@Real_Obsi from context, it appears you are suggesting a new player with limited experience should be able to tackle every challenge equally to that of an experienced player.
Experience and skill play a very real part in our real lives, and to achieve something is based upon our ability to overcome that challenge. The game shouldn't do that for you because you simply do not want to have to learn.
On topic: good! I abhor that nonsense, and I'm hoping it becomes a more skill based game as a result.
I mean, on the one hand, you have the new adopters, people who just got on the PS4 wagon and they get a decent, albeit dated, series to play through.
On the other, you have a vastly smaller proportion of the sales demographic being targeted, who have likely not paid into the service and subsequently enabled that service to continue, which is probably why many feel they no longer get a return on investment. What with the cost of using the service seeing consistent increase but the return being very inconsistent across the board.
I myself, don't care much, given the Uncharted series had run its course for me after 2016s U4. I'm almost certain they just put some names on a wheel and spin it before choosing the one that lands. Goat sim is also a game.
@ShogunRok can't decide whether that's too savage, or not savage enough 😂
Either way, haven't played Wipeout in a long time and SE4 somehow slipped through the net for me.
Long time fan of the series since the first buggy mess way back when on the original X Box 😂
What I'm seeing a lot at the moment is comparisons between football and CoD.
"Not liking a footy game is the same as not liking call of duty."
Not liking football likely means you won't play any football related game, so FIFA, PES, Manager etc. Not liking CoD doesn't mean you won't play any other shooter.
Not liking Star Wars wouldn't stop you playing Battlefield but it might stop you playing Battlefront.
And that I think is where this whole thing falls down. Putting any game on there that is in a specific corner of the market is bound to cause issues en mass. Further exacerbated by an online culture where it is grossly unacceptable to even have a negative opinion about something regardless how thought out and factual it may be.
I am happy they are more diverse in genres now, but for it to work, there needs to be more freedom of choice, another game perhaps that appeals to the more general audience whilst maintaing an indie and/or sports/niche title.
@tomassi football may be, but football video games aren't.
The same way Formula 1 is watched and supported by millions, but the video game market percentage is markedly lower than that of the more accessible and general genres.
Though, it is interesting that almost all the actual Football fans I know prefer PES. A bit like NBA 2K over NBA Live. Is it an accessibility thing or does it just represent the sport better?
I never enjoyed outrun back in the day personally.
Whereas I don't mind the FIFAs on a casual level, Football is a niche like Formula 1 or Basketball. The appeal is to a select group as opposed to Borderlands or Deus Ex which appeals to a much wider audience.
Not too fussed, I like to see a change up in genres on Plus from time to time, but nothing for me.
As an aside, Sony must realise why they are catching heat surely?
I have been wanting to attempt it but I lack the motivation or desire to manually make a team of 8 via LFG and in game invites. Shame there's no matchmaking.
I have absolutely zero interest in Edith Finch or Overcooked. It having a stellar review score doesn't change that fact.
To put this in perspective, I had zero interest in Horizon, still have zero interest in Horizon and wouldn't play it were it free. So from a personal standpoint it's a poor showing this month.
That being said, it's nice to see Indies getting the credit they sometimes deserve, rather than bashed because they are Indies.
The value of plus, however you look at it has most certainly declined given an increase in price and decrease in returns. If you played 100 hours a week online and it was the sole reason you have plus, you now pay more for the same service, that's a value decrease.
Hopefully this will translate into a better service going forward.
What was the purpose of raising the yearly for plus?
Honest question.
It seems that Sony is remarkably out of touch with what the community as a whole would like to see in the plus service.
£50 a year to receive no increase in services and a notable decrease in returns is likely the reason why many people aren't too happy with what's on offer.
Personally I'd like to see something like Cities or Constructor alongside something smaller.
Or maybe Nioh or DmC?
Mortal Kombat X?
Still, for those whom enjoy what's offered, more power to you, enjoy!
Overcooked sounds mediocre but the local co op may appease some folks. Not as many of those around these days.
Edith Finch never interested me in the first place so that would be a no regardless.
It's interesting that Sony raised the yearly price, discontinued two platforms and then only offered Indies. With that said it doesn't inherently make them bad games, but it's not unreasonable to expect a return for monetary investment, and since the service is the same as it was when it was a tenner cheaper, it's realistically going to irk people.
Well, I'm not usually one to necro an old thread but this is always a relevant discussion.
I'm not sure why people have this idea of "the company wouldn't get anything" and use a retailer as the example, because that's not how it works in retail.
For example, GAME here in the UK buy the games from the publisher at the wholesale rate plus tax, buy in pre ordered titles AS ORDERED, and then sell them at a markup. Either before sale, or quarterly as each full new sale is made.
If you trade one in to GAME, they make the full value of a pre-owned sale when it resells because the game has already been purchased from the publisher.
It would work the same way online, only smoother, easier and lower cost.
I was actually hoping for the Roman Empire to bridge the gap between Greece and Egypt of antiquity. And given the Viking period began around 800 AD it seems odd to throw it in the current trilogy.
With all that said, being a Viking would be good old beardy fun!
Provided it doesn't detract from core experience as a whole, why not?
If it affects development to the extent the core idea suffers as a result then no, it shouldn't.
Games are an artistic expression in many cases, and sacrificing that in favour of "making it for everyone" isn't necessarily fair for the developer.
I don't agree, however with this, "it's hard get good or get gone" nonsense, that's just a toxic attitude.
To give an example, I've been a kickboxer for well over 10 years, and a club which is unsurprisingly now closed, marketed the same attitude towards newcomers.
It was encouraged for the higher levels and more skilled kickboxers to wail on the new guys in a "that's how you learn" mentality.
It didn't work (shocker).
To sum up, if the easier difficulty is based upon the standard then lowered with a modifier(or story mode) then sure, doesn't affect anybody at all that doesn't want to use it.
But if the difficulty drastically alters the core experience across the board then it's unfair to those whom don't wish to use it.
Having played every game in the series, with Odyssey being my favourite (who doesn't like being an Ancient Greek Demi God fighting the beasts from the 12 labours?), this was my favourite in the series until that point.
I always found Connor a much more believable character than the unrealistically altruistic Ezio, whom I loved as much as anybody. It wasn't about joining the brotherhood and giving up on his entire life to fight an enemy bent on world control, it was about a boy whom had to watch his whole world being burned, his people being killed in the wake of "progress". He just wanted to avenge his people, then intimately took on the larger cause.
Excellent review regardless of personal opinion that acknowledges the steps 3 took to move forward.
As a long time souls fan, I initially thought this might be more of the same.
I actually prefer, in alot of cases, the focus on aggressive play and agility as opposed to the souls slow and steady approach.
It was nice not having to block everything and only out think your opponent, but you could if done correctly, overwhelm them with speed and aggression.
All in all a brilliant game, with a punishing DLC that is as brilliant as the base game!
Wow, they actually put Knack on there! Folk have been screaming for it for long.
Personally I really don’t like the art style of RiME, Breath of the Wild and so on. And to be honest this month was expected from a personal perspective given we had Deus Ex last month which is an absolute belter.
I just got an Xbox One so I have plenty to do until March 😂
As a long time fan I was very apprehensive. The shift to FP and the lack of traditional themes (or so I thought) put me off initially.
Then I played it.
I thoroughly enjoyed the experience, and the classic story with Evaline, Umbrella acknowledging its past failures keeping the originals in canon (as well as the various throwbacks throught the game), alongside the weapon names being directly linked to the classics also (Albert-01 anyone?)
The best thing for me is I didnt feel powerless, there were various means of defending myself but at the same time had to be cautious and aware that just because I have a Shotgun, I may only have 3 shots against 4 enemies…
His calculations take the average into account, and all the currently available information. Not everyone has unlimited time to do every single challenge, every single day forever. And not everyone dedicates the entirety if their game time to a single title.
Unlockables should be progressive and attainable over a realistic timeframe for everyone.
40 hours PER HERO, is just an absurdly high amount of time for a single unlock, and challenges arent decreasing that time by a huge margin. If existing challenges in games are anything to go by, you are getting 2x credits each time at best, and if you cannot complete those daily that decreases efficiency.
Im not 100% but it might work like the other skins.
For instance John Stewart is the Green Lantern but looks different and has a different voice. Same with Powergirl being a Supergirl skin and Bizarro, Superman.
The Last of Us as a whole has always been about what is acceptable in order to survive in a world without rules. How its far too easy for your humanity to slip away. That was pretty much the entirety of Joels character, he was so good at survival because he no longer felt empathy for his fellow man. This clip does the same thing.
As far as the game goes, Im not sure I want to play it. I didnt much like the Ellie only parts of TLOU and it doesnt make sense in my head how Ellie, a person of far less stature and strength than Joel can combat the same people Joel consistently struggled to combat.
Not getting prior consent to use the PUBG name was perhaps a bad move, but thats the only leg they have to stand on with this.
There is system for collecting better gear in PUBG right?
Hardly their invention.
They have various weapon systems right?
Hardly their invention.
They have a loot and weapon attachment system right?
Hardly their invention.
Point is, as has been stated catagorically, they do not own the rights to the genre, and if they arent releasing on the PS4 they can hardly complain about possible imitation given they arent in direct competition on that platform.
I agree with him as far as showing a lot of different games in such a short space, and it absoultely doesnt mean, in my eyes, they are dropping support or "falling out of love" with Indies.
As far as them all being "crap", thats absurd. They often seem to be exempt from criticism but there are most definitely a good few exceptional Indies out there. But lets not pretend they are all good, the marketplace on Steam is saturated wity absolute garbage 😂
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi I was just thinking the same thing.
I cant imagine the demographic for these types of games is very large, so it looks like Sony is simply pushing its new i initiative on everyone.
I can understand some of the games not appealing to everyone, but most of whats offered has a fairly solid userbase within their respective genres, this I imagine makes up a fairly low percentage of players across the entire userbase.
@b1ackjack_ps so far Ive noticed that different gear has different visuals that you can trandform into your favourites akin to an MMO. The shaders are mostly iconic colour schemes.
I have yet to find anything thats like the iconic outfits.
As for grinding, I personally feel the loot drop rate is incredibly high.
From one run of a multiverse five opponant battle, I had a total of 12 mother boxes each dropping at least 2 bits of gear. (2 for bronze, 3 for silver and so on)
Absolute must buy for any fighter and comic fan alike.
And the ever changing Multiverse and its rewards are plentiful.
Plenty to do and visually, it looks incredible.
The way the Multiverse works justifies the customisation too, legitimising the different look of each character.
And as for the bosses, absolutely.
Brainiac actually has a combo which isnt available to users and has boss specific moves, one of which can remove and entire health bar in 4 hits(2 uses).
The modern day bits, although relevant, in Black Flag were a total chore.
As per this being "origins", how will that work I wonder, since the very first game and its direct sequals state quite explicitly, that the Assassin Order began in Masyaf.
I guess it could be a "multiple people from differrent countries forming a pact" kind of affair.
I mean you do see various different statues in Monteriggioni.
I think thats why I struggled to get into the first game. It seems unreasonable to me that everyone else is an ultra powerhouse of ultimate doom and you cant even pick up a bit of pipe to whack a guy before running like hell.
I wouldnt expect to be armed as per the game type, but most people have hands, and it completely detatches me from the immersion when I lack even the most basic means of self defence.
On the one hand, and this is from experience, if you purchase a game from a shop, play it a little but dont really like the game, you shouldnt be entitled to a refund simply because you dont like something but the product works as intended and theres no actual fault with the physical product. Thats not a breach of your consumer rights and there are multiple outlets to view the product prior to purchase.
But on the other, and this is quite specific to digital, if theres an inherant problem, ie its missold or falsly advertised, you should absolutely be able to get a refund based on the fact that you can with a physical product under those same circumstances.
I guess even so, its a different kettle of fish when it comes to digital.
Comments 958
Re: Ghost of Tsushima Gets Difficulty Right, Hard Mode Doesn't Just Increase Enemy Health
@Real_Obsi from context, it appears you are suggesting a new player with limited experience should be able to tackle every challenge equally to that of an experienced player.
Experience and skill play a very real part in our real lives, and to achieve something is based upon our ability to overcome that challenge.
The game shouldn't do that for you because you simply do not want to have to learn.
On topic: good! I abhor that nonsense, and I'm hoping it becomes a more skill based game as a result.
Re: PS Plus April 2020 PS4 Games Leaked Ahead of Official Announcement
I've been holding out hope for Monster Hunter or Devil May Cry 5 but this is a strong month in terms of value for investment.
Who knows though, it could turn out to be a load of codswallop but Access is a reputable channel.
Re: PlayStation Plus January 2020 PS4 Games Announced
What ya gonna do?
I mean, on the one hand, you have the new adopters, people who just got on the PS4 wagon and they get a decent, albeit dated, series to play through.
On the other, you have a vastly smaller proportion of the sales demographic being targeted, who have likely not paid into the service and subsequently enabled that service to continue, which is probably why many feel they no longer get a return on investment.
What with the cost of using the service seeing consistent increase but the return being very inconsistent across the board.
I myself, don't care much, given the Uncharted series had run its course for me after 2016s U4.
I'm almost certain they just put some names on a wheel and spin it before choosing the one that lands.
Goat sim is also a game.
Re: It's All Over: The X Button Is Officially Pronounced 'Cross'
To me, all the face buttons are shapes, not letters.
It's always seemed weird for only one button to be a letter ("ex") while the other three are shapes.
Re: PS Plus August 2019 PS4 Games Announced
@ShogunRok can't decide whether that's too savage, or not savage enough 😂
Either way, haven't played Wipeout in a long time and SE4 somehow slipped through the net for me.
Long time fan of the series since the first buggy mess way back when on the original X Box 😂
Solid month no doubt.
Re: Talking Point: PlayStation Plus Is in Desperate Need of an Overhaul
What I'm seeing a lot at the moment is comparisons between football and CoD.
"Not liking a footy game is the same as not liking call of duty."
Not liking football likely means you won't play any football related game, so FIFA, PES, Manager etc.
Not liking CoD doesn't mean you won't play any other shooter.
Not liking Star Wars wouldn't stop you playing Battlefield but it might stop you playing Battlefront.
And that I think is where this whole thing falls down.
Putting any game on there that is in a specific corner of the market is bound to cause issues en mass.
Further exacerbated by an online culture where it is grossly unacceptable to even have a negative opinion about something regardless how thought out and factual it may be.
I am happy they are more diverse in genres now, but for it to work, there needs to be more freedom of choice, another game perhaps that appeals to the more general audience whilst maintaing an indie and/or sports/niche title.
Re: PS Plus July 2019 PS4 Games Announced
@tomassi football may be, but football video games aren't.
The same way Formula 1 is watched and supported by millions, but the video game market percentage is markedly lower than that of the more accessible and general genres.
Though, it is interesting that almost all the actual Football fans I know prefer PES.
A bit like NBA 2K over NBA Live.
Is it an accessibility thing or does it just represent the sport better?
Re: PS Plus July 2019 PS4 Games Announced
According to some websites the F2P version of PES is actually largely the same as the paid.
Still get access to MyClub and so forth.
So this is a case of Sony literally giving us a free version of an already free game...
Good times 😂
Edit: Konamis own website confirm this
Re: PS Plus July 2019 PS4 Games Announced
I never enjoyed outrun back in the day personally.
Whereas I don't mind the FIFAs on a casual level, Football is a niche like Formula 1 or Basketball.
The appeal is to a select group as opposed to Borderlands or Deus Ex which appeals to a much wider audience.
Not too fussed, I like to see a change up in genres on Plus from time to time, but nothing for me.
As an aside, Sony must realise why they are catching heat surely?
Re: Talking Point: What Free July 2019 PS Plus Games Do You Want?
Vampyr tbh.
Had it on xbone but never finished.
And with the recent announcement of Bloodlines 2 (I know it's not the same series) it might get people in the mood early.
Failing that, Hitman 2 or Devil May Cry or something in the action hack n slash range.
Re: PS Plus June 2019 PS4 Games Announced
Arguably one of the best months this year for plus.
Even if owned, at least the BL collection is a solid 9/10.
Probably won't be everyone's cup o tea...
Re: DayZ Is Coming to PS4 Next Week, Over Four Years After the Original Announcement
Not something I've even thought about for a good 2 years.
Re: Free Action RPG Dauntless Pushes Past 4 Million Players Following Full Release on Consoles
For a F2P it's pretty decent.
Not much content as already mentioned however.
A few months of adding "behemoths" and such and it would probably turn into a realistic MH Lite.
Re: Talking Point: What Free June 2019 PS Plus Games Do You Want?
I never bothered to add the most recent to the library as I know I won't ever play them.
But I've been playing Dauntless and it's an actually decent Monster Hunter clone, which has got me the itch to play MHW 😂
It's a stretch but that would be a great addition, at least for me.
Maybe FFXV so I can finish it? 😂
I would really like to bash through Nioh too.
Re: Two Days Later, The Division 2’s Raid Has Finally Been Beaten on PS4
I have been wanting to attempt it but I lack the motivation or desire to manually make a team of 8 via LFG and in game invites.
Shame there's no matchmaking.
Re: Poll: Are You Happy With Your PS Plus Games for May 2019?
Not for me sadly.
I have absolutely zero interest in Edith Finch or Overcooked.
It having a stellar review score doesn't change that fact.
To put this in perspective, I had zero interest in Horizon, still have zero interest in Horizon and wouldn't play it were it free.
So from a personal standpoint it's a poor showing this month.
That being said, it's nice to see Indies getting the credit they sometimes deserve, rather than bashed because they are Indies.
The value of plus, however you look at it has most certainly declined given an increase in price and decrease in returns.
If you played 100 hours a week online and it was the sole reason you have plus, you now pay more for the same service, that's a value decrease.
Hopefully this will translate into a better service going forward.
Re: PS Plus May 2019 PS4 Games Announced
What was the purpose of raising the yearly for plus?
Honest question.
It seems that Sony is remarkably out of touch with what the community as a whole would like to see in the plus service.
£50 a year to receive no increase in services and a notable decrease in returns is likely the reason why many people aren't too happy with what's on offer.
Personally I'd like to see something like Cities or Constructor alongside something smaller.
Or maybe Nioh or DmC?
Mortal Kombat X?
Still, for those whom enjoy what's offered, more power to you, enjoy!
Re: Rumour: May 2019's PS Plus Games Possibly Leaked by PS4 Menu Screenshot
Overcooked sounds mediocre but the local co op may appease some folks.
Not as many of those around these days.
Edith Finch never interested me in the first place so that would be a no regardless.
It's interesting that Sony raised the yearly price, discontinued two platforms and then only offered Indies.
With that said it doesn't inherently make them bad games, but it's not unreasonable to expect a return for monetary investment, and since the service is the same as it was when it was a tenner cheaper, it's realistically going to irk people.
Re: Poll: Would You Sell Back Your Digital PS4 Games for PSN Credit?
Well, I'm not usually one to necro an old thread but this is always a relevant discussion.
I'm not sure why people have this idea of "the company wouldn't get anything" and use a retailer as the example, because that's not how it works in retail.
For example, GAME here in the UK buy the games from the publisher at the wholesale rate plus tax, buy in pre ordered titles AS ORDERED, and then sell them at a markup.
Either before sale, or quarterly as each full new sale is made.
If you trade one in to GAME, they make the full value of a pre-owned sale when it resells because the game has already been purchased from the publisher.
It would work the same way online, only smoother, easier and lower cost.
Re: It Sounds Like the Next Assassin's Creed Will Be All About Vikings
I was actually hoping for the Roman Empire to bridge the gap between Greece and Egypt of antiquity.
And given the Viking period began around 800 AD it seems odd to throw it in the current trilogy.
With all that said, being a Viking would be good old beardy fun!
Re: Talking Point: Should All Games Have an Easy Mode?
Provided it doesn't detract from core experience as a whole, why not?
If it affects development to the extent the core idea suffers as a result then no, it shouldn't.
Games are an artistic expression in many cases, and sacrificing that in favour of "making it for everyone" isn't necessarily fair for the developer.
I don't agree, however with this, "it's hard get good or get gone" nonsense, that's just a toxic attitude.
To give an example, I've been a kickboxer for well over 10 years, and a club which is unsurprisingly now closed, marketed the same attitude towards newcomers.
It was encouraged for the higher levels and more skilled kickboxers to wail on the new guys in a "that's how you learn" mentality.
It didn't work (shocker).
To sum up, if the easier difficulty is based upon the standard then lowered with a modifier(or story mode) then sure, doesn't affect anybody at all that doesn't want to use it.
But if the difficulty drastically alters the core experience across the board then it's unfair to those whom don't wish to use it.
Re: Assassin's Creed III Remastered - Hearty Remaster Shows Off Series Milestone in a Flattering Light
Having played every game in the series, with Odyssey being my favourite (who doesn't like being an Ancient Greek Demi God fighting the beasts from the 12 labours?), this was my favourite in the series until that point.
I always found Connor a much more believable character than the unrealistically altruistic Ezio, whom I loved as much as anybody.
It wasn't about joining the brotherhood and giving up on his entire life to fight an enemy bent on world control, it was about a boy whom had to watch his whole world being burned, his people being killed in the wake of "progress".
He just wanted to avenge his people, then intimately took on the larger cause.
Excellent review regardless of personal opinion that acknowledges the steps 3 took to move forward.
Re: Soapbox: Don't Dismiss Bloodborne Because of Its Difficulty
As a long time souls fan, I initially thought this might be more of the same.
I actually prefer, in alot of cases, the focus on aggressive play and agility as opposed to the souls slow and steady approach.
It was nice not having to block everything and only out think your opponent, but you could if done correctly, overwhelm them with speed and aggression.
All in all a brilliant game, with a punishing DLC that is as brilliant as the base game!
Re: The EU PlayStation Store Has Two New Sales, in Case You Needed More
@bindiana Can’t be any worse than the Call of Duty sale 😂
£59.99 down to £48 or whatever.
I’m not saying money off isn’t good, but 18% is hardly going to make a game affordable given it’s original price.
Re: February PlayStation Plus Games Announced
Wow, they actually put Knack on there!
Folk have been screaming for it for long.
Personally I really don’t like the art style of RiME, Breath of the Wild and so on.
And to be honest this month was expected from a personal perspective given we had Deus Ex last month which is an absolute belter.
I just got an Xbox One so I have plenty to do until March 😂
Re: Game of the Year 2017: #6 - Resident Evil 7
As a long time fan I was very apprehensive.
The shift to FP and the lack of traditional themes (or so I thought) put me off initially.
Then I played it.
I thoroughly enjoyed the experience, and the classic story with Evaline, Umbrella acknowledging its past failures keeping the originals in canon (as well as the various throwbacks throught the game), alongside the weapon names being directly linked to the classics also (Albert-01 anyone?)
The best thing for me is I didnt feel powerless, there were various means of defending myself but at the same time had to be cautious and aware that just because I have a Shotgun, I may only have 3 shots against 4 enemies…
Solid game.
Re: PS Plus Multiplayer Will Be Free in Europe from 15th November
Good incentive.
If it gets more people playing that will drive up sales across the board.
Then maybe plus will go back to last gens variant?
Re: Star Wars Battlefront 2's Lootbox Fiasco Keeps Getting Worse
@dryrain I disagree.
That statement makes a massive assumption.
His calculations take the average into account, and all the currently available information.
Not everyone has unlimited time to do every single challenge, every single day forever.
And not everyone dedicates the entirety if their game time to a single title.
Unlockables should be progressive and attainable over a realistic timeframe for everyone.
40 hours PER HERO, is just an absurdly high amount of time for a single unlock, and challenges arent decreasing that time by a huge margin.
If existing challenges in games are anything to go by, you are getting 2x credits each time at best, and if you cannot complete those daily that decreases efficiency.
Youre still looking at 25-30 plus hours.
Re: Injustice 2 Adds Two DC Characters We've Never Heard of and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Im not 100% but it might work like the other skins.
For instance John Stewart is the Green Lantern but looks different and has a different voice.
Same with Powergirl being a Supergirl skin and Bizarro, Superman.
Maybe the movesets will change with it too?
Re: Trophies Can Finally Earn You Cold Hard Cash
@Brasilkilla unless you live in the UK then hes actually complaining about literally getting nothing…
Re: PGW 2017: PlayStation Boss Comments on Controversial Last of Us 2 Trailer
The Last of Us as a whole has always been about what is acceptable in order to survive in a world without rules.
How its far too easy for your humanity to slip away.
That was pretty much the entirety of Joels character, he was so good at survival because he no longer felt empathy for his fellow man.
This clip does the same thing.
As far as the game goes, Im not sure I want to play it.
I didnt much like the Ellie only parts of TLOU and it doesnt make sense in my head how Ellie, a person of far less stature and strength than Joel can combat the same people Joel consistently struggled to combat.
Re: Horizon: Zero Dawn Seems to Be Getting a Game of the Year Edition
Ive not played it yet, still have no desire to to be honest.
I may pick it up in a year or so when its really cheap (if its really cheap), but otherwise Im not too fussed.
Re: Talking Point: What Free October 2017 PlayStation Plus Games Do You Want?
@kyleforrester87 I bought Resi 6 in the sale last year and remembered why I didnt keep it first time around 😂
On topic: Id like a movie tbh.
Or some DLC for bought games.
Hell, dont put a game on there put Battlefield 1 Premium 😂
Devil May Cry 4 perhaps?
Re: PUBG Dev Isn't Too Happy About Fortnite's Battle Royale Mode
Not getting prior consent to use the PUBG name was perhaps a bad move, but thats the only leg they have to stand on with this.
There is system for collecting better gear in PUBG right?
Hardly their invention.
They have various weapon systems right?
Hardly their invention.
They have a loot and weapon attachment system right?
Hardly their invention.
Point is, as has been stated catagorically, they do not own the rights to the genre, and if they arent releasing on the PS4 they can hardly complain about possible imitation given they arent in direct competition on that platform.
Re: Destiny 2 Is Looking Like the Sales Smash Hit We All Expected
I was completely against this game to begin with.
The first started as a half baked although stunning effort.
Little content etc etc.
Destiny 2 is everything the first couldve been.
Plenty to do, great cutscenes and story, you can really see Blizzards influence.
Absolutely brilliant so far, and thats coming from someone who was let down by the first.
Re: Review: Elite Dangerous (PS4)
Thoroughly enjoyable.
So much to do!
Ive tried everything from bounty hunting to trading to mining(bore) to tourism.
The Dolphin liner is great for getting you big bucks too, but it requires Horizons, as does planetary landings and SRV use.
Sunk hours in and still enjoying it.
Re: Opinion: Has Sony Really Fallen Out of Love with Indie Games?
I agree with him as far as showing a lot of different games in such a short space, and it absoultely doesnt mean, in my eyes, they are dropping support or "falling out of love" with Indies.
As far as them all being "crap", thats absurd.
They often seem to be exempt from criticism but there are most definitely a good few exceptional Indies out there.
But lets not pretend they are all good, the marketplace on Steam is saturated wity absolute garbage 😂
Re: E3 2017: July's First Free PlayStation Plus Game Announced
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi I was just thinking the same thing.
I cant imagine the demographic for these types of games is very large, so it looks like Sony is simply pushing its new i initiative on everyone.
I can understand some of the games not appealing to everyone, but most of whats offered has a fairly solid userbase within their respective genres, this I imagine makes up a fairly low percentage of players across the entire userbase.
Re: PS4 Firmware Update 4.70 Is Available to Download Now
@Jokerwild12 you can rate games in the store and in your library I believe, but there isnt an option to essentially write a review.
Re: Review: Injustice 2 (PS4)
@b1ackjack_ps so far Ive noticed that different gear has different visuals that you can trandform into your favourites akin to an MMO.
The shaders are mostly iconic colour schemes.
I have yet to find anything thats like the iconic outfits.
As for grinding, I personally feel the loot drop rate is incredibly high.
From one run of a multiverse five opponant battle, I had a total of 12 mother boxes each dropping at least 2 bits of gear.
(2 for bronze, 3 for silver and so on)
Re: Review: Injustice 2 (PS4)
Absolute must buy for any fighter and comic fan alike.
And the ever changing Multiverse and its rewards are plentiful.
Plenty to do and visually, it looks incredible.
The way the Multiverse works justifies the customisation too, legitimising the different look of each character.
And as for the bosses, absolutely.
Brainiac actually has a combo which isnt available to users and has boss specific moves, one of which can remove and entire health bar in 4 hits(2 uses).
Excellent game, excellent review.
Re: EA Axes Mass Effect as BioWare Montreal Is Scaled Down
Isnt this exactly what happened with Medal of Honour?
Re: Review: PREY (PS4)
After the nod in the subtitle, I was waiting for that BioShock reference 😂
Re: Rumour: Egyptian Assassin's Creed to Feature Two Lead Heroes
@ShogunRok you and me both.
The modern day bits, although relevant, in Black Flag were a total chore.
As per this being "origins", how will that work I wonder, since the very first game and its direct sequals state quite explicitly, that the Assassin Order began in Masyaf.
I guess it could be a "multiple people from differrent countries forming a pact" kind of affair.
I mean you do see various different statues in Monteriggioni.
Re: Rumour: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered Scores Separate Launch
For me it depends on pricing.
Its already been available for £79.99 on the PSN, so thats just shy of £25 if IW is £54.99 as per.
If they start selling this at full retail a year after launch almost, Im good.
Re: May 2017 PlayStation Plus Games Announced
Abzû is something Ive been toying with buying but sadly we got Alienation 😒
Type:Rider honestly has no appeal.
As for the Telltale game, there isnt enough money in the world that would make me want to experience that gameplay ever again 😂
I dont fully understand the purpose for the region difference though.
Re: Review: Outlast II (PS4)
@get2sammyb standard for the game I guess.
I think thats why I struggled to get into the first game.
It seems unreasonable to me that everyone else is an ultra powerhouse of ultimate doom and you cant even pick up a bit of pipe to whack a guy before running like hell.
I wouldnt expect to be armed as per the game type, but most people have hands, and it completely detatches me from the immersion when I lack even the most basic means of self defence.
Re: Talking Point: What Free May 2017 PlayStation Plus Games Are You After?
Id like to see something akin to Devil May Cry 4 on there.
It would be a pretty solid change of pace.
Re: Review: Outlast II (PS4)
Im assuming every single other person is an unstoppable ultimate killing machine and the protagonist made of glass as per the first game?
Re: Poll: Should Sony Be Looking to Add Refunds to PSN?
Its a moral dilemma for sure.
On the one hand, and this is from experience, if you purchase a game from a shop, play it a little but dont really like the game, you shouldnt be entitled to a refund simply because you dont like something but the product works as intended and theres no actual fault with the physical product.
Thats not a breach of your consumer rights and there are multiple outlets to view the product prior to purchase.
But on the other, and this is quite specific to digital, if theres an inherant problem, ie its missold or falsly advertised, you should absolutely be able to get a refund based on the fact that you can with a physical product under those same circumstances.
I guess even so, its a different kettle of fish when it comes to digital.