Comments 440

Re: Don't Worry, Naughty Dog Will Continue Making Single Player, Story-Focused Games


@Col_McCafferty Damn, you really believe that your taste in gaming is superior than everyone else just because you play story driven games. There is no reason for anyone to hate multiplayer games unless you're totally socially inept or socially awkward to play with other people.

Can you give a list of multiplayer games especially made for people with short attention span? I mean, when you play multiplayer games, you're actively competing with other people. While you can hit pause anytime, when you're playing single player games. It makes you wonder who has the shorter attention span like someone superior would assume lol

Re: Bethesda Apologises to PS5, PS4 Fans 'P*ssed' at Exclusivity


@Col_McCafferty You just said "Yes, to counter". it's great that Sony is partnering up with smaller dev studios to create games for them like Housemarque and Deviation. But this is no different from MS buying Bethesda because they now own ZeniMax and they will be funding their future projects.

Both companies will own/owns the IPs that these devs will be working with, so they have the absolute right to release it on whatever platform they want it to be available.

Re: Bethesda Apologises to PS5, PS4 Fans 'P*ssed' at Exclusivity


it is unfortunate and I feel bad for PS owners who won't be able to play future Bethesda games. But at the same time, it's also hard to sympathize for PS fanboys because exclusivity is the type of competition they are gushing about. On the bright side. Sony is ramping up their exclusive games by partnering up with different third party studios to create games for them.

Re: Back 4 Blood, A Plague Tale: Requiem, More Will Be Full-Price on PS5, PS4


@JAMes-BroWWWn What do you mean by one game? You will have access to hundreds of games, even day one releases for the price of one in 12 months. I have Game Pass Ultimate for 3 years and I only paid $180 for it.

I know Gamepass is not for everyone because there are people out there who prefers to own every game they play. But for me, it saves me a ton of money and buyers remorse. Now, I can play the game first and then just choose which are worth buying (dirt cheap) once my subscription eventually expires.

Re: Reaction: Xbox Game Pass Is the Thorn in PS5's Side


The Xbox E3 presentation is an advertisement for Gamepass. And as a subscriber, I couldn't be more happy with the selection of games they presented. Outer Worlds 2, A Plague Tale 2, The Whole Yakuza Series, Age of Empires 4, Starfield, Stalker 2, Forza 5, Halo, Back 4 Blood and all the other new games coming day one on Gamepass.

Re: High-Profile Xbox Series X|S Horror The Medium Rated for PS5 Release


@arra1213 Skyrim > all PS exclusive games and Fallout 4 > Detroit become Human. Aren't you the one setting up standards here by comparing the sales figures of games? I mean by comparison Detroit flop compared to GoT, if we use your expert opinion about this.

You're not proving anything. Sony and Bethesda have games that flop and you're point is what?

Re: High-Profile Xbox Series X|S Horror The Medium Rated for PS5 Release


@arra1213 You're the one who's in denial. So, you mean I can't mention any Sony game that sold below 5M copies but you can because "reasons".

Edit: Where is Prey, Wolfenstein and Dishonored on this "Bethesda games are big ip is overstatement"? You pretty much generalize all Bethesda games and you're telling me that you are only talking about certain games?

Re: High-Profile Xbox Series X|S Horror The Medium Rated for PS5 Release


@arra1213 Why don't you track back your old comment #61 and find this? "bethesda games are big ip is an overstatement"

If all those games you mentioned were massive flops then, there would be no sequels for Doom and Wolfenstein. You're cherry picking titles, I can brought up the sales figures for Order 1886, UC Lost Legacy, Killzone Shadow Fall, Until Dawn, Detroit Become Human and RC 2016 and call those games as massive flops, but you wouldn't add them to the big IPs of Sony, even though you're using any Bethesda games that sold below 5M copies to suit your narrative.

@Envy Pretty much. He's using the sales of PS exclusives as a measuring stick to determine, whether a Bethesda game can be considered a "big" IP or not. Then, he keep pushing his narrative, even though I already gave him an example on why his argument is stupid. Like comparing Sony exclusives to the best selling games of all time.

This guy is probably salty that MS bought Bethesda. I mean, there were several PS gamers who was excited for ES6 and Starfield. But when MS bought Zenimax, they immediately flip 360° and started to downplay every Bethesda games.

Tbh, Sony lost several FPS and Western RPG games because of the MS acquisition. Hopefully, MS will still release Bethesda games on PS, even if it's on case by case basis. Imagine ES6 and the new Fallout releasing only to Xbox and PC. It will suck to drop $500 just to play these previously multiplat games and I'm sure not everyone can afford to buy another console.

Re: High-Profile Xbox Series X|S Horror The Medium Rated for PS5 Release


@arra1213 "lmao so its not ok to compare ac to a series since 1997 but its ok to compare an exclusive like uc and tlou to a series that exist since the 90s"

What is AC? Is it Assassin's Creed? Skyrim is only one game that spans generations, while the Gran Turismo series is different individual games since 1997. You're basically comparing one game to a series.

I think I made it clear that I'm not talking about The Medium, but rather on your claim that Bethesda doesn't have big IPs.

Edit: AC for Animal Crossing? Again, Animal Crossing New Horizon is only one game. as well as Skyrim, which is the Elder Scrolls V.

Re: High-Profile Xbox Series X|S Horror The Medium Rated for PS5 Release


@arra1213 Let's talk about multiplat when HZD only sold 1M copies on PC, and TLOU was available on two generations while Fallout 3 was only avaliable on one.

The GT series has like what 13 games while the Elder Scrolls only have 5 and Fallout only 8. I get it, you don't like Bethesda games but saying that their IPs is not "big", when MS bought them for $7.5B is just batsh*t crazy.

Re: High-Profile Xbox Series X|S Horror The Medium Rated for PS5 Release


@arra1213 it's plainly obvious that you're cherry picking titles. By comparison Fallout 3 and 4 outsold HZD, GoW, GoT, TLOU 1 and 2, while Skyrim outsold every PS exclusives

Animal Crossing New Horizon is only one game and you're comparing it to a game series which sales figure started from 1997 LMAO! How laughable is that?

And I mentioned Killzone because it is just funny how much you downplay Doom Eternal, when Sony cannot even compete on the FPS genre.

Re: High-Profile Xbox Series X|S Horror The Medium Rated for PS5 Release


@arra1213 That's just funny because TLOU2 and GoT wasn't even in the top ten highest-earning games of 2020 in the total digital revenue sales according to Nielsen.

See, I can also choose which article and top ten list I should used to suit my narrative.

If you're going by sales on which video games is considered as a big IP, then all the Sony exclusives that you mentioned couldn't be considered as a big IP, if we compare those games to the likes of Minecraft, GTA V, Mario, CoD, PUBG, Animal Crossing and Pokémon. That's how dumb you're argument is.

Sony's only PS4 FPS game which is Killzone Shadow Fall only sold 2.1M copies and you're out here downplaying Doom Eternal LMAO

Re: High-Profile Xbox Series X|S Horror The Medium Rated for PS5 Release


@arra1213 Well, the Ratchet and Clank movie flop as well, and it is even a direct adaptation of the game. The Elder Scrolls Series have sold 58M copies and the Fallout series have sold more than 30M copies. Bethesda owns multiple of the best IPs when it comes to FPS and Western RPG games. Even Sony paid Bethesda for the time exclusivity of Death Loop and Ghostwire Tokyo, and they were trying to negotiate for Starfield before MS bought ZeniMax. I mean, we're talking about the publisher who created Skyrim (ES5) here.

Edit: I did a quick Google search, and Doom Eternal sold 7.5M copies while Tsushima sold 6.5M copies

Re: Guerrilla: Cross-Gen Has Not Limited Horizon Forbidden West in Any Way


@TheRedComet Isn't it because consoles are CPU bound? The game direction of PS5 exclusives still depend on the game developer and not the hardware. Sure, they could add more advanced level of physics, AI and particle effects but it can be scalable for previous gens. Based on their comments. it seems like they want HFW and GoW Ragnarok to be an entirely different game by bloating it with different game mechanics and features. Witcher 3 and Doom Eternal ports on the switch was possible even though it had a weaker processor than the PS4. The visuals were downgraded but the core gameplay mechanic is still in the game.

Re: Guerrilla: Cross-Gen Has Not Limited Horizon Forbidden West in Any Way


@Texan_Survivor PS3 and PS4 is indeed have been held back a weaker CPU. the Zen 2 based CPU of the PS5 will give the developers more power to create graphically beautiful games that also runs smoothly. it will also reduce game development because game developers will spent less time optimizing the game. But in terms of game design. I can see the developers using more physics implementations and adding more destructable environments. They could add more AI in the background that actively and dynamically do things, just like what we see in the RC Rift Apart demo. However, all of this can be scaled back for previous generations. Much like how The Witcher 3 can be ported over to Switch. I think next-games wouldn't be much different from the previous generations until on it's last years. The Uncharted 1-3 to 4 and TLOU1 to 2 isn't any different in terms of combat mechanic and game design. Game developers optimize their games for the lowest common denominator which is mainly consoles and lower-end PC specs to capture the most revenue. As someone who plays on PC and bought a 3080. I'm happy that the next-gen of consoles isn't hindered by a weaker hardware, because theoretically game developers will be able to create games with better interactive environments. However, in terms of game design and mechanic. I think it would still be the same thing but generally better.

Re: Guerrilla: Cross-Gen Has Not Limited Horizon Forbidden West in Any Way


@Texan_Survivor Nah, GTA 4/5 had smarter AI than Cyberpunk. Newer hardware doesn't necessarily equate to newer experiences. Innovation on gaming mechanics/design still depends on the game developers and not solely on the hardware.

Even if we look at TLOU and the Uncharted series transition from PS3 to PS4. There is nothing revolutionary on each sequel in terms of game design. It is still the same game with newer and better mechanics. But I don't remember anyone crying about it because those games are still good nonetheless.

Re: Much of Horizon Forbidden West Development, Playtesting Done on PS4


@JapaneseSonic And that's why those games you mentioned sold less in it's early years. HFW and GoW have higher budgets than those PS4 launch titles. Color me surprise if Sony wanted their return of investment right away, after it took their studios years of development with AAA budgets. Besides, they started developing these games on the PS4. The 2021 and 2022 release date wouldn't have been possible for HFW and GoW Ragnarok if they waited for the PS5 devkits.

Re: Sure Sounds Like Horizon Forbidden West May Have Flying Mounts After All


@Ah-Void Techinically, Sony could still do this if they wanted to. But they are taking into account the amount of userbase where they could sell the most copies of their game. The budget for HFW and GoW Ragnarok is probably double or triple than RC Rift Apart and Returnal, and if Guerrilla Games and Santa Monica Studios waited for the PS5 devkit before they developed HFW and GoW Ragnarok, then we wouldn't expect these games to be released this year or on 2022 and the PS5 will be dry af - "no exclusives for years".

Anyway, the more people who can play these games the better. PS5 owners can enjoy a better experience, so I don't really know what's the crying about. Sony would gradually abandon the PS4 just like every other console generation that comes before it.

Re: Guerrilla: Cross-Gen Has Not Limited Horizon Forbidden West in Any Way


@zupertramp Tbh, I wouldn't be surprised if that is what the next-gen adopters are expecting from HFW lol.

@Spiders The dimensional jump of RC Rift Apart actually look like a cutscene that is being rendered in real time. It's an impressive usage of the PS5's "magical SSD" but the PS4 version of it could just have the same dimensional jump, albeit pre-rendered and it would still be the same game.

I'm not sure what kind of revolutionary game mechanic or feature the next-gen adopters are expecting from Sony developers. HFW is exactly what I expected it to be. It will have higher texture resolution and framerates, and new combat and traversal mechanic. It's the same game but better overall.

Re: Talking Point: Did Sony Lie About PS5?


It is actually better that Sony would still be supporting the PS4 than totally abandoning it. Game development take years to complete. I highly doubt Sony didn't have the PS4 in mind when their studios started developing HFW and God of War Ragnarok.

Re: Poll: Are You Sold on Horizon Forbidden West?


This is one of those games that will push me to play it for the eye candy graphics and cinematic main missions. The gameplay is what I want to know more about than the graphic fidelity of the game.

I'm glad that traversing would be easier with the glider and grappling hooks but I'm hoping that the melee combat and crafting system will be better this time. I'll probably wait for the PC port because I'm not losing anything by waiting for a single player game plus I have tons of backlog games that keeps piling up anyway.