Comments 1,220

Re: PS5 User Interface Reveal Is Coming, Says PlayStation Boss


Technically we're both necessitating this back and forth because you're responding as well, that's how arguments work. You're not any less stubborn than me. Anyways I'm giving this up, because you're clearly not understanding anything I've said and I'd have more luck getting a good argument from my dog.

TLDR; The PS4 UI is bad because it wastes space, and it's lack of sorting options make it hard to find a game you played a while ago. My solution: make better use of space, give people the OPTION to sort games how they want. Just because not a particularly large amount of people would appreciate a change, it doesn't mean it's not worth making, especially when it would be so easy to make and they're making a new UI for PS5 anyway.

If your problem is verbose, that's as simple as I can make it for you.

Re: PS5 User Interface Reveal Is Coming, Says PlayStation Boss


@Suckitbanmoderat That’s ballsy of you to say I'm the one throwing a temper tantrum when you’re throwing out insults not just to me, but everyone else you've argued with on this thread. You'd think after you got a warning from a moderator you'd actually think. Same again with saying that I'm the one guilty of verbose, try reading what you've reading and then tell me it isn't a ballache to read. Do you know how to use a full stop? I take it you’re one of those people who’s more concerned with sounding smart than actually making a decent argument. You're saying my suggested improvements to the UI would be pointless, if that isn't disputing UI I don't know what is. That's great if you prefer having games organised play date. But any idiot with half a brain would know that it's not ideal if you want to look at trophies for a game you played years ago. What’s worse is that I don’t remember the exact dates I played games, meaning its ***** to think that’s a good way to look for old games. I will however know the NAME of game, hence why A-Z would be an easier searching method. All I want are OPTIONS so people can choose for themselves what they want. Just because you prefer an option, it doesn't mean it's a good idea to make it so everyone has to be stuck with that option. Anyway, the A-Z menu on PS3 still takes you straight to the game you played most recently anyway meaning its the best for both worlds. Just because you personally haven’t seen others talk about it, that doesn’t mean people wouldn’t welcome improvements.

If you had a shred of comprehension skills, you would have seen when I acknowledged play date order can sometimes be useful. I feel like by trying to explain why people would like to have more than one option when sorting games, I'm beating a dead horse because you clearly aren't getting it. Do you not even realise how much space the PS4 UI wastes? The PS4 UI allows 5 games on screen at a time, whereas the PS3 allows 10 at a time. If could can’t see which is superior, you are blind.

I'll ask again, what stats? You haven't cited a single bit of data. The whole point you’re arguing for is that no ones cares yet you haven’t proven that. It’s reasonable to assume any improvement would be appreciated by most people, if that appreciation is very small. You’re making a massive deal out a simple improvement I suggested. I’ve not said anything like the PS4 UI or console in general is awful, just purely the trophy UI. Judging by how defensive you’re being about the whole thing, I’d have guessed you’re amazing friends with the person who designed it.

You’re wasting my time, if you’re not interested in UI there is no reason for you to talk about it. Just don’t pretend that no one has any interest in it at all. Who doesn’t have bias for how they think things should be? If I can actually back up my points with facts and arguments it’s not cognitive dissonance or stubbornness. You think that the trophy list should be organised by play date and that’s your bias. What logical fallacy have I made? I never said it wasn’t functional, I said it was unnecessarily hard to use compared to the PS3 UI which is completely fine. Thank you for admitting the PS4 trophy UI sucks as it doesn’t give you sorting options, so can’t be adapted to what players want.

Re: PS5 User Interface Reveal Is Coming, Says PlayStation Boss


@Suckitbanmoderat My standards really are not unreasonable. In the grand scheme of things it's not a massive issue, but you're wasting your time by telling people that UI doesn't matter on a thread specifically about UI. And yes sometimes it is useful to have games in the order I played them in, but sometimes I want to have them alphabetically. Good UI lets the user have options to help them things more easily.

What have I backpedaled on and what statistics do you have? I never said better UI is going to turn casual gamers into hardcore trophy hunters, it just might possibly make some people more interested in their trophy collection. And if it doesn't it still benefits people who are interested in trophies, what is the cost to this benefit?

In this specific instance, no the UI isn't great due to all of the flaws I have mentioned. It's not easy to use for reasons I have mentioned, looking at an old game trophy list is an absolute pain because you can't sort games how you want and few fit on the screen. You can please more people if you look at what is wrong with something and make improvements based on that.

This is isn't even for the PS4 UI, this is about making a brand new UI for PS5. They'll use development time to make a new UI anyway, so why on Earth wouldn't they try and get it right? It makes sense for Sony to critically look at things they have done in the past and make improvements. Just because not everyone is going to notice an improvement, it doesn't mean it isn't worth making. I don't get what your arguing for. You haven't refuted a single critcism I made of the trophy UI, all you've seemed to have said is that it works and not enough people would care if it was changed, the latter of which is a baseless claim. If you don't care that's fine, but you're wasting everyone's time by coming to a thread where we're all talking about UI, and you have no interest in improvements being made to UI.

Re: PS5 User Interface Reveal Is Coming, Says PlayStation Boss


@Suckitbanmoderat My standard really isn't that high. I'm not an expert in UI design, but you don't need to be to know that only seeing 5 games at a time on a list of hundreds without the option for sorting is going to make for an inconvenient menu. There are hundreds of thousands of people PSNprofiles alone, not to mention people using different sites or trophy hunters not using sites. Trophy hunters aren't the only people who are going to look at the menu, anyone who is remotely interested in trophies will look at it from time to time, which will be a very large amount of PS players.
I never said improving the UI alone will get people into collecting trophies, but it would potentially increase the likelihood of certain people being more interested if they can be presented in a more appealing manner. Sony obviously don't design the games, but doesn't mean they just not do what they can.
Even if a very small amount of people actually cared, the changes I propose would take very little effort to implement. Simply: Add the option to sort games alphabetically, make use of otherwise wasted space, and add options to zoom in/out or decrease/increase item size. These changes would make a massive difference and they are not hard to do at all. It's been proven that Sony can get it right. Just because you don't care abut something, it doesn't mean that others don't. There's no need to defend Sony for the sake of defending Sony.

Re: PS5 User Interface Reveal Is Coming, Says PlayStation Boss


@Suckitbanmoderat Even still there's no reason for Sony to be lazy about it when there is blatant proof it can be better. I don't even mind the fact PS4 is missing loads of the awesome features of PSNprofiles like month graphs and milestones. I just simply want a better UI so I don't need to use a 3rd party website to make viewing trophies a pain. The use of space is abysmal and not allowing games you've played in a while make searching for old games a drag. More people might be interesting in looking at trophies if the menu wasn't dreadful, trophy hunting is a big thing for a lot of gamers and massively extends the life of some games. Sony has actually done it better with the PS3 menu, there's no point defending something Sony can blatantly improve just because they don't necessarily need to.

Re: PS5 User Interface Reveal Is Coming, Says PlayStation Boss


Hoping they sort out the trophy menu. Lots of wasted space and being unable to sort games A-Z makes looking at trohpies a joke. Its sad when 3rd party sides like PSNprofiles do much better job than Sony as this. At the very least I want customisation on the UI, like being increase/decrease the size of game tiles.

Re: Soapbox: Let's Give Activision a Bit of Credit, Yeah?


@carlos82 I too am fine with straight up ports in theory. The price doesn't bother me too much, what annoys me is the artificial scarcity made by making this a limited release. I'm more tempted to not buy it as a middle finger to that stupid practice.

The article itself isn't mentioning Nintendo or comparing it, just commenters. It's not even saying saying Activision is a good company, its just giving credit where its due which is fair enough. It's important to recognize the good aspects of an otherwise shady company.

Re: Soapbox: Let's Give Activision a Bit of Credit, Yeah?


@carlos82 Yeah they probably would have sold, there's a lot of hype for Crash that's been building up over the years. While the fact Mario is popular is a factor, another pretty big factor is the fact it's a limited release. People know if they don't preorder, they may not get a copy like many Nintendo products. I wouldn't be surprised if half the preorders are from scalpers. Where are you even getting those stats?

And I think you've missed the point. Everything you listed is a full scale remake, they take far more time, effort and resources to make than a simple HD port. For example, the Medievil remake isn't as good as a deal as the Crash trilogy, but it's still cheaper than your average game. And again, it's more of a fair deal than Mario because it has had significant changes made to it, almost like it's a brand new game. Even more the case for the REmakes.

While £60 is overpriced, Crash 4 is at least a brand new game so deserving of full price. And as much as I despise microtransactions, CTRNF is extremely good value for money. It features courses from 2 games and they add lots of free content.

Re: Soapbox: Let's Give Activision a Bit of Credit, Yeah?


@Kidfried The games are definitely outdated, but I wouldn't say they need a remake. Part of the the fun with playing an old game, is to experience games how were back in the day. Besides, they're not unplayable, they'll take a bit of getting used to that's it. I only played Galaxy and Sunshine for the first time this year and they weren't difficult to get into.

Re: Soapbox: Let's Give Activision a Bit of Credit, Yeah?


@carlos82 Whether the Mario games are better than Spyro and Crash is debatable, but the difference in value isn't.

The Crash remakes are actual remakes, with completely new graphics and remade from the ground up and cost £35 at the time of release.The Mario games are ports with nothing changed, and cost £15 more. I'm fine with them preserving the original graphics, but do less and ask for more is insane, no matter how much of a classic Mario 64 is.

£50 means you're effectively paying £17 a game, all of them being well over 10 years old, and Super Mario 64 being 24 years old. In comparison, each original Crash/Spyro game is £4 on the PS store.

Re: Soapbox: Let's Give Activision a Bit of Credit, Yeah?


As awesome as CTRNF is and I'm looking forward to Crash 4, we're only excited because of years of incompetence at Activision and sitting on an IP that's full of potential. A better publisher could have given us the Crash games we wanted years ago.

I'm definitely glad Activision are taking steps in the right direction, but as Captain Price once said "That was an improvement, but it's not hard to improve on garbage".

Re: Soapbox: Fall Guys Is Finally a Battle Royale I Actually Want to Play


Never liked a battle royale game before, and I completely agree with this article. The learning curve for most is painful, you enter combat relatively infrequently, so it takes a lot of in game time to actually become competent. Not to mention getting shredded by players because they have better loot than you in something like Apex, makes the game feel like a waste of time.

On the other, Fall Guys is very easy to get into, allows you to constantly be in the action, and its lightheartedness makes me laugh at failure instead of be frustrated. Luck is a given in any of these games, but its done differently. As I mentioned earlier, on Apex I just feel cheated when I spend ages looking for loot and die because a team with much better weapons/armour get the drop on us. On Fall Guys, the only real luck based mechanic is starting position which has a very minor effect. Even when I lose to getting flinched by other players or obstacles, its at least amusing and I don't feel like I've wasted my time.

Re: Talking Point: Did the PS5 Games Reveal Event Meet Your Expectations?


A lot of good games shown, especially if you're into platformers like Ratchet and Clank, Astrobot, Sackboy Adventures and the Kena game. Still want to see more of the actual console itself. I'm not bothered about launch lineup because I'm not getting it at launch regardless, but it's good to know it will regularly have games coming out for it.

As much as I like the look of Resi 8, I'm sad about no Silent Hill.