Comments 410

Re: Sony Priming 'Even Less Exciting' PS5 Remaster for State of Play


This confirms my reaction to the wave of remasters was correct:

Teaching new staff is part of the reason for these releases. This is combined with the need for revenue in between these excruciatingly long development times for new games. It is an easy marriage and one that is defined by how far the gaming industry has come, leveraging their legacies in tending to current needs.

I would wish that most of Sony studios' have their firm grip on the development of fresh titles arranged broadly in the spectrum of public interest. Having them floundering and releasing all possible existing IP will potentially lead to unprecedented death spirals if the revenue stalls.

Re: Vince Zampella Defends PS5 Pro Price, Says 'It's Actually Not That Bad'


The outrage against the missing disc drive and stand is a minor thing. The price is for enthusiastic gamers who know that the improvements are tiny. Remember how hated the Portal was in here amongst commentators? Well, it is a success and now people respect the device. I suspect the pro will sell pretty well until PS6 arrives.

Re: Sony Boss Says 'PCs Are Difficult to Set Up', Firm Will Focus on PS5



My point exactly!

Over double the price, 6 hours put into assembly, and wait until you want to install mods or tweak graphics, it is a huge time sink.

35 years of technical experience will ensure your success in putting RAM onto the Motherboard, yes. But think of the thousands of people bluffing that they are going to build a computer all to be part of a crowd online. It is just a bunch of people clowning about 🤡

Indulge me and write what parts you chose?

Re: Sony Boss Says 'PCs Are Difficult to Set Up', Firm Will Focus on PS5


I get the impulse of saying: "I could build a PC" and " I can make it so cheap that the people considering a PS5 Pro would call the alternative a no-brainer".

Every point of departure is of course different, as is every use case. Some have a good TV, others might have an excellent computer screen. Although both a PC and a PS5 Pro will work with either, you'd be inclined towards a PS5 Pro if you want to be on the couch in front of the TV. Conversely, if you game on the workstation you gravitate towards PCs although I see many desks have s PS5 instead of a desktop.

Building a PC from scratch and future-proofing it costs around 1600-3000 dollars, and going into a deals-site on Eurogamer tells you why: there are multiple components and they cost a lot of money. Never mind actually having them available to ship immediately.

Then you have to put the things together, takes hours you could have spent working to earn money 🤑 Then comes the settings - a session or three for each game will be required.

The argument "At this price point, you might as well build a PC" is therefore pretty disingenuous. That is the actual 'dressing up as a clown-meme' in my opinion.

My solution is to probably stick with PS5 as the improvement, as I have said before, is incremental and I am one of the people who couldn't even see a difference in the presentation.

Re: Japan Sales Charts: Astro Bot Barely Registers at Retail, PS5 Numbers Plummet After Price Hike


People are not worried about overall Astro sales, right!?

This is only pertaining to Japanese physical copies.

The chart shows weak sales for every title in the top. Either there are a lot of digital sales or Japan is just a poor region. There's no denying that selling 10000 ps5s a month is not going to move the needle very fast, but every console is a promise of software bought for many years to come. Maybe a seventh or more of these numbers subscribe to a service (people choose this on and off). It adds up.

Re: Despite Price Point, Analyst Firm Expects PS5 Pro to Sell Like PS4 Pro



  • You can't build anything similar to what the PlayStation PS5 Pro can achieve anywhere near its price point. It will perform much better than your PC as it currently is. That is because Mark Cerny overall is a better Systems Architect than the average PC-builder.
  • We all know about the ever rising cost of PC parts. Even getting Windows is going to cost you a fortune. And there's still a scarcity of supply - chances are you'll be waiting for a long time for the exact part you want.

Most people considering a PS5 Pro has a PS5 which can still be sold for close to the price point second hand. So trading in is definitely an option making the actual shell-out much more acceptable.

Re: Poll: Are You Sold on PS5 Pro?


I understand how big a jump in asking price it is. Only when compared to the PC/Graphics Card price explosion can that steep of an increase be explained, albeit for many not justified.

I have a dumb question - how good does your tv have to be for you to notice a difference? I am not too observant when it comes to picture quality, frame rate and such.

Re: PS5 Pro Announced, Costs $700 and Out in November


So funny to read all the angry comments. People in here are like 'no way'.

I thought PlayStation's approach to marketing this is, except for all the accurate leaks which are free, akin to Apple's online unveilings with a slick, convincing video with the 'big three' as the main selling point. All the logical appeals wrapped into their overall pathos make for an on-the-surface enticing offer: to meet developers' wishes for computation which will enhance the fidelity and performance drastically.

I think that if you sell your PS5 and take PS5 Pro in a year when it first discounts in your country/region you could get away with a substantial upgrade for a reasonable price.

Do I want it? No, not right now. I am to dumb to register the differences and are always baffled by people who demand high frame rates. Sure, nobody likes stuttering but my capacity for noticing is just not up to par. And yet, I do like the idea of my console leveling up.

Re: Days Gone Director Roasts 'Small Game' Astro Bot PS5 for Deacon St John Cameo



I agree - moving on is a good solution. Since we know how stupidly money are spent, I cannot see a greenlighting of Days Gone 2. Not does he fit into Bend which is now populated by at least one fan boy turned opponent.

One of the writers in here says they hope Bend's game will blow him out of the water, and yeah I'll be the first to offer congratulations, but I think they'll crash and burn. I would also love to see the continuation of the story and the mechanics in DG2 some day and I want this so much more than whatever 'they are cooking' right now.

Re: Days Gone Director Roasts 'Small Game' Astro Bot PS5 for Deacon St John Cameo



You are 100% right up until the point where everyone is ganging up on 1 individual to the point where the sad thing is people's reaction to a man that's clearly hurting. (You know this in your heart)

But he wouldn't be vocal without knowing that people will throw shade at him, so the natural conclusion is that he can take being called whatever is thrown in the comment section.

Re: Soapbox: I Spent 3 Days with the Concord Trophy Hunters Who Dedicated Their Lives to Unlocking the PS5, PC Platinum



The only problem I would have is if you are adversely affected by games. That they exploit you. Some trophy-lists are exploitative and designed to make you an NPC in a multiplayer shooter or something similar. Others are just plain hard making your experience of attaining it a painful, drawn-out chore. And not like the ones our fathers made us do to build character.

Or it could be Yoyoyo Fortnite Honkai where you have to buy their hojo dojo-***** dlc in order to plat their games. And you buy two loot crates but all you got was multiple robocats. Do you see my point?

I hope that makes sense to you.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Star Wars Outlaws?



You are right. This is actually a scandal. They can't act like it is two different scales. Nor should you act like a game can be experienced this differently, because then grades don't matter and that would mean their CORE PRODUCT is a lie.

You need to fix this and - or be destroyed. You have an hour.

Re: Soapbox: I Spent 3 Days with the Concord Trophy Hunters Who Dedicated Their Lives to Unlocking the PS5, PC Platinum



Now, we are entering real comedy. You, a gamer that writes comments online, are mocking another gamer on their implied weakness.

All I want to say to you is that you shouldn't chase worthless trophies all day, when there are real trophies to win. It's free advice - you should pay me... respect.

And for the record, I would absolutely wipe the floor with you (in my fantasy). Jokes aside, do you hunt trophies?

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 545


I will perhaps dabble with Astro's Playroom as I hear it is an excellent live service game.

Also: I started on the PS5-version of Final Fantasy 7, the first game, and I noticed that it has its own set of trophies and it honestly feels like a different game from what I first played. The city is more immersive and the game's characters are much more interesting because of the quality of facial expressions and so much more. Talk about sleeping on a game (you played once in 1997 and once in 2019?)

Also, I will play X-COM 2. It is a live servicey game because every season is different. You don't get the same map twice.

And Baldur's Gate 3 is a game I have to finish. Somehow, despite all its praise, I am not too impressed by the main story and I feel there's issues with pacing. I love the game though, and I know every playthrough will be vastly different🤩

Re: Soapbox: Astro's Playroom PS5 Did Live Service and You Didn't Even Notice



An interesting hot-take in the article, but I rather like your comment better as it communicates your point. Let's not poo-poo live service games.

I would be the most vocal opponent of Chinese gacha-games and Fortnite Honkai shenanigans in principles alone, but you might regale me of how the gameplay is actually comparable to real games that are designed to create a sense of joy and exhilleration, that the stories are anything near what real stories from passionate artists and writers are like, or that the overall price of participation isn't as costly as buying a game at full price. But we both know what my answer will be.

Re: Soapbox: I Spent 3 Days with the Concord Trophy Hunters Who Dedicated Their Lives to Unlocking the PS5, PC Platinum



I don't think I agree with you.

Well, a set of trophies is like an activity book for children and there are implicit rules to everything. I can't push a button and be awarded all the platinum I would like for example.

So, there definitely are rules to games and systems. There are also INTENDED ways to play a game - as per their design principle. Trophy hunters rarely play the intended way and praise their game when they "naturally" achieved what the game required for their trophies.

Re: Soapbox: I Spent 3 Days with the Concord Trophy Hunters Who Dedicated Their Lives to Unlocking the PS5, PC Platinum



I think I get your point. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has different ways to play the game, and I most enjoy if a game is purely turn-based. I don't think that the game achieved a system I enjoyed as much as I did as a kid playing through FF7.

As I see it, there are two ways that trophy hunting is "fun".

1: You often have to communicate with other players when having to get a multiplayer platinum. You get to show off achievements to those that care (not many). Trophy hunters are probably well-organised and talk with each other about trophy-hunting.

2. You need that dopamine to drop when awarded a new trophy. You like the control of how you play. You enjoy min/maxxing games to achieve some perceived level of effiency.

The thing is, I most often hear complaints about the trophies - about how they're hard to get which tells me that this is 10% joy and 90% menial labour. If these trophy hunters had jobs, families and other hobbies, how much time would they have to chase the latest trend in trophy hunting? How much time would they have to game? I have maybe two hours a day if I'm lucky and thats a lot compared to other hard-working family men.

Re: Soapbox: I Spent 3 Days with the Concord Trophy Hunters Who Dedicated Their Lives to Unlocking the PS5, PC Platinum


I personally don't know if I have a single platinum or not. I don't care to waste my time playing a game a certain way that compares more to Workstation than playstation.

I can sort of see the point that revisiting a game going for the plat can add extra value. But it might also detract from the entire experience.

I recently revisited Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth after playing through a ps4-version that ultimately underwhelmed me. But the PS5-version I find gorgeous and I zipped through two or three chapters last night. This is my trophy: fun and excitement.

Do I admire trophy hunters? No, I pity them. Besides the social bonds they forge, they're playing the games WRONG most of the times - jumping off, speed-running, using one specific attack over and over, and so on.

Re: PS5, PC Shooter Concord Dead on Arrival, Is Being Taken Offline This Week as Dev 'Explores Options'


I have swayed between wishing the game and the studio well to vocably chastising the game studio and everyone involved for ***** up and being a 200-man company it is INCREDIBLY expensive to have the staff on payroll for 1-8 years without ANY cash coming back the other way. It is VERY hard to find any sympathy when I've been against it through and through.

Least of all I feel sorry for all the armchair analysts in here who habe disagreed with me wanting none of these games for SONY as it closes doors on opportunities elsewhere. How wrong you have been - how right I was.

Re: Concord Devs Maintain Radio Silence, Which Isn't Helping Matters


I have zero interest in helping the games as a service. Nor do I have any sympathy for the people who took their wages for 5-8 years and came up with this disaster. Remember, for many, many years Sony have been making decisions that hurt me and developers who make the games I like.

Everyone involved SHOULD be ashamed of themselves. They've failed and others have paid the price.

Re: Mini Review: Vampire Survivors (PS5) - Indie Icon Should Come with a Health Warning


I don't remember the exact timing, but Phil Spencer were praising this game on Xbox as a brilliant new release around the time Playstation released Ragnarok or something. Before that Redfall had fallen, so yeah.

Is this actually the best game on Xbox still? It is ironic with all that computational power. All those flops. Speaking of...

Now, at the coming award show PlayStation can praise Vampire Survivor whilst trying to forget they lost everything to Jim Ryan's sideb*tch and forever alone GaaS-games selling only to the devs' mothers.

Re: Failing Manufacturers Are Pushing the Narrative That Consoles Are Dying, Says Ex-Xbox Exec


A nice piece of commentary + poll!

It would seem that you will also be right about an announcement of the PS 5 Pro (at Tokyo event). I just don't think so as I staunchly believe in (delayed) generations. The first two years during the pandemic didn't count as far as I'm concerned. I don't think the market is ready for a pro version and that they should wait.

So, if you ask me the pro won't come and won't be announced in 2024.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Star Wars Outlaws?



Every time I subject my eyes to reading your ridiculous commentary I feel wary. This time, however, I had to laugh out loud.

You pretend to know what a 'leftie' is but suddenly you've no idea what 'America' even is. After having finished chuckling, I believe your lie about not knowing anything. Your mom probably writes in English for you.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Star Wars Outlaws?


As always, great work with the yes/no-quiz and article.

Also, if you are interested in the game and Star Wars in general, your next read could be Josh West's interview with six of the lead devs of the game who speak with great veneration of the subject material.

Re: How Much Would You Pay for Your PS5 Games? Dev Says Industry Is Waiting for GTA 6 to Hike Prices



They question is why that is...

Game Devs have been screaming for better wages and work hours. That is not the only reason why things take longer, but it is a factor. The complexity and scope of games is a far larger factor. Also, teams might have to wait for each other to progress or changes are made that requires others to redo their work.

The fact that a game comes out half finished seems like a corporate measure to being down dev time and bonusses for sales, because it is ubiquitously true what you say: they are objectively more expensive and less good to begin with.

I wonder if this strategy actually, over time, sells more and earns, as well as it may be offers more job security in the sector!?

Re: How Much Would You Pay for Your PS5 Games? Dev Says Industry Is Waiting for GTA 6 to Hike Prices


I would almost pay anything to play Kingdom Come 2: Deliverance.

But having said that I would almost certainly wait for sales on everything but the most coveted of titles like above or Baldur's Gate 3. Right now, I am waiting to pull the trigger on GOW: Ragnarok, Spiderman 2 and Jedi: Survivor and I think it is mostly because of the cost of these that I haven't purchased yet.

Re: PS5 Fans Who Paid $110 for Star Wars Outlaws Early Access Asked to Restart Saves


Outcast sounded promising, but Ubisoft is not my favorite developer, and many games feel samey.

This game is good (6 or higher out of 10), but I think I'd like Survivor much better. I was fond of the first one, but I needed to see if Outcast would do something truly special.

Also, lame with early access prices. Ironic that players that are most eager and willing to shell out by far gets the least polished and worked on game. Even to the point of having to restart. That's egregious.

Re: Management Says Spiders Strike Allegations Are 'False and Even Defamatory'


Hold on! You're wrong on both counts there.

In this case, just because I don't automatically assume everything they say is the objective truth, and fair in a relative term, it doesn't mean I would say "they automatically lie about [their work]".

Therefore, your next argument to me is non-sense because you misrepresented what I wrote.

I want to say that wages in a general sense ought to be equitable and every work place should strive for fairness. Our democracy ought to be reflected more in our corporate structures.

Mine you I don't even know what their letter of complaint actually pertains. You might have, and thought it was atrocious?


Re: Management Says Spiders Strike Allegations Are 'False and Even Defamatory'


First off, 'no' to your immediate question, but I feel as if the question is not loyal to what I wrote.

50 per cent of employees are unhappy about some things to a degree that an actual strike is occuring. But I am wondering if their complaints are credible. And in the past I'd say 'yes' automatically. I wouldn't today - not automatically. I have a hard time accepting development times and game prices, and I think the average employee in the sector might be part of this negative trend (which is positive to devs = the longer time a game develops the more security. The larger the price the greater the pay).

Re: Management Says Spiders Strike Allegations Are 'False and Even Defamotory'


I blame devs and management (both parties!) for driving up the costs of game development.

With Spiders, I would realise that most of the devs aren't very talented if the games' standard is any indication of dev skill.
Why? Because Greedfall is on many levels a crappy, eurojank game. And so the new Greedfall 2 needs loads of polish to succeed in being above average. At this point, where costs and development time are too damn high, I am wary with automatically siding with developers.

Re: Things Are Getting Worse for Floundering PS5, PC FPS Concord


I have been saying for years that SONY is falling to make good decisions.

Here's what needs to happen:

  • Firewalk is finished. Close game and do not give out golden parachutes left and right. They already got 8(!) years of salary. They could hardly ask for more.
  • Pre-emptively close Haven. They will never release a game anyways. Only horny Jim Ryan is fooled by Jade Raymond into thinking she could actually make a game worthy of the players on Playstation.
  • Whatever the ***** they have Bend doing. Cancel the cookout, lay off the most vocal D-bags and start bringing in the top brass of Days Gone, and start development of the long-awaited sequel.
  • Fire Neil Drugmann. Release Factions II and dedicate a smaller team to releasing new content. ND continues as a mainly SP company giving people stories that aren't designed to piss them off and don't lie in the marketing.

Re: PS5, PC FPS Concord's Poor Player Numbers Have Predictably Gone Viral



A good question to pose (the comment on C. Kilgore).

The premise of your argument is that these games offer diversity and the opportunity for growth in player base, and could end up being a cash cow.

The other side of the argument is: there isn't a market for it. It will flop and thus take away from from Playstation rather than add to it. The big question for proponents of this belief is what could have been if Sony didn't put a lot of effort into the Glass basket.

Frankly, both sides are legimate and have sound logic and known fallacies to their argument in my humble opinion. It is up to the new leadership to see how they walk that line.

Re: Xbox on Bringing Exclusives to PS5: The Industry Is Changing for All of Us


XBOX will be a streaming brand in the future, and a publisher on PS5 and PC. Their investment and the fact that the market is so much bigger than what their consoles provide has just up and changed their strategy. Phil was vocal about losing the console war. But they might just win the best portfolio of games in the industry, and that might secure their growth.

The more gmaes available on PS5, the more choices I have and so my net gain is a higher quality of the art I choose to enjoy. Feels good to win!