Comments 142

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 390


Playing through Nier Automata again. I’ve gotten Ending E before but am starting again from scratch and will 100% it.

I’d been playing Nier Replicant v1.22 the past couple months, going for Ending E and its repetition has worn me out. I liked it at first but I kinda hate this game at the moment and it’s refreshing to play Automata instead.

Will take breaks from Automata with some WipEout Omega Collection.

Re: Talking Point: How Would You Improve PS Plus?


After the last 2 months, IMO I’d say better games. The last 2 months if the first time I didn’t claim any of the games.

For PS Now, I’d do GameFly before I’d do PS Now and that’s because of selection. PS Now has a lot but not very many I am interested in that I don’t already have.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 385


Nier Replicant - I’m 33 hours into Route A. I have a couple more side quests then can finish for Ending A. I’m so tired of these fetch quests, running back and forth all over the map. In fact I’ve skipped most of them, doing only important ones but it’s still absolutely brutal. I can’t imagine what completionists are going through with this game. This could’ve been such an amazing game but it has the most padding I’ve ever experienced in a game. It really impacts the overall experience. Especially considering that most these “optional” fetch quests are indeed necessary if you plan to get the final ending - Ending E. Sometimes I am smitten by this game and other times I’m like “f**k this game.”

Tetris Effect - I bought this for my wife, she’s enjoying it. Very trippy at times.

And I picked up an Anbernic RG351P handheld for emulation on the go. I loaded the 351ELEC 2.0 firmware on a new 128gb SD card, it’s awesome! I just wish the screen were bigger or that I had eagle vision. No bullet hell games on here for sure.

Re: Soapbox: What Makes Returnal So Special


I’m one of the ones who took Returnal off my wishlist once it released and I found out about what’s expected time-wise with your runs. I don’t get 2 hours to play a session.

I play a lot of Resogun and Nex Machina so I know how good these guys are. But ***** it I guess.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 383


I’ve started the 2nd half of Route A in Nier Replicant. This game was rough at first because the hours of fetch side quests were like punishment. They were that bad. I went from regretting buying it to loving it when I stopped the side quests.

So my tip is, don’t worry about the side quests. Do the ones you feel like and that’s it.

Re: Upcoming PS5, PS4 Games for July and August 2021


I’m curious what all the fuss with Hades is. My friend has it on Switch and loves it. I don’t particularly like rogue-likes but may give it a try.

Cotton Reboot
Darius Another Chronicle EX+
Hoa: my wife loved the 15 mins of gameplay vid on YouTube
Kena: I’m hoping this will be my wife’s God of War-ish title
Ninja Saviors: I thought this was out already?

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart?


I haven’t played Rift Apart, I’ve only played the 2016 reboot. R&C 2016 was my first R&C and I just started playing it when it got the PS5 60fps update. It had the intended effect and made me add Rift Apart to my wishlist. I’m waiting for a price reduction before I pull the trigger.

I can do $60 for a new game but $70 sounds more expensive than it is, even though it’s just a $10 difference. Not to say I won’t buy a $70 game in the future but I need time for the price change to marinate. Ideally it’ll have the benefit of playing it fully patched up by then.

Re: Poll: What's Your Favourite PS5, PS4 Game of 2021 So Far?


I’ve never played the original, I’m new to Nier. I just heard about Automata for the first time a few months ago, so playing through Automata was my introduction. A mind-blowing introduction at that.

It being a PS3 gen game and Yoko Atari having to work with a small budget explains a lot though. I’m going to stick with it and adjust my expectations. Play the game on its own terms.

Re: Poll: What's Your Favourite PS5, PS4 Game of 2021 So Far?


@AndyKazama I bought Nier Replicant last week and am 7 hours in. I was enjoying it for the first 2 hours but the past 5ish hours have been rougher than I’d bargained for with monotony.

Reviews mentioned the monotony but honestly I disregarded that b/c people said the same about Automata and I didn’t find Automata to be very monotonous.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 381


@TBubs311 Biomutant’s reviews talk about the PlayStation port being the worst-looking resolution-wise, having the most visual glitches and even crashing a lot. How’s your experience been so far?

@Residentsteven You’re not alone. I put 2 hours into HZD recently and had been excited to finally try it. The combat bothered me. I didn’t like how aiming felt with the bow + arrow but the worst is the melee. The melee is more clunky than a 1980 Cadillac Brougham.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 381


Nier Replicant: I finished Automata last week so I decided to pick up Replicant. I’m only a couple hours in so I can’t say much about it yet but it’s exceeding expectations so far.

Fight N Rage: The more I play it, the more I’m starting to see why so many people hype it up. The combat is deeper than it seems. To me it’s not as good as SoR4 but it’s up there.

Puyo Puyo Tetris: I got this for my wife

R-Type Final 2: I finally got past the homage stage x2.0 boss (the Leo stage) and got to see the 2 new stages from R-Type Delta and R-Type 1. I love the Delta stage and can’t wait to see what the next 2 homage stages will be.

Re: PS5 Games Are Still Selling Poorly at Retail in Japan


@thetraditional I DualSense in a handheld is a cool thought but it’d impact the battery too much.

Remember why the Game Boy killed the Game Gear. The Game Gear was technically better than a NES but it’s short battery life killed it.

Batteries and mobile hardware optimization has come a long way but battery life is key. I hope Sony does re-enter mobile gaming cuz I need something for work trips and the Switch is the only option (f**k “games” on my phone).

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Will Return to the PS Store on the 21st June


So many comments talking about TW3. It’s such a beloved game, I wish I liked it. I bought it and got about 2 hours in then I couldn’t do anymore. The controls/combat is what got to me. My wife loved watching it and wants me to get back to playing it.

I’d like to give Cyberpunk 2077 a try once it’s patched up but its controls/combat is probably even worse.

Re: Prince of Persia Remake Skips Ubisoft Forward, Out Next Year


@Porco if I was to guess it’s so this new dev team can cut their teeth on this project and get a lot of experience. While ensuring it’ll sell better (based on name recognition) than whatever other project they would’ve been working on.

They’ll probably put out a decent game, no RE2-quality remake.