Comments 348

Re: Poll: Should Sony Be Looking to Add Refunds to PSN?


I don't ser why one should have better rights when buying digital than physical. If I buy a game, break the seal and return to the store two weeks later, I won't get a refund.

When you buy a game, you take a chance. You can minimize that chance by not pre-ordering, reading reviews and watch gameplay footage.

Re: Talking Point: Is It Time for Sony to Take PS4 Pro Seriously?


Owning a PS4 Pro, I really hope they start to take it more seriously.

I think this article hits right on the money. Microsoft have nothing to lose: compared to the PS4, they haven't sold that many units, and instead of irating the Xbox One owners, they may in fact please them: "Watch us stick it to our competitors!"

But as Microsoft lifts the Scorpio to the frontlines, I'm sure Sony will do the same with the Pro (with a disclaimer in the bottom corner).