Comments 45

Re: PSP RPGs The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki and Ao no Kiseki PS4 Ports Teased by Falcom


Awesome! When I first got my PSP I fell in love with TITS 1 and 2, and was so disappointed when I found out 3 didn't have an english release (at the time). Then felt worse when I found out even more games came out on the PSP in the series that didn't come out here. Now we have all 3 TITS games in English, the first 3 TOCT (and hopefully the 4th lol), and possibly MORE LoH games? HYPE~!

Re: Dragon Quest XI Breaks 4 Million Copies Worldwide, But Japan Still Counts for at Least 75% of Sales


Pre-ordered the game months in advance and got it a day before official release lol. Played it for over 80 hours, completing the main story, post game story, all side quests and levelled up most characters to 99. Collected 100 out of 110 mini medals too, but couldn't be bothered with the other 10 haha. Overall the game was utterly fantastic and maybe my favourite of the series so far (haven't played them all yet). I've seen the game described as a "comfort food" game, and I think that's pretty accurate. The story won't WOW you, the combat isn't exactly deep, but its DRAGON QUEST. While other games like Final Fantasy have changed in almost every way since the original game, DQ largely stayed the same, just updating the visuals as they went along. Most DQ fans LIKE this. They know exactly what they are going to get with a new DQ game. Sadly the majority of the DQ fanbase is in Japan and most gamers outside of Japan didn't get to play much of the series (especially in the UK where DQ 8 was the first game we got...), so that whole "comfort food" idea is lost on a lot of people.