Comments 214

Re: Site News: Where's Our Kingdom Hearts III Review?


The limited number of review copies given out is probably because of the ridiculous number of leaks... I'm definitely gonna buy the game because I am unbelievably hyped and cannot believe we are finally here, but regardless, really looking forward to your review!

Re: New Kingdom Hearts III Trailer and Screenshots Offer a Better Look at Big Hero 6 World


@Rhaoulos honestly, yes. I mean I'm sure you'd enjoy the gameplay, but the story would make very little sense. There have been about 8 or so games so far, and every single one of them is part of one big story, and they pretty much all pick up from where the last ones left off. For example, KH 1 goes straight into chain of memories, which goes straight into 2 and so on. I would reccomend getting 1.5+2.5 HD Remix, playing all them, then 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue, and then finally 3. Theyre all amazing, incredible games, that you will love and will also massively increase your enjoyment of KH3! I believe at the moment theyre selling some kind of package on the PS store (i think, maybe look it up), where you can get 1.5+2.5 and 2.8 now, and then 3 when it comes for about 70 quid?

If you have any other questions let me know, I'll try my best to answer them!

Re: Soapbox: E3 2018 Demonstrates the Disconnect Between Gamer Demands and Development Realities


I agree. For example, some people are annoyed about the slight KH3 delay, but I'm happy. It wouldve released this year, but they did a premiere event. Everyone loved it but had a few complaints e.g. sora being a bit too floaty, so they delayed it to make it better. I would MUCH rather have a better experience just a few months later than a pretty good one now. It's so hard to make games, and i think we forget that.