Comments 161

Re: Reaction: Sony Said Xbox Game Pass Isn't Sustainable, Then Released One of Its Tentpole Titles into the Service Anyway


@get2sammyb to me this all just reminds me of the PS3 era I remember the $599 fiasco "Ps3 is a computer not a console. Get 2 jobs to pay for it" and all the bad PR that came with it. And Xbox took a lot of market share off the wave of that.

What happened after? Sony responded and responded big. I do wish they would be proactive and not reactive with these things but I think (and hope) the same thing will happen here.

Playstation is Sony's biggest asset they cant afford to let it drag out too long.

Re: Soapbox: Why Do You Replay Games?


Me replaying games tends to be rare and isolated to a certain series of games I get attached to.

Final Fantasy, Metal.Gear, Silent Hill, GTA all series of games I have replayed a few times.

These days I do that much less but thats down to free time.

Re: Poll: Do You Have a PS5?


@solocapers It's possible, although rather inconvenient for them to set up so you have to register the console to a specific user in under to unlock it - this would kill scalping off.

The downside you have then - it kills the preowned market unless an alternative can be found, so it's incredibly difficult. But it is one idea.

Re: Poll: Do You Have a PS5?


I have a PS5 and Series X and only realised last month or so just how lucky I was to get in there.

Scalping is a global issue that needs to be tackled. UK government looking at it but really Sony and MS should be the ones stepping in and offering a solution to retailers.

Re: Soapbox: Sony's Next PS5 Showcase Needs to Be a Scorcher


@Cutmastavictory Subjective but fair play that is your opinion. Even Xbox with the option of a day 1 service dont always take the option up.

I see value in competing with that. But again I am also being subjective. Just opinions which in the gaming community are always wildly varied vs say Film or TV.

Re: Soapbox: Sony's Next PS5 Showcase Needs to Be a Scorcher


@get2sammyb @Cutmastavictory in the online space they have. PS2 online was.... not so good. PS3 they started to catch up with XBL. Now Game Pass and PS Now for me needs to catch up.

I should have been more specific. In terms of first party software its the other way around and they have always been ahead.

That is why I have always referred to a GP equivalent as the last piece of the puzzle.

Game Pass isnt for everyone. But it would be good for PS Now to get on a similar level.

Re: Soapbox: Sony's Next PS5 Showcase Needs to Be a Scorcher


Sony have been reactive in recent years, we need to know what their reaction is to Microsoft's recent moves, will PS Now receive an overhaul?

For me if PS Now can compete with Game Pass Sony can leverage it's install base advantage to good effect.

My opinion but it is the only thing they are behind on at the minute, Sony have the first party software nailed, the intuitive hardware nailed, just that last piece of the puzzle.