Comments 700

Re: Sony Saw Sense and Ditched Asymmetrical Sticks for PS4


Well, it seems I am one of those strange gamers...I prefer the layout of the 360s pad over the DS3/4 any time of the day. I wish Sony'd offer some choice. Also, I have big hands so I prefered the 360s pad because it is a little bit bigger than the DS3, hence easier to grip for me. That said, I have played many years on my PS1 and 2, so the symmetrical design works for me, too...and since the DS4 is reportedly a little bigger, the sticks tighter with less dead zone and there's finally proper triggers, I should be fine. The awful feeling L2/R2 "triggers" on the DS3 were my biggest complaint.

Re: Review: WipEout (PSone)


Excellent review! Again with much love and respect for this classic! Very enjoyable to read. Brought up some sweet, sweet memories! Keep it up! Looking forward to more.

Re: Watch Dogs Packs Up Its Smartphone Until Spring 2014


@BloodedgeZX Yeah. Even if people here disagree, they do so in a mature, respectful way. Also, there's often very interesting discussions with lots of good points in various comment sections. It's really something special one hardly finds on other sites on ze webz.

That's why I appreciate that Sammy and the guys have such a strong zero tolerance policy concerning insults and trolling.

Re: Watch Dogs Packs Up Its Smartphone Until Spring 2014


@Ali247 Right, this isn't a chat, but the comment section, meaning that you don't annoy just one person, but a lot of them with your behavior. @Bliquid was just stating what is considered proper Internet etiquette, namely if possible to say what you have to say in one post rather than in three and avoid caps lock, because it's annoying to read and considered as screaming. Plus, he wasn't dirty-mouthed, but you was when you insulted him.

I love this site, because normally, people here manage to treat each other respectful and without insults, contrary to (it seems) pretty much the rest of the net. Try to fit in, then, for the benefit of this community.

I dare predict that if you keep this kind of behavior up, you'll find yourself banned or cyber mobbed from here quicker that you can say dirty mouth.

BTT: I can understand why people are disappointed...personally, I don't mind the delay. More time means a potentially better/moar polished game...and I wouldn't have been able to afford the game at launch anyway, so...good news for me.

Re: Expect Some Lengthy Lines Behind These PS4 Demo Pods


@charlesnarles @Sanquine Agreed, ze Germans build excellent cars. I love Audi, mostly, because they look sleek. Wouldn't buy a Porsche though, even if I could afford it, because here in Germany they have a kinda douchy reputation, like "Oh...he's got a Porsche...maybe he's compensating for the size of know what." I'd kill for an Audi R8, though...and would buy a Benz or VW if I could afford one.

That said, I also love American cars...they may not be as technically perfect as German cars, but especially the older ones have style and soul...and a kick-ass sound that sadly is courtesy of an engine no sane person can afford to provide with gas anymore. Stil...gimme an old American Mustang or muscle car over a Porsche anytime of the day!

@Lelouch Aren't dragons lacking precision? I mean, a gun is rather easy to point and shoot, whereas a dragon might singe the furniture or innocent bystanders when firing?

Re: Ready at Dawn: The Order: 1886 Will Make It Tough to Return to PS3


@ferrers405 I think he didn't say that graphics are most fact, he said that The Order is a story driven game and that it's the goal to keep the player interested through story, so...

I can see why you were upset a little, though, for it seems that nowadays, there's a strong emphasis on graphics and sometimes gameplay suffers from that.

That said, I admit that I am caring very much about graphics myself, because I'm fascinated by technical achievements. One of the reason I'm so excited for next gen is that current gen graphics start to get "old" and unsatisfying for me. Not much into retro gaming either, mostly because of the graphics. But maybe that's because I play games for over 30 years now, so actually I played most old, retro games when they came out and were new and fresh, so I have no desire to go back or dwell on them when there's new games to check out.

Re: Pre-Ordered a PS4? Here Are Your Bundle Options in the UK


@ZeD PS+ sub runs till 10/2014, so even if I can't afford much games, there's always Resogun and Driveclub plus 3 or 4 free to play games, so I should be good anyway...

And Killzone...yes...has a good feeling from what I saw so far...really looking forward to give it a spin in online mp...and I hardly play online anymore.

Especially when I'm able to play with some guys from pushsquare, I'm sure there's gonna be some nice matches...usually, I find most people I meet online to be immature jerks.

Re: Pre-Ordered a PS4? Here Are Your Bundle Options in the UK


@get2sammyb Awesome! I preordered my PS4 at Amazon Germany and they didn't offer me to upgrade yet...but as it is, I might have problems to even scrape together the 399,- € for the console itself, so the 500,- bucks may be out of reach anyway...but if I had the money, this is the package I'd get in a heartbeat, for Killzone is one of my most wanted games.

Re: You'll Need Your PS3 Discs to Play Discounted PS4 Upgrades


@Stuffgamer1 How is this milking? It seems there's lots of people out there who don't want to wait out for the next gen version of a game. Probably, publishers could sell them both versions without offering the possibility to upgrade...asking for 10 bucks for an upgrade isn't too much, imo. You basically pay a tenner for being able to play the game a few weeks before the next gen version...if you'd rent the game, you'd pay more.

It's not for me, because I have no problem to wait for the next gen version(s) in the first place, but for those who want to start early, the possibility to upgrade and in most cases even transfer your progress is a good thing, me thinks.

Re: TGS 2013: The Evil Within Pulls Out Its Power Tools


@Big_Gamer I wouldn't be too worried...Shinji Mikami stated in various interviews that his intention is to make a "real" horror game again, since, in his example, Resident Evil moved more and more away from the horror atmosphere of the first part and more and more towards action.

On topic: This looks awesome! And I love the atmosphere.

"What's happening out there?!"
"What do you mean, unknown?"
"Uh...please hurry!"

That alone gave me goosebumps.

Re: TGS 2013: Sorry Japan, Asia Is Getting the PS4 This Year Too


@MadchesterManc Agreed, I feel the same. Either MS didn't expect Sony to launch this year or they thought Sony would mess the launch up...which may of course still happen. Let's not forget that Sony has a history of delaying launches quite shortly before the promised date. Although I don't think this will happen with the PS4...the interwebz would skin them alive if they messed up now.

But MS...oh my...everything they did since Sonys Feb. reveal was trying to frantically catch up with them...or so it seemed. Sony seems to have caught them completely off guard...that's the only thing that explains MSs behavior since then.

Re: Out Today: Grand Theft Auto V Hot-Wires Retail Around the Globe


@Sanquine Yeah, maybe that's it. There's just too much of the "same old, same old" out there, it seems. And concerning GTA, for me, Rockstar didn't add anything new to the gameplay since...well...GTA III, or so it felt.
Loved to soak in the city and the details, but was mostly just watching the whacky tv shows or the comedy shows...playing the missions was just boring for me quite quickly.

Haven't tired out the games you mentioned, though, so can't say if that would be more my cup of tea, nowadays...but I think on PS4 I will check out a lot of indie games and the ones that are less mainstream.

Although, I'm still very looking forward to AAA blockbusters like Kill Zone and inFamous.

Re: Out Today: Grand Theft Auto V Hot-Wires Retail Around the Globe


First of all: happy GTA day, folks! Hope you enjoy the game and the wait was worth it!

Personally, I wasn't much interested in GTA V until the recent trailers...but I can still wait comfortably for the PS4 version sometimes next year or so. I'm pretty sure there's a PC version coming someday and with that, a port to Xbox One and PS4 will happen as well, me thinks. Rockstar just didn't announce that because they want to sell the game twice to eager fans (not that I blame is a business, after all, one where companies try to make a buck or two.

I loved the attention to detail in GTA IV, but gameplay-wise it was just too much of the same old formula to be able top hold me...never finished the game, just popped it in here 'n there to take a taxi ride through the city, listen to some music and enjoying the sights while...cough...never mind.

Again, I most certainly will pick this up once it's on the PS4...if not, I'll have to wait until GTA VI, I guess...

@rjejr You, sir, have done something right, props to you! Good to see there's still "normal" kids out there...and parents who actually care about what kind of games their children play.

Re: Ouch, Japan Isn't Getting PS4 Until February 2014


Wow. Well, it was somewhat clear that the PS4 would launch in Japan after the US and Europe...but this late? This is a first, indeed.

@get2sammyb If I recall correctly, you wrote a talking point some month back suggesting this was the most valid strategy for Sony...launching outside of Japan first to get an early bridge head in those areas, then go for Japan as this is Sonys home turf, hence the one region where victory for them is a given. Good call, then.

Re: Talking Point: Would You Buy a Virtual Reality Headset for Your PS4?


My 3D vision doesn't work properly...meaning I see a 3D movie or game like something on a 2D screen, just a little darker (because of the "tinted" 3D glasses).

So it depends for me...if this had a 2D mode you could use if you'd just want the immersion and you have the same pic for every eye, I'd definitely try it out...and buy it if it works for me and the price was right.

For immersion, this would be the *cough. Imagine a game like Dead Space with this...I could only play the game 15mins at a time because the sound was so wonderfully done...combine that with vr, and I'd probably get a heart attack.

Or racers...or space sims...or... *drool

Re: Tequila Works: RIME on PS4 Tells a Tale with No Words


This is one of the things I always envied PS3 owners during current gen. I could only afford one system and went with the 360 for various reasons, but games like this, Ico, Journey or flOw and such can only be found on Playstation. So looking forward to playing these games again on PS4. Pure art.

Re: Here's Your Very First Official PlayStation 4 Hardware Bundle


@medarion Agreed, we are still paying more due to unfavorable exchange rates and such. Bought a lot of stuff from the US or even Amazon UK because often it's a lot cheaper. Same with the PS store...mostly, the Dollar/Euro exchange rate is 1:1. But I guess that's just how it is. Nonetheless, I think we agree that the PS4 is still great value for money, even here.

Re: Here's Your Very First Official PlayStation 4 Hardware Bundle


Awesome deal, indeed. If this came to Germany and I'd be able to upgrade without losing my launch day delivery, I'd do it in a heartbeat. I have Killzone on preorder and was planing to get a 2nd contoller eventually, so I'd get the eye and about 20 bucks for free. Wasn't planing to get the cam anytime soon, but in this case...hey!

@meldarion: We're not getting ripped of that Europe, the 500,- € include taxes. In America, the taxes are added to the 500,- $ at purchase, afaik. Any of our American fellow pushsquarers maybe care to confirm this? Thanks, guys!

Re: GamesCom 2013: Check Out the Windscreen Reflections in This DriveClub Video


@OrbitScant Indeed...fanboys, you said it. I guess they need something to sweet-talk their console. And I could see why picking on Driveclub is easy, when Forza 5 (which also looks gorgeous) runs at 60fps. Of course 60fps is often nicer than 30, so I can see why the pr guys would be all over this.

But let 'em talk...fanboys and system wars between different hardware is almost as old as video gaming itself. Driveclub looks amazing and even like a game where I may enjoy the social features, a thing I normally don't care that much about and I'm sure I'll enjoy it no less because it "just" runs in 30fps.

And indeed...this is what I like most about Pushsquare...the people here are very civilized, hardly ever get personal in a discussion and manage to maintain an informed, diverse and mature discussion, even about topics that they may disagree about.

Re: GamesCom 2013: Check Out the Windscreen Reflections in This DriveClub Video


@OrbitScant Actually, I want the game to run at 60fps because especially racing games just are running smoother and more fluid at that frame rate, hence offering a better experience. I couldn't care less about some pr-effect of 60fps on the box or as something to brag about.

But the game looks awesome anyway, so if they manage to lock the frame rate at 30fps, we should be good for starters. Besides, the developer stated that they'll keep updating and tweaking the game post launch, so maybe there's a chance they'll also update it to 60fps later if they don't manage to hit that spot at first.

Re: Interview: Octodad: Dadliest Catch Developer Talks Tentacles, PS4, and Fishy Disguises


Personally, I can't wait to play that game. And I'm definitely not a AAA or indie games kind of guy. I'll always love AAA blockbusters, but the true innovations next gen will mostly spring from indie games, I think. Those guys can afford to actually take risks...if you pump 40 million or so into a AAA game, that's far harder to justify.

'n Octodad is surely one of my most anticipated titles...I find the setting hilarious and the vibe reminds me of old LucasArts adventures. Instabuy!

Re: GamesCom 2013: Killzone: Shadow Fall Dazzles with Delicious Multiplayer Footage


@TromboneGamer Well, the free to play games like Planetside 2, Warframe and such are free, even outside of a PS+ subscription...also, for those games you don't need PS+ to play online. As for other games like Driveclub, you can still buy them if you don't want to count on your subscription to be able to play them. I can understand the desire to really own the games and not just "rent" them. But I don't have a problem about checking out Driveclub out first via PS+ and then, should I like it, buy the upgrade to the full game. It'd only be a digital copy, but in this case, this would be okay with me.

Or Knack, for example...I'm pretty sure it'll end up on PS+ eventually. That's a game I'm unsure about buying, but would love to play via PS+...and wouldn't mind if I didn't own it, technically. But in general, I prefer to own my games on a physical disk as well.