Comments 374

Re: Uncharted Movie Delayed Yet Again to February 2022



If Don’t Look Up releases late enough in 2021 and Chaos Walking gets pushed back you could have back-to-back Timothy Chalamet movies and back-to-back Tom Holland movies in a matter of a few months.

Speaking of young actors the Stranger Things cast is getting pretty old haha hopefully they knock out seasons 4 & 5 at the same time

Re: When Is the Resident Evil Showcase?


Would really love to see a remaster-remake collection for next gen that includes RE:1 HD, RE:2 remake, and 3 remake.

3 and 6 are the only ones I have yet to play. I’ve beaten all the others multiple times.

Re: Soapbox: I'm Really Enjoying Cyberpunk 2077



Yeah outside of the smart weapons every shotgun feels the same, every SMG feels the same, etc. That was definitely a letdown.

That’s why I went with a BODY build. Now I use gorilla arms that set people on fire, and blunt weapons of the dps is high enough

Re: Soapbox: I'm Really Enjoying Cyberpunk 2077


I’m enjoying it on PS5 as well. I wish they would’ve stuck to more of the systems they had in the Witcher like loot, crafting, and difficulty but oh well it’s clear they didn’t want to copy too much.

I think there’s an amazing game here getting overshadowed by terrible business practices and bugs.

Re: Ubisoft Shoves XP Boosting Microtransaction into Assassin's Creed Valhalla a Month After Launch



“Your only purpose in life is to buy and consume merchandise. And you did it. You went into a store... an actual honest to God store... And you bought something. You didn't ask questions or raise ethical complaints. You... you just looked straight into the bleeding jaws of capitalism and said "yes, daddy, please." And I'm... I'm so proud of you. I only wish you could've bought more. I... I love buying things so much“

Re: Cost of Fixing Cyberpunk 2077 Irrelevant, Says CD Projekt RED


I’m enjoying the game so far, but even not counting the bugs there are some things that are disappointing. White, green, blue, purple, orange loot just seems lazy at this point. It would’ve been nice to see some randomized loot along side craftable sets that you work on as you progress. So far it seems like the best stuff you get is either high level drops or bought off ripperdocs much later in the game. Not the worst thing in the world but I loved how they handled crafting and upgrading in the Witcher 3 and would’ve preferred that over the typical looter shooter approach they took.

Re: Poll: Is Cyberpunk 2077's Poor PS4 Performance Acceptable?


Here’s some bugs I encountered when I played this morning on PS5:

  • Jackie walking into things and the game acts like a grenade is going off. Bodies fly apart, lockers blow open, etc.
  • V spins randomly
  • when putting a hat on and looking in the mirror it shows no hat. Just my bald character.
  • Random cars crashing around us mid conversation and we just act like nothings happening. Bug or poor AI it’s annoying
  • Waypoint marker will get stuck in last objective and it takes a while for next objective to load (keeps happening at doorways and elevators).

Nothing game breaking (yet) but yeah, I’d say unacceptable is the right word. My buddy bought it on steam and is encountering a problem where he can’t even install it ☹️

Re: Days Gone Is Trending on Twitter Because of Cyberpunk 2077


“What’s your stance on the discussions unfolding on social media about all this?”

Well your other editor felt the need to @ me in the Cyberpunk reviews discussion for having the audacity to suggest you guys should provide context in your articles.

So I guess my stance is that people should wait to play the game themselves because it’s harder to post an opinion anywhere these days without check mark treating you like an idiot 👍

Re: One of Demon's Souls' Hardest Bosses Has Been Beaten Using Just a Dance Pad


Flamelurker on NG isn’t too bad. He’s a whole different story in NG+ however.

Had to go full try-hard with water veil, PFS, and Sticky White Slime the second time around to take him down.

Still just sitting here laughing at the Push Square article saying the platinum in this would be easy enough to pull off. How’s the 3rd playthrough and gold coin/ pure blade stone farming going for ya?

Re: Soapbox: The Conversation About Games Moves Too Quickly


I’ll skip the “1st world problem” comment and just say that I agree, but I’m also ok with it. I gave my PS4 to my brother in 2016 so there were very long draughts between releases for me in the following years. Now I’ve got the PS5 and I’m hoping I never have to go back to that waiting for months for something new to play.

Re: All PS5 Game Reviews


Loving Demon’s Souls. I beat it last night and I’m looking to get the platinum by the 10th. All rings is by far the hardest part because of the character tendency requirements.

My fiancé is also playing Until Dawn and I enjoy watching her fail all the QTEs lol.