Comments 1,126

Re: Rumour: PS5 Controller's Battery Life 3 to 4 Hours Longer than DualShock 4


Most people I know get 3-4 hours on a DS4 full charge (fully dimmed, no headphone usage), which is the same that I get. I have no idea how some of you are getting 8-10 hours. The DS5 battery is a significant upgrade. Sure, it's not the end of the world, but I have to constantly have a backup controller charging so I can rotate controllers during longer gaming sessions. Also, I've been right in the middle of a boss fight several times in Souls games (during which I couldn't pause) and had the controller flat out die on me; a battery life of 7-8 hours means that will never happen during one of my longer gaming sessions anymore.

Re: Soapbox: Sony's Next PS5 Showcase Needs to Be a Scorcher


@KratosMD @Jarobusa I'm not sure how you can say that. If anything, XBox is the company that has provided the same experiences over and over (Forza, Halo, Gears, rinse and repeat); that may change now that Microsoft has invested in other studios, but how many of the games are actually going to be quality titles is questionable — whereas Sony has a history of very high quality first and second party titles. And I'd say the PS5 games are likely well ahead of where the XBox games are, based on the showcases (12 PS5 games with gameplay, 2 XBox). I love Game Pass for the chance to try out indie games and second tier AA/AAA titles I'd never buy otherwise, but I'd never pick XBox OVER Playstation — especially not after seeing these two conferences. But as I said, I hope it works out for you and you enjoy it.

Re: Poll: Would You Pay $70 for a Brand New PS5 Game?


I am essentially all digital now, and the only games I buy new anymore are some Nintendo games (since they rarely are discounted much digitally anyway) and titles by From Software; I otherwise wait for a sale. I have such a backlog that there is no reason to pay full price at release.