Comments 475

Re: PS5 Comes with an HDMI 2.1 Cable, 120FPS Possible Out of the Box


@Cybrshrk Oh man that sucks! How can they skip out on that. Like how much extra could it have cost them to include a usable cable in the box. Love how on this site if someone disagrees with the information you give them they resort to calling you a fanboy. 😂 See you have a fine taste in TVs as well. 👍

Re: PS5 Teardown Video Gets Up Close and Personal with the Console


Looks really well engineered. Some really good ideas and well implemented. Looks like they took all the slagging about the noise of the PS4 Pro to heart. 😂 Will be interesting to see what new panels get released for it. 3rd party ones are going to go nuts! Remember all the different PS1 cases you could get.

Re: Sony Didn't Allow Japanese Media to See PS5's User Interface


@thefourfoldroot I was drunk on that Sunday and had been complaining to a friend about it and they offered to buy it. I didn't actually sell it. Though if I had of I could still complain about it. See that the joys of having owned something, you can still have an option on it as you've experienced it. I still stand by them saying lies about how each generation is a new generation. Even though new PS5 games will still be released on PS4. Oh man you have issues, going back through my post history to try and make yourself not look as bad as you're coming across. 😂 😂

Re: Sony Didn't Allow Japanese Media to See PS5's User Interface


@thefourfoldroot Have you been drinking? You do know Spiderman on the PS4 and PS5 are the same game. They've called it a remaster on the PS5 as they've made it look better and changed the models. There is no reason the save couldn't be carried over. Where did I say Sony believes lies and are spreading lies? What lies do Sony believe? I still have my PS4 pro, I still play it. I can complain about the noise of it, most people that have one do. Ghost of Tsushima is in my view the best game of this generation. Though you'll probably say I'm wrong there as well. I'd be more than happy to send you a pic of my setup with the consoles and external HDDs beside each other.

Re: Sony Didn't Allow Japanese Media to See PS5's User Interface


@thefourfoldroot Well u have a year on me. 😂 Trying to say I resorted to insulting you first. Check back you called me an idiot first. You took offense to me saying Sony was arrogant and venting my disappointment in the way the company was treating its customers. Then you said "I dislike Sony more than any other gaming platform currently due to their insulting, quasi racist censorship policy." Then when I mentioned what their competition was doing regarding backwards compatability you accuse me of being biased. Remember when you point the finger at someone there are 3 pointing back at you.

Re: Sony Didn't Allow Japanese Media to See PS5's User Interface


@thefourfoldroot They could very easily transfer the game saves. From Spiderman on the PS4 to spiderman in the PS5. Just because they put remaster in the title doesn't mean it can't access the same info as the old version. I guess Microsoft has spoilt me in this regard since the upgraded series X versions will let you keep your game saves.

Re: Sony Didn't Allow Japanese Media to See PS5's User Interface


@MarcG420 It's the 1st Playstation I won't be getting on day 1. Also want to know what the noise of the console is like as well.

@thefourfoldroot It's not just that, it's all those things. When you add them all up it points to an arrogant company that feels they don't need to engage with their customers. The same way they where when going from PS2 to the PS3. They were like we can release anything and you'll all buy it. They took ages to tell people about everything. It's like they've taken a step back. Oh and that your game saves won't carry over to the PS5 versions.

Re: Sony Didn't Allow Japanese Media to See PS5's User Interface


Sony really have gone backwards and are back to the big headed company that released the PS3. Completely different to the release of the PS4. Unfortunately they've lost me for a few years, will maybe pick one up on sale or get the mid gen refresh. By then it'll be out of the launch "window" and there'll be some exclusives to play.

Re: Soapbox: The Week After PS5's Showcase, Sony Told Us Nothing About Its Next-Gen Console


Why I'm sticking with the PS4 Pro to continue to play through the exclusives. Pre-ordered a series X for gamepass and all third party game. Will pickup a PS5 in a few years. Either console refresh or when the are actual exclusives worth buying. Nothing day one making me need a PS5 and the lack of communication just takes the biscuit. Sony treating the move from PS4 to PS5 like they did the move from PS2 to PS3. Too cocky and full of themselves.

Re: Rumour: Mass Effect Trilogy Remaster Now Planned for Early 2021


@Jayofmaya Burnout was amazing,loved that game, but then would it be able to live up to the nostalgia?...

I say yes. 😂😂😂

Could get Jack Black to start fighting for a remaster. He's got a good bit of persuasion in the gaming industry now. Since his music and acting career has dried up he's gone to YouTube gaming star.

Re: Maybe Don't Get Your Hopes Up for Future Bethesda Games on PS5


Think that's too much money to spend to allow them to be released on your main competitors platform. Maybe some smaller games might get released, but I would think all the big hitters will only be available on the PC and Xbox. I thought they might have even tried to back out of the timed exclusive deals. They've showed a bit of class by honouring them.