Comments 1,191

Re: Soapbox: My Colleagues Bet On How Far I'd Make It Through Final Fantasy VII Remake


I agree with what most of you are saying. When I started reading these posts, I expected to find an army of fanboys outraged that someone could express an opinion that didn't put Cloud in the clouds.

Kudos to Stephen Tailby for having the courage to write what he really felt about the game instead of creating a mindless fluff-piece to appease the fans of this train-wreck.

For years I'd heard the praise for Final Fantasy, but I'd never jumped in until this game came out. The pre-game hype was so huge, I thought, why not now?

Then, I played it. I found both the story and the dialog to be like one big bad joke. I don't understand the attraction. Combat was interesting, a little, but not great. I ended up quitting at what must have been about half way through, though it felt longer. Life's too short to be a masochist.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 370


Cyberpunk fresh replay, the new patch does wonders. XCOM 2 War of the Chosen, love this game but the load times, jeez..I'm actually typing this while waiting for a level to load. Disco Elysium, this game, while slow paced, has some of the funniest and darkest humor I've encountered game-wise in a very long time, and the guy who narrates it is just top notch. So, in my mind, 3 great games with some time outs for food. Hope you're all having as good a gaming weekend as I am!

Re: E3 2021's Digital Event Will Be Free for All After Reports Mooted Paywall


I've been to E3 twice in my life, and loved it both times. In both cases, different clans and in heretic 2's case cults that I belonged to (pc online was king back then) decided to go and meet each other in real life. Online friends I'd made from gaming became real-life friends after E3. I still stay in touch with many of them today. I'll always miss E3, even if it doesn't make as much sense now as it used to. Some things don't have to make sense. We call them traditions.

Re: Best PS5, PS4 Game Deals on PS Store This Week (31st March to 6th April)


Found just 2 things to buy on this sale, and that is MORE than fine! I've already got more 'great deals' then I'll ever play.

This sale, I picked up Phantom Doctrine (XCOM-like, it claims) and finally decided to dip my feet into Elder Scrolls online. Never tried ESO before because it was my protest for them seemingly abandoning single player games. But I got both of these games for the price of a frozen dinner. Hard to say no.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.2 Available to Download Now on PS5, PS4, and It's a 44GB Monster



I feel you. I'd never advocate for a price hike, myself. It's just starting to look like MS is gobbling up the kind of games I like to play. I love Bethesda, at least back when they concentrated on single player games, and I'm hearing all their games are getting released free on GP. If that happens, those games alone would justify the subscription cost for me. Throw in all the other developers under the Zenimax umbrella, such as Obsidian, Arkane, id, Machine Games, etc. Then add some of the other development houses they've scooped up like InExile, and you've got a large pool of what I consider essential gaming right there. I wouldn't want a price hike, but for the games I like, this sounds like the best deal in gaming.

Re: Hands On: Maybe Don't Buy Disco Elysium on PS5 at Launch


Bought it this morning and have put in about 3 hours so far on a base ps4, and have had no stuttering whatsoever. This game is not a graphical masterpiece, and seriously doubt you'd notice much difference between the 4 and 5. It can be finicky about where you have to stand to execute prompts. Not a big deal, though. The dialogue is great. It's a slow paced game so far, I'd call it a comedic graphic novel/old school rpg. I'm having a great time with it so far.

Re: Sony to Continue Investing in Dreams Developer Media Molecule



THIS playstation fan does have a business degree, and doesn't see anything fundamentally unsound about sony buying MM and adding dreams to pre-loaded software on new consoles. It's funny that you'd write an article disagreeing with some of your users posts, and then try to tie that to an imaginary level of education. I gave you the benefit of the doubt for a long time, but sometimes you can really come across as an arrogant buffoon.

Re: Upcoming PS5, PS4 Games for April and May 2021


I'm bored, so a breakdown:

First, as noted by @ApostateMage, Disco Elysium on I think March 30? Anyway, a must buy.

April 30, Returnal: I'd buy this day one if I had a PS5. I'll save a little money by not having one yet, but I won't be happy about it.

May 7, Resident Evil Village: I won't pay 70 for a PS4 version of this. Again, I'll wait till I have a 5 and hopefully a price drop. These are typically short games, so I don't mind waiting, but around this time I'll start sweating not having a 5.

April 1, Outriders: I want to like this, but had troubles with the demo and read some negative things, so I'll wait on many reviews of the final version and make my decision then.

April 23, Nier Replicant: Must buy.

April 30, Cthulhu Saves Christmas: Come on, PushSquare, you owe it to yourselves and us to review this based on name alone.

May 14, a huge potential spending spree day! Mass Effect Legendary Edition: Day one must-buy-physical game for me. Subnautica Below Zero: Very crafty, Sony, as I've liked what I've played of the original so far. Will probably wait a bit on this, because it has the misfortune to come out on the same day as Deathloop and Mass Effect: Gluttony Edition. Deathloop: Despite my misgivings about game type, I'm going to trust Arcane and get this day one. Bittersweet, because it may be the last Arcane game to see the PlayStation.

May 25, Biomutant, which I was more excited for a few years ago than I am now, but will probably buy if reviews are positive. Also, as mentioned by @Ralizah, Nocturne HD hits on this day. A few people have done a wonderful job of selling me on this one based on my enjoyment of the type of gameplay they've described, so thanks for that.

Lastly, I hope that by this time, the end of May, I'll finally be able to get a PS5 and Xbox Series X by just plunking my money down on a store counter. I WANT to be broke by the end of May!