Comments 374

Re: Poll: Should Sony Do More PS5 Director's Cuts?


Nah. Directorā€™s Cuts are the new ā€œGOTY editionā€ and stand directly in contrast with the direction the industry is currently going in. I mean sure, capitalism blah blah blah, but anti-consumer is what it is no matter how you try to justify it. Sonyā€™s taking a lot of swings with a lot of misses this gen on their victory lap, and weā€™re in a time where being choosy about what companies you support is difficult because of shortages. Itā€™s not like thereā€™s direct competition to the PS5 sitting on store shelves anywhere (at least in my experience). So Sony will continue to pull this stuff while selling out consistently. All we can really do is not directly support their greedier practices; i.e. buy this kind of stuff second hand or on sale. šŸ¤·

Re: With the Steam Deck Announced, This Is What a Next-Gen PSP Could Be


I was at first skeptical of the Steam Deck because my Switch has seen such little use over the past 4 years, but after thinking about the possibilities on it Iā€™m very interested. Iā€™ll list a couple why not:

1) you can install windows on it, and use a mouse/keyboard, meaning it can be a much cheaper gaming laptop. Having Steam + on a handheld would be amazing. Especially considering most laptops that rival PS4 level power are twice this price.

2) itā€™s the perfect backlog machine. Most of the games I have in my backlog are older, easier to run games. This is the perfect machine to get into those when your not able to be with your console/ PC. The massive difference between this and the switch, for me, is that on the Steam Deck Iā€™ll be able to play the Witcherā€™s 1 & 2, portal 1 & 2, and all the indie games I got for cheap and never have never found the time to play.

I mean Iā€™m not going to get it day 1 or anything but I do think this is a great direction for handheld gaming. The switch is kind of a joke in my eyes and considering the Steam Deck is only $50 than the new Switch OLED I donā€™t see how theyā€™re even comparable in terms of quality/price.

Re: Best PS4 Anime Games


I would play ultimate ninja storm 4, but Iā€™m only on episode 190 of Shippuden and I donā€™t want too many spoilers.

Re: Yes, NBA Legend LeBron James Really Is Coming to Fortnite



No one outside of the cities heā€™s played in will miss Leflop.

Whether heā€™s calling for revenge against a cop who hasnā€™t be awarded due process, complaining about inequality in the U.S. while raking in Millions from China, or flopping on the court then complaining about refs not falling for it, the guy has done a great job of destroying his own reputation since the 2017 finals.

This isnā€™t Brady or Griffey Jr or any of the other 21st century athletes that get celeb status; this is a guy whoā€™s actively shown heā€™s not someone to look up to.

Re: Game of the Show: Top 5 PS5, PS4 Games from E3 2021


Iā€™m actually pretty surprised by this list! Mainly because I only see myself getting Elden Ring out of these 5. Back 4 Blood and Diablo will be my new release purchases before then.

Still need to get FFVII, Ratchet, and Mass Effect šŸ˜¬

Re: Bethesda Apologises to PS5, PS4 Fans 'P*ssed' at Exclusivity



In what way is that ā€œtrashā€ compared to what 90% of developers do on Switch? Those are all Bethesda titles regardless of how they got there.

Cā€™mon man... these comments sections get more condescending by the day. This site is slowly becoming unbearable because of how many people want to have pointless squabbles.

Re: Bethesda Apologises to PS5, PS4 Fans 'P*ssed' at Exclusivity


ā€˜Microsoft buying Bethesda was definitely the most shameless power grab weā€™ve ever seen in gamingā€™ I think is the point trying to be made here...

I feel bad for the developers working on these projects. Youā€™re work isnā€™t going to reach as many people now and thatā€™s gotta hurt. TES 6 will likely never sell as many copies now as Skyrim has šŸ¤·

Like we were talking about in another article itā€™s always PS in the middle of this conversation but remember Bethesda was good to Nintendo too. DooM, Skyrim, and I think Wolfenstein were all on Switch.

Re: Reaction: E3 Is a Relic Desperately Clinging to Relevancy


Iā€™ve followed E3 closely since 2008ish, and in my opinion the downward spiral began in 2016.

2015 as a whole, not just E3, was just so stacked with games (Bloodborne, Witcher 3, Metal Gear Solid 5, Halo 5, probably a bunch more Iā€™m forgetting) that it seems like we got a lot of weak showings in the following years.

I think companies just realized they donā€™t have to share the limelight anymore on big announcements. Thatā€™s why Sony backed out, Nintendo started doing ā€œtreehousesā€ and didnā€™t even unveil the switch at E3. Bethesda Game Studios and From Software have had little relevancy at E3 for years.

In a world where thereā€™s so much competing for consumers attention why let someone else steal your spotlight?

Edit: also to anyone saying Nintendo had a great E3 please quit believing headlines and watch their actual presentation. Getting hyped for re-releases of old Mario party maps and Skyward Sword? Metroid 5 didnā€™t make up for that snoozefest!

Re: Back 4 Blood Requires Just One Person in Your Party to Buy DLC



They said in a recent showing that if you want to have the game choose cards for you it will, so you never have to spend time going through them.

This reminds me a lot of the Gears 4 release where they allowed you to buy the ultimate edition to get content early, and everyone eventually got access to it. Itā€™s the right way to go and thatā€™s cool thereā€™s a system to unlock content via gameplay as well.

Re: Bethesda's Starfield Will Not Release on PS5, PS4


Kind of a joke itā€™s releasing in November of 2022... I mean outside of Halo this November thereā€™s not a lot to be excited about in the Xbox ecosystem anytime soon.

That also means Elder Scrolls 6, and Fallout 5, are still many years away. How will those games even run on XSX? Is there a point to getting the Series X at all?