

Human beings are noodle beings.

Comments 251

Re: Site News: Where's Our Cyberpunk 2077 Review?


@Max2574 I love Days Gone, first time playing it when I got it off the PS+ Collection, but I do remember when it first came out everyone was complaining about bugs.

Yes. I agree. Reminds me of the old days of GameTrailers. That's how they used to review.

Re: Site News: Where's Our Cyberpunk 2077 Review?


@Max2574 Liam is quite capable of articulating this point without me jumping in, but influencing and bribing are two very different things. Youtube is a strange entity when it comes to reviews from creators. I've gone down many rabbit holes of watching youtube "gamers" and in my opinion, not many of them can actually play a game to save their lives, so their reviews means nothing. And I'm sure the ones who can play are honest. A lot of them add #ad #sponsored etc. As for publications, don't buy in to conspiracy theories. It's naive to think that kind of practice happens. I'm sure that IGN get so much free crap that a lot of it remains unopened in the mail room.
Also... what makes you think PushSquare are honest, and aren't doing under the table deals?

Re: Here's a Video of PlayStation Boss Jim Ryan Speaking Japanese


@thefourfoldroot I'm sure you meant to say "people who are Japanese" rather than "people who speak Japanese"! If you've learnt to speak Japanese or another language, you should never cringe at someone learning/beginning as you would have sounded like a fool when you first started. (Native speakers shouldn't cringe either to be fair).

Re: UK Retailer GAME Partners with Sony for Big PS5 Giveaway


@kiki3400 I can certainly imagine that. I guess I've been lucky enough to have roles in firms where the attitude is "as long as you're professional when you should be and get all your tasks done". Even when I used to work in retail years ago I could use my phone lol. I've worked in Waterstones the bookstore, and we actually had to use our phones to search for information we didn't know when customers had enquiries!

Re: Pokémon-Like Temtem Hits PS5 Next Week, Here's How It Plays


Already pre ordered this, and played it on PC. It's so good. I've enjoyed my time with it. If anything, Pokemon has become a bit stale. There's also a bit more to it gameplay wise, than Pokemon. The only thing I'd say is that while Pokemon now has a ridiculous number of monsters, TemTem doesn't have enough, but I'm sure that will change soon.

Re: PlayStation Fans So Desperate for PS5 Stock They Brought Their Beds to GameStop


@TBubs311 Not to take anything away from your point, which I agree with - I just don't understand humans. Why can't it just be - "wear a mask and be considerate of your actions so that you can be compassionate to those around you" ... "Okay, sure". Why does it not just end there?
Why do some people have to then delve into the finer points and bring up statistics and numbers and other nonsense just to avoid being a kind person?

Re: Yodel Trends on Twitter As GAME Warns UK PS5 Pre-Orders May Not Arrive on Time


@God_of_Nowt The only reason I can think of why Game chose Yodel (as well as their usual DPD, Royal Mail partners) is that they were the cheapest. Probably were promised reliable delivery on the 19th and thought, fine, that's one less thing to worry about now. Maybe communication wasn't the best on Game's part after the fact and Yodel became a little overwhelmed with the numbers. Having said that, one extra day to wait isn't bad at all. It wasn't Yodel but Game, after all, who charged delivery and changed in on people's orders (I chose free delivery lol so I'm fine).

I used to work for Game, close to two decades ago when I needed a job while at college/uni. Back when they sold games, not phones, tablets and whatever else. Before they were part of SD, and games were sold and traded in at a reasonable price. Nice close knit team. How they have fallen.