Comments 107

Re: How to Pre-Order PS5 Pro


@CyborgToaster Oh yes most definitely, here are a few quotes of the average console consumerbase lately:

"We want new IPs"
"Why dont they experiment more"
Gets new IP
"This is terrible"
"This is too woke for my sensibilities"
"Too much diversity"

"We are tired of sequels"
Proceeds to ask
"Wheres the next Killzone?"
"Gimme Resistance 4"
"Bring back Sly Cooper"

"Astrobot, more like MarioCopybot"

"No more remakes"

"Make single player narrative games"
Followed by
"Boring, this is a movie"
"Sad dad sim"

"Why do games take so long to develop"
When games get released early:
"Why is it full of bugs, refund!"

"Why sony close Japan studio?"
Meanwhile nobody bought those games

"The Pro is useless"

"We want more power, PS5 cant handle some games"
Gives option through PS5 pro
"No, too expensive"

"Oh, they made that character gay? Lets boycot the game"

"Lets harass this voice actress because we dont like something in the game"

"I dont want to sign up on PSN to play this game, even though every other publisher asks the same, meh!"

These are just some from the top of my head.

Ofcourse i'm paraphrasing, but you guys get the drift

Re: Talking Point: Is PS5 Pro Way Too Expensive?


@CrashBandicoat You say Sony is increasing prices because of greed and monopoly. But at the same time Xbox doing the same isnt greed according to you?

Im seeing your points, but dont you factor in rising component prices at all? Where does inflation come in?

The reason it comes across a bit biased is that you're solely blaming Sony for all of it. Im assuming u follow other trends in gaming like component pricing. Does that factor in to your analysis of their pricing?

In terms of your fear, yes, it might be that without enough competition prices can get higher.
But its not as if Sony can do whatever they want. Pricing too high will loose them market share or create opportunity for other companies to steal market share.

Pricing will always be influenced by many factors.

Saying its all down to Sony being this greedy monopolistic entity, that is now doing whatever they want, is far too simplistic. It doesnt work like that. There will be consequences if they make mistakes with pricing

Re: Talking Point: Is PS5 Pro Way Too Expensive?


@danzoEX I'm guessing theyre also facing the same issues with rising component prices due to inflation. I hope theyll be able to overcome these challenges, though it seems none of the other hardware manufacturers have so far. Last-gen release prices for consoles, like the Switch, dont guarantee future pricing

Re: Talking Point: Is PS5 Pro Way Too Expensive?


@PsBoxSwitchOwner Yes! Just yes.

People asking for better FPS and graphics than the PS5, but get shocked if costs more than the PS5. People expect everything they buy to get more expensive, except for consoles for some reason

Having said that, they could take the extra TB and lower the price with 50 or 100 and i'd be happy

Re: PS5 Pro Announced, Costs $700 and Out in November


@NEStalgia I can get behind your reasoning. Its solid. Although i think people dont always realize that with pc, you still have to upgrade about every 4 years as well, which correlates with the consoles mid cycles

Like if you bought a PC with a rtx2070 at the same time the PS5 came out in 2020. You would probably be looking for a new card right about now as well.

I agree with ur points. But some of it is assuming people already bought a PS5. If not, you have the option for a $699 console or a equivalent PC but 2 or 300 dollars more expensive. Which will also need upgrading in 4 years btw.

I think the real hardcore enthousiast dsnt bother with the PS5 Pro, they buy gfx cards for $1500. Thats a whole different market

Re: How to Pre-Order PS5 Pro


@OldGamer999 I do agree that its better to have Xbox for the competition tho... But i dont see them doing so much better frankly.

Although i think a lot of this pricing issues dont have that much to do with greed per se.
Its just inflation and ever increasing prices of processors and gpus. As said before by someone, we will probably not see the deflationary prices in consoles again like before.

Just look at high end smartphone prices, they used to be like 8 or 900 some years ago for the top phones. Now the Iphone 16 Pro Max is gonna cost almost $1500

Re: How to Pre-Order PS5 Pro


@Mustoe You're telling me $1000 for a similar specced PC is better value than a $700 console with the same specs?

Well, it might be, but i think the ease of use will always be a plus for some people

I think people who throw in the fanboy card, are usually themselves fanboys btw

I thought we were having a discussion about worth, im bringing up points that dont have anything to do with being a fanboy. Im looking for a pc with those specs for $699 and i cant find it...

Re: How to Pre-Order PS5 Pro


@OldGamer999 Xbox recently announced the same series X, but with 2TB and without disc drive for $600. Great deal? I think ur idea of Xbox saving the day in Europe might be a bit overblown

Re: How to Pre-Order PS5 Pro


@Mustoe Really tho? The Pro has an equivalent card of around rtx4070 level. Youre saying for a few hundred dollars more you'll get what a 4080 or 4090? I mean, doesnt the 4090 cost like $1500 by itself?

And also, when comparing with building a PC, dont factor in the disc drive, cause thats not something u would get when u build a PC.

And btw, ofcourse u can get better specs if you spend more money. But how does that fit the argument that the PS5 Pro is too expensive? U can spend 2000+ and have better graphics than the Pro, thats true, but that still makes the Pro better value for that price point with those specs

Re: PS5 Pro Announced, Costs $700 and Out in November


I'd suggest people go and try building a PC for that price and see how reasonable that price is. I was hoping for a cheaper price as well.

But honestly, if you think this is too expensive, im very curious. With which products do you compare it with?
Cause a similar specced PC will cost more, also the "new" xbox series X coming later this year, which is also digital, is gonna be $600.

In that light, if not $700, how much do you think it should cost?

Re: How to Pre-Order PS5 Pro


@Jaz007 I agree, the price is a bit steep. But try building a PC with the same specs. Not gonna happen.
People want Sony to sell it at a loss, which is totally in line with how childishy demanding the consumer base have become. Again, if you can build it yourself, do it. If not, then realize that even though its a steep price, its the best deal your gonna get for those specs

Re: Don't Worry, You Can Add an Ultra HD Disc Drive to PS5 Pro


@FuzzieGinge88 Well you could turn it around and ask, why should people that play digital (which are the majority it seems) pay for a disc drive? Discless seems to be the main hardware now pushed just about everywhere, PC, Xbox etc.

You can see it as the standard price for a full PS5 Pro with disc is $780. I dont think ure being ripped off, digital has always been less expensive than with the disc drive.

Not necessarily saying im happy with the price btw

Re: PS5 Pro Showcase Coming Today, Hosted by Mark Cerny


@Discol76 I reckon most developers use all the power they have of the Playstation already. Everybody just waiting for better games using the FULL power. Do you think they secretly and purposely left some power on the table when creating Spiderman 2 and Astrobot. Something like they couldve easily added things like Ray traced GI, but they chose not to do it just to F with us?

Someone explain to me what more power you're looking for them to get out of the PS5.
It has a rtx 2070 level gfx card. This is about it in terms of what were gonna get and frankly it pretty much surpasses what i thought would be possible with that type of card.

Just the fact that were having ray traced GI with this fidelity on console games is something i would have never expected to have on this gen consoles when they first announced ray tracing technology

Re: PS5 Pro Showcase Coming Today, Hosted by Mark Cerny


@DennisReynolds Exactly! And its actually even the last 6 games they published, you forgot Spiderman 2
They stopped doing cross gen a year ago (save for some multiplatform games like MLB).
Also a lot of 3rd party studios releasing current gen only games nowadays. FF16 was current gen like a year and a half ago

Re: PS5 Pro Showcase Coming Today, Hosted by Mark Cerny


@tangyzesty Whats with all this talk about full potential being reached? I really dont get it.

Has the Iphone 15 Pro Max full potential been reached? Cause they just announced the Iphone 16 Pro
Why does any product have to reach full potential. Just dont buy it if its not for you

You guys know that the base PS5 will still be the main supported console right? Its not like youre not getting any more use out of your base PS5 when this comes it. It will reach its full potential dont worry

Re: PS5 Pro Showcase Set for Tomorrow, Hosted by Mark Cerny


@x3King84 Really tho? I find the yearly smartphone market far more capitalistic than this. Have you seen the "improvements" yearly on these high end phones. And they are going for more than $1200 nowadays, which is a crazy amount if you think about it. In the console sector we're complaining about a $600 console, however in the PC world you could never(i think,no expert here) build a PC for that amount of money with the same specs as the PS5 Pro

Heck, if it does go for that amount, they might even be selling it with a loss. Seeing as an equivalent gfx card as the rtx4070 already goes for $599
Thats how "capitalist" they are

Btw, not saying Sony arent capitalists, just saying its also a business. And compared to other businesses they dont seem more capitalistic. In fact, some companies and industries, make the console industry look like bush league in the capitalist sense. Console and game prices hardly went up with inflation, unlike almost every other industry.

Every console generation people expect consoles to be around the $499 mark. As if any other product they buy has stayed at the same price level for that amount of years.

Again, not necessarily defending Sony and their prices. And definitely not defending capitalism

Re: PS5 Pro Showcase Set for Tomorrow, Hosted by Mark Cerny


@NEStalgia I'd say gfx technology did increase a lot. And by the time next gen is announced(lets say around 2027), base PS5 will be woefully outdated. But long before that time games will have already been running poorly on it(as they are already starting to), similar to the end of ps360 era.
The rtx 6000series will already be out by that time, making the differences even greater.
Now atleast with the PS5 Pro we will be at around rtx4070 level instead of rtx2070 by that time.

Re: PS5 Pro Showcase Set for Tomorrow, Hosted by Mark Cerny


Thought exercise: Imagine a year or two from now bigger games coming out, gta 6, unreal engine 5.3 games, next uncharted, bloodborne 2, ghost of tsushima 2 etc.

Now imagine theres no PS5 Pro and you have to play it on the base with blurry internal resolutions of under 1080p and frames in the mid 20s.

People would probably not be so forgiving right?

Thats where the Pro comes in. Sony just wants to avoid all the backlash of people complaining about all those future games running poorly on the base PS5

Re: PS5 Pro Showcase Set for Tomorrow, Hosted by Mark Cerny


@NEStalgia Well i partly disagree, i think a console generation is too long to create one console with specs that can manage to produce games with great fidelity for that long. Considering graphics technology moves in a fast rate.
Unless people are willing to pay $1800 for a console, but im guessing that is a miniscule market

I agree with both console makers probably coming up with some kind of modular console, if theyre smart