Comments 440

Re: Sony Sold 58.4 Million PS5, PS4 Exclusives Last Year


@Alpha_Pulse Backwards compatibility is a great feature, if you have a growing library in one platform. I have several PS4 games in my backlog and it's reassuring to know that I can still play my last gen games on PS5 along with added performance boost. It might also prevent gaming publisher of selling the same game twice to consumers by calling it remastered.

Re: Sony Sold 58.4 Million PS5, PS4 Exclusives Last Year


@mariomaster96 Proof that any game can sell well even if it's not a blockbuster title.

@Agramonte Tbh, it is surprising. the best-selling PS4 exclusive which is Spiderman has sold 20M copies but the PS4 has 115.9M unit sold. I guess exclusive titles is not the main reason why people buy PS consoles.

Re: Poll: Will You Be Buying Returnal?


@KayOL77 Your $70 will never cover the cost of game development. Gaming publishers earned profits from the volume of units sold. $70 is the highest allowable price they can sell their game to maximize returns and if the game is failing to sell at this price point, then they will lower it to capture the full market.

Re: Poll: Will You Be Buying Returnal?


@Intr1n5ic You should never tell people how to spend their hard earned money. The developers may have spent hundreds of hours of work to produce these games but it's the same with the average consumer who spent countless hours of work just to make ends meet. They are entitled to spend their money in whatever they need or want and no one else. Just because they have an extra $70, it doesn't mean they should spend it to buy games when they could use it for far more important things.

You're single purchase will never move units. The overall sales of the game ultimately depends on whether the gaming studios did an excellent job to garner enough hype and positive reviews that will entice gamers to buy their game at full price.

Re: Poll: Will You Be Buying Returnal?


it's good to know that people still have common sense and not supporting the $70 price hike out of blind fanboyism. I can understand the idea behind "supporting the devs movement", if they belong to an indie studios but we're talking about a multi-million dollar corporation in here.

There is no incentive in paying full price at launch because you're getting the worst version of the game and you still have to pay for the "extra content" called DLC. Gaming publishers doesn't make it harder for gamers to wait for sales either, since they will release a definitive edition down the line with all the dlc included while only charging for a fraction of its original price.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Refunds Accounted for Less than 0.5% of Launch Period Sales


@Nepp67 The prologue of the game did have a choice making decision but after that - it's all just dialogue choices ​with different responses and scenarios that doesn't really affect the storyline at all.

There are many people who said that the side missions have altering choice decision making but I didn't bother completing those side mission because of the random game crashes. The combat and customization is the most disappointing elements of this game. it sucks because the story is great.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Sold 13.7 Million Copies in 2020, 28% on PS4


Cyberpunk could be great if you have the patience to play it. The constant crashes and npc's glitching during missions is really annoying. The combat system is mediocre but the story is enough to motivate you to finished the game. it's pretty much similar to The Witcher 3. Great storyline, mediocre gameplay.

Re: PS5's Cloud Strategy Will Be Announced in Time, But Will Be Uniquely PlayStation


Even with 1Gig internet connection, cloud gaming could be unstable. I would still prefer gaming offline with single-player games for now. it's a great option if you don't want to spend thousands of dollars for a gaming pc or console. However, I can't imagine constantly paying for a subscription service just to play the games that I already bought, when I could just buy a gaming pc or console and play my games whenever I want and not lose access to it when my subscription service ends.

Re: Poll: Is PlayStation Plus Video Pass the Right Way to Expand PS Plus?


Sony is offering Bravia Core - a free streaming service for their 2021 TV line up. This move aligns with their TV product but it's giving me the same impression with Xbox One E3 presentation, where all the focus shift to TV content than games. However, Sony is still creating exclusive games so, there's nothing to worry about. Additional content is welcome as long as it doesn't affect the selection of games.

Re: Days Gone Director on Skipped Sequel: 'If You Love a Game, Buy It at F***ing Full Price'


@UrbanPlaystation It's better, If I just post it. Just in case I'm accuse of making things up for no reason like I'm working for Microsoft 🙄

"Elsewhere in the four-hour interview, Garvin confirms that his departure from Bend Studio was based on his personality, rather than anything to do with the performance of Days Gone or any potential sequel talks.

After being asked directly by Jaffe if he was fired, Garvin replied: “It was a hard, long development, six years, and I worked six years of crunch. And here’s the thing, I love working crunch. […] I love what I do so it’s not that big a deal, but that doesn’t mean it’s good for me. So the last two years I’ve actually been away from the studio have actually been a blessing. I have been able to get up and do what I want, I’ve written three books, and it’s just a different thing.

“When you’re in development it’s a non-stop pressure with milestones, profitability and people management […] and to be honest, at the end of the day, what it really comes down to is, we had a few heated arguments over the last year or so, and I would end up yelling and saying something like “just give me a package so I can get the ***** out of here”, some ***** like that.

“And when it was just Chris [Reese] and I in a very small studio, that kind of heatedness was fine, but by the time you get to a 100-person studio you can’t have one of the directors losing their temper, you know. And I’m not a great people person anyway, and it’s not like they didn’t try, I was put through training a couple of times, like ‘hey, here’s how you go out to lunch with people more, and be a better director’, and dude, I just kinda sucked at all that.”

Re: Days Gone Director on Skipped Sequel: 'If You Love a Game, Buy It at F***ing Full Price'


@UrbanPlaystation I've read parts of the Jaffe interview and this guy openly admitted that his departure from Sony is because of his personality and not that the sales performance of Days Gone. The guy was probably an ass to his devs that Sony wanted him to attend "training" to deal with his behavior/leadership problem.

The PS5 community is chewing this guy out. This is the only website where I actually found people defending Garvin.

Re: Days Gone Director on Skipped Sequel: 'If You Love a Game, Buy It at F***ing Full Price'


@NEStalgia Tell me about it. Even the PS5 community on reddit is crucifying this guy and you have people in here defending statements like this.

The gaming community is behind the devs of Days Gone for a sequel against a remake of TLOU, a game that is considered to be greater than Days Gone, and this guy just needs to ruined it. What a way to insult the gaming community that actually supports you.

Re: Days Gone Director on Skipped Sequel: 'If You Love a Game, Buy It at F***ing Full Price'


@Exlee300p Does it really matter if the deluxe edition is only digital? I pre-ordered the digital edition of Ghost of Tsushima but also bought the collectors edition which contained the physical edition inside. It's not out of the goodness of my heart to "support the developers" but its because I actually want it. However, since supporting the developers is such a noble idea. I thought you'd buy the deluxe edition to maximize their profit because apparently money is not an issue in all of this.

Re: Days Gone Director on Skipped Sequel: 'If You Love a Game, Buy It at F***ing Full Price'


@kyleforrester87 His argument is stupid. He assumes that every person who complains about a sequel didn't bought the game at full price and if you bought the game cheap then your opinion doesn't matter - to hell if you didn't have disposable income to buy $70 games. Let's support the developers because nothing is more important than filling the pockets of these corporations.

Re: Days Gone Director on Skipped Sequel: 'If You Love a Game, Buy It at F***ing Full Price'


So now its the consumers fault, if a product failed to meet the corporations expectation? I bought Days Gone at full price and didn't return it - even though Gamestop was offering a full refund within 48 hours, if you didn't like the game.

Garvin is literally saying "don't even try to complain about a sequel, if you didn't buy the game at full price." F this guy and his future projects. Not everyone have the money to buy games at full price.