

Power perceived is power achieved

Comments 92

Re: Zero Escape 3 Flees to PS Vita in 2016


To everyone above, play both! And play to get all the endings. The true ending with are canon are fantastic. Plus any game that revolves around quantum mechanics while incorporating the term Momento Mori has my full fledged backing.

Re: Soapbox: You Should Stop Pre-Ordering Games


Good article Sammy! I agree that pre-ordering has gotten way out of control and has led to a lot of people getting burned with broken/bad games (looking at you Assassin's Creed Unity). I am a bit hypocritical considering I pre-ordered Wolfenstein: The Old Blood, it does have a 10% discount and I thought the previous entry (same developers) was fantastic. This may be the only game I pre-order for the foreseeable future.

Re: Sony Really Wants You to Pre-Order PS4 Games on the PlayStation Store


Having kids made me go digital over physical copies of games. Its way easier to just buy a game through PSN than putting the kids in the car, driving to the store, yada yada yada. Plus less clutter in the living room. Plus a small discount is nice (Wolfenstein: The Old Blood for example), but larger price breaks that reflect an appropriate market value for digital goods would be much appreciated.

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