Comments 409

Re: Review: Canabalt (PlayStation Minis)


Got it yesterday for the PS3, and I must say it is amazing to play it on the big screen. Great review, but I would also mention the superb soundtrack, even though it would be nice to have more than 3 tracks. I read somewhere that there IS an ending after you run 25.000 km, but I don't know if it's true or not.

Re: Review: Mecho Wars (PlayStation Minis)


@James Thanks, James. I'm glad it's still PSN!

@SpaceKappa Thanks SpaceKappa — kappas are cute little buggers aren't they?! Unfortunately, I don't have a PSP, so I guess I'll have to try it on the PS3... or wait until I buy my Vita!

Re: Review: Mecho Wars (PlayStation Minis)


Didn't know this was on the PSN (or is it SEN now?), although I have it in my iTunes wishlist for some time now. It's four dollars cheaper there, but I'll consider getting it for the PS3 in order to play it on the big screen...