Comments 475

Re: PS5 Pro Showcase Set for Tomorrow, Hosted by Mark Cerny


@OldGamer999 Yea, they haven't done too well this generation. Need to release a gamepass ultimate console. Big brick with no fancy design just to use for gamepass games. 😂 There was talk of it being heavily reliant on streaming from their cloud. I really hope that's not the case.

Re: PS5 Pro Showcase Set for Tomorrow, Hosted by Mark Cerny


@OldGamer999 I thought the Xbox was going for 2027 as well. Think 2027 is time enough for a new generation. There had been some talk of a mid life refresh for the Xbox as well, but that turned out to be the digital version and the other disk model with an extra 1TB of storage. No sign of the new controller either that was in the leaks either.

Re: PS5 Pro Seemingly Teased in New 30th Anniversary Artwork


@kcarnes9051 So now you're just going to ignore my last response and pick another different statement and want me to discuss it as well. No, I'm not going to expand on it further. Because when would it end? Would I have to agree to ur position that the PS5 Pro is a must by to stop u responding? I have already covered that statement in other posts. So as you like going through my posts on this article you have your answer already.

Re: PS5 Pro Seemingly Teased in New 30th Anniversary Artwork


@kcarnes9051 So, u say you don't need to be able to give an example of a game. Then go on to quote me saying that there are no upcoming games from Sony that WE know about that make a new console a must buy. Is somehow stating that nobody should buy it? Or somehow offensive to you in particular and you need to go on for the people that do want it. So to be against that statement you must know of a game that makes it a must buy. As I wasn't talking about replaying old games you've already played because you can have a few extra frames. Unfortunately it's just fact that WE don't know of any games coming out because Sony haven't shown us anything. People can buy it or don't buy it, I honestly don't care. Only Sony cares. As I said if my 2nd PS5 dies I'll probably replace it with a pro. Depends on what it offers over the current PS5.

Edit: FYI 3rd party games only need to use 1 feature to qualify for the "enhanced for PS5 Pro" label.

Re: PS5 Pro Seemingly Teased in New 30th Anniversary Artwork


@kcarnes9051 Do YOU know of a game? Hit me up with a Sony game coming out next year that warrents a PS5 Pro? I'm not speaking for anyone, I said in my original post that games are needed to make it worth buying. Nobody has been able to say any games because we don't know what is coming out from Sony at all next year. Maybe this will change and Sony will put on an amazing showcase, with must buy games and the improvements to the system will be more than minimal.

Re: PS5 Pro Seemingly Teased in New 30th Anniversary Artwork


@kcarnes9051 I can see them really only being minimal improvements though. It's not going to be a massive leap forward in any 1 of those areas. I'll only replace my PS5 with the PS5 Pro if it breaks and I need to replace it again. If it drops the price of the standard PS5 then could see a lot of people that are still on PS4 making the switch.

Re: PS5 Pro Seemingly Teased in New 30th Anniversary Artwork


@Moj500 I'm not sure what point ur making here. It's been a poor generation. There's no getting away from it. I'm saying that currently there is no reason that I know of for a PS5 Pro. It could be helped if we knew what Sony was working on. Would love them to bring back a lot of the franchises that they've ended or just left.

Re: PS5 Pro Seemingly Teased in New 30th Anniversary Artwork


@Moj500 What is the point of a pro model in this generation? What leap has been made recently in TV technology that mimics that of 4k? Which was the reason for the PS4 Pro model releasing. Considering how hampered the start of this generation was due to the pandemic there hasn't been that many PS5 exclusives. If u are wanting people to spend 6 or 7 hundred on a mid gen refresh there needs to be a reason for it both short term and long term. That's the problem with Sony. What's Sony's next game after Astro Bot? The only game that springs to mind is that fairgames one. They're obviously working on the GoW spin off, GoT 2 and Wolverine. Though they haven't been confirmed. Can't really talk much on the Xbox side of things. I literally only turned my series X back on again this year after they announced that Blops 6 was going to be free to GPU subs. Nice £70 a year saving there. Since then I've been building my MS reward points and stacking up on free GPU.

Re: Talking Point: Was Sony Right to Resist Adding PS5 Exclusives to PS Plus Day One?


I'd find it hard to believe that anyone has ever paid full price for gamepass ultimate. The price rise was always going to happen after they spent billions on Activision. Though should remember that MS put more than their own games on gamepass day 1. Sony have added a few indie games day 1 but they don't have the same money to play around with. So while it would be nice to get a couple of games a year added day 1 to PS+ it's not worth it.

Re: Talking Point: What PS5 Game Had the Best Showing Across All the Summer Gaming Events?


I hate to say it, but the only game for the PS5 I'll probably be buying this year is Astrobot. Most of the rest I'll just get on GPU.

The MS show was great, was like the good old days of E3. Also most of the games they showed I'm interested in.

Sony and SGF were very meh. Sony really need to step it up and start showing us what's being worked on. Crying out for Wolverine and Ghost of Tsushima 2 details.

@Anti-Matter I'm intrigued, I def will look into them. Look so chilled out.