Comments 440

Re: Sony on Upcoming PS5 Games: Wait Until You See What's Coming from Our Third-Party Partners


I'm still waiting for the Silent Hill rumors to come into fruition.

@K1LLEGAL tbh, What does MS buying Bethesda have to do with Sony paying third party developers for time exclusivity? Absolutely nothing. Timed exclusivity is bad for the consumers, no matter what platform is involved. Mentioning the competition doing the exact same thing wouldn't make it any better. I swear many Pushsquare users in here always have the need to flash their badge of loyalty to Sony and defend their anti-consumer practices, all the while bashing MS for the exact same thing.

Re: Epic Games Offered Sony $200 Million to Bring PS5, PS4 Exclusives to Its Store


@middyone "why else buy a switch if not for portability" Do you look at things with only one perspective? And think that there is only one possible reason for everything?

"Nobody buys a weaker console to not play games that are only on that console and use the one thing it's got over ps4"


I could use this paragraph as a reason why console exclusivity shouldn't exist. Fanboys have an unhealthy mindset and it's melting their brain cells. They couldn't enjoy any game, unless it's exclusive to their favorite piece of box.

Re: Epic Games Offered Sony $200 Million to Bring PS5, PS4 Exclusives to Its Store


@middyone You just pointed out why exclusivity sucks and it's because you have to buy different gaming systems. if it's really all about the games, just like what you said before, then it really shouldn't matter on what platform it will be available.

"8K support The PS5 console is compatible with 8K displays through HDMI 2.1 support.this is what it says on their website which means it can for stuff like netflix and youtube."

Yeah, because when you think about consoles, the first thing that comes into your mind is how this gaming device can play video content for you. Sony putting 8K on their PS5 boxes is misleading if you ask me. There were people asking on forums, if they should buy an 8K tv for the PS5 - believing they could play games with 8K resolution on it. PS5 is still using dynamic 4k resolution. Majority of console gamers wouldn't care or doesn't know that the PS5/PS4 cannot really output native 4k, so I don't really have no issue with this.

I'm done for because Sony will be releasing more exclusive games? Did you even think before typing this? it's just video games. I never even thought of buying a PS4 Pro until RDR2 was bundled along with it. And you really think I will be losing sleep just because Sony will be releasing more exclusive games. Damn, you're more delusional than I thought.

I guess you haven't realized it yet, but not everyone likes to play cinematic games. Games are subjective and your opinion about a game doesn't apply to everyone. What quality games means to you is dogsh*t to someone else. Try having some self-awareness sometime.

"You're acting childish by wanting everything to go your way when it never will"

Sony is already porting their games on PC, and you're here arguing with me like a child who's having a tantrum because you didn't want other people to play the same games that you're playing. As I've said before, you're just a consumer. so it shouldn't matter to you, if Sony will be porting their games on PC but nope. You want to act like an Executive at Sony arguing with people online because you think you know what's best for the PS brand than Sony themselves. Cringe.

Who the hell buys a $500 console just to play one game? They must be dumb as rocks as you are. Another failed logic of yours is that Sony won't be losing anything by porting their games on PC, and the sales from it might even help to fund the next sequel or a new IP.

"They do care about us." LMAO at this. Do you really think Sony cares about you? They're only making games to profit from it. I highly doubt they even know you exist. Sony even released a statement that there was no massive outcry from the PS community, when they started porting their PS exclusive games on PC. I'm glad that majority of PS gamers are not as immature and pathetic as you are.

Re: Epic Games Offered Sony $200 Million to Bring PS5, PS4 Exclusives to Its Store


@middyone Of course, you're going to believe Sony who put 8K on their PS5 boxes, when it can't even output native 4K, and believe that they enabled crossplay because they actually care about their consumers. Numbers don't lie. Out of that 115M PS4 units sold, only 20M of them actually cared about PS exclusives. That's only 17.39% of the total PS userbase.

One of the sign of a hardcore PS fanboy is how proud they are of PS exclusives. You only paid for their games to play it. It doesn't make you any better to any other people who plays on Xbox, PC or Switch. Imagine being proud of yourself because you play exclusive games from a specific platform. Please grow up from this childish mentality.

Anyone with a brain would know that Sony can sell more copies, if they sell their games on more platform and besides, why would you care if they won't be able to sell 40M copies on PC? You're just a consumer. Sony is a corporation, they want to make more money as humanly possible. Hell, why do you think they're porting their games on PC?

You see a bunch of PC gamers like 10 - 20 of them, saying they would buy a PS5 to play the sequel of HZD? Then good for them because it's their own money, but if you actually think that majority of PC gamers will buy a PS, just to play one game. You're being delusional. Actually, If you think about it, it will give them more reasons to wait for HFW to be ported on PC and not the other way around.

I agree that Sony releases quality exclusive games, and that's why I'm glad that more people will be able to play their games on PC. If you're really a fan, you will be happy that more people can play their games, but sadly that isn't case. You want to keep it locked on the PS platform because exclusive games is the only thing you can brag about as a PS fanboy.

Re: Epic Games Offered Sony $200 Million to Bring PS5, PS4 Exclusives to Its Store


@middyone "You clearly won't answer my question because you have no answer because you know i'm right." Did you know why I asked you that question in the first place? it's because you're claiming that the main reason why PS owners bought a PS console is for the exclusives, which is not entirely true, so the best way for you to deflect it, is to ask me the same question when I didn't even claimed that PC gamers only bought a PC just to play a handful of games, or did you forget that PC's are multi-purpose machine?

Isn't it true that 20M is a small number compared to the 115M PS4 units sold? And you said, PC gamers in general are bad in math? Sony would wish they can sell their PS exclusive games up to 40M copies each. 20M copies sold is a massive success for a game, but it doesn't support you're argument in any way.

Congratulations you paid Sony $10 - $60 to play their games first. I can't believe PS fanboys actually think that this is something to brag about. If PC gamers are desperate to play PS exclusives, then they would have bought a PS console. How long are you going to push this narrative of yours? Remember, HZD again with it's 700K to 1M copies sold to PC? Death Stranding, Detroit become Human, Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls were only available on PS consoles before. in fact, there was a massive outcry from PS fans when Death Stranding was ported to PC.

"Don't even try to say it's for devs" Now we have something to agree with. I don't care about the publisher or the devs. $70 is too expensive to justify a day one purchase for any game, and DLCs are just cut content from the full game. We don't need to make it a competition on what type of game is popular. Just enjoy the games you want to play. that's it. Why would anyone care on what games will other people play? This is basically the same reason on why I can't understand the outrage of PS fans, when Sony announced that they will port their games on PC.

Re: Epic Games Offered Sony $200 Million to Bring PS5, PS4 Exclusives to Its Store


@middyone Got me with what? emojis? You're asking me the same question that I asked you because you cannot explain, why Spiderman or any PS exclusive game didn't managed to appeal to that 115M PS4 owners. People with no real argument will just throw the same exact question that was asked to them instead of answering it.

Now, you're only calling it games in general as opposed to "our exclusives" because it doesn't fit your narrative anymore. Anyone with a common sense would know that gamers buys a console or PC to play games, but there are many gaming system available in the market, so it will be entirely up to the person on which hardware he thinks will benefit him the most. Do I really need to explain this?

I don't think you know what delusional actually mean? because it perfectly describes you, when you refer to PS exclusives as "our exclusive" like you have some ownership to it because you bought a PS4. Well, Sony doesn't care and that's why they're releasing their games on PC.

Did you live under a rock when Jim Ryan said that a whole slate of PS exclusives will be coming to PC? Even this article is saying that Epic offered Sony $200M to make their PS games exclusive only to their store and this news comes from an official document from the Apple v. Epic court case. Are you still going to deny it and pretend that HZD, Death Stranding, Detroit become Human, Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Souls wasn't released on PC? Even Cory Barlog said that he would love for God of War to be released on PC.

I don't like DLC or microtransaction either but you have the option to ignore it. Like it or not, DLC and microtransaction are massive revenues for gaming developers and platform holders. Sony cannot survive alone with exclusive games. There are far more PS gamers who play multiplayer games on their PS console than single player games.

Re: Epic Games Offered Sony $200 Million to Bring PS5, PS4 Exclusives to Its Store


@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L You don't need to constantly upgrade your PC and you can still enjoy couch gaming on it. If you can't see the benefit of PC, then you wouldn't appreciate the benefit of upgrading from the PS4 to PS5.

Console fanboys and PC elitist are only a minority from their gaming community but they are the most vocal group. I don't even know why PC gamers get drag down to the "console war" in the first place.

Re: Epic Games Offered Sony $200 Million to Bring PS5, PS4 Exclusives to Its Store


@Spyroescape There was an article that Sony made more revenues on DLC and microtransactions than selling copies of games, and he really believes that exclusive games is the main reason why people buys a certain console.

@Flaming_Kaiser I've already read it and it's pure nonsense. Mind you, I have a PS4 Pro because of RDR2. if PS fans really think highly of PS exclusives, then they would want as many people as possible to enjoy these game and yet they have this entitlement mentality over PS exclusives. They're acting like a kid who doesn't want to share his games to other people, just because they won't be playing it on his favorite piece of hardware.

Re: Epic Games Offered Sony $200 Million to Bring PS5, PS4 Exclusives to Its Store


@middyone First of all, I never claimed that PC exclusives are the main reason why gamers buys a PC because that will be stupid just like you're argument.

Just because you bought a PS4 and a copy of a game, it doesn't mean you have business rights to it. that's the most delusional thing any fanboy could get. You're deflecting my question again because you cannot answer it. Spider-man the best selling PS4 exclusives didn't reach even half of that 115M PS4 units sold and you're arguing to me that PS exclusive is the main reason why people bought PS consoles.

Brand loyalty doesn't exist? And here you are shilling for Sony to keep their exclusives on their platform. if exclusive is the main reason why gamers buy a console, then why the hell does third party developers exist? While we're at it, let's disregard price point, availability, brand recognition, features and services on how gamers choose to decide on which console they would want to be as their main platform.

Even Sony wants to port their games on PC. so you're argument already falls flat in your face. if anyone is embarrassing in here then it's gonna be you. Imagine getting upset that other people will able to play the games you enjoyed in another platform.

Re: Epic Games Offered Sony $200 Million to Bring PS5, PS4 Exclusives to Its Store


@Col_McCafferty Who said that PC gamers think that the world revolves around them? You guys just assumed it. One comment poster in this thread was happy that PS exclusive is coming to PC but you guys needed to call him out for it like he said something negative.

There are 1.5B PC gamers, I think any gaming publisher would want to sell their games with that amount of user base in one platform. "Without exclusives, there is no reason for gaming" So third party games doesn't matter? I mean Sony made more money on third party games than their first party games, so it seems that this logic only applies to hardcore fanboys.

Re: Epic Games Offered Sony $200 Million to Bring PS5, PS4 Exclusives to Its Store


@middyone You don't feel entitled to PS4 exclusives but you refer to it as "our exclusives" like you owned it.

And now I'm mad because I call on your BS? I mean it's better than getting upset because other people will be able to play the games that I enjoyed. I'll take it than looking like an immature kid who doesn't want to share his games to other people.

We're going in circles here. Explain to me then why the best-selling PS4 exclusive only sold 20M compared to the 115M PS4 units sold? It's a good indication that exclusives is not the main reason why gamers buy PS consoles.

Xbox gamers prefer Xbox consoles and PS gamers prefer PS console. It's that simple. By your logic, Xbox owners should have bought PS consoles because they have more exclusives but they didn't.

Re: Epic Games Offered Sony $200 Million to Bring PS5, PS4 Exclusives to Its Store


@middyone Sony owned those PS exclusives, so please stop feeling entitled like you own those games because it's embarrassing. Even Sam Sharma, former producer of Guerrilla Games called out PS fans who acted like immature kids when Sony announced that their games will be ported to PC.

I don't need to buy an Xbox because all of their games will come to PC. HZD is not even in the top seller at Steam anymore, so you're excuse is pure BS. You just don't want to believe that majority of PC gamers doesn't care about PS exclusives like you initially thought.

I already told you that PC gamers would rather wait for PS exclusives to be ported or emulated than buy a PS consoles, so I don't even know why you arrogantly mentioned it again like you're making a point.

There are plenty of reason why PC gamers doesn't want to buy PS consoles, but maybe most of them doesn't really care about PS exclusives and they don't want to spend $500 just to play a handful of games.

Re: Epic Games Offered Sony $200 Million to Bring PS5, PS4 Exclusives to Its Store


@middyone If PC gamers want PS exclusives so bad, they would have bought a PS4 a long time ago but instead they would rather play the waiting game.

You can believe what any executives at Sony said in an interview but the figures doesn't lie. If PS exclusives was the main reason why people bought PS consoles, how come the best-selling PS4 exclusive which is Spider-man didn't even sold even half from that 115M PS4 units sold worldwide?

I don't think Sony is stupid enough to sell their games at $90 to PC gamers because it's not like PS exclusive will be the only games available on Steam. Even HZD only sold like what 700K to 1M copies on PC out of the 1.5B PC gamers and you really think PC gamers is begging for PS exclusives?

You seem to forget that Sony is the one porting their games on PC and if they don't then PC gamers would just wait for emulators. We could already play TLOU and Uncharted 1-3 on PC. It will only be a matter of time before PC gamers will be able to play PS4 games on their PC using an emulator. Getting angry that other people will be able to play the games you enjoyed is pretty childish if you ask me.

Re: Epic Games Offered Sony $200 Million to Bring PS5, PS4 Exclusives to Its Store


@Nepp67 The best selling PS4 exclusive which is Spider-man sold 20M copies but the PS4 sold 115M units. You can argue that the main selling point of PS consoles is the PS exclusives but going by the figures, it doesn't seem to be the case.

Consoles are way cheaper compared to PC. A GPU alone will cost you the same price as the PS5. If you're mainly a console gamer, why would you choose to buy a PC that will cost you double or triple the price of a PS5 just to play PS exclusives?

Re: Epic Games Offered Sony $200 Million to Bring PS5, PS4 Exclusives to Its Store


@AdamNovice How would it be port begging, if Sony is releasing it themselves? Smh

@Col_McCafferty Sony is porting their games on PC because they see the potential revenue from it. Besides, if you really love a game, then you should be happy that more people will be able enjoy it. Instead of rejecting the idea because it's not going to be exclusive to your preferred platform.

Re: Sony Extends Final Fantasy VII Exclusivity, Intergrade Won't Appear Anywhere Else for Six Months


@uptownsoul I think it's because Sony is more aggressive compared to Xbox. it also helps that Xbox is excluding PC gamers on their timed-exclusivity deals - which is only because they can sell more copies of their games outside of the Xbox ecosystem. I don't believe any of these gaming publishers is pro-consumer. if Xbox has the same amount of user base as much as Playstation then they would do the same thing. There is a reason why Xbox saw the potential of the PC market and mobile devices with Gamepass and xCloud.

Re: Sony Extends Final Fantasy VII Exclusivity, Intergrade Won't Appear Anywhere Else for Six Months


@Snoober I think I've read somewhere that Intergrade won't be releasing on PS4 because it's optimized for the PS5. The timed-exclusivity deal of Sony for FF7R has already expired, so this could only mean that SE can finally release FF7R to other platforms and this might be the reason why Sony extended the exclusivity deal for Intergrade. It doesn't make sense for Sony to pay SE just to block a DLC to PS4 owners.

Re: Resident Evil Village (PS5) - Capcom's Best Horror Game for 16 Years


I've tried the demo on PC and the atmosphere reminds me of Resi 4. The estimated gameplay time is around 10 hours but it could take more than than for completion. The enemies are more combative and it's better to run than take them head on. it's easier to avoid the enemies because they won't follow you in certain areas. The main selling point for me is the setting and Halloween folklore in the game. I will probably buy this on Steam post-launch after it's patch for bugs or errors.

Re: Crossplay Controversy Shifts to Sony Being Only Company to Enforce Clause


@bighal Sony can make their own policy for third party developers but the fact is, they are the only platform doing this clause. It makes business sense to them but no one needs to agree with this policy.

It's kinda ridiculous tbh. If I mainly use PS consoles to play Fortnite but for some reason, I bought a character skin on Nintendo/Xbox store then Sony will get a cut from it - out of the developers profit share. This kind of clause will stop developers from adding crossplay to their games, which sucks if you have friends or family on other platforms that you want to play with.

Re: Crossplay Controversy Shifts to Sony Being Only Company to Enforce Clause


it's not surprising. Sony knows they have the upper hand and they use it to their own advantage. However, it doesn't look good for Sony. They are asking to be compensated for the microtransaction revenue that they will potentially lose if they enable crossplay. A feature that should be on every multiplatform game. I guess this throws the argument that Sony doesn't care about microtransaction when they clearly do.