Comments 85

Re: Talking Point: Would You Want a Steam Deck-Like Portable PlayStation?


If you could play your playstation library on a handheld natively without streaming that would be awesome. As long as it doesn't burden developers having to do extra optimization or worse having to create new games specifically for the handheld. What would make it even better if somehow they could get it to play your steam games as well but I can't see that ever happening 😂

Re: Japan Sales Charts: Astro Bot Barely Registers at Retail, PS5 Numbers Plummet After Price Hike


I mean these numbers aren't as bad as they seem. There are 33 million switch consoles sold in Japan compared to 5.9 million PS5 sold and yet the highest new game entry for switch only has 4000 more copies sold than Astro bot. Then you look at hardware and the PS4 has sold 7.9 million units in its lifetime in Japan and PS5 is sitting at 5.9 million already. Seems pretty good numbers to me. The only thing these low numbers tell me are Japanese are a lot less interested in video games than they used to be, most likely due to the rise in mobile game popularity over there.

Re: Black Myth: Wukong's Xbox Delay Isn't Due to Platform Limitations, Says Microsoft


If it was an exclusivity deal than both Game Science and Playstation would say so like normal exclusive deals, but neither have said so. Playstation did give resources to Game Science to help port it to PS5, now nobody knows if that was tech support or money so not sure if they had some kind of 'off the record' deal but that would be a first and very unusual. Looking at how heavy the game is on PC and PS5 I would reckon the Series S version would have to be scaled back quite considerably, I find it difficult to believe Game Science haven't had issues with the Series S version and are probably after the same kind of resources from Xbox as Playstation provided.

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Needs to Take a Long, Hard Look at Itself


Some games take off some games flop, unfortunately that's the nature of the video games industry and the entertainment industry in general, every thing you create is a risk. It's good for Sony to have single player games and multiplayer games, just this one didn't hit well with gamers as it was a wrong choice of genre I feel.

Re: Talking Point: Is It Finally the Right Time to Buy PSVR2?


@Moonmonkey Not sure what their plans are tbh, it maybe to get rid of old stock before they announce an updated model with different lenses for example, who knows. I don't see them pushing their own development teams to make software for it though, I think they will rely mostly on third party Devs still.

Re: Poll: How Would You Rate Summer Game Fest and Its Surrounding Shows as a Whole?


I have mixed feeling about this years 'Summerfest' tbh. Playstation was lacking any big hitters, especially 1st party wise but I like that when they show 'in-engine CG' they tell you etc. Geoff's show got rid of the celebrities and gave the stage to actual Devs which was good but again no Games that really 'WOWed'. Xbox showed some cool looking games but not much was actual gameplay and no release dates for most. Saying all this though E3 had years like this and I don't think it will ever change. Some years are awesome and some are meh....

Re: Poll: Are You Playing the Stellar Blade Demo?


Played it and completed it. Definitely will get it at some point, gameplay was really fun, souls like but more forgiving, will take some skill to master I feel. Visual fidelity is excellent, character models are really polished, didn't notice any drops in performance either (on balanced mode) which is really good considering a lot of releases lately. Also there's a boss challenge mode which will give it a bit of replay-ability. Really cool game.

Re: Rumour: Xbox Console Exclusive Starfield Is Setting a Course for PS5


When Starfield was first rumoured I was really interested, then they made it exclusive to Xbox and pc which I don't have otherwise I'd have pre ordered it. Since it's release I've checked it out and saw it's not what I hoped it to be so wouldn't buy it now. I bet there is a lot of people who are the same as me, if they'd released on PS5 on launch they'd have had a lot more sales but doing it now feels like it's too late.

Re: Rocksteady Lifts Suicide Squad Alpha NDA in Apparent Bid to Counter Damning Previews


Played the alpha and it was enjoyable and had some funny lines from the characters although mostly from Harley. The main thing that I felt let it down was the controls. Every action was done by combining two buttons together and at times felt all over the place not entirely sure why they did it this way when a single button would have been fine. The combat and traversal was clumsy because of it and trying to counter attack was a nightmare as it'd lock on to the nearest enemy rather than the one you were facing. If they overhaul the controls and simplify some of the combat I think it would be an okay game, nothing special but there is some fun to be had there.

Re: Sony Says PS Portal Wasn't Designed to Make a Profit


It has its place, especially for people who share a TV, I bet it will save a lot of arguments in some households. I can imagine it's profit margin is probably low but if people go out and buy the accessories for it and are spending more time gaming because of it they'll likely sell more games too.

Re: Is Sony Working on a New PS2 Emulator for PS5, PS4?


They've needed proper emulation since they introduced the premium tier. At the moment the 'classics' emulation is poor. If they do it right with upped resolutions and performance, which is totally possible, if they put the work in, premium would be a very good offering. Let's hope the rumour is not only true but also high quality emulation

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