Comments 1,244

Re: Game of the Year: #1 - The Last of Us: Part II


I don't mind the fact Joel died so much, it's just how he died is dumb. The writing around his death is just laughably bad.

Firstly, the WLF had stupidly good luck in finding Joel. They were originally looking for just Tommy, but they somehow manage to find Tommy AND Joel in the most lucky situation. Then neither Tommy or Joel has the guard up or is slightest bit defensive, even standing in the middle of the room with no weapons. It's stupidly out of character for the guy who distrusted a family who needed a lift, even before his daughter died. I've heard the argument "he got soft living in Jackson", but we never saw that happen, and even if it did that's ridiculous. There were so many ways to make Joel's death great, but Naughty Dog really squandered it.

Re: Game of the Year: #1 - The Last of Us: Part II


@LordSteev That's really underplaying how bad crunch is. Crunch periods can mean staff are working 100 hour work weeks. That's 100 hours of a week of intense work, very few breaks, little leisure time, reduced sleep and a myriad of other negative health effects. On top of that, they spend very little time with loved ones, and the stress of so much work can mentally break people. Developer burnout is such a big thing due to how damaging things are. Yes people generally sign up for game development because they're passionate for it, but 100 hours of anything in a week is bound to kill someone's passion.

Just because there worse situations out there, it's no reason to not recognise when a situation is bad and changes need to be made.

Re: Game of the Year: #1 - The Last of Us: Part II


@Col_McCafferty Yeah and in those articles, going out of my way to bash TLOU2 would have been off topic. However this article is explicitly praising TLOU2, so it's not mad that I'm criticising the game as a counterargument.

Yeah no one exactly forced me to click on the article, but I'm obviously going to see it since I like using the site. I'm not going to not use the site because I'm terrified at the prospect of TLOU2 winning the site's GOTY. At that point, I may as well just click on the article to see what's being said and contribute to the conversation.

I don't see what's the problem with people complaining about the game as long as it's relevant to the conversation and respectful.

Re: Game of the Year: #1 - The Last of Us: Part II


@Gaming365247 Well it makes sense. Just because a game gets awards, it doesn't mean the people who disliked it because of major issues with the story will suddenly warm up to it.

And it's not like people who dislike the game are bringing it up. It's getting brought up in conversation by people giving it awards, it's natural for people to respond to this. If fans of the game are allowed to praise the game endlessly, we're allowed to criticise the game endlessly. I'd really love to be able to forget about this game, but it's pretty hard when it's constantly on the front page of news sites.

Re: Game of the Year: #1 - The Last of Us: Part II


@Col_McCafferty Yeah the artstyle isn't realistic at all. Though as much as I would have liked to have seen a more accurate representation of 13th century Japan, it is an amazing take on fantasy Japan. And I like how sidequests are organised into quests with a specific character. But yeah, if you like games like HZD and AC, chances are you'll like GoT.

Re: Game of the Year: #1 - The Last of Us: Part II


Knew it would be number on here. Personally the most disappointing game I've ever played. I think the story was such a let down compared to the first game, the writing isn't very good, characters aren't as likable/interesting, and the game is too long which isn't helped by really bad pacing. I think there were interesting ideas and I appreciate game devs taking risks, but I really don't think they paid off. Though to those who got enjoyment out of the game, good on you.

That being said, just because I think the story is really bad I still think it is overall a decent game, due to other aspects that were done well like graphics, gameplay and accessibility options.

Because other people are doing it, here are my top 5:
5) Ghostrunner
4) Doom Eternal
3) Crash Bandicoot 4
2) Fall Guys
1) Ghost of Tsushima

Re: Bloodborne, Demon's Souls PS5 Producer Leaves Sony Japan Studio


@wiiware I wouldn't say Japan Studio make small games, Gravity Rush 2 was a pretty long game and has lots of content. I think the main issue is Sony's lack of marketing for those types of games. I remember E3 2016, COD IW had a 10 minute segment for Sony's conference whereas GR2 (Sony's own first party game) had a 2 minute trailer relegated to the pre show. Even pundits/youtubers that focused on Playstation never seemed to acknowledge the game's existence.

I get that Sony don't want to invest millions in a marketing campaign for games that aren't likely to sell well, but they really should utilise things like the PS Blog and conferences more, things were they've already invested money, so don't risk much by using those spaces to advertise other games.

But yeah I really wish Ape Escape and Puppeteer would get new games.

Re: The Last of Us 2 Dominates Biggest Ever PS Blog Game of the Year Poll


@Col_McCafferty The game's been out for 6 months, I think most people on a Playstation site who were interested at some point will have played it already. If not, probably not a good idea to be looking in a comments section about TLOU2 lol. I can't really explain why the ending was so bad without spoiling it I'm afraid. Though if the mods really want me to edit it out, I'll do so.

Re: The Last of Us 2 Dominates Biggest Ever PS Blog Game of the Year Poll


It's worthy of some awards like best audio, sound design and accessibility, but nowhere near all of them. Narrative: absolutely not, it's nothing compared to that of the first game's, has a terrible structure, is full of contrivances, characters act stupidly and are unlikable, and the pacing makes it go on for far too long.

Second place for best art direction is way too high. Sure the game did have good art direction, but pales in comparison to Crash 4, Doom Eternal and Dreams.

How on earth does it get best soundtrack over Doom Eternal!? I can't remember a single original song from TLOU2.

For best final showdown, I'm assuming that means the ending on the beach. That whole sequence was unbelievably dumb. First Ellie cuts Abby down so they can have a fair fight. Then after a conveniently timed flashback, Ellie makes her actions throughout the whole game mean nothing by sparing Abby.

And of course game of the year could have gone to many more deserving titles. If people really liked TLOU2 that much and think it won all of these categories, fair enough. I just think it's ridiculous how a game that's entire selling point is its story, and has a very flawed story, is better than every other game released this year.

Re: Crash Bandicoot 4 Reaches Decent Price in PS Store Deal of the Week


@outsider83 Partly because platformers are generally cheaper than your average AAA game. I don't necessarily think they should be, but people were probably taken aback when Crash 4 was more than the average platformer.

Then there's the fact it was more expensive than the 3 in

Finally, at £55 it was more expensive than your average physical PS4 game at lauch, not just platformers.

I brought it day one because I though it looked great (it is a great game), and I want to show support for 3D platformers so they can hopefully have a resurgence, but I understand why people aren't buying it.