Comments 341

Re: Rise of the Ronin Preview Details Open World, Moral Choices, Combat, More


I need to see more gameplay. I dont mind if it borrows some elements from nioh like combat or skill trees but I just hope it still leans more towards traditional action. I'm tired of the same style. The camera angled slightly upward when locked on, the shrine checkpoints, having to worry about armor and stats. And the stamina. My God the stupid stamina. I'm just so tired of it lol

Re: PS5 Console Exclusive Rise of the Ronin Out in March 2024


@TruestoryYep yea I played them all. They're good games and they do different stuff but they're all still souls likes and I've had enough of them. I don't want team ninja or any studio making the same type of game over and over. They can make new stuff like Rise of the ronin seems to be, or they can return to stylish action as well. Doesn't even have to be ninja gaiden. Could be a new IP in that genre as well. Like I said it's time they did else. Something new

Re: PS5 Console Exclusive Rise of the Ronin Out in March 2024


@KundaliniRising333 Dude I feel ya. I cant really tell what it is tho. Some shots look similar to nioh but others make the game look like something new. I'm really hoping it more of its own thing. We've had 4 flippin souls likes from team ninja now. It is SERIOUSLY time they did something else. Especially for a studio thats among the best in action games

Re: US Retail Giant Best Buy Allegedly Binning Physical Media


I've been to a few different best buys and none of them really even had a dedicated game section. You'd see a couple racks with some controllers, maybe a new release or two, and a buncha older stuff. Best buy was never the go to for games imo. I've seen much better from Walmart.

Regardless I mostly get my games online anyway. I'm still focused on collecting all the ps2 era games I was never able to get as a kid and by the time I get around to the more recent games they're already half price on ebay 🤷‍♂️

Re: Jim Ryan Retires as PlayStation Boss in March 2024


If the new guy does actually try to bring playstation back to its japanese roots like everyone is hoping, let's hope that these games actually attract enough people and sell well enough so that Sony will keep pushing in that direction. People claim to be tired of their current exclusives and whatnot but those same games are the ones selling millions while those cool creative games they claim they want don't even make half of that

Re: Preview: Like a Dragon Gaiden Feels Like an Evolution of the Yakuza Franchise


@MikeOrator The yakuza games have always had wild stuff but theyre still grounded and on the more realistic side. Compare that to streets of rage 4 where axel can set his fist ablaze and do a giant phoenix uppercut, adam can punch the ground and have energy blades sprout up, floyd who can form a laser cannon with his cybrog arms, shiva who can clone himself, etc. I wanna slam a dude into the ground and leave a crater, uppercut someone into a neon sign and it explodes, and slam a dude into a basket ball hoop or something. Thats the kind of game I wanna see from RGG

Re: Dhaba: Land of Watermarks Revealed as Another China Hero Game on PS5


Ya know I find it funny and strange that Sony seems to be going harder for these Chinese games than they do japanese games. Like I know Japanese games don't meet sales expectations a lot of the time so it's understandable why they strayed away from them, but the Chinese games don't look much different in concept. Sure theyre pretty and all but not really anything that looks much different from what japanese devs have been putting out for years.

Not to mention that we've only seen like 3 of these games actually release yet they keep announcing even more

Re: Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot Returns to a Simpler Time with 'The 23rd World Tournament' DLC on PS5, PS4


Just some thoughts

1. I really wish they revealed tenkaichi 4 with gameplay because seeing this only makes me think about what that game will look like

2. This looks great but man I seriously hope CC2 eventually gets some new blood or some veteran combat designers on their team. Theyre so good at spectacle and stuff but the gameplay for their games is just so basic

3. I need some kind of reboot or spinoff series that brings back the martial arts and overall vibes that og dragon ball had. Just watching this trailer has given me such a nice feeling that I havent felt from dragon ball in a long time

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Final Fantasy 16?


I think I'd give it an 8.5. It's really nice graphically, pretty good levels, and great characters, but the combat is lacking. The eikon abilities are all great but there's hardly much to use with the sword. No pause combos, no double jumping, limited enemy step, etc. Like it would've been great if the game had multiple weapons which would've balanced out the small moveset for the sword but that's not the case. Also KH esque team attacks/limit breaks would've been a great addition. Give me something that makes me feel closer to the party members.

Regardless of that stuff the game is still great. The eikon battles are definitely some of the hypest stuff I've seen in a game. Also the story lost just a few points for me cuz I wasn't too into the whole Ultima thing. I liked when clive was just out for revenge and I wish that along with the warring countries was the main focus.

But yea 8.5/10

Re: Devil May Cry Designer Crafts Magnum Opus with Final Fantasy 16


Hmmm. Funny he says this cuz after playing the demo I definitely feel like ff16 is toned down compared to dmc5. Now of course I'll have to wait till I have the full game and have the full moveset unlocked, but as far as the demo goes clibe doesn't seem too mechanically deep.

Like there are no pause combos, no back to forward moves, no rotation moves, etc. Even the limit break just turns your moveset into a masher instead of enhancing or altering your attacks like devil trigger does. Not saying 16 isn't deep cuz it is but dmc5 feels much more like his best work

Re: Another Game as a Service on PS5 Is Being Abandoned


It's both funny and sad how such a cool concept like gaas games ended up so hated. If you told 13 year old me that video games in the future would be update with new content overtime i would've lost my little mind but unfortunately devs these days, or maybe the greedy higher ups they work for, have went about that concept in the worst way possible leaving mostly disdain for them

Re: Former PlayStation Boss Saddened by PixelOpus Studio Closure


@JustPlainLoco Yea im with you especially with that marketing line. I know marketing is important but I dont exactly need these companies to constantly shove their games in my face ya know? I dont just wait for whtever major event to give me my fix either. I go to youtube, twitter, gaming websites just like this one and I search for these kinds of games. As someone who has long been fed up with getting the same stuff from these AAA devs I'm always on the lookout for devs like Platinum, tango, team ladybug, flying wild hog, soleil, vanillaware, whatever chinese developers, bokeh, inti creates, wayforward, gendesign, etc. I feel like too many people kinda just sit around instead of just taking a few minutes to look for those stand outs