Comments 409

Re: Round Up: The Heist DLC for Spider-Man PS4 Gets Solid Reviews


@naruball Either way the complete experience is game + DLC. What I mean is that we are at a strange time in which games are not sold as an updatable service, but as "full games" + a bunch of overpriced extra content. It would be fairer to sell them a service from the get-go, not as retail game that is sold rather expensively and requires you to dish out more money afterwards to have the full experience.

Re: PS5 Will Launch Late 2019, Says Japanese Analyst


@Pinkman I want to, but my issue is really having the time to actually sit in front of the TV for a couple of hours. My gaming time theses days is basically an hour at the most of VITA/3DS here and there. I try to make up for it when I have a time-off, but it's becoming harder and harder to do. Almost all big hitters I have for the PS4 are still untouched on my shelves.

Re: PS5 Will Launch Late 2019, Says Japanese Analyst


I've been loyal to Sony consoles since the PS1, but this time I think I'll buy a Switch by the end of the year and wait a long time until I get another console, Sony or otherwise. Portability is everything for me these days, and my PS4 didn't get a fraction of the playtime my PS3 for instance got.

Re: PS4 Firmware Update 6.0 Beta Includes Performance Fixes


I have half my original 1TB hard drive full and have been noticing the OS is not as fast as it used to be, although it never were as speedy as I would hope. I have the PS4 hooked via ethernet with a very stable fast internet. I guess we'll never see a console from Sony without loading time on the UI.

Re: Talking Point: Could Microsoft's Xbox Game Pass Model Work on PS4?


I don't mean to be all doom and gloom and, if that's what the future holds, that's what the future holds... BUT, the way gaming is "evolving", it is clearly pushing me out of the picture. I guess in a few years time I'll be solely devoted to my enormous backlog instead of entering this rate race of subscription models, season passes, dlc, online only games etc.

It's the concept that displeases me you see: the "usefulness" and "worthiness" of a game based solely on it's userbase, revenue potential and monetization opportunities. As soon as it is not profitable anymore, it is unplayable (servers pulled out and/or main features inacessible) or it disappears from existence.

How will it be possible to preserve gaming history this way, if all games eventually disappear in the ether? If all plataforms embrace this model, in a relatively short time (think NES days until today) a whole library of a given system can be totally unsalvageable except for the ones the companies understand they can make a profit out of it again by remastering/re-releasing etc.

Maybe that's not important for people anymore, and that's fine. But, for me, memory, preservation, a sense of safeguarding intelectual properties is a huge deal.

Re: EA Pondering Subscription-Based Services Instead of Traditional Game Releases


If this is the future, I'll stay in the past. Never paid a subscription for a game and never will — my gaming time is all over the place, I don't wanna fell I'm throwing money away by paying a monthly fee and actually playing a few hours a month.

I can see myself playing more and more older games 10 years from now with all these (at least for me) negative changes on the gaming scene. I'm still bugged by the fact that Final Fantasy XV for instance is basically a neverending update fest. I don't see this as value for money, but as a hassle instead. Give me complete games on the box anyday.

Re: Poll: Is The Last of Us: Part II's New Trailer Too Much?


I personally like when films/videogames/books reminds us that violence is supposed to make us flinch and feel uncomfortable — violence is so pervasive and tailored to do the exact opposite these days that I find it refreshing when someone has the guts to show it as it is and make us stop and think about it for a second.

Having said that, I don't think it was a particularly good choice for a reveal: I would rather have a snipet of actual gameplay.

Re: PS5 Is Likely Coming in 2019, Believes Analyst


Even if 2019 is the case (although I think 2020 is more likely), I won't be getting one before 2022. Makes no sense to me anymore getting consoles early in their life cycle. I already have too many games from past generations I'm still playing.

Re: Why Is the New God of War So Different to Its Predecessors?


I guess he has the data and numbers to back that bold statement of his regarding European gamers tastes, but it's always strange to hear this kind of overarching talk about such a big and diverse market.

Having said that, I totally agree that Ascension was a totally unnecessary game that added nothing to the series as a whole, but, unless the new GoW is awesome in its own right, removing its hack and slash nature is a risky move. It's kinda like turning Devil May Cry into something else entirely. Not sure I'm down with that, but we'll see.