Comments 374

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 DLC Reveal Now Planned for After Release



“Cyberpunk 2077’s multiplayer will arrive as a free download for anyone who already owns the game.”

From RockPaperShotgun and many others. It’ll be a free add on, think GTA online, and it will have micro transactions.

I have serious doubts it’ll be as successful as they’re hoping without a third person option.

GTA online, Fortnite, PubG, and every mmo ever all have one thing in common.

Re: Poll: Have You Experienced PS5 Coil Whine?



Interesting I’m wondering if that could be it. Next time it happens I’ll get right next to it to get a better idea

Edit: ok it started a system update when I turned it on so I got very close to check it out. It IS definitely the disc spinning. 100% the noise was coming from the disc drive

Re: Poll: Have You Experienced PS5 Coil Whine?



I’m on WiFi. If I had to give it my best guess I’d say it’s the fan. But yeah whether I’m installing a game or downloading something it gets very loud during that process.

Not a huge deal since it does this stuff pretty quick

Re: Poll: Have You Experienced PS5 Coil Whine?


I’m not sure if this is coil whine or not, but whenever my PS5 is downloading or updating a game it definitely gets loud. I’ll know an update is about to pop up as being complete because the console will just get really loud mid game for no reason for a couple minutes.

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War (PS5) - A Very Safe Entry for the New Generation



Yeah if I go offline it takes away my option to add a second controller.

Online I can sign in my second controller as a guest but they won’t show up in game

Haven’t even gotten to play zombies yet because it crashes every time the game is about to start. A huge bummer.

On a positive note I beat the campaign last night and I was a big fan. Took me longer than most probably close to 7 hours which was perfectly fine by me. And multiplayer has been fun so far

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War (PS5) - A Very Safe Entry for the New Generation



This. I got through the first 2 missions in about a half hour then got hit with a message saying I need to install the other parts of the campaign. Took me a few minutes to realize you have to go to the store tab in the main menu to get it.

Very weird and unnecessary but the rest of the game has been fun. They need to get offline split screen for zombies ASAP though.

Re: Sony Boss Jim Ryan Doesn't Know if Starfield's Coming to PS5 Anymore


I mean this is probably the wrong site to have this opinion on but it’s pretty hypocritical to be mad about this after what Sony has done particularly in the PS4 era. I mean exclusive games, exclusive companies, in the end it’s about getting exclusives on your platform and PS owners have been fine with it so far 🤷

Yeah it sucks Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Starfield could be Xbox/PC exclusives but remember Demons Souls, MGS4, Bloodborne, Neir (timed), Death Stranding, and many things in Call of Duty and Destiny.

All is fair in love and war... and capitalism.

Re: PS5 Coil Whine Complaints Intensify as System Launches in Europe


I mean I can chime in on this lol. No video needed. Yeah, the sound does get intense. Loud enough that my fiancé did complain of it. It doesn’t happen often though. In my past 3 days of playing the only times I’ve heard it get that loud were installing games and on occasion in Demons Souls. In-game though the sound never lasts more than 15 or so seconds and it goes away and won’t come back for another 45 minutes.

So I mean we can sit here cracking jokes that it’s not loud (it is) but really the people posting about this are blowing it way out of proportion.

Re: Demon's Souls Guide: Tips, Tricks, and Strategies


Best tip I can give is to not go for “rounded out” stats too early. It’s best to go str/dex or int/dex or str/faith while building up your stam/vitality stats slowly as you level. Once you’re around 40 in one particular stat though you can start putting points into other categories.

Usually the meta endgame is around SL125 so if you want to consistently play with other people after you’ve beaten the game don’t go too far over that.

Re: Hands On: Best Uses of PS5 DualSense Controller So Far



No doubt it’ll make the top of the list! Breaking objects by rolling has never been sweeter now that you can really feel it and hear it through the controller. In fact almost every sound made in the game comes through the controller, it’s quite remarkable.

It also makes getting pummeled by 5 enemies at a time quite unpleasant as you’ll feel each strike come through the controller.

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Reddit Page Ablaze with Complaints


Lol it didn’t really bother me that the matchmaking was broken in MW2019, and it won’t bother me with Cold War either.

I mean when we have a company that openly lets people use cheating hardware (Cronus Zen) it’s hard to take the competitive aspect seriously.

My advice is to find new lobbies after each match. There’s no need to quit matches halfway through but if you’re in a totally unbalanced lobby just look for a new one after the match. This is a double plus because if it places you in a lobby mid game you’re guaranteed to not get a loss stat.

I’ll be playing Cold War mostly in zombies with my fiancé and online with my brother. I could see myself un-installing the campaign portion after collecting the trophies for it.

Re: PS5 Coil Whine Becomes a Concern for Some Early Adopters


Lol what a non-issue.

Let me stick my phone right next to this and then tell you how loud it is. Don’t mind that me slightly shuffling the phone is x10 louder than the actual noise

Ok yeah huge problems with the console please feel free to send it back to Sony anytime 👌👌

Re: The Nioh Collection Remasters Both Games for PS5, Coming February 2021


Although I’m sure it’s disappointing for Nioh owners that there is no free upgrade, this is still a step in the right direction for remasters on the PS5.

Able to purchase them separately or together
Free upgrade for the second game
We know off the bat that save transfers will work

Personally though I do hope the game industry phases out “remaster” from its vocabulary, and it’s marketing scheme.

I own the Witcher 3 on XB1 and PC and I’ll be buying it again to play on PS5. Had they made it a remaster I would’ve passed no doubt; but I can get behind a free upgrade that lets me buy the game for cheap at this point and experience the enhancements of next gen.

Re: Demon's Souls PS5's First Review Pours on the Praise


Got it at Fred Meyer last night! Now just playing the waiting game hopefully Fed Ex delivers a little early.

On a side note I went to Walmart and they didn’t have ANYTHING for the PS5 release. Even their shipment of games (which Fred Meyer had plenty of) was late. I told the worker there that their games were probably with my console on a train in the Midwest.

Re: 10 Things to Do First with Your New PS5


@CJM Yeah I’m in the same boat lol. I’ll pick up Demon’s Souls at Fred Meyers tonight after work and Black Ops tomorrow. Then just the waiting game. Who knows maybe Fed Ex will be ahead of time with those shipments; it’s happened to me before.

Re: Demon's Souls PS5 Trophy List Has Another Achievable Platinum


Not as straight forward as it sounds. “ finding all the Spells, Miracles, and Rings in the game” will require different world tendencies to be met, hidden npcs and storylines need to be followed, and a commitment to most likely do 2.5 playthoughs.

I’d say it’s a fairly realistic goal for anyone who’s willing to play through with a guide open learning the in’s and out’s of the game while overcoming the difficulty spike that comes with NG+.

Believe me I platinumed Dark Souls and Bloodborne; think I’m missing 1 on Demon’s Souls. I wouldn’t say they’re fairly realistic for 90% of players 🤷

Re: Sony: PS5 Launch Will Be Online Only, No Consoles Will Be Sold in Shops


I just talked to Walmart about this the other day and they said “check your email to see when your console has arrived; come and pick it up then.”

So yeah they definitely don’t want lines of people out front starting at 8 a.m. People are antsy though I’m sure some will still show up on the 12th at opening to check if it’s in.

Also I work 1-10 and my Walmart closes at 10 😶 hopefully they get it early!

Re: How to Use the PS5 DualSense Controller on PC


I can confirm that even if you set it up in this manner it is NOT guaranteed to work properly for every game. I got it to work perfectly well with DooM: Eternal however Dark Souls 3 had issues with R2 and the haptic rumble not working. Those were the only inputs that would not work in that game.

I also suggest when you set it up on steam you enter big picture mode first. The set up itself automatically goes to big picture mode and it becomes really wonky if that window is in big picture mode and the normal Steam window is not.

Also when the author says “The final step is to enable "Generic Gamepad Configuration Support" I think he’s saying you have to right click the game in your library and go to properties to “force” the game to accept a controller, otherwise it’ll auto default to M&KB when you try to play.

Anyways it’s a great controller. I’ve always favored Xbox controllers over PS but this might change the tide on that 😎🕹

Re: Part of the PS5 Controller Is Very Easily Removable


Got mine today and I’m really enjoying the overall quality of it. It has to function as a basic game pad through Steam so I haven’t been able to full test all of its features; it feels great to use though and is for sure a step above the PS4/XB1 controllers. Can’t believe Microsoft still uses AA batteries for it’a controllers. Kills me thinking about that lol

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Dev 'Not Comfortable, but Confident' in December Release Date


If there's one positive for me coming out of these delays it's that it is refreshing to see the community is pretty much entirely in agreement for once.

The "rushed game is forever bad" mantra doesn't exactly mean much when you've had 3 delays in 6 months and the company themselves keeps putting these arbitrary release dates in.

It'd be great to hear exactly what the hold up is, not through rumor, and if the release date becomes "Q1 2021 we'll let you know when it's actually gone gold" then so be it. I would embrace that approach over what they're doing now.