

Power perceived is power achieved

Comments 92

Re: Review: Rainbow Moon (PS4)


I enjoyed it until i ran into a poorly designed post game wall of an enemy that 1 hit killed me when I couldn't level up any more. Felt good hitting delete after that. No thank you on this port!

Re: Opinion: Firewatch's Paltry Five Trophies Prove That the System Needs Fixing


I love trophies, look at my PSN Profile it's true. But, I believe it should be 100% up to the developer how they want to dole out Trophies. I've played games that require 3+ playthroughs to get everything while games such as SOMA lay them out in the simplest of ways. End of the day, it should be more important to preserve artistic integrity by allowing the creator to dictate the rules rather than following some overarching guideline that may not jive with how the developer wants their gaming experience to play out.

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