and Project Eve.

Re: Soapbox: I Don't Know How to Feel About This PS4-to-PS5 Upgrade Uproar


@Flaming_Kaiser We already paid for the next-gen features from the hardware. Why do we need to pay again to enable it?

Days Gone, Rift Apart and Returnal had bugs as well. So you cannot use that argument for the $70 price tag.

I get it. You see this pricing strategy drama from the business side of things because you like their products. But as someone who plays on different type of gaming system. I don't get the price hike or the upgrade fee considering I don't have to deal with this kind of BS from the other platform holder. (Probably except Nintendo)

Re: Horizon Forbidden West Will Now Offer Free PS4 to PS5 Upgrade, Sony Confirms


@Northern_munkey Just look at this way. We shouldn't pay more, if the production cost of the game exceeds the budget set by the developer since it's not our fault.

It is actually more reasonable for third party devs to increase the price of their games because they are paying 30% to platform holders like Sony and MS.

Anyway, we are going in circles in here. Let's just agree to disagree.

Re: Horizon Forbidden West Will Now Offer Free PS4 to PS5 Upgrade, Sony Confirms


@Northern_munkey You're comment doesn't make sense at all. AAA games doesn't have unlimited budget. There is no guaranteed that a game will be commercially successful just because it has Hollywoodesque production.

Game devs cannot just pass the production cost of their games to the consumer, and increase the market value of their game against the standard price based on their budgets alone. Why do you think there are games stuck in developmental hell?

Re: Horizon Forbidden West Will Now Offer Free PS4 to PS5 Upgrade, Sony Confirms


What? The budget for each game is set by the developer. So, the argument that game production is getting more expensive each year to justify the price hike is ridiculous.

I know that indie developers doesn't create AAA games. All I'm saying is that if game development had become too expensive to produce each generation. How come indie devs can still survive the industry without a price increase?

Yeah. The average console gamer right now prioritize graphics over anything else. But I think there is enough niche market for devs to make money without the Hollywoodesque production. Just look at Nintendo.

Re: Horizon Forbidden West Will Now Offer Free PS4 to PS5 Upgrade, Sony Confirms


@art_of_the_kill Guess what? Those same people are saying we're scamming Sony now out of the $20 "upgrade fee". Sometimes, I wonder If those people are stock holders at Sony and that's why they're advocating for unreasonable higher price.

I mean where else can you see consumers asking corporations to charge them more instead of giving them fair and reasonable price or a better deal.

Re: Fans Want Sony to Reconsider Horizon Forbidden West's PS4 to PS5 Upgrade


@Tharsman True. Those three games are not great example for the upgrade path but for the $10 price hike.

The transition between previous to next gen is seamless in the Xbox ecosystem. You just launch your Xbox One game and the Series X will optimize it for you at no cost. While Sony just makes everything convoluted on their side. It's like they're taking every chance they can get to nickel and dime their PS4 fanbase before it becomes obsolete.

Re: Sony Will Make You Pay Extra to Upgrade Horizon Forbidden West from PS4 to PS5


@SJBUK Yeah. let's agree to disagree. Personally, I don't care what you think. This is the comment section of the article. We are just having a discussion in here.

Well, that's one way to put it. Pay $80 for the PS4 version which is more than what PS5 owners are paying it for. Then, play it with 1080p resolution and 30fps while PS5 owners will enjoy all the bells and whistles for $10 less. Then, play it again when you finally get the PS5 for $500. so, you can enjoy the extra $20 you paid initially for the PS4 version.

Re: Sony Will Make You Pay Extra to Upgrade Horizon Forbidden West from PS4 to PS5


@SJBUK Damn, You just don't get it. Sony shouldn't charge people $20 more for features that is already in the $500 gaming console they already paid for. Did Sony charge PC gamers for 4k resolution, unlocked framerates and dynamic foliage on Horizon Zero Dawn? No, they didn't because that is incredibly unfair and stupid.

Are you one of those people who buy something out of impulse? You just buy it because you like it without reading the fine print.

Like I've said. Sony is taking advantage of PS4 gamers who can't upgrade yet to the PS5. The Deluxe edition is digital. The only thing they will do is unlocked those features in the PS5 version and they are charging people for it. When third party developers and smaller studio like Ember Lab (Kena: bridge of spirits) are willing to give PS4 owners free upgrades. It blows my mind how people think this is okay, and we should just shut up about it like it will go away if we ignore it.

Re: Sony Will Make You Pay Extra to Upgrade Horizon Forbidden West from PS4 to PS5


@TooBarFoo That's exactly what Sony is doing. The PS5 version is only unlocking the features already available to the game. Meanwhile, their direct competitor has a feature that will automatically optimized previous gen games to its next-gen version for free. Sony knows that PS4 owners highly outnumber the PS5 early adopters and they are pretty much taking advantage of the situation. If Sony keeps this up. There is no doubt that majority of third party developers will do the same thing and this will become the norm. Sony is the market leader after all.

Re: Sony Will Make You Pay Extra to Upgrade Horizon Forbidden West from PS4 to PS5


@SJBUK You are entitled to your own opinion. But are you sure you're not defending Sony? I mean you were basically calling out people in here who didn't like Sony's decision with HFW upgrade path. Of course Sony has the right to price their own games. However, it doesn't mean that we should just ignore their horrible pricing strategy, considering that there are still millions of PS4 gamers who can't upgrade yet to PS5. If third party developers and small dev teams can offer free upgrade to PS4 owners. Why can't Sony do the same thing for their loyal fanbase who will eventually upgrade to their next-gen console?

Re: Sony Will Make You Pay Extra to Upgrade Horizon Forbidden West from PS4 to PS5


@SJBUK What does the Taliban have to do with this? Of course. Nobody is being forced to pay for Sony's first party title. But the question is, if you want to play the game and you only own the PS4 console. then you either need to pay an extra $20 more or buy it again when you upgrade to PS5. Is that justifiable for you?

Xbox almost doubled the price of their Xbox live gold from $60 to $120. But thanks to the backlash they received from it. They changed it back to $60. I'm really baffled why would anyone defend this. Unless you're a millionaire and don't care how much you spend for your hobby.

Re: Sony Will Make You Pay Extra to Upgrade Horizon Forbidden West from PS4 to PS5


@thefourfoldroot Current gen game? It's a cross-gen game and a sequel. We don't even know how much money Sony invested for their next-gen games to justify the price hike.

You're entitled to your own opinion. But for me, gaming companies shouldn't charge extra for the next-gen version when it's literally the same game. You already paid $500 for the next-gen console and yet you need to pay Sony again to unlock the features included in it.

Re: Sony Will Make You Pay Extra to Upgrade Horizon Forbidden West from PS4 to PS5


@thefourfoldroot What are you talking about? it's a cross-gen game. The PS5 version is readily available day one as the PS4 version. It's not like Guerilla devs put more extra hours of work to patch a PS5 version for the PS4 game.

That's the thing. Sony doesn't care about the bad PR. They know that PS fans would still buy the PS4 version regardless of the price. It also helps that the pricing and upgradable path of the versions is confusing af.

Re: Review: Psychonauts 2 (PS4) - A Brain-Bogglingly Good Return to Tim Schafer's Mindful (Grey) Matters


Psychonauts 2 is GOTY contender for me. I didn't like the art style of the game when I watched the trailer but it grew on me, especially after seeing how creative each stage level is on the game. I don't agree about the collectibles as a con. But the swapping of powers is mildly annoying in the first few hours of the game. The best part is that it's available on GamePass PC.

Re: Don't Worry, Naughty Dog Will Continue Making Single Player, Story-Focused Games


@TheArt Nah. I don't have the right to tell @NEStalgia what he thinks is a great story driven game because that is his opinion. Besides, his opinion is about Naughty Dog and not directed towards people who enjoys multiplayer games.

I have played numerous story driven games with 40-60 hour of gameplay. But do I need to like every single narrative driven game? Absolutely freaking not. I actually agree with @NEStalgia about Uncharted. I like the Uncharted series for it's storyline and characters but I wouldn't say the same thing about it's gameplay. I mean did you play it for the gameplay or for the story? because I'm sure as hell didn't play it for the gameplay.

Did you really think that it doesn't take time and patience to be good at multiplayer games? It's actually more frustrating than playing single player games. In single player games, you can learn the A.I's pattern of the attack because their movement is pre-determined while you cannot say the same thing with multiplayer games. And are we really going to brag about how much time we spend watching every cutscenes and dialogue? Is that something colleges use to measure how smart you are these days? lol