Comments 281

Re: Hands On: How Does Borderlands 3 Run on PS4 Pro?


I've tried the games that allow frame rate over resolution and chose frame rate every time. Resolution, for me, is only important when you stand still and look close as stuff, and even then it was "that leaf sure does look sharper". But since I'm moving most of the time in games it is the frame rate I notice more.

I think most of the time when people online look at resolution comparisons in videos or still images to judge it's not done well. Many videos will pause the game, zoom in 200% and point out how a texture is muddier. I don't do that when I play. I find it is far far less noticeable when you are actually playing and focused.

Re: Death Stranding Looks Strangely Compelling in Extended PS4 Gameplay


This is a hardcore survival simulation in a sci-fi setting and that definitely is not for everybody. I don't like the bleak vast empty looking worlds, it just feels blah to me.

I also don't like how other players can effect your world. You can see ladders and other items left by others. Feels like you will see ladders leading up to secret spots, ruining the magic of stumbling upon it on your own. You will see a mountain you want to explore, but then find ladders up to to a cave. Well that secret was ruined, might as well have a cheat guide.

For survival fans, this could be fun. I like some survival but this seems to take it way beyond what I may enjoy. Pack management, shoe management, breathing management, blood management, pee management, baby management etc. Just too much for me.

Re: Red Dead Online's Massive Frontier Pursuits Update Is Out Now on PS4


@AshM I loved the single player and had high hopes for online. It really is a shame, they failed to capture the spirit if the West online. It's lawless with people killing other players or cops non stop. They really need perminant consequences for misdeeds.

And people have been asking for passive mode from day 1 and nothing. Shame. Time for me to ride off into the sunset for good in rdr2 o.

Re: Hideo Kojima Suggests You Shouldn't Watch Death Stranding's TGS 2019 Gameplay


If a movie maker said "don't watch the trailers, just go see it" everybody would laugh at that. I know I would be thinking "wow is it that bad?"

I lost interest long ago, but maybe seeing in-depth gameplay may change my mind. But to be honest, the constant shaking the crying baby to put it back to sleep has really turned me off. No desire to play an adventures in babysitting simulator.

Re: Red Dead Online's Massive Frontier Pursuits Update Is Out Now on PS4


I came back to try it and I'm done. First thing I go on, go into defensive mode then roam. Dead world, nobody around. Then I find some people in Denis. I wave, they wave, then kill me. Fun.

Then I go to the spot where you get the collector mission. Camped with snipers. Dead. Fun.

Eventually zoom in to get the collecting stuff and off to collect treasures. You see a big area on map and somewhere is a tiny tarot card. So roam around till you feel vibration. Not exciting. Go inside abandoned houses and sheds to find random items when your controller vibrates. I found it so boring I stopped collecting.

Time to try bounty hunter. Start it up, go find your first bounty. Found her, killed all her gang and roped her up. Bang, a player rides up, kills me and takes her. Fun.

Sorry but this gank fest and boring search dresser drawers for junk did nothing for me. Im done with rdr2o. Why can't there be a passive mode where they can't attack me and I can't attack them. It's not for me.

Re: GreedFall - Spiders' Best Game Is on the Cusp of RPG Greatness


@Ridwaano They didn't go into detail as not full review yet, just impressions. But the easier it is it sound like mission goals are more diplomatic. But I can't say for sure on how much.

I don't like that idea as replay because I may want less diplomatic action, just not difficult. And high skills players may not want to give up challenge for more diplomatic goals since combat doesn't vanish.

We'll get more details as more people have time for more play throughs.

Re: GreedFall - Spiders' Best Game Is on the Cusp of RPG Greatness


A lot of places didn't finish there review because they didn't have enough time to thoroughly play it it seems, but the most agree and are saying that so far it is good but not perfect.

Read elsewhere that the difficulty level doesn't just change the hardness but also effect if mission are more diplomatic or fighty. I don't like that. Just because I'm not highly skilled doesn't mean I don't want to fight as much.

Re: PlayStation Store Sales Charts: Madden and Grand Theft Auto V Were August's Top Downloads


I really worry about GTA 6. Look how successful GTA 5 is, and that's because of online. They tried to do the same with rdo2 but is a whole new beast that has to grow differently. They still are trying to figure out how to best make it work.

But for gta6 they know exactly how to make the online portion soar from day one. So will the single player be as big as past games? Do they really have any motivation to do so when they know how much money gta6o will make? I think it will be a trimmed down experience. Heck they may even find a way to blur the lines between offline and online to get more into the online experience.

Re: Rogue Company Is a New Multiplayer Shooter from SMITE and Paladins Dev Hi-Rez Studios


Are there any games out there similar to these that have true support classes? I ask because I far too old with poor skills to compete when it comes to shooting, but I love support. My favorite game in the past was Tribes. I could do base defence(setting up turrets)and repairs to the base and other players. Yes, I had to do combat when they get in, but mostly the attacks were long range mortars.

So I at least felt useful. These days I feel like if I can't constantly headshot people im pretty much out.

Re: First Person RPG Cyberpunk 2077 Will Have First Person Cutscenes


As a 3rd ppov player, I have to laugh at those who complain about this. They gave us all who want 3rd ppov grief about wanting it etc. So I love watching them whine when they don't get what they want. We had to accept it so you better as well.

But why not forced 1st ppov in driving as well? Their vision of immersion is BS if they include 3rd ppov for driving but not for cutscenes or gameplay.

Re: Poll: What Did You Think of the New Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay?


Still stinks it is not 3rd ppov or have an option for it. I get ill and feel claustrophobic playing in 1st. I'm trying out other 1st ppov games now in an attempt to 'train' my self to get used to that, but 10 mins is my limit. It's the first game that i feel like is worth this effort. But if I can't manage to extend that time it will unfortunately be a pass for me.

Re: Control - Was Remedy's Return to PlayStation Worth the Wait?


Geesh why do we need scores anymore? This happens every time, people care more about the score than why the score.

Look at something like Bloodborne. It's praised for difficult so it gets high scores. But if the next one is much easier the scores will drop dramatically. However, for me, the game score would be higher since they are too hard for me.

So I always look at many reviews, and listen to all the pros and cons, then decide if it is right for me. I have passed on many top score games and bought many low score games based on the details of why they got the score.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077's Open World Is Smaller But Much Denser Than The Witcher 3's


I think games have gotten unnecessarily big. Yes I love to explore and find things, but these days it feels like I roam and roam and roam and find nothing of interest more often than not. They get so big that that I tend to miss the small things to find. Too many "what's back here? oh...nothing". So smaller and more focused allows you to find things with out burning out from empty world fatigue.

Re: PS4 Software Sales Are Tilting Towards Digital


For me it's because of deep sales for games that are not new. Games that are year old can be on sale online for 60-80% off where in the store most may be only 20% cheaper.

I think the better indicator of physical vs digital are new game sales during the first month.

Re: Marvel's Iron Man VR Looks Stark in PSVR Gameplay Footage


Ok so I was able to look at the vid on the big screen, with sound unfortunately. I take back the fake playing along a vid though. It is being played live.

However something is still off. The delay is not constant. Sometimes it has that half second delay and sometimes it's right on time. It's now looking like they are having tracking issues. So nice slow movements are used to avoid major tracking issues. Considering it is not ready yet it can be expected to have issues like that still than need to be worked out. So figuring the slow movement is to hide that.

Re: Ubisoft Under Fire as It Looks to Stop XP Farming in Assassin's Creed Odyssey's Story Creator Mode


I totally respect that BS spin they put on this. Not saying they are against it because it makes the game less grindy and hurts microtransaction sales, but rather it hurts other creators by hiding their work below these farming levels. That is some grade A marketing b.s. right there. The boldness to think people will believe that is impressive.

(Yes I get the irony of saying that vs my pic)