Comments 90

Re: Chequered Flag for Gran Turismo Sport as Online Services Shut Down in January 2024


@adit365 That's a horrible idea. There are many games' trophies that become unattainable, this isn't a new thing. And them becoming unavailable makes them coveted, due to the rarity. They will become patches of honor for those who got them. The last thing PD should do is just give them away to people who didn't earn them. So tired of the "everyone gets a trophy" mindset. 6+ years is more than enough time to attain them all, if a person hasn't by now they were never going to earn them and don't deserve to have trophies just handed to them.

Re: PS Plus Essential, Extra, Premium Price Increases Announced by Sony


So the PS top tier is still cheaper than GPU, PS mid tier like $1-2 more per month than GP. Everyone freaking out clearly hasn't done the math. I get the hike for essential was a bit steep though. I understand it from each side, inflation means they gotta raise prices and that measly $10 extra on 1st party games was erased by it. Still $80 for cloud saves and 3 typically decent games a month (not this month) is still a great deal. Those 3 games pay for the service themselves after 2-3 months, they're not the drivel XB hands out.

Re: Baldur's Gate 3's Accidental PS5 Console Exclusivity Truncated as Xbox Backtracks


I see very few people talking about the can of worms they just opened. I'm reeal curious how this gets handled going forward. Will they finally leave the S behind where it belongs? Will they allow every dev to cut features or only give certain devs special treatment, alienating the rest? This will be something the pops up in the near future no doubt. Also... all this talk about holding things back. At this point, its actually PCs holding development design back the most. Due to consoles all having SSDs now, devs have to account for old HDDs that are only on PCs now which creates a massive gap in possible memory speed. We won't see any true leaps in the design itself until those shackles have finally rusted away. Rest assured we'll be squeezing through crawl spaces and crevasses to the next area for years to come.

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Dev Larian Studios Has No Interest in Being Acquired


@Cashews No one is hear by invite, you really need to brush up on your definitions. You seem to not understand how to use terms properly. But if you're asking, it sounds like you're entitled. BTW how great is SF6's price now after those ridiculous prices for cosmetics were announced? Feels great to be right. Pay attention and maybe you will be once.

Re: Here's Your First Real Look at the Return of Fatal Fury


@Stevemalkpus Its true, you cannot buy anything while having a pure conscience. China is embedded in all societies, from the phone I'm typing on to car parts, we cannot ever truly escape it. Saudi oil is the same. We can however do our best to support (with our purchasing choices) those who hold similar values as much as we can. I don't know exactly where the "don't buy" threshold is, but for me 5% isn't it.

Re: Mid-Generation Upgrades Like PS5 Pro 'Aren't All That Meaningful', Says Take-Two CEO


Definitely down for one as soon as they drop. Everyone talking about consoles not being pushed seem to forget games look better while doubling the frames already, and reach 4k-1440 with RT at 30fps. Better ray tracing would be a plus but I'll never go back to a 30fps standard, the pro model will guarantee that. Frames > resolution, they can change the whole feel of a game. I can't wait to no longer worry about frame drops at 60.

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Dev Larian Studios Has No Interest in Being Acquired


@Cashews First of all it is an opinion, unless you talked to all the devs in the industry personally, you have no clue why the price their games at certain points. You should learn the difference. Secondly that's fine don't pay full price, just don't be mad when you're called entitled. And enjoy being left behind, the prices are only going higher from here. Economics is something everyone should understand, its really not that hard. Its disappointing so many people couldn't care less and just want what they want no matter the cost like little brats. Its gross, y'all need to grow up or find a cheaper hobby you can afford without harming the people who made it possible by underpaying for their product.

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Dev Larian Studios Has No Interest in Being Acquired


@ILikeStake I'm betting few. It really blows my mind when $70 for hours upon hours of use and enjoyment is somehow too much. Video games are the best value in entertainment. Games aren't cheap to make either. They should've been $70 in the 2000s and raised from there. Keep doing what you're doing, but you should realize you're only making big AAA games less and less viable which is going to dilute the industry.

Re: Here's Your First Real Look at the Return of Fatal Fury


No matter how good a game may look, I'll never support SNK due to their ownership. It's becoming increasingly difficult to dodge dishonorable ownership when the Saudi govt and Chinese companies inherently connected to the CCP like Tencent are buying devs or stakes in devs left and right. The CCP already influences content made by American and European companies simply by being a massive source of consumers devs have to edit content for just so they can release it in their market. Its a gross violation of intellectual and creative freedom. Also, Saudi's kill honest journalists in embassies. That's just the most prominent of their many other transgressions against humanity, particularly their own citizens.

Re: Here's Your First Real Look at the Return of Fatal Fury


@Blacksmith1985 Very different situation. The actual Saudi govt owns SNK. Dev teams based out of Russia aren't govt owned, and are likely just like you and me. Just as you or I shouldn't have the deplorable actions of our government's murderous foreign policies put on us as if it were our idea and our doing, neither should Russian people.

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Dev Larian Studios Has No Interest in Being Acquired


@Cashews The $70 price point is only too much for people who don't understand the economics of the industry, especially its past. Games have been at steady prices for decade long stints. Nothing, except cosco hotdogs, stays the same price over the same period games have. And the extra revenue companies were making from the price raise was all but wiped out by inflation, so they're back to square one again. SF6 could've easily charged $70 and been no worse for wear. Not sure why they chose not to, perhaps they thought it would look good and they'll make it on the backend with BPs and MTs 🤷🏽‍♂️ Remnant, while a great game, has nowhere near the release history as SF. Its made by a relatively unknown dev who's previously released game in the series was also a lower tier title, also not released at "full price". Remnant's price is far more a reflection of the devs being self aware than it is any kind of slight against the idea of $70 games. The trend of devs charging more will only increase with time, as it should.

And yea those subscription prices will be getting quite a hike as well. I imagine Sony went into it with the idea of getting great, but older, games to keep the costs down while also giving these devs another opportunity to make money later in their games' lifespans. I don't see them raising their prices for at least a year or two. But Xbox with GP, they're in a different boat. They've foolishly tied 60-70% of their economic future to a service they have to make high quality (and not so high quality) games for, on their own dime, along with making deals for day one releases. They don't have as many solid streams of revenue and have to pour money into the one they're relying on the save them. They've even harmed their own storefront profits because they've groomed a large portion of their community to only use GP who rarely make a la carte purchases. They can't make much off that 30% cut when people don't buy games like they do on PS. They will have no choice but to increase the price of GP by 50-100% in the coming years. And if people thought Sony's PS+ tiers were bad, just wait until there's 5-6 different GP options to accommodate console, PC, mobile, and all the different iterations of them.

Re: Poll: Will You Be Muting Your PS5's Beep?


Keeping the beep. Its an indicator from the system. It serves a purpose, and its not like its a minute long alarm. Surprised it bothers some people. Its also kinda like a Pavlov's dog thing as well. When I hear that beep I know I'm home, have no major obligations, and am about to enjoy quality mental stimulation.

Re: Poll: Is Twisted Metal's TV Show a Win or a Write-Off?


I want to check it but not that badly, and I have a hard time staying invested in series shows. Even good ones can't really keep me around anymore, kinda wish it was just a movie. If its true its coming to HBO Max in Sept I'll check it out then but I refuse to get Peacock. I'm not giving them any indication I support it or the idea of 20 different streaming services being a good thing.

Re: Diablo 4's Seasonal Battle Pass Doesn't Contain Enough Platinum to Buy Literally Anything


@Flaming_Kaiser I'm probably older than you kid. Don't get stuck in generalizations or assume everyone from a particular time period thinks the same. I don't think lootboxes are ideal but the idea that they're predatory because people are stupid enough to buy them expecting something great each time is ridiculous. If they were the only way to get anything that would be different, but they're not. People actually enjoy them, entire streams are dedicated to just opening boxes/card packs. The only people complaining are parents who let their kid have access to their bank account, and I have no sympathy for fools.

Re: Diablo 4's Seasonal Battle Pass Doesn't Contain Enough Platinum to Buy Literally Anything


@Northern_munkey The loot box thing is overblown. People buy packs of sports/magic/pokemon/etc. cards having absolutely no clue what they're going to get and we've never referred to that as "gambling" in the sense that it should be regulated like a casino. How bout people take some responsibility and teach their kids what it actually means to buy something like that, and the likelihood they'll get what they're after? How bout we stop blaming companies for parents stupid enough to allow their kids access to their credit card? People just want to put their parenting burden on others because of the common misconception that since they have kids their problems are more important and everyone should help them. Its no one's responsibility to make sure their children aren't making frivolous purchases but their own, and parents expecting others to do it for them are setting a horrible example for their kids.

Re: Diablo 4's Seasonal Battle Pass Doesn't Contain Enough Platinum to Buy Literally Anything


@Stevemalkpus I mean, it is a live service norm. Fortnite, Apex, Pubg, Activision's own COD, fighting games that have BPs... they all allow players to earn enough for the next BP and usually a bit left over people can save up for cosmetics if they want. They should've gotten trashed for the OW2 BP as harshly as they are for D4. If they were maybe they wouldn't have done it again with D4. Guess they thought they could get away with it since there wasn't a massive backlash for OW2. Blizzard is showing everyone how NOT to do live service.

Re: Every Little Helps! UK Giant Tesco Will Stop Stocking Physical Video Games


@Wheatly That all depends on how long a digital game is kept on servers, how many servers are needed, how many are on but unused just wasting power waiting for you to need it? You can't simply state physical games are worse because plastic and call that the truth. Its the same with all the people that think electric cars are so great for the environment but forget about mining cobalt for batteries, shipping back and forth across the globe just to simply assemble them, and most importantly where the power comes from the charge their "zero emissions" vehicle. The longer digital lasts, the more damage done actually, because they have to continue to consume power to exist on a server. Physical games do not. The answer is not as simple as you think.

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Release Date Reportedly Slated for November 2024


I don't see how this is anything other than positive. Giving those who are more serious an option is great. If you don't like it you don't have to buy it. Devs have run into the limit much faster than in previous gens, mainly because the systems are very similar to their predecessors. There is no cell processor devs have to figure out how to squeeze the most out of, they already are quite familiar this time around and could put the extra power to good use. The guarantee of a 60fps future alone is worth it. The extra abilities may also lead devs to start approaching graphics options like PCs handle them. It would be great to be able to say "I don't care how great the clouds look or the density of foliage. Let me drop those down a bit to reach a solid 60 and/or 4k and/or RT. Maybe if I limit this option I could run the game at 40fps with RT." Having flexibility to play at the framerate you want or fidelity you want could be something we see with these more powerful options.

Re: Every Little Helps! UK Giant Tesco Will Stop Stocking Physical Video Games


@Titntin what make you think you have any right to deny people what they want? Gross entitlement? What makes you think you know exactly how things are being polluted and which is causing more harm? A single bad article wheaty posted or gross ignorance? You have no clue, not saying I do either.... but I'm not the one declaring they would cut everyone's choices off if they could either.

Re: Sony Wants More PS5 Exclusives from South Korea


@trev666 Its an effective business strategy and as long as they're only year or less exclusives I don't mind them. I agree though other than 1st and 2nd party sony published games they should all come to everything, at least eventually. The devs certainly want their games available in as many places possible, even some 1st party devs do.

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