Comments 374

Re: Poll: Are You Sold on Horizon Forbidden West?


Looks great, but I need to play the first one still and I am currently waiting for a PS5 upgrade. Sony’s been quietly doing these upgrades so hopefully it’s soon. Would still love an upgrade for Spiderman PS4 and Bloodborne.

Re: Uncharted 4 Heading to PC, Investor Presentation Claims


I have to admit, I find it funny that 5 years ago when Play Anywhere was announced the sentiment from PS fans was “Xbox no longer has exclusives why bother buying that console anymore.” Now the sentiment is: “I’m ok with this because it’s better for everyone and doesn’t hurt my enjoyment ☀️🌈☮️“

Well, at least some people out there are calling this like it is. Not trying to harp on PS for doing this but the people who lambasted Xbox for doing this should stick to their convictions.

Re: Reminder: Play the Resident Evil Village Castle Demo This Weekend


Lmao because of my work schedule this gives me an hour and a half after work to come home and play this. I have a 45ish minute drive which means it’s more like 45 minutes, minus a few minutes for unexpected stuff. As a long time RE fan who will most likely be getting this near the launch this demo schedule is really irritating.

Re: No, Sony Didn't Pay for Performance Parity in Resident Evil Village on PS5, PS4


Woah woah woah dumb Twitter people aside can we just acknowledge how anti-consumer it is of these big companies to release the inferior version of a game 6 months - a year before the superior version? Reading that Monster Hunter line re-opened an old wound for me with Capcom and Rockstar on that one.

Having the console version release far before the PC version encourages “double-dipping” and doesn’t benefit anyone besides the shareholders. Even when the PC version is taking longer to develop, which is understandable, it hurts the fans to force them to chose between missing out on a launch or paying for a game twice. For most big releases there’s no issue whatsoever with getting a game out on all platforms (or if there is a delay the inferior version comes last aka DooM on Switch) but for whatever reason in 2018 we had two huge releases do this. Capcom is even doing it again with Monster Hunter: Rise coming to PC in 2022.

Just had to bring this up eh PS? 😑

Re: Konami Registers Trademarks for Metal Gear Rising and Castlevania


I have almost no faith in Konami doing anything good with the Metal Gear franchise without Kojima. It’s cool Rising was enjoyable without his involvement but I think Survive is a sign of things to come.

Also mind blown 🤯 that Rising came out in 2013! I thought for sure it released before I was in college.

Re: CD Projekt RED Cancels Dedicated Cyberpunk 2077 Multiplayer Game


Can we just back up like 6 months to when I got absolutely lambasted in the comments for saying the multiplayer would be DoA. The quality of the game itself being really poor when it released was genuinely surprising to me, but I think the writing was on the wall for the multiplayer mode.

Anyways random guy who hated on my opinion a long time ago I TOLD YOU SO!

Re: Talking Point: Would You Buy a PS1, PS2, or PS3 Emulator for PS5?


I’ve been looking at getting an original Wii and a Gameboy Advance SP to enjoy my favorite era of Nintendo again. I really wish Nintendo would just add GBA games to their VC on the 3DS or Switch. Same goes for GameCube and Wii games.

But oh well. I’ve waited for Nintendo to do this for so long it’s time to just buy everything on eBay. I swear if Nintendo made these titles available they’d make bank.

On the PlayStation note I still have my PS3 so I’d love to see PS2 emulation. PlayStation legacy games just don’t tickle me the same way Nintendo’s do though.

Re: Fallout 76 Unlocks the Vault with 2021 Content Roadmap


[October 23rd 2018] Fallout 76’s Poor Beta Foreshadows What Was To Come.

[November 14th 2018] Fallout 76’s Release Is A Disaster: Poor Critical Reception, Poor Sales, And Drama.

[December 6th 2018] Fallout 76’s Patches Break The Game Even Further.

[December 18th 2018] Bethesda Reveals Their Holiday Greed With Microtransactions.

[January 24th 2019] Bethsheda Sells Premium Fallout 76 Leather Jackets for $276 USD.

[Feburary 19th 2019] Bethesda Breaks Their “Cosmetic Only” Promise.

[April 8th 2019] Bethesda Adds Pay To Win Repair Kits to Fallout 76.

[June 3rd 2019] Todd Howard Admits They Knew The Game Was In A Sorry State Before Release.

[September 13th 2019] Fallout 76’s Junk Bot Being Sold To Players, Despite Originally Being In The Base Game.

[October 23rd 2019] Fallout 76 introduces ‘Fallout 1st’, a premium $100 USD annual subscription service for the game.

[November 8th 2019] Bethesda’s customer support bans players for trying to improve/fix the game.

Shoutout to betheniaarts for being on top of this from the start. They’ve counted 25 controversies since release. Can’t forget about the duffel bag or the rum fiascos.