Comments 75

Re: Poll: Was Summer Game Fest Live a Show to Remember?


These shows are pointless unless you show mostly gameplay. I think we got about 2 minutes of gameplay in a 2 hour show. This is why E3 doesn't work as not every developer has gameplay to show all at the same time. Regular State of plays are a much better idea. Even xbox showed a fair bit of gameplay in their show which is a massive improvement over xbox usual showing. Geoff needs to take note of what Sony does and what looks like xbox are starting to do.

Re: Former Sony Boss Fearful of Industry Consolidation


Not sure what he's on about tbh, there will always be people making their own games in the bedroom or basement and now more than ever the tools to do it are more available and accessible then ever. Just look at dreams, you don't even have to be a master programmer to design games in there then look at unreal engine, it's free to use and free to publish your games on epic up to the first £million. Indies will live on.

Re: Mini Review: Marvel's Avengers (PS5) - Heroic Makeover Still Needed


The campaign was really good in my opinion and if they'd left it at that it would of been fine. Advertising it as a co-op multiplayer is what has done the damage, yes the combat is great fun with friends but the actual multiplayer 'endgame' missions called 'Hive' are played in single player only. Its just totally bizarre why they didn't make the hive missions multiplayer especially when you have AI teammates?! They definitely missed a trick here.

Re: Marvel's Avengers Is the Straw That Broke the Camel's Back with PS4 to PS5 Upgrades


I hadn't installed the ps4 version on my PS5 as I wanted to see what the upgrade brought, yes I had to Google how to transfer my save and had to wait to download the ps4 version which FYI you only need to download the first 15gb not the full game. But it wasn't difficult to do and I'd say most people who play it consistently on ps4 had already done the transfer before they upgraded. I think there are people who look for things like this to get upset over, it's like they get some kind of gratification from complaining about Sony. The Internet is a sad place right now.

Re: Poll: How Do You Feel About PS4 Exclusives Being Ported to PC?


As long as the game is designed for the PlayStation hardware and then ported later then I'm totally fine with it. But if they start making games with pc hardware in mind like many third party studios do the quality will drop and I'm not okay with that. PlayStation studios make fantastic video games and are really top notch quality and to lose that for a bit of extra profit would be a bad move for gaming.

Re: Poll: Has Xbox's Bethesda Buyout Made You Reconsider a PS5 Purchase?


Plenty of other games on PlayStation, yes Bethesda has made some good games in the past but most people buy playstation for the outstanding first party games they produce. Most people aren't going to jump ship just to play a couple of games which won't be released for a few years and personally I'm not going to buy a second console just for these few games. They will lose sales this way from PlayStation and Nintendo owners so it's there loss in my eyes.

Re: Sony's PSVR Reveals This Week Aren't Proving Popular


Just for the record, Microsoft didn't intend to release any info until next week as confirmed by Phil Spencer, they only did it because someone leaked it first giving them no choice but to quickly come out. If Microsoft were planning to reveal next week then most likely Sony are as both companies would have had inside information. So people saying Microsoft beat them to it aren't strictly correct, if it wasn't for the leak we would still have no clue what a Series S was let alone when and how much it would go on sale for. Although I do think Sony and Microsoft should have told us when they were planning to announce new info in advance, instead of these random leaks and reveals we've been getting.

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