Removed my 4T ssd from my pa5 slim this morning and factory reset my console. PS5 Pro arrived around 1:30pm from Direct. Installed the ssd into the Pro. Transferred the stand from my slim to the pro. And all the games are on there ready to play. Easy and kind of fun to do.
There have been some great themes over the years. I loved my Aqua from Kingdom Hearts background on my ps4 and the Paul George background that came with the Nike shoe collaboration. Set up my ps5 pro today and almost didn’t notice this cool animated background and all the other background options when you customize that page. I really like the battery charging meter window.
The only final Fantasy game I’ve ever played and completed. I bought it because I had just seen Final Fantasy Advent Children and I had a psp. One day I’ll actually play FF7! Lol
@themcnoisy I stopped playing Sackboy when I came to the first orb gate where I couldn’t proceed because I didn’t have enough orbs to proceed. I hate when platformers make you collect a certain Amount of anything to advance because that’s not how I like to play a level. It ruins the flow to stop and look under every bush for a collectible. So a year later and I have never gone back to it. Astro’s Playroom is the game Mario should have been in 2020.
@WolfKingk87 trophies came from Xbox’s achievements. Xbox has the decency to admit it. Sony historically disputed the value of trophies until they changed their mind and borrowed from Xbox
I’ve had a ps5 since launch and I’ve never used the cards system once. I don’t understand why I’d need it when I just usually suspend my game and go from there. I also forget that there’s a help guide. I wouldn’t even know where to find it. The dualsense controller is awesome. I still play Astro’s playroom and it’s sensation of rain drops and sloshing on water is unreal.
@Mega-Gazz I don’t think it’s that it showed the “other side”. I think that decision was one of it’s brilliant positives. I think the pacing, the story choices, the way the two sides were set up were deeply problematic. I think it’s a beautiful game visually and narratively that needed more time to arrange the parts.
I have no problem with Sony holding onto their exclusives. That’s what makes console gaming great. A console is a ticket to something exclusive you can play. Ever since Sonic and Mario. Heck, I go back to the days of Colecovision where I’d envy my cousin’s exclusives like Zaxxon, and Smurfs.
But it’s also about time Microsoft got a little bold and took shots at Sony. They’ve been playing the nice guy for too long, congratulating Sony on their launches and pretending Sony didn’t totally dunk on them with their “how Playstation handles game sharing videos” THAT was snarky and attacking and I have no problem with MS punching back.
I stopped playing sackboy when I got to a point where I didn’t have enough bubbles or whatever to advance. I hate when platformers force exploration and collecting. But eventually I’ll return to it because the levels are so enjoyable. Especially the pop music ones.
This is great. Warzone is very addicting and my favorite MP to play with my two friends. Sometimes it’s fun to play on the smaller map and try to survive, sometimes it’s fun to play on the larger map and leisurely gather supplies and catch up on our day. For a free game with no battle pass needed, there’s little to complain about. I still buy the full game each year as I love the campaigns and the occasional mp matches outside of Warzone are fun once in a while. I also like to support the games I play financially.
Fidelity all the way. I kept swapping between performance and fidelity during both Spider-Man games on my ps5 and honestly cannot tell when something is 30 fps or 60fps. I played ratchet and clank 2016 on my ps5 in January thinking that WAS in 60fps only to find out that patch came out later. I really can’t see the difference.
The sweet sweet music to my ears this morning was hearing “short” and “easy”. For us time poor gamer dads who have a couple of hours a week max to game and declining skills, I want a short game that doesn’t frustrate me with difficulty spikes so I can move on to the next game. I’m tired of the people with high level gamer skills and tons of time on their hands dictating what value and length should be in a game.
I don’t know why but I tend to notice resolution over frame rate and Ray tracing. I didn’t really notice much of a difference with the ray tracing turned on in Spiderman and everything seems to look smooth to me even when it’s 30 frames per second so I’m probably not gonna use this feature
@Residentsteven I agree, as much as I love the story of the first one it was hard for me to get through that game because I found the open world to be so boring.
@pip_muzz I don’t play for trophies. I don’t bother to check them at all. Couldn’t tell you what my game score is over on Xbox. But I did platinum Astro’s Playroom because I enjoyed that game so much I wanted to throw some “respect” at it and finish everything. I also felt the trophy requirements didn’t waste my time. Whereas I’ll never platinum ratchet and clank or Spider-Man because it requires more than one play through. So I got to say I respect games that respect my time. There seems to be some gate keeping though from people that want platinums to remain very very difficult and I wonder what’s lost if platinums become easier to achieve?
@trev666 What are your thoughts on difficulty levels? Should A platinum be able to be obtained by playing the game on normal or do you think it’s required that you play on the highest difficulty setting?
Knack was a weak launch title when Xbox one had Titanfall around the corner. I enjoyed Knack! And I really thought kill one shadow fall was visually stunning. And Titanfall went on to be a disappointment in sales and overall the PS4 blew away the Xbox in number of must play games. But at launch, I had a much better time with dead rising 3, Ryse, Kinect sports, and Forza. But that’s just me.
I ordered a pair of the ps1 Paul George Nike and unfortunately you have to order a size up. Had to sell them. So if you’re a ten and a half, order 11 when it comes to Nike.
I like the PlayStation themed shoes but they may not be for everyone’s fashion sense. And yes they’ll be very hard to obtain.
@B_Lindz that was my plan as well but a friend was able to get me one at launch. Lucky? Yes. And I know this is much easier to say when you have one but genuinely you’re not missing much yet. Astrobot was great but it’s really a well made tech demo and you can get the same gameplay on the VR game. Demon’s Souls is a remake. Gorgeous but gameplay available elsewhere. That leaves Returnal which I don’t have an educated opinion on yet. Otherwise, you’re really not missing anything. I’m playing Avengers on it and that’s about it
It almost feels dirty saying I have a ps5 out loud. Most of the discussion is about finding one. I’ll look forward to supply meeting demand so we can focus on how great the system is. And talk about the games and culture.
@Boon520 HZD is definitely overrated. I’m glad I played it because of the story but I found the open world very boring. Had no interest in exploring it.
Wow. I have zero sense of 60 FPS. I just completed this game last month and I thought I WAS playing in 60fps. And I keep jumping between performance mode on Spider-man and can’t see a difference. Been playing AC: Odyssey on my Series X and thought that was smooth 60fps. Nope! What is wrong with my eyes???
@JJ2 when you hit the ps button on the remote, you have to scroll down to the home icon, push left to get to the power icon, select it, then push up to get to rest mode or power off. Too many buttons in my opinion.
There does seem to be some unnecessary defensiveness on this thread. The PS5 is the hottest device in the world right now and I’ve had an amazing time platinuming Astro’s Playroom, playing through Miles Morales and revisiting older games like God of War and Wipeout. The controller is slick and I like swapping between games and media.
Turning the system off is like playing a damn mini game. I still can’t get it smooth. And the lack of smart delivery keeps me from not knowing 100% if I’m playing the upgraded version. It could be a lot more intuitive.
The Xbox has an easier to navigate ecosystem and a great game pass program. On paper they should be more competitive with Sony.
But they aren’t for two reasons. Sony still has better games and the most loyal fan base of any electronics device.
The Sony fan base would bury bodies for Sony if they were asked to.
I can’t get my PS4 save file to transfer over. So I’m just going to restart the campaign.I had only completed 3 story levels. Hard to redo the slow first level but I’m eager to get into the meat of the campaign
@BleedingDreamer I will say this. I love my PS5. I feel lucky that I got one at launch but I still stumble to turn it off almost every time. The UI has some strange quirks. It’s practically a mini game finding the off button
I bought the movie frozen on PlayStation because I think I was able to get it a week early. And there’s some free episodes of powers still floating on there but yeah I never really used it much
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L maybe it shows the developer and their investors customer interest which helps them invest in dlc and more games. I don’t know. Seems to be a symbolic way to support a game and company you like. I’m sure they use pre-order numbers for bragging rights.
Just putting it out there again. As someone who has a ps5, there’s very little gameplay you can’t find elsewhere. Miles and Sackboy are on PS4, Demons Souls is on ps3 (I know it’s not all about just gameplay) and Astro’s Playroom controls exactly like Rescue Mission. So until Ratchet comes out (which again is looking similar to 2016) there’s isn’t anything mind bogglingly exclusive.
After playing Astro’s Playroom until I got the platinum I went back and pulled my PSVR from the garage (I only ever played VR worlds and the X-Wing level of Battlefront). I downloaded Astrobot Rescue mission and fell in love with the game.
VR was so immersive I discovered I had an ocean phobia after playing the whale and shark levels of Rescue mission!
Astrobot VR is the Mario game I expected to play in 2021 after being so disappointed in Mario 3D world and odyssey. I haven’t played a platformer that felt that fresh and groundbreaking since Mario64.
I’m not a Dirt expert or anything so I was trying to figure out why some races kinda felt fun and some were just unplayable. I uninstalled Dirt 5 and I may go back to it later but I had a very mixed experience playing it
@fR_eeBritney agree! I think Sony PlayStation has the best community of the three consoles because it really feels like you’re part of a group of friends owning a playstation. But Sony doesn’t do enough to encourage it
I played about an hour on the PS4 and I’m looking forward to jumping in and finishing the game on my PS5. I just want a decent 10 hour adventure and the occasional DLC to play around in. I’m not expecting a lot and I think I’ll enjoy the game when I get back to it
Comments 85
Re: Out Today: PS5 Pro, the Most Powerful Console Ever
Removed my 4T ssd from my pa5 slim this morning and factory reset my console. PS5 Pro arrived around 1:30pm from Direct. Installed the ssd into the Pro. Transferred the stand from my slim to the pro. And all the games are on there ready to play. Easy and kind of fun to do.
Re: Hypnotic PS5 Pro Boot Screen, Background Worth the Upgrade
There have been some great themes over the years. I loved my Aqua from Kingdom Hearts background on my ps4 and the Paul George background that came with the Nike shoe collaboration. Set up my ps5 pro today and almost didn’t notice this cool animated background and all the other background options when you customize that page. I really like the battery charging meter window.
Re: Some Fans Think PSP's Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Is Getting a PS5, PS4 Remaster
The only final Fantasy game I’ve ever played and completed. I bought it because I had just seen Final Fantasy Advent Children and I had a psp. One day I’ll actually play FF7! Lol
Re: Casey Jones Joins the Roster in TMNT: Shredder's Revenge, Launching 16th June on PS4
@Jamestherock via backward compatibility
Re: Casey Jones Joins the Roster in TMNT: Shredder's Revenge, Launching 16th June on PS4
I used to love playing 6 player X-Men arcade on my PS3 since you could connect up to 6 controllers on that system.
So how can I play local 6 player if the PS5 can only sync 4 dualsense controllers?
Would Sony put out a 6 player patch just for this game?
Re: Poll: What's Your Favourite PS5 Game So Far?
@themcnoisy I stopped playing Sackboy when I came to the first orb gate where I couldn’t proceed because I didn’t have enough orbs to proceed. I hate when platformers make you collect a certain Amount of anything to advance because that’s not how I like to play a level. It ruins the flow to stop and look under every bush for a collectible. So a year later and I have never gone back to it. Astro’s Playroom is the game Mario should have been in 2020.
Re: Astro's Playroom PS5 Dev Team Asobi Staffing Up for its Next Game
Yeah I’ll buy it no matter what it is to be honest. Hoping for a cool hybrid game where you can play VR or not. But honestly, I’ll buy it either way
Re: Xbox Boss Is a Big Fan of Sony's PS5 Controller
@WolfKingk87 trophies came from Xbox’s achievements. Xbox has the decency to admit it. Sony historically disputed the value of trophies until they changed their mind and borrowed from Xbox
Re: Soapbox: PS5 Is Beautiful When Its Distinctive Features Are Used Properly
I’ve had a ps5 since launch and I’ve never used the cards system once. I don’t understand why I’d need it when I just usually suspend my game and go from there. I also forget that there’s a help guide. I wouldn’t even know where to find it. The dualsense controller is awesome. I still play Astro’s playroom and it’s sensation of rain drops and sloshing on water is unreal.
Re: Looks Like The Last of Us 2 Has Been Permanently Discounted on PS Store
@Mega-Gazz I don’t think it’s that it showed the “other side”. I think that decision was one of it’s brilliant positives. I think the pacing, the story choices, the way the two sides were set up were deeply problematic. I think it’s a beautiful game visually and narratively that needed more time to arrange the parts.
Re: Random: PlayStation Fans Start Petition to Cancel Hideo Kojima's Rumoured Xbox Game
@mariomaster96 not everyone can afford luxury cars but should Lexus stop making vehicles?
Re: Xbox Head Targets Sony for Not Launching Games Day and Date on PC
I have no problem with Sony holding onto their exclusives. That’s what makes console gaming great. A console is a ticket to something exclusive you can play. Ever since Sonic and Mario. Heck, I go back to the days of Colecovision where I’d envy my cousin’s exclusives like Zaxxon, and Smurfs.
But it’s also about time Microsoft got a little bold and took shots at Sony. They’ve been playing the nice guy for too long, congratulating Sony on their launches and pretending Sony didn’t totally dunk on them with their “how Playstation handles game sharing videos” THAT was snarky and attacking and I have no problem with MS punching back.
Re: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Graphics Comparison Shows Fidelity, Performance, and Performance RT
Team Fidelity!!!!!
Re: Ratchet, Clank, and Rivet Travel Through a Rift to Sackboy: A Big Adventure
I stopped playing sackboy when I got to a point where I didn’t have enough bubbles or whatever to advance. I hate when platformers force exploration and collecting. But eventually I’ll return to it because the levels are so enjoyable. Especially the pop music ones.
Re: Rumour: Call of Duty: Vanguard Reveal Planned for Warzone, Not E3
This is great. Warzone is very addicting and my favorite MP to play with my two friends. Sometimes it’s fun to play on the smaller map and try to survive, sometimes it’s fun to play on the larger map and leisurely gather supplies and catch up on our day. For a free game with no battle pass needed, there’s little to complain about. I still buy the full game each year as I love the campaigns and the occasional mp matches outside of Warzone are fun once in a while. I also like to support the games I play financially.
Re: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart: Fidelity, Performance, Performance RT - Which Graphics Mode Is Best?
Fidelity all the way. I kept swapping between performance and fidelity during both Spider-Man games on my ps5 and honestly cannot tell when something is 30 fps or 60fps. I played ratchet and clank 2016 on my ps5 in January thinking that WAS in 60fps only to find out that patch came out later. I really can’t see the difference.
Re: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart (PS5) - Intergalactic Stunner Puts PS5's Power on Display
The sweet sweet music to my ears this morning was hearing “short” and “easy”. For us time poor gamer dads who have a couple of hours a week max to game and declining skills, I want a short game that doesn’t frustrate me with difficulty spikes so I can move on to the next game. I’m tired of the people with high level gamer skills and tons of time on their hands dictating what value and length should be in a game.
Re: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Has 60FPS, Ray Tracing Mode at Launch
I don’t know why but I tend to notice resolution over frame rate and Ray tracing. I didn’t really notice much of a difference with the ray tracing turned on in Spiderman and everything seems to look smooth to me even when it’s 30 frames per second so I’m probably not gonna use this feature
Re: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Pre-Load Is Available Now on PS5
I live in Arizona. I downloaded the game last night and it said playable on 6/10 which probably means 9pm since I’m in mountain time.
Re: Horizon Forbidden West Mesmerises in 14 Minute Gameplay Sequence
@Residentsteven I agree, as much as I love the story of the first one it was hard for me to get through that game because I found the open world to be so boring.
Re: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Will Have a Very Achievable Platinum Trophy
@pip_muzz I don’t play for trophies. I don’t bother to check them at all. Couldn’t tell you what my game score is over on Xbox. But I did platinum Astro’s Playroom because I enjoyed that game so much I wanted to throw some “respect” at it and finish everything. I also felt the trophy requirements didn’t waste my time. Whereas I’ll never platinum ratchet and clank or Spider-Man because it requires more than one play through. So I got to say I respect games that respect my time. There seems to be some gate keeping though from people that want platinums to remain very very difficult and I wonder what’s lost if platinums become easier to achieve?
Re: PS5 Users Are Playing More and Buying More Than PS4 Early Adopters
@JJ2 Oh yes, infamous second son was amazing.
Re: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Will Have a Very Achievable Platinum Trophy
@trev666 What are your thoughts on difficulty levels? Should A platinum be able to be obtained by playing the game on normal or do you think it’s required that you play on the highest difficulty setting?
Re: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Will Have a Very Achievable Platinum Trophy
@pip_muzz Oh I get it, you want people to know how good you are at games
Re: PS5 Users Are Playing More and Buying More Than PS4 Early Adopters
Knack was a weak launch title when Xbox one had Titanfall around the corner. I enjoyed Knack! And I really thought kill one shadow fall was visually stunning. And Titanfall went on to be a disappointment in sales and overall the PS4 blew away the Xbox in number of must play games. But at launch, I had a much better time with dead rising 3, Ryse, Kinect sports, and Forza. But that’s just me.
Re: Random: Lace Up with PS5 Sneakers This Month
I ordered a pair of the ps1 Paul George Nike and unfortunately you have to order a size up. Had to sell them. So if you’re a ten and a half, order 11 when it comes to Nike.
I like the PlayStation themed shoes but they may not be for everyone’s fashion sense. And yes they’ll be very hard to obtain.
Re: Leaked Document Reveals Xbox's Opinion of The Last of Us 2
@JJ2 uh, do you not remember the Xbox One reaction?
Re: Sony on PS5 Stock: Don't Expect a 'Drastic' Supply Increase This Year
@B_Lindz that was my plan as well but a friend was able to get me one at launch. Lucky? Yes. And I know this is much easier to say when you have one but genuinely you’re not missing much yet. Astrobot was great but it’s really a well made tech demo and you can get the same gameplay on the VR game. Demon’s Souls is a remake. Gorgeous but gameplay available elsewhere. That leaves Returnal which I don’t have an educated opinion on yet. Otherwise, you’re really not missing anything. I’m playing Avengers on it and that’s about it
Re: Sony on PS5 Stock: Don't Expect a 'Drastic' Supply Increase This Year
Unfortunately I think this official admission is going to make scalpers salivate as they increase their prices a bit more on their bot enabled stock.
Re: This PS5 Ad Isn't Going to Make Stock Any Easier to Find
It almost feels dirty saying I have a ps5 out loud. Most of the discussion is about finding one. I’ll look forward to supply meeting demand so we can focus on how great the system is. And talk about the games and culture.
Re: Days Gone Director on Skipped Sequel: 'If You Love a Game, Buy It at F***ing Full Price'
@Boon520 HZD is definitely overrated. I’m glad I played it because of the story but I found the open world very boring. Had no interest in exploring it.
Re: Ratchet & Clank Boosted to 60 Frames-Per-Second on PS5 with New Patch
Wow. I have zero sense of 60 FPS. I just completed this game last month and I thought I WAS playing in 60fps. And I keep jumping between performance mode on Spider-man and can’t see a difference. Been playing AC: Odyssey on my Series X and thought that was smooth 60fps. Nope! What is wrong with my eyes???
Re: Marvel's Avengers Is the Straw That Broke the Camel's Back with PS4 to PS5 Upgrades
@JJ2 when you hit the ps button on the remote, you have to scroll down to the home icon, push left to get to the power icon, select it, then push up to get to rest mode or power off. Too many buttons in my opinion.
Re: Marvel's Avengers Is the Straw That Broke the Camel's Back with PS4 to PS5 Upgrades
There does seem to be some unnecessary defensiveness on this thread. The PS5 is the hottest device in the world right now and I’ve had an amazing time platinuming Astro’s Playroom, playing through Miles Morales and revisiting older games like God of War and Wipeout. The controller is slick and I like swapping between games and media.
Turning the system off is like playing a damn mini game. I still can’t get it smooth. And the lack of smart delivery keeps me from not knowing 100% if I’m playing the upgraded version. It could be a lot more intuitive.
The Xbox has an easier to navigate ecosystem and a great game pass program. On paper they should be more competitive with Sony.
But they aren’t for two reasons. Sony still has better games and the most loyal fan base of any electronics device.
The Sony fan base would bury bodies for Sony if they were asked to.
Re: PS5 Makes a Mockery of Marvel's Avengers' Long PS4 Load Times
I can’t get my PS4 save file to transfer over. So I’m just going to restart the campaign.I had only completed 3 story levels. Hard to redo the slow first level but I’m eager to get into the meat of the campaign
Re: Stock Constrained PS5 Unit Sales Lag Behind PS4 by Less Than 1 Per Cent in USA
@BleedingDreamer I will say this. I love my PS5. I feel lucky that I got one at launch but I still stumble to turn it off almost every time. The UI has some strange quirks. It’s practically a mini game finding the off button
Re: Tomb Raider: Definitive Survivor Trilogy Leaked, Releases 18th March
I loved the first two and have been holding off on playing Shadow. Just waiting for a 4K 60fps mode.
Re: Talking Point: What Are Your Expectations for PSVR 2 on PS5?
I want Astrobot rescue mission 2 to look close to the graphics of Astro’s Playroom
Re: PS Store Discontinues Movie, TV Rentals and Purchases in August
I bought the movie frozen on PlayStation because I think I was able to get it a week early. And there’s some free episodes of powers still floating on there but yeah I never really used it much
Re: Oddworld: Soulstorm PS5 Free with PS Plus from 6th April
Isn’t it possible to claim this game via the app and then be able to play it free on ps5 when you are able to buy a console?
Re: Worry No Longer, Kena: Bridge of Spirits Is a $40 Game
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L maybe it shows the developer and their investors customer interest which helps them invest in dlc and more games. I don’t know. Seems to be a symbolic way to support a game and company you like. I’m sure they use pre-order numbers for bragging rights.
Re: Talking Point: Did Sony's State of Play Livestream Meet Your Expectations?
Surprised we saw nothing of Horizon, ratchet and clank or God of War. New odd world looks great and Kena
Re: Star Wars: Republic Commando Is the Next Classic Title Coming to PS4
If I remember correctly, the ending of this game leads right into the episode 2 movie. And they were released closely together
Re: State of Play Livestream Confirmed for Thursday, Focuses on 10 PS5, PS4 Games
My prediction:
Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart gameplay demo and reveal of female Lombax’ name
Horizon Zero Dawn: Story trailer and gameplay
God of War Ragnarok story trailer no gameplay
Street Fighter 5 ultimate edition for PS5
Re: PS5 Stock Will Increase As Each Month Passes, Sony Hopes Situation Will Improve Quickly
Just putting it out there again. As someone who has a ps5, there’s very little gameplay you can’t find elsewhere. Miles and Sackboy are on PS4, Demons Souls is on ps3 (I know it’s not all about just gameplay) and Astro’s Playroom controls exactly like Rescue Mission. So until Ratchet comes out (which again is looking similar to 2016) there’s isn’t anything mind bogglingly exclusive.
Re: Sony Confirms Next Generation PlayStation VR Is in the Works for PS5
After playing Astro’s Playroom until I got the platinum I went back and pulled my PSVR from the garage (I only ever played VR worlds and the X-Wing level of Battlefront). I downloaded Astrobot Rescue mission and fell in love with the game.
VR was so immersive I discovered I had an ocean phobia after playing the whale and shark levels of Rescue mission!
Astrobot VR is the Mario game I expected to play in 2021 after being so disappointed in Mario 3D world and odyssey. I haven’t played a platformer that felt that fresh and groundbreaking since Mario64.
I will definitely get a VR unit for the PS5!
Re: DIRT 5 Getting Free and Premium DLC Later This Month on PS5, PS4
I’m not a Dirt expert or anything so I was trying to figure out why some races kinda felt fun and some were just unplayable. I uninstalled Dirt 5 and I may go back to it later but I had a very mixed experience playing it
Re: Soapbox: There's a Nintendo Direct Today, But I Wish We Had a State of Play to Look Forward To
@fR_eeBritney agree! I think Sony PlayStation has the best community of the three consoles because it really feels like you’re part of a group of friends owning a playstation. But Sony doesn’t do enough to encourage it
Re: Marvel's Avengers PS5 Version Coming 18th March with Hawkeye Expansion
I played about an hour on the PS4 and I’m looking forward to jumping in and finishing the game on my PS5. I just want a decent 10 hour adventure and the occasional DLC to play around in. I’m not expecting a lot and I think I’ll enjoy the game when I get back to it
Re: Of Course Jack Black Plays Claptrap in the Borderlands Movie
Should have been Paul Reubens or the original voice actor in the game