Comments 409

Re: Poll: Will You Be Buying a PS4 Pro?


@Devotion I totally understand that this justifies the purchase for some people, not for me though. However, it will be interesting to see how much of a difference we'll actually see when the games start beign patched and when new games arrive, such as GoW for instance. I believe they will be largely cosmetic, but I might be wrong. Either way, I don't see myself upgrading. I hope you'll be very happy with your PS4 Pro though!

Re: Poll: Will You Be Buying a PS4 Pro?


@Devotion In fact, not buying a PS4 Pro makes as much sense as not having the best PC rig possible, but one that's more than good enough to play all games you want.
I understand it's a must for people who want the best possible gaming experience, like you, but having bought a PS4 less than a year and a half ago, there's no way I can justify to myself giving the same amount of money to Sony yet again for these little improvements.

Re: Poll: Will You Be Buying a PS4 Pro?


Not for me. I'm perfectly happy with the launch model and don't even play most of the big hitters that are likely to take advantage of the extra power. Not to mention that I don't even have a 4K TV and don't have any plans to get one.

Re: Secure Your PSN Account with Two-Step Verification Now


@NathanUC From what I understand the device password works like the SMS code, meaning you'll still be using you old password. The device password is just another layer of security like the SMS. If someone else attemps a login you'll receive another message to set up a new device password.

Re: PlayStation Plus Price Increase Confirmed for US and Canada


To be honest, apart from the games on PS+, which I really don't care about/expect great titles any longer (I see the games as a bonus, really), the service kind of improved lately, with more cloud storage space and more stability. I for one can't remember any outages on the recent past. Of course I would like to have it staying the same price forever, but I can't be that much bothered by this somewhat small increase if it affects Europe.

Re: Review: Lost Sea (PS4)


The developer seems to have addressed this save issue on their foruns:

"We have recently introduced a patch for PC, which allows you to save & quit the game and continue playing at a later time. The permadeath system however remains in place as the entire game is balanced around it.

We are looking into making the patch available on consoles, however it may take some time as the certification process on consoles is a lot more complicated than on PC and there are some other complications that needs to be solved, too. Please keep an eye on our social channel for updates."

Re: Sony: PS4K Will Not Shorten the PS4's Lifecycle


With Sony insistently saying that both platforms will coexist until the end of this generation's cycle, I'm more and more convinced that PS4 Neo will in fact lengthen the eight generation lifecycle, which was bound to be shorter if these 4K updates hadn't come around.

Re: Soapbox: Let's Be Honest, E3 2016 Was Disappointing


I think it was a very safe mid-cycle E3. The thing is, all consoles of this generation are still to deliver a great deal of their promises — and the show reflected that. I imagine next year, with behemoth projects like Final Fantasy XV and Last Guardian out of the way and Neo/Scorpio more close to reality, things will get fresher and more surprising again. Not to mention NX, which will certainly be a thing then.

Re: Japanese Sales Charts: Dragon Quest Heroes II Conquers the Top Spot with Ease


I'm curious to see how many copies the next true numbered release (XI) will shift on its first week. It's tough to gauge the true state of the series with spin-offs. However, even though DQ always secures a first spot in any shape or form, it does seem that these numbers pale in front of previous releases. DQ XI can either dispel these worries, or confirm them.

Re: Surprise! Sony Isn't Working on First Party Titles for PS Vita


@WebHead I highly doubt it, I reckon Sony will keep making them while leaving it flying solo for as long as developers continue to make niche/indie titles for it. I think it will be very similar to the PSP situation really, that continued to be manufactured until December 2014 on PAL territories. Handhelds are typically much more resilient than home consoles even after first party support is dropped.