Comments 440

Re: Sony Believes in Generations, But Confirmed a Bunch of PS5 Games for PS4


Their previous statement was misleading and I don't want to defend their "next-gen only marketing" anymore after hearing this.

I'm still excited for Spiderman MM and HFW but it is a huge letdown to know that there might not be a huge difference between the PS4 and PS5 version of these games which makes the generational leap kinda pointless on its early years.

Re: Oh Boy, There'll Be a Backlash to This Marvel's Avengers Trailer


@Tharsman I never said that Sony owns full exclusivity rights to Spiderman because that would entail that Disney sold the gaming rights of Spiderman to Sony.

You have to consider that console licensing deals is different between IPs and not the whole Marvel Universe because Disney owns it but since Sony and Marvel currently have a partnership deal for a specific character, we can assume that Sony will have partial exclusivity rights to Spiderman and the proof of that is the exclusive Spiderman PS4 game that was released on 2018.

Re: Oh Boy, There'll Be a Backlash to This Marvel's Avengers Trailer


@Tharsman @Richnj The partnership deal between Sony and Marvel could have given Sony partial exclusivity rights to Spiderman.

This is another excerpt from Jay Ong Marvel Games Head interview from E3 2016

"When asked if this meant Marvel's previous console licensing partners--Sega, Capcom, Activision--are out of the picture, Ong focused on the last of that group, the publisher behind Spider-Man console games since 2000 and the original PlayStation Spider-Man game."

The reason why Spiderman still appear on Capcom games is because they still have console-licensing deals with Marvel even before Sony came to the picture while Nintendo might have settle a licensing deal as well with Disney for Marvel Ultimate Alliance.

Re: Oh Boy, There'll Be a Backlash to This Marvel's Avengers Trailer


@naruball @Richnj This is an excerpt of what Marvel Games Head Jay Ong said in an interview about Spiderman from E3 2016.

"We’ve had a long history of success with Activision, and we still have a great relationship with them. But the future of the Spider-Man console games is with Sony and Insomniac. We’re delighted about this partnership, and that’s something that’s going to continue forward. With [regard to] other console partners, stay tuned. There’s many more interesting additional things to come. But Activision is in the past, with regards to Spider-Man.”

It seems that Sony had struck a partnership deal with Marvel in regards to the console version of Spiderman games. It is worth noting that he mentioned Activision who had a contract with Marvel for the exclusivity rights to Spiderman games.


Re: PS5 Moneyhat Speculation Rumbles On


Great for Playstation owners. There are far too many pretentious people in the gaming community right now advocating for equal content or treatment on third party games when Playstation and Xbox are operating on different platform regardless if it is first party or third party games.

We already have exclusive games that can only be play on one console. Time exclusivity and platform exclusive content is the least thing we should worry about.

Re: Soapbox: Sony's Next PS5 Showcase Needs to Be a Scorcher


@Makina They will not only turn their popular mainstay exclusive into GaaS but they will also pack it with microtransactions and loot boxes.

The quality of Xbox games will also take a dip and there is a high chance that Fable will be an MMO as MS will rather released a half-ass game to add content to GP as soon as possible than polished it since they can just release game patches and updates later on to fix any issues like Sea of Thieves and possibly Halo Infinite.

Re: Soapbox: Sony's Next PS5 Showcase Needs to Be a Scorcher


MS will be developing more live service games instead of single player games because they want their gamers to continue subscribing to Gamepass for content and multiplayer access. $15 per month/$180 a year for AA games that you don't even own - A hard pass for me

Sony have the more attractive line-up of games within the two year transitional period and their portfolio of exclusives is unmatched at this point.

Re: Poll: Did PS5 or Xbox Series X Have the Better Next-Gen Showcase?


The PS5 event had Ratchet and Clank to showcase the power of SSD, featured five upcoming games that people are excited about Demon Souls, Spiderman Miles Morales, HZD, Deathloop and Resident Evil 8 and of course the console reveal.

The Xbox event is just an hour long promotion for Gamepass and the Halo Infinite gameplay only proves that the current gen will hold back the next-gen console.

Re: Spider-Man Miles Morales Can Run at 4K, 60FPS on PS5 with Optional Performance Mode


I doubt that people would even mind if Spider-man Miles Morales can be play on 4K@60fps or 4K@30 fps with higher graphic fidelity once they have the games on their console.

The only time I care about framerates and graphic fidelity is when I play third-party games on my pc and never with a Playstation Exclusives because you can only play it with a PS console. All this talk about framerates and graphic fidelity will be long forgotten within one year after the PS5 and XsX has been released.

Re: PS5 Fans Are Pondering the Future of PS Plus


@Jslade Gamepass is not worth it for someone who only wants to play Multiplayer.

MS removed the 12-month subscription of Xbox Live Gold so the only option you now have is to either stack up 3-months of Gold or subscribed to Ultimate Gamepass and both methods are more expensive than buying the 12-month Gold.

I'm not arguing that Gamepass is popular because I tried it once on PC but forcing people to pay for something they don't even want is an anti-consumer move. There are a lot of forums who all have same sentiment about this but I don't want to list them all here. However, here's one

Yeah, I would ask him again about this.

Re: PS5 Fans Are Pondering the Future of PS Plus


Most Xbox owners are actually against this "bundle deal" since most of them doesn't actually want Gamepass and the price increase is not worth it because Gamepass only have AA titles most of the time and they would rather buy their own games.

Some of my friends who owns an Xbox even told me that MS converted their 12-month xbox gold subscription into 4-months of Ultimate Gamepass and they are not happy about this.

Re: PS5 vs Xbox Series X: Full Tech Specs Comparison


Sadly for Xbox, nobody buys a console for its hardware but for its exclusive games since most third-party games are also available on PC which will be able to deliver the "best version" of those games. Just look at the PS4 and Nintendo Switch.

The hardware advantage of the Xbox to the PS5 won't even be noticeable unless you are trying to nitpick every small detail you can just to complain about something.

Re: Xbox Boss Implies PS5 Exclusives Are 'Counter to What Gaming Is About'


The third party games that are being released cross-gen this year are specifically made for the current gen and are only getting free next gen upgrade but for games such as Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart that was made from the ground up for the PS5 - Developers will need to remove key features from the game for it to work on the PS4 and there would be a huge disparity on the games performance and not just the graphics.

Re: The Order 1886 Dev Ready At Dawn Bought by Facebook


Sony owns the IP for The Order 1886. They can commission another studio for the sequel.

The next acquisition for Sony should be Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. The Spiderman 2018 is probably the best Marvel game in recent memory and I know Sony can do the same thing for the DC Universe.

Re: Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales PS5 Trailer Returns to YouTube After Copyright Claim


@Omaz In the United States, there is a four-part test to determine the qualities of a copyrighted work. They include:

Purpose and Character

Ex: Whether or not the use of the work is being used for commercial purposes

Nature of the copyrighted work

Ex: Whether or not the copyrighted work is being exploited for public benefit

Amount and sustainability of the portion taken

Ex: Whether or not the work in question has, for instance, already been made available to the public

Effect on the use upon the potential market

Ex: Whether or not the copyright holder could potentially lose earnings if the work is shared to the public by another party.

There is always a grey area on copyright laws but monetizing a youtube video that contains a plot twist that would diminish the value of a copyrighted work is in my opinion - enough grounds for Naughty Dog to take down those videos.

It is debatable but you can submit a counter notice on youtube as an option.

Re: Weirdness: Sony's Spider-Man PS5 Trailer Pulled from YouTube Due to Gameloft Copyright Claim


It turns out that companies such as Sony can file a claim on youtube if a third party video is infringing their trade secrets and I stand with Naughty Dog to stop the misleading information about the game and preventing any spoilers to leak.

It is odd that the Spiderman Miles Morales was taken down by Gameloft for copyright infringement on the Playstation channel while Marvel and IGN still have the video.

Gameloft is known for their underhanded tactic so, this might backfire on them and they deserve it.

Re: Of Course The Last of Us 2 Is Being Review Bombed


I already expected this to happen because the Xbots and Anti-SJW folks had been threatening to review bomb TLOU2 on metacritic and they cowardly did.

Xbox One had already the lose the current console wars and review bombing TLOU2 won't win them anything other than prove how pathetic they are and the Anti-SJW gets triggered at everything that doesn't align with their beliefs.

Re: PS5 Fans Are Panicking Over Backwards Compatibility


In my opinion. The real reason why PS5 fans are panicking over backwards compatibility is because this feature will give Xbox Series X a clear advantage against the PS5 this next generation of console.

While I will be buying the PS5 because I want to play the next-gen and exclusive games that Sony has to offer. Backwards comparability will be an added bonus but it won't be a deal breaker for me.

I also don't see a point in owning an Xbox Series X other than brand loyalty because you can play most xbox games with your PC through Xbox Game Pass.

At launch, gamers will favor the most consumer friendly console over the other but over time the company that can be consistent in delivering great exclusive games and service will be the winner.