Comments 380

Re: Review: Mulaka (PS4)


@faint sure, but for every Shovel Knight there are a bunch of other games that Nintendo promotes in Directs that are very forgettable. I'd list them but... can't seem to remember them xD

Re: Poll: Has Arcade Edition Tempted You to Try Street Fighter V?


I was disappointed to find out that the Arcade Edition does not include Season 3 characters. I know they haven't been released yet, but it's hard to get excited when they propose me to spend me more than full price for an almost 2 year old game. I'll just wait for the actual complete edition a couple of years from now. Maybe I'll buy USFIV in a sale...

Re: Soapbox: After the Vita's Failure, Why Do People Now Want Console Games on the Go?


I think it makes sense for Nintendo. I honestly think it's best for Nintendo to not have gone for a normal console with higher specs that would be obsolete in comparison with Xbox One X and PS4 Pro. With that in mind, a handheld hybrid is just the best they can do. And here's a single reason: Pokémon. It is Nintendo's biggest system seller after Mario. Just because it's not good for Playstation it doesn't mean it isn't to everyone else. Sometimes it's not always about what the whole market wants, but what's logic for one of them at the time, and it made total sense for Nintendo. Now, of course they didn't have only pokémon in mind when designing the Switch (that's just my fanboy speaking), but having 2 systems was harming them in a big way, with huge game release droughts. It's best for them, not for Sony. And it's not just about the hybrid nature, but the hybrid nature solves the problem of having to develop for two new systems