Comments 107

Re: PS5 Pro Showcase Set for Tomorrow, Hosted by Mark Cerny


@NEStalgia I mean, i get what youre saying with the fixed target. But i think its a bit unreasonable to assume that a console has to deliver the same quality or high FPS the whole generation long without sacrificing graphical fidelity big time, especially when the generation and engine technology improves and gets more demanding.

And its not constant upgrades as you put it, its just 1 in between every console generation

Also, some people prefer consoles for their ease of use (in response to the question, "why bother with consoles at all?"

Re: PS5 Pro Showcase Set for Tomorrow, Hosted by Mark Cerny


@StylesT Yes, probably, but there are lots of people willing to be able to play at 60fps. Just look at the PC gaming community where people spend hundreds of dollars for 'a few' more frames.

Also, it might be, that with the Pro youre not upgrading to keep playing in 60fps.

With engines rapidly advancing, seeing how much unreal engine 5 requires for example, you might be upgrading to a Pro to be able to keep playing in 30fps. Where the base wouldnt even be able to reach 30fps in games soon, similar to how games ran in the PS360 era.

Sony knows the upcoming years games are gonna be even more demanding. Can you imagine not having a Pro for the next 4 years?

Re: PS5 Pro Showcase Set for Tomorrow, Hosted by Mark Cerny


@StylesT The PS5 is capable of doing 60. Or did you mean that the PS5 should be able to do 60 in every game for the whole 8 year generation?

That would mean the whole generation long games would be developed only for being able to do 60 on an rtx 2070. Meaning there wouldnt be much graphical improvements in console gaming for a very long while

Re: PS5 Pro Showcase Set for Tomorrow, Hosted by Mark Cerny


@Medic_alert I get what youre saying, but compare it to any other hardware manufacturers. Apple, new phones every year, Nvidia new gpu cards every year. Why? Because technology is improving fast

Consoles only come once every 7 or 8 years. If it werent for these mid cycle enhanced consoles, consoles would be left behind so much in terms of technological improvements.

Also, what about people who havent bought a PS5 before, this give them more options.

I dont think sony really thinks their market for these enhanced consoles are current PS5 owners, but rather enthousiasts.

Re: PS5 Pro Showcase Set for Tomorrow, Hosted by Mark Cerny


@nessisonett Yes, because years ago when development of the Pro started they already knew concord was going to flop... /s

Also, i really dont get when people say its not needed. Dont u follow graphical breakdown channels like Digital Foundry?
Games are already having resolutions as low as 720p. The PS5 is at rtx 2070 levels.

The PC community gets upgrades every year, as to where nvidia is probably already releasing their 5000series nxt year. I mean, is any if that 'needed'? Not really, its just technology improving. Do we need new iphones every year with small incremental improvements. No, but people still buy them for 1200 dolllars without even thinking about it.

PS5 Pro, needed its not, but do we want it? Hell yeah!

Re: Astro Bot PS5 Fans Wonder Where All the Square Enix Characters Are


Square Enix PS exclusives the last 4 years:
FF7 Remake
Babylons Fall
Valkyrie Elysium
Final Fantasy 16
Final Fantasy Rebirth

Nintendo PS exclusives: 0

A lot of their characters are almost synonymous with playstation, and there are a lot of other 3rd party characters in the game, cause theyre likely celebrating the most iconic characters in the history of 30 years playstation both 1st and 3rd party.
Not to mention the long history of collaboration between the two companies.

Nintendo has never published a game on playstation therefore their characters dont have a history with playstation.
So your comparison with how people arent complaining about nintendo characters not being in there seems a bit silly

Btw, people are just wondering, its not a big deal