@Hyperluminal Hell yea! It's one thing not to spend any money on it, it's another thing entirely when it's constant presence destroys any immersion the game might have. Especially when the design is purposely insidious.
I really need to give RDR2 a fair shake. I've started it twice, but both times I got bored before the real story even began. I didn't like the default movement speed (too slow) and it felt awkward and hurt my hand to try to hold down run to move faster. Also, I was expecting full-on open world gameplay, and maybe that's what it eventually turns into, but it felt like the game was holding my hand way too long at the beginning. It's a beautiful game that I would probably like if it ever lets go of you and just lets you wander.
I'm dipping back into XCOM2 War of the Chosen. I'm at a weird place with Cyberpunk, as I'm ready to proceed beyond the 'point of no return', but I'm taking a break to wait for the new patch which 'should' be out this month. Also a little Madden 20 Franchise, and if I'm in a good mood and feel willing to overlook some horrid gameplay decisions, maybe a little more Detroit: Become Human.
Glad to hear news about this game. Too much initial hype, and too long without hearing anything after that. Maybe not development hell, but at least a little development purgatory in there somewhere.
Just the fact that we're going to see anything at all on this game is the best news of 2021 so far.
It's sad nowadays that most studios don't have more good writers already on staff. While graphics have steadily improved in games, I feel the quality and depth of storytelling has headed in the opposite direction. (Not in GOW, just in general)
With all the focus being on games-as-service, I guess it's cheaper and easier to just fill a game with grind instead of plot points. To me, the best part of gaming has been and always will be the quality of the story and how well it's implemented with gameplay. Writers need more respect.
Sony's going to have to have one of it's better studios attempt a WRPG. I say attempt, because to make a good one takes a great deal of skill and time. I hear people saying they should just make an Elder Scrolls type of game to compensate for the loss of Bethesda. Unfortunately, the only developer so far who can make an Elder Scrolls-like game is Bethesda themselves. No one else really comes close to the amount of systems involved and how well they mesh together.
To make matters worse for Sony, the latest rumors are we might get a Starfield trailer as soon as this month, so all PlayStation owners might get a first-hand view of what they are going to miss. This rumor also has Starfield coming out at the end of 2021 or beginning of 2022, so some of the Microsoft inflicted pain is a lot closer than 3 or 4 years down the road.
Obviously, the answer is Elder Scrolls. Personally, I'll miss anything single-player by Bethesda, Oblivion, Arkane, or id. These are HUGE losses, and to act like they aren't is to act very ostrich-like, with your head buried in sand. The loss of these studios means I'm definitely getting a new X-box, and it may even mean I get one before a PS5.
EDIT: @get2sammyb What's the name of your Xbox sister site again? I'll be bookmarking it for the future.
Hey guys, sorry I missed this. Girlfriend got a new job in a new town and I went and visited her. Just got back. Can a long distance relationship work? I'm guessing no, but she wants to try. TBH, it wasn't the best relationship when it was short distance, so this might have been my last trip. Too many miles to drive to have the same old arguments, and the make-up sex isn't what it used to be.
As much as I'm looking forward to this (Factions), I'd rather see it as a one-shot and done thing, rather than a keep playing, keep paying sort of car wreck. I don't want to play it forever, no matter how good it may be. I want new games. And new one-shot multiplayer experiences from them. Make a game, move along.
I can remember on some of those games, I'd spend the whole first day I had it just going through the manual, trying to memorize what counters what, how much damage reduction would this armor have against slash, pierce, bludgeon, etc., and any other esoteric information I thought would arm me against the struggles to come. I was able to get so much more deeply into those games than most of the surface stuff that comes out today. It's like reading the manual was a primer to start the engine of my imagination.
I agree with you about Call of Duty. I was watching a trailer for one of these new online shooters, might even have BEEN Call of Duty multiplayer, and was struck by how dumb some of the repeated dialog is in these things. It's the same every game: 'GO GO GO!' or, 'I've got your six!', or 'Hard Copy!', or 'Bring the pain!' or whatever other mindless drivel they think soldiers yell back and forth to each other. I'm just constantly surprised some of these games still have such large player bases, surprised people haven't gotten bored and moved on.
I was trying to think back to the earliest example I could think of where I first saw games as art, and I came up with a very old and unusual game. Did you ever play MDK? I played it on computer before they even had 3d video cards (or maybe they did have them and I'd just not yet heard of them) and I remember thinking 'wow, this is amazing! What creativity! It's like art that moves!' I'm sure it would look like garbage today, but I was fully drawn in, mesmerized. Since then, I used to play a lot of multiplayer in a game called Heretic 2, which ran on the Quake 2 engine, and I learned how to use the editor to make my own maps. That really got me into the artistry of which textures to use where, and what type, color, and intensity of light to use to achieve the mood I wanted. People liked them, so many servers started including them in their map rotations. It was such a unique and rewarding experience to deathmatch with strangers on a map that I'D made. I miss those days, until I think about all the assorted hardware problems detailed above!
All the sudden, Nocturne has gone from 'I can't even read the box on this one' to a day one purchase for me. The way you've described it, it just sounds perfect! I'm not 100% anti-social, I DO like relationship building in games, but for whatever reason, call it lack of imagination, I just can't get myself to believe in any of the anime highschool stuff. Maybe it's the too big, over-innocent eyes.
I love a sense of tension while gaming. A life or death situation that I can put myself into. If it has dark satanic gods that need thwarting, all the better. If it has dark satanic gods that have somehow corrupted me with a trace of their power, better still! In real life I enjoy walks on the beach, puppies, and the sound of children laughing. (Well, mostly) In a game, i want to be a dark god's puppet forced into evil acts against my will and beyond my control. What does that say about me?
I moved my graveyard twice, and endured heated protestations from the hired help. To the tune of 'you didn't buy enough beer for us to move all this s**t!
Finally, before my last move, I had a tough 1 on 1 with myself about the actual re-sale value of most computer hardware years after it's 'best by' date. No doubt what once fueled my dreams is buried deep and refusing to de-compose in a landfill somewhere.
Just thinking about it dredges up foul memories of squinting into the dark cavity of my case, sweat burning my eyes and making me fumble my grip on the accursed jewelers screwdriver I used to strip out the phillips heads of absurdly small screws never designed for use by man.
I value that time, though. It taught me creative swearing. Much better than any abject lesson could have. Like a good song, your heart has to be in it for it to really shine.
In regards to Computer Gaming:
DO NOT FALL PREY TO THE TEMPTATION! All of their sweet words are LIES! You must be strong! Heed your memories! You can resist, I have faith in you!
As far as Trail of Cold Steel, I think I have 4, physical, the box sounded interesting, but for me, the junior highschoolish nature of the characters just made it unbelievable. I couldn't sink myself into it, try as I might.
Did you ever play XCOM or XCOM2? Those were a couple of strategy games I loved, but they seem to have Bethesdaitus, in the lack of frequency of releases.
I, too, have liked all of the Deus Ex games, but something was so speical about the first one for me. Did you ever play System Shock 2? That was another of the oldies but goodies that stands out to me. Deus Ex, SS2, and the first time I set foot in a Dwemer ruin in Morrowind stand out as some of the moments I've been awestruck by gaming.
I'm convinced my body gives off some form of energy that's harmful to electronics. Like a five foot aura that radiates around me, and when confronted with long term exposure, no modern electronic device really stands a chance. I went through 4 xbox 360's (red ring of death) before I finally went Sony with the PS4. Either Sony has much better quality control, or my curse has been lifted (knock on wood), because I have truly abused the crap out of my PS4, and it's still here with me after seven years.
@NEStalgia You should do stand up, man, I'm dying here!
It's been 20 years and I'm still suffering from chronic PCSD! THIS game only works with THESE drivers, but if you install them, THAT game won't work anymore, you'll have to revert to THOSE drivers. Not to mention the blazing speed with which the dial-up internet would download those ever too frequent driver updates! I don't have enough fingers to count how many early 3dfx cards I burned through (through no fault of my own, at least as far as I could tell) in those days, but I'm fairly sure I have enough to count motherboards and power supplies, barely.
Over the course of my addiction, I think I had a total of 4 rigs, and counting monitors, video cards, 'upgrades', etc., I'm sure I went through over 20 grand in maybe a decade, decade in a half. Back then, that was a pretty nice car. Color me finished!
I love Deus Ex, the first one (on that very pc, I might add) was one of my best gaming experiences ever. Love the colorful vs. desaturated monsters. Pretty much sums it up, doesn't it?
If ageing has taught me anything, it's life is too short to put up with needless frustrations. I'm a console man for life!
Edit: P.S. I still have nightmares hearing those three fateful words....Welcome to Gamespy....
That is exactly what I felt like when Playing Persona 5. I'm in a cool dungeon, getting a good handle on the combat system, really starting to enjoy myself and then, POOF! I'm in High School. Again. Didn't particularly care for it the first time irl, still not a huge fan. I don't consider myself a dour person, but I am always captivated more by a game that is dark, moody, mystical, etc.
@NEStalgia You know what finally did it for me with PC Gaming? At the time I had dual voodoo cards running in tandem, um, slc? Is that what they called it? Don't remember. I was having overheating problems with them, had the whole case of my tower opened up and just left it that way. The fans would start up and it sounded like a 747 taking off. But with 2 running in tandem, there was a fat cable that connected them to each other on the side away from where they were both joined to the motherboard. That melted and then one of the cards stopped working. I bought a replacement card, and it wouldn't sync right with the other one anymore, no matter what drivers I tried or how many articles I read about it. I was disgusted, and started thinking about all the time and money I was pouring into these boxes. One day, I just snapped and threw the whole thing in a closet.
Now I just let Sony worry about what's inside, and it's been like meditation. I don't ever see myself going back.
I should probably be able to find a 3DO used on Amazon, but I'll probably look around locally first. I've never been a fan of buying someone's leftovers, especially electronically, so if I find one local, at least I can check it out before buying. I'm going to buy this new version of Nocturne probably at release now, too.
It's weird, I don't mind dying in a turn based game nearly as much as I do in an action game. I'm not sure why. I like even more when it was something stupid I did, rather than just a random critical hit, but don't mind either way.
Please do! I'll do the same if I run across anything interesting.
Remember when you used to buy a game, and the box was actually heavy? Because when you opened it up there was a phone-book sized manual, loaded with charts, tables, graphs, and indexes? And if you wanted to actually get any real enjoyment out of the game, you had better read it cover to cover? I miss those days. I'm a glutton for punishment, though.
Gamewise, I like the occasional AAA blockbuster, but I like to mix it up and have variety. For example, I really enjoyed TLOU2 way more than I thought I was going to. It wasn't hard, it just drew me in to it's world. But I'd hate it if every single game was just like it.
In some games, I've seen so much beauty and artwork on display, I think games as art is already here, it's just not taken seriously enough, yet. Just like Rock and Roll and Jazz when they were new. I agree with you, in time more recognition will come.
@NEStalgia Forgot to add, I'm really looking forward to Yakuza 7. Just want to wait till I have a PS5. It'll probably be one of the first games I play once I get one.
@clvr I'm a huge fan of niche in general. I was more of a computer gamer 20 years ago, but have really learned to appreciate the comfort of couch gaming. One of the most irritating things to me in gaming across all fields has been the simplifying and dumbing down of games in almost every category for more mass-market appeal. I really like what I'm hearing from all of you about SMT. It sounds like the series has resisted the 'keep it simple stupid' trend.
@NEStalgia Had a good chuckle picturing the PS5 as the whole foundation of a new entertainment set up! I haven't updated my entertainment center for years, it might be the oldest piece of furniture left in the house. In fact, I already sawed off the shelves and removed the swinging glass doors just to fit the current tv! I need something huge, maybe like a PS5, to put everything I want on it. Now, after listening to all of you, I'll probably have to fit a 3DS in there somewhere. It's long overdue, but I think I'll have to rent a truck just to get it home.
@TheFrenchiestFry Maybe I'll look into getting one then. I really like turn-based games, and feel like there's somewhat of a shortage of modern ones on PS4. Personally, I'm just not a huge fan of anime (I know, shoot me) which limits the possibilities even more. I'm just seriously considering the space I have available for gaming, and how huge both new consoles are reported to be. As far as problems go, though, It's a nice one to have!
@clvr That, and maybe it's name. If in my own ignorance I can't make sense of what's on the Box, I'm not likely to buy the game if I know nothing else about it. Or maybe that's just a personal shortcoming on my part.
@Ralizah Thanks again, promise I'm through pestering you with questions. I guess I'll wait for this one, then. It's already received its ESRB rating, so probably not too much longer. BTW, read your review on that old puzzle game, you write well!
@clvr Aww, that's too bad. I'll keep in mind a potential 3DS, but right now I'm more focused on finding a PS5. And thanks to Microsoft buying Bethesda, I'm also going to need a new xbox it looks like. Also, maybe a new entertainment center to hold all the new consoles as well, lol.
@Ralizah Thank you again! Are any of these on PS4? It's the only console I've got at the moment, besides a crusty old xbox that is lost in storage somewhere. If I can get these on PlayStation, I will, and thanks for turning me on to them.
@zupertramp Not sure, but to my understanding, Bethesda went happily along with it, claiming they had worked closely with Microsoft in the past. If there is a lawsuit, I haven't heard of it. But I am by no means all-knowing.
I'm with you on that. I read an article a few months back, and Todd H. said they learned a lesson with 76, and were going to get back to what made them great in the first place. Innovation in open world games has felt very scarce to me lately, so I'm super hopeful Bethesda can turn some heads once again. I mean really, how many years have they had to conceptualize and work on Starfield? I'd be very surprised and disappointed if it were to be a dud. I try not to get too hyped about anything, but if there's one thing that's going to get me jumping, it's new single play from Bethesda.
@TheFrenchiestFry Thank you as well! I really appreciate it when people take the time to answer questions on here. If I ever have any knowledge and see any questions from you guys, I will return the favor.
@Ralizah Hey, thanks for going into detail! Really appreciate it.
This actually sounds like just the sort of game I love. The more unusual and esoteric powers you have, the better, especially when you situationally have to use them! Which previous game would you recommend if, say, one were to want to try this out now?
Wow, now you've made a great case for me to waste more money on the PS store! I love turn-based combat that really makes you think and strategize. I think I've never played these only because I don't even know what the names mean.
@Serialsid Like I said, they've been experimenting. On Fallout 4, a game I personally loved, but one that didn't really innovate much, they divided the team for the first time so some worked on that, others on Elder Scrolls Online. It's truly been over a decade since they've concentrated all their muscle on a single player game, and I hear that's what's happening with Starfield. Also, just to clear up a common misconception, Bethesda didn't make Doom. they just published it.
Thank you for that. The things you listed are exactly what I didn't like about Persona 5. Just looking at the screenshot above, the colors seem to be more muted, also a plus in my book. Is it turn-based, do you know?
Anyone who says Bethesda isn't a good studio must be very young or just have absolutely no taste. ALL of the Elder Scrolls single player games have been huge groundbreakers on release, and have had huge portions of their mechanics copied incompetently by other studios. (Ubisoft, this means you) They have admitted they were experimenting with online multiplayer this gen, and also admitted that they really didn't know what they were doing, and have looked at it as experimental.
I will bet a big fat 'I told you so' with anyone that Starfield will once again redefine what a single player role playing game can be. Bethesda is one of the greatest studios there ever was.
Ok, I'll stick with it, but I've got to be in a patient mood to play it. I've done dishes, picked up trash, vacuumed a dirty house, and tidied up a few bedrooms, all while having a camera that seems to want to default to a close up of the nearest wall. Not at all what I expected. If I wanted to tidy up, my own house sure could use it, lol.
@Wavey84 I hope so, it sounds good. I just think a chicken or egg effect is holding it back. Devs need to make money off their games, so won't spend big on vr games as a rule until more people have it. Many people won't buy it until there are more great games on it and it becomes easier/less cumbersome to use, not to mention more affordable. The quickest solution I can see is having it included with a base console purchase, even if it makes the whole console a bit more expensive. Maybe next gen, maybe the gen after that, Sony or Microsoft will have to step up and maybe even eat a little of the cost per unit so more people will have it by default. Then some studios will open the cash floodgates and many more good games will follow. Valve was in a unique position among developers, since they also have steam and instant name recognition from Half Life, but right now, most won't spend to make a game like Alex.
Hope we don't have to wait too long until they do!
That said, I honestly don't think he meant his words to be taken as bad as they have been. I'm done with my lecturing for the evening. I've sort of put him on the defensive and truthfully that kind of leaves a sour taste in my mouth. It'd be nice if we could all get along and just see each other as people. We were all drooling babies at one time, and we've all come a long way.
Also, as an afterthought, I'm not your nanny, and I don't mean you any ill will. Just trying to get you to honestly assess your words and their context. I don't mean to come across as the thought police.
Hey, maybe your 'culture' is different, but I live across the water in the US. Over here, you could substitute the word Dutch with any number of races that have made their homes here, and it would be considered outlandishly insulting. What is a 'culture' except the cumulative way to measure the works of a people?
Culture: the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group.
It's hard to insult a people's culture without directly insulting the people themselves. I don't know, maybe it's different where you live.
I would like for virtual reality to become the next big thing. I think the tech has to develop much further before that happens, though.
I want to wear something not much bigger and heavier than a normal pair of sunglasses when I play. The user interface needs to be seamless, easy to use and set up, and accurate.
I think to ever get game makers to invest in triple A titles on a regular basis for VR, they are going to have to get it into many more households (potential game buyers) than they have so far.
The only way I can see this become a reality is if VR is included as an integral part of, say, the PlayStation 6.
I know a lot of people here on the PushSquare forums have VR, but in the gaming ecology as a whole, the percentage is very low. Until it can become something in most gamer's living rooms, there's not enough money for developers to invest heavily in making these types of games for such a limited audience. Just my opinion.
Comments 1,191
Re: #EAGate Investigation Uncovers 'Questionable Activity' in FIFA 21's Ultimate Team
@Hyperluminal Hell yea! It's one thing not to spend any money on it, it's another thing entirely when it's constant presence destroys any immersion the game might have. Especially when the design is purposely insidious.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 367
@TheArt Agreement!
I really need to give RDR2 a fair shake. I've started it twice, but both times I got bored before the real story even began. I didn't like the default movement speed (too slow) and it felt awkward and hurt my hand to try to hold down run to move faster. Also, I was expecting full-on open world gameplay, and maybe that's what it eventually turns into, but it felt like the game was holding my hand way too long at the beginning. It's a beautiful game that I would probably like if it ever lets go of you and just lets you wander.
Re: #EAGate Investigation Uncovers 'Questionable Activity' in FIFA 21's Ultimate Team
@Hyperluminal Preach, Brother! Amen!
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 367
@TheArt I've always had a hard time playing 'a little bit' of Skyrim. Every single time I 'dip my toes' it just sucks me back in. Good Luck!
Re: #EAGate Investigation Uncovers 'Questionable Activity' in FIFA 21's Ultimate Team
EA Gate has been standard operating procedure for the last 8 years or so.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 367
I'm dipping back into XCOM2 War of the Chosen. I'm at a weird place with Cyberpunk, as I'm ready to proceed beyond the 'point of no return', but I'm taking a break to wait for the new patch which 'should' be out this month. Also a little Madden 20 Franchise, and if I'm in a good mood and feel willing to overlook some horrid gameplay decisions, maybe a little more Detroit: Become Human.
Wish a good weekend of gaming to all of you.
Re: Dying Light 2 Developer Admits Game Was Announced Too Early
Glad to hear news about this game. Too much initial hype, and too long without hearing anything after that. Maybe not development hell, but at least a little development purgatory in there somewhere.
Just the fact that we're going to see anything at all on this game is the best news of 2021 so far.
Re: LittleBigPlanet Servers Reportedly Taken Offline by Upset Fan
What a Little Big A hole.
Re: God of War Maker Recruiting Lead Writer for Unannounced Game
It's sad nowadays that most studios don't have more good writers already on staff. While graphics have steadily improved in games, I feel the quality and depth of storytelling has headed in the opposite direction. (Not in GOW, just in general)
With all the focus being on games-as-service, I guess it's cheaper and easier to just fill a game with grind instead of plot points. To me, the best part of gaming has been and always will be the quality of the story and how well it's implemented with gameplay. Writers need more respect.
Re: Reaction: What Next for PlayStation?
Sony's going to have to have one of it's better studios attempt a WRPG. I say attempt, because to make a good one takes a great deal of skill and time. I hear people saying they should just make an Elder Scrolls type of game to compensate for the loss of Bethesda. Unfortunately, the only developer so far who can make an Elder Scrolls-like game is Bethesda themselves. No one else really comes close to the amount of systems involved and how well they mesh together.
To make matters worse for Sony, the latest rumors are we might get a Starfield trailer as soon as this month, so all PlayStation owners might get a first-hand view of what they are going to miss. This rumor also has Starfield coming out at the end of 2021 or beginning of 2022, so some of the Microsoft inflicted pain is a lot closer than 3 or 4 years down the road.
Re: Poll: Which Bethesda Franchise Will PS5 Miss the Most?
Obviously, the answer is Elder Scrolls. Personally, I'll miss anything single-player by Bethesda, Oblivion, Arkane, or id. These are HUGE losses, and to act like they aren't is to act very ostrich-like, with your head buried in sand. The loss of these studios means I'm definitely getting a new X-box, and it may even mean I get one before a PS5.
EDIT: @get2sammyb What's the name of your Xbox sister site again? I'll be bookmarking it for the future.
Re: Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster Rated in US, Western Release Date Could Be Incoming
@NEStalgia, @clvr
Hey guys, sorry I missed this. Girlfriend got a new job in a new town and I went and visited her. Just got back. Can a long distance relationship work? I'm guessing no, but she wants to try. TBH, it wasn't the best relationship when it was short distance, so this might have been my last trip. Too many miles to drive to have the same old arguments, and the make-up sex isn't what it used to be.
Re: Naughty Dog Recruiting Economy Designer for The Last of Us 2's Multiplayer Mode
@Medic_Alert @OmegaStriver
My fears exactly.
Re: Naughty Dog Recruiting Economy Designer for The Last of Us 2's Multiplayer Mode
As much as I'm looking forward to this (Factions), I'd rather see it as a one-shot and done thing, rather than a keep playing, keep paying sort of car wreck. I don't want to play it forever, no matter how good it may be. I want new games. And new one-shot multiplayer experiences from them. Make a game, move along.
Re: Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster Rated in US, Western Release Date Could Be Incoming
I can remember on some of those games, I'd spend the whole first day I had it just going through the manual, trying to memorize what counters what, how much damage reduction would this armor have against slash, pierce, bludgeon, etc., and any other esoteric information I thought would arm me against the struggles to come. I was able to get so much more deeply into those games than most of the surface stuff that comes out today. It's like reading the manual was a primer to start the engine of my imagination.
I agree with you about Call of Duty. I was watching a trailer for one of these new online shooters, might even have BEEN Call of Duty multiplayer, and was struck by how dumb some of the repeated dialog is in these things. It's the same every game: 'GO GO GO!' or, 'I've got your six!', or 'Hard Copy!', or 'Bring the pain!' or whatever other mindless drivel they think soldiers yell back and forth to each other. I'm just constantly surprised some of these games still have such large player bases, surprised people haven't gotten bored and moved on.
I was trying to think back to the earliest example I could think of where I first saw games as art, and I came up with a very old and unusual game. Did you ever play MDK? I played it on computer before they even had 3d video cards (or maybe they did have them and I'd just not yet heard of them) and I remember thinking 'wow, this is amazing! What creativity! It's like art that moves!' I'm sure it would look like garbage today, but I was fully drawn in, mesmerized. Since then, I used to play a lot of multiplayer in a game called Heretic 2, which ran on the Quake 2 engine, and I learned how to use the editor to make my own maps. That really got me into the artistry of which textures to use where, and what type, color, and intensity of light to use to achieve the mood I wanted. People liked them, so many servers started including them in their map rotations. It was such a unique and rewarding experience to deathmatch with strangers on a map that I'D made. I miss those days, until I think about all the assorted hardware problems detailed above!
Re: Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster Rated in US, Western Release Date Could Be Incoming
@Ralizah Hi!
All the sudden, Nocturne has gone from 'I can't even read the box on this one' to a day one purchase for me. The way you've described it, it just sounds perfect! I'm not 100% anti-social, I DO like relationship building in games, but for whatever reason, call it lack of imagination, I just can't get myself to believe in any of the anime highschool stuff. Maybe it's the too big, over-innocent eyes.
I love a sense of tension while gaming. A life or death situation that I can put myself into. If it has dark satanic gods that need thwarting, all the better. If it has dark satanic gods that have somehow corrupted me with a trace of their power, better still! In real life I enjoy walks on the beach, puppies, and the sound of children laughing. (Well, mostly) In a game, i want to be a dark god's puppet forced into evil acts against my will and beyond my control. What does that say about me?
Re: Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster Rated in US, Western Release Date Could Be Incoming
I moved my graveyard twice, and endured heated protestations from the hired help. To the tune of 'you didn't buy enough beer for us to move all this s**t!
Finally, before my last move, I had a tough 1 on 1 with myself about the actual re-sale value of most computer hardware years after it's 'best by' date. No doubt what once fueled my dreams is buried deep and refusing to de-compose in a landfill somewhere.
Just thinking about it dredges up foul memories of squinting into the dark cavity of my case, sweat burning my eyes and making me fumble my grip on the accursed jewelers screwdriver I used to strip out the phillips heads of absurdly small screws never designed for use by man.
I value that time, though. It taught me creative swearing. Much better than any abject lesson could have. Like a good song, your heart has to be in it for it to really shine.
In regards to Computer Gaming:
DO NOT FALL PREY TO THE TEMPTATION! All of their sweet words are LIES! You must be strong! Heed your memories! You can resist, I have faith in you!
As far as Trail of Cold Steel, I think I have 4, physical, the box sounded interesting, but for me, the junior highschoolish nature of the characters just made it unbelievable. I couldn't sink myself into it, try as I might.
Did you ever play XCOM or XCOM2? Those were a couple of strategy games I loved, but they seem to have Bethesdaitus, in the lack of frequency of releases.
I, too, have liked all of the Deus Ex games, but something was so speical about the first one for me. Did you ever play System Shock 2? That was another of the oldies but goodies that stands out to me. Deus Ex, SS2, and the first time I set foot in a Dwemer ruin in Morrowind stand out as some of the moments I've been awestruck by gaming.
I'm convinced my body gives off some form of energy that's harmful to electronics. Like a five foot aura that radiates around me, and when confronted with long term exposure, no modern electronic device really stands a chance. I went through 4 xbox 360's (red ring of death) before I finally went Sony with the PS4. Either Sony has much better quality control, or my curse has been lifted (knock on wood), because I have truly abused the crap out of my PS4, and it's still here with me after seven years.
Re: Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster Rated in US, Western Release Date Could Be Incoming
@NEStalgia You should do stand up, man, I'm dying here!
It's been 20 years and I'm still suffering from chronic PCSD! THIS game only works with THESE drivers, but if you install them, THAT game won't work anymore, you'll have to revert to THOSE drivers. Not to mention the blazing speed with which the dial-up internet would download those ever too frequent driver updates! I don't have enough fingers to count how many early 3dfx cards I burned through (through no fault of my own, at least as far as I could tell) in those days, but I'm fairly sure I have enough to count motherboards and power supplies, barely.
Over the course of my addiction, I think I had a total of 4 rigs, and counting monitors, video cards, 'upgrades', etc., I'm sure I went through over 20 grand in maybe a decade, decade in a half. Back then, that was a pretty nice car. Color me finished!
I love Deus Ex, the first one (on that very pc, I might add) was one of my best gaming experiences ever. Love the colorful vs. desaturated monsters. Pretty much sums it up, doesn't it?
If ageing has taught me anything, it's life is too short to put up with needless frustrations. I'm a console man for life!
Edit: P.S. I still have nightmares hearing those three fateful words....Welcome to Gamespy....
Re: Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster Rated in US, Western Release Date Could Be Incoming
@Ralizah Oh, you're going to regret saying that..
That is exactly what I felt like when Playing Persona 5. I'm in a cool dungeon, getting a good handle on the combat system, really starting to enjoy myself and then, POOF! I'm in High School. Again. Didn't particularly care for it the first time irl, still not a huge fan. I don't consider myself a dour person, but I am always captivated more by a game that is dark, moody, mystical, etc.
Re: Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster Rated in US, Western Release Date Could Be Incoming
@NEStalgia You know what finally did it for me with PC Gaming? At the time I had dual voodoo cards running in tandem, um, slc? Is that what they called it? Don't remember. I was having overheating problems with them, had the whole case of my tower opened up and just left it that way. The fans would start up and it sounded like a 747 taking off. But with 2 running in tandem, there was a fat cable that connected them to each other on the side away from where they were both joined to the motherboard. That melted and then one of the cards stopped working. I bought a replacement card, and it wouldn't sync right with the other one anymore, no matter what drivers I tried or how many articles I read about it. I was disgusted, and started thinking about all the time and money I was pouring into these boxes. One day, I just snapped and threw the whole thing in a closet.
Now I just let Sony worry about what's inside, and it's been like meditation. I don't ever see myself going back.
I should probably be able to find a 3DO used on Amazon, but I'll probably look around locally first. I've never been a fan of buying someone's leftovers, especially electronically, so if I find one local, at least I can check it out before buying. I'm going to buy this new version of Nocturne probably at release now, too.
It's weird, I don't mind dying in a turn based game nearly as much as I do in an action game. I'm not sure why. I like even more when it was something stupid I did, rather than just a random critical hit, but don't mind either way.
Re: Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster Rated in US, Western Release Date Could Be Incoming
Please do! I'll do the same if I run across anything interesting.
Remember when you used to buy a game, and the box was actually heavy? Because when you opened it up there was a phone-book sized manual, loaded with charts, tables, graphs, and indexes? And if you wanted to actually get any real enjoyment out of the game, you had better read it cover to cover? I miss those days. I'm a glutton for punishment, though.
Gamewise, I like the occasional AAA blockbuster, but I like to mix it up and have variety. For example, I really enjoyed TLOU2 way more than I thought I was going to. It wasn't hard, it just drew me in to it's world. But I'd hate it if every single game was just like it.
In some games, I've seen so much beauty and artwork on display, I think games as art is already here, it's just not taken seriously enough, yet. Just like Rock and Roll and Jazz when they were new. I agree with you, in time more recognition will come.
Re: Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster Rated in US, Western Release Date Could Be Incoming
@NEStalgia Forgot to add, I'm really looking forward to Yakuza 7. Just want to wait till I have a PS5. It'll probably be one of the first games I play once I get one.
Re: Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster Rated in US, Western Release Date Could Be Incoming
@clvr I'm a huge fan of niche in general. I was more of a computer gamer 20 years ago, but have really learned to appreciate the comfort of couch gaming. One of the most irritating things to me in gaming across all fields has been the simplifying and dumbing down of games in almost every category for more mass-market appeal. I really like what I'm hearing from all of you about SMT. It sounds like the series has resisted the 'keep it simple stupid' trend.
Re: Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster Rated in US, Western Release Date Could Be Incoming
Had a good chuckle picturing the PS5 as the whole foundation of a new entertainment set up! I haven't updated my entertainment center for years, it might be the oldest piece of furniture left in the house. In fact, I already sawed off the shelves and removed the swinging glass doors just to fit the current tv! I need something huge, maybe like a PS5, to put everything I want on it. Now, after listening to all of you, I'll probably have to fit a 3DS in there somewhere. It's long overdue, but I think I'll have to rent a truck just to get it home.
Re: Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster Rated in US, Western Release Date Could Be Incoming
@TheFrenchiestFry Maybe I'll look into getting one then. I really like turn-based games, and feel like there's somewhat of a shortage of modern ones on PS4. Personally, I'm just not a huge fan of anime (I know, shoot me) which limits the possibilities even more. I'm just seriously considering the space I have available for gaming, and how huge both new consoles are reported to be. As far as problems go, though, It's a nice one to have!
Re: Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster Rated in US, Western Release Date Could Be Incoming
@clvr That, and maybe it's name. If in my own ignorance I can't make sense of what's on the Box, I'm not likely to buy the game if I know nothing else about it. Or maybe that's just a personal shortcoming on my part.
Re: Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster Rated in US, Western Release Date Could Be Incoming
@Ralizah Thanks again, promise I'm through pestering you with questions. I guess I'll wait for this one, then. It's already received its ESRB rating, so probably not too much longer. BTW, read your review on that old puzzle game, you write well!
Re: Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster Rated in US, Western Release Date Could Be Incoming
Thanks for the info! Maybe I'll try to find that Atlus poll so I can have my voice not be heard, too.
Re: Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster Rated in US, Western Release Date Could Be Incoming
@clvr Aww, that's too bad. I'll keep in mind a potential 3DS, but right now I'm more focused on finding a PS5. And thanks to Microsoft buying Bethesda, I'm also going to need a new xbox it looks like. Also, maybe a new entertainment center to hold all the new consoles as well, lol.
Re: Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster Rated in US, Western Release Date Could Be Incoming
@Ralizah Thank you again! Are any of these on PS4? It's the only console I've got at the moment, besides a crusty old xbox that is lost in storage somewhere. If I can get these on PlayStation, I will, and thanks for turning me on to them.
Re: Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster Rated in US, Western Release Date Could Be Incoming
Thank you once more! I really do appreciate the translations. And, importantly, the warning about 'anime boy shenanigans', lol!
If you could only get one for the PS4, do you have a favorite?
Re: Microsoft's Bethesda Bid One Step Closer to Completion as European Union Approves Acquisition
@Akimi Great points.
Re: Microsoft's Bethesda Bid One Step Closer to Completion as European Union Approves Acquisition
@zupertramp Not sure, but to my understanding, Bethesda went happily along with it, claiming they had worked closely with Microsoft in the past. If there is a lawsuit, I haven't heard of it. But I am by no means all-knowing.
Re: Microsoft's Bethesda Bid One Step Closer to Completion as European Union Approves Acquisition
I'm with you on that. I read an article a few months back, and Todd H. said they learned a lesson with 76, and were going to get back to what made them great in the first place. Innovation in open world games has felt very scarce to me lately, so I'm super hopeful Bethesda can turn some heads once again. I mean really, how many years have they had to conceptualize and work on Starfield? I'd be very surprised and disappointed if it were to be a dud. I try not to get too hyped about anything, but if there's one thing that's going to get me jumping, it's new single play from Bethesda.
Re: Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster Rated in US, Western Release Date Could Be Incoming
@TheFrenchiestFry Thank you as well! I really appreciate it when people take the time to answer questions on here. If I ever have any knowledge and see any questions from you guys, I will return the favor.
Re: Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster Rated in US, Western Release Date Could Be Incoming
@Ralizah Hey, thanks for going into detail! Really appreciate it.
This actually sounds like just the sort of game I love. The more unusual and esoteric powers you have, the better, especially when you situationally have to use them! Which previous game would you recommend if, say, one were to want to try this out now?
Re: Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster Rated in US, Western Release Date Could Be Incoming
@clvr Thanks!
Wow, now you've made a great case for me to waste more money on the PS store! I love turn-based combat that really makes you think and strategize. I think I've never played these only because I don't even know what the names mean.
Re: Microsoft's Bethesda Bid One Step Closer to Completion as European Union Approves Acquisition
@Serialsid Like I said, they've been experimenting. On Fallout 4, a game I personally loved, but one that didn't really innovate much, they divided the team for the first time so some worked on that, others on Elder Scrolls Online. It's truly been over a decade since they've concentrated all their muscle on a single player game, and I hear that's what's happening with Starfield. Also, just to clear up a common misconception, Bethesda didn't make Doom. they just published it.
Re: Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster Rated in US, Western Release Date Could Be Incoming
Thank you for that. The things you listed are exactly what I didn't like about Persona 5. Just looking at the screenshot above, the colors seem to be more muted, also a plus in my book. Is it turn-based, do you know?
Re: Microsoft's Bethesda Bid One Step Closer to Completion as European Union Approves Acquisition
Anyone who says Bethesda isn't a good studio must be very young or just have absolutely no taste. ALL of the Elder Scrolls single player games have been huge groundbreakers on release, and have had huge portions of their mechanics copied incompetently by other studios. (Ubisoft, this means you) They have admitted they were experimenting with online multiplayer this gen, and also admitted that they really didn't know what they were doing, and have looked at it as experimental.
I will bet a big fat 'I told you so' with anyone that Starfield will once again redefine what a single player role playing game can be. Bethesda is one of the greatest studios there ever was.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 366
Ok, I'll stick with it, but I've got to be in a patient mood to play it. I've done dishes, picked up trash, vacuumed a dirty house, and tidied up a few bedrooms, all while having a camera that seems to want to default to a close up of the nearest wall. Not at all what I expected. If I wanted to tidy up, my own house sure could use it, lol.
Re: Guerrilla's New Amsterdam Office Will Leave You Green with Envy
Re: Talking Point: What Are Your Expectations for PSVR 2 on PS5?
I hope so, it sounds good. I just think a chicken or egg effect is holding it back. Devs need to make money off their games, so won't spend big on vr games as a rule until more people have it. Many people won't buy it until there are more great games on it and it becomes easier/less cumbersome to use, not to mention more affordable. The quickest solution I can see is having it included with a base console purchase, even if it makes the whole console a bit more expensive. Maybe next gen, maybe the gen after that, Sony or Microsoft will have to step up and maybe even eat a little of the cost per unit so more people will have it by default. Then some studios will open the cash floodgates and many more good games will follow. Valve was in a unique position among developers, since they also have steam and instant name recognition from Half Life, but right now, most won't spend to make a game like Alex.
Hope we don't have to wait too long until they do!
Re: Guerrilla's New Amsterdam Office Will Leave You Green with Envy
@Kidfried OK, I thought as much.
That said, I honestly don't think he meant his words to be taken as bad as they have been. I'm done with my lecturing for the evening. I've sort of put him on the defensive and truthfully that kind of leaves a sour taste in my mouth. It'd be nice if we could all get along and just see each other as people. We were all drooling babies at one time, and we've all come a long way.
Re: Guerrilla's New Amsterdam Office Will Leave You Green with Envy
Also, as an afterthought, I'm not your nanny, and I don't mean you any ill will. Just trying to get you to honestly assess your words and their context. I don't mean to come across as the thought police.
Re: Guerrilla's New Amsterdam Office Will Leave You Green with Envy
Hey, maybe your 'culture' is different, but I live across the water in the US. Over here, you could substitute the word Dutch with any number of races that have made their homes here, and it would be considered outlandishly insulting. What is a 'culture' except the cumulative way to measure the works of a people?
Culture: the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group.
It's hard to insult a people's culture without directly insulting the people themselves. I don't know, maybe it's different where you live.
Re: Guerrilla's New Amsterdam Office Will Leave You Green with Envy
Your words:
'but with the Dutch culture : self-centered, xenophobic and racist, arrogant, lack of responsibility'
'it's the culture and the majority of people living by it I despise'
'the Dutch are egoistical racists that think they're the most open-minded people in the world'
Come on man, don't you see it? By your own words, you are guilty of everything you are accusing them of. This is the irony.
Re: Guerrilla's New Amsterdam Office Will Leave You Green with Envy
You sound racist against the Dutch.
Re: Take-Two Boss Believes Players Were 'Ready' for $70 Games
How to make $420.
Sell six games at $70
Sell seven games at $60
I'm not sure I agree with marketing that only one in seven is going to mind the increase. Guess we'll see.
The New Math:
Sell 2 games at $70
sell 10 games at $28 after the sale
Re: Talking Point: What Are Your Expectations for PSVR 2 on PS5?
I would like for virtual reality to become the next big thing. I think the tech has to develop much further before that happens, though.
I want to wear something not much bigger and heavier than a normal pair of sunglasses when I play. The user interface needs to be seamless, easy to use and set up, and accurate.
I think to ever get game makers to invest in triple A titles on a regular basis for VR, they are going to have to get it into many more households (potential game buyers) than they have so far.
The only way I can see this become a reality is if VR is included as an integral part of, say, the PlayStation 6.
I know a lot of people here on the PushSquare forums have VR, but in the gaming ecology as a whole, the percentage is very low. Until it can become something in most gamer's living rooms, there's not enough money for developers to invest heavily in making these types of games for such a limited audience. Just my opinion.