Comments 328

Re: Diablo 4 Season 4 Ditches Content Model, Will Rework Loot Instead


@Cutmastavictory Yeah, Masterworking will require to grind Pitt after level 100. Uber boses comes in play after that aswell. There will be content plenty for regular player. I am excited for changes for base game. Probaly they see in statistics, that seasonal themes doesnt attract players enough. Switching attention to solid gameplay rather than simple story quests which aswell was pretty weak but takes lot of time and resources anyways

Re: Latest Sony Patent Wants to Take the Grind Out of Games by Playing Them For You


@GuttyYZ Because it is not meant for every player mayne? but some of players. Maybe try to see past that, that this is developed at first as Accessibility feature not for regular player.
For example I enjoy and I am capable of grinding Diablo 4, but there could be many reasons why person is not capable to do that, but he still want to enjoy core parts of the game. I dont understand that there is such negativity only. For purpose of this, Sony has developed for example special controller for people with disability. Why not go further and give for those people even more possibilities to help in long run as example.

Re: Diablo 4 Season 4 Could Boast the Game's Biggest Improvements So Far


@djlard you are misinterpreting that all. Gametime is down because active players are less, not average playtime.
People play one game for longer, that is trend.
Same as me as example. I bought NFS Unbound for my driving game needs. Game was boring after 100hrs in first 6 months, I put it down. And they have change of mind and for 2nd year they have pretty active development and have made lots of positive changes. I will stick with NFS Unbound and will not even look to buy Forza, or Crew game. I will stick with one and build my garage in one game. I invested now 200h+ and will stick to it for next 12 months atleast. NFS gain me as player and other companies will not get anything from me.

Re: Diablo 4 Season 4 Could Boast the Game's Biggest Improvements So Far


@djlard have you seen report recently about gaming habits? 2023 61% of all playtime is accounted for 6+ years old Live Service games. People are playing lot more couple games in long run rather than trying multiple experiences. And in overall gaming time is goig down. Mostly because covid is over and bubble has bursted. Companies are trying to find live service game which will generate constant revenue mo th after month, year after year.

Re: Diablo 4 Season 4 Could Boast the Game's Biggest Improvements So Far


@djlard its not about need. Its about money. Creating game with one point sale is less and less interesting to companies. Blizzard is mega company, they do only things which will please business side of things first. And then Devs can push some updates to give something more to players. Oldschool experience of Diablo is not worth it for them.

Re: Talking Point: How Do You Feel About the PS5 Pro?


Day One for me! Pre-order? Yes, will do!

I play PS5 more than 1500hrs per year, any small upgrade pays off significantly. I want to play any possible gane at best visual fidelity, but I am not buying 4k £ PC for that either. PS5 Pro will be welcomed console. And it will be great upgrade to have 2x PS5 at same time and no need to take break for my wife to get to play

Re: Rumour: Assassin's Creed Red Is Starting to Sound a Lot Like Valhalla


@PerpetualBoredom and you are Ubisoft hater for everything they do? I have played only Valhalla from any AC games. But you do you, and just tarnish every good comment about Ubisoft.
Oh, and I intend to buy this year Avatar game on great sale whenever it will drop. Add that to PR

I follow up games and not all games are great from Ubisoft, but they are huge company, they hit and they miss. This year they will try to hit heavy with Star Wars game and AC Japan.

Re: Rumour: Assassin's Creed Red Is Starting to Sound a Lot Like Valhalla


@Somapix but that how games are, some of them. Look at FF7 Rebirth. If you want to max out some cool builds it will take ages. 7 possible companions. That game for would take more than Valhallas 140hrs to go for some 90% content.
Yeah, I got 140hrs in Valhalla without Ragnarok DLC and I didnt do those River raids and that paralel universe/sleep or how it is called thing before that. I liked game in general.

Re: Talking Point: Should Sony Be More Transparent About PS5, PS4's Most Played Games?


@LifeGirl yes it can, at what "cost" tho? Why it hurts so much that games are available on PS4? That system is 4 times weaker. Small bump from loading screen 10 seconds to 1 second? From controller which is from "another universe". From games which looks awsome on for example my OLED TV. PS4 looks so bad.

Switch PS4 Cyberpunk 2077 on nice TV or do it on PS5. "Small leap"... with such mind why they even bothered to release PS5? They could run PS4 for another 10 years and you would be happy.
That ego to not "share" games is ridiculous. There is no value to cut off game from PS4. If people can't afford better system, they can still enjoy games on lower quality. If PS4 has half of the sales why abandon those customers.

Whenever PS6 will come out it will be miracle to see only PS6 game. All that consoles doing is providing power to show more and more pixels. PS6 will need to be 2x faster than PS5 to try achieve native 4k/60fps at same time.

And there is plenty of exclusive PS5 generation games.

Re: Talking Point: Should Sony Be More Transparent About PS5, PS4's Most Played Games?


@LifeGirl because you are aswell living in the past. Next generation will say same thing whenever PS7 will drop. "Oh, good old days, when PS5 was massive success". You are bias for your childhood. I pkayed PS4 Pro as first solid mine own bought console. And now PS5 is smashing it for me onesided. PS5 is superior, controller is superior, experience is superior. And I am 34 now. Not like I am some very young adult. Clocking around 2k+ hours every year for 7th year in a row. Just for context where I am coming off.

Re: Talking Point: Should Sony Be More Transparent About PS5, PS4's Most Played Games?


@sanderson72 you are just living in the Past. And you would say that there is not diversity in PS5 games? I dont get why people are so entitled to expect that if there is new console you are not "allowed" create games for older generation while console amount is still growing. PS5 haven't reached more than 50% of PS4 sales yet.

Just such weak viewing point. Games are so much expensive than 5-10-15 years ago. There is no way to sustain high quality games on single generation.

I imagine what outcry will be whenever PS6 will drop. Get a grip.

Re: Diablo 4's $30 Class-Locked Portal Skins a Fresh Hell for Fans


As much I dislike MTX and in general avoid them. I, playing Diablo 4 every season, don't see big issue in here with those Portals after I have bought every season Pass Tho I will be having to pay only for 2 season passes out of first 4 season passes. I have choice already to swap out 8 town portals? I dont really see issue with this 30$ bucks option for those who want to support devs of Blizzard and prevent their losses of jobs

Re: GTA 6 Is Unlikely to Release Before April 2025, Analysts Advise


This is rubbish analyst
Take Two downgraded their prediction from 8 billion to 7 billion, this year prediction is 5-5,5billion.

There is no any indication that Take two portfolio will generate those extra 2 billions out of existing library.

It shows that more likely GTA 6 will be released at the end of March right before April.
Unless Take two expects to acquire big company soon.

Re: Diablo 4 Season of the Construct Will Bring New Quests, Vaults to PS5, PS4


I tend to play every season. And this season seems interesting. Yes, season 4 promised item stats changes will be huge overhaul probably, but I am not skipping this one. Helltides "Always on" is great QoL. And building companion seems to be fun, to find fun combinations to compliment main character.
Lets see what Tomorrow's Dev livestream will bring.

Re: GTA 6 Hacker Ruled a High Risk to the Public, Sentenced to Life in Hospital


Clickbait titles... Technically he could be there for life, but in general, as soon he will be fit to be back in society, then they will release him.
If he would say in court that he is sorry and he would not do it again, if he wouldnt be aggressive, probably emontionally unstable, then he probably would not be sentenced at all. This young men is just wired differently and he found hobby he enjoys