@playstation1995 You do know that Sony themselves was kind of surprised the PS4 was a success. And a lot have changed since then; like Sony porting their games to PC; like them predicting 20% of their business will be on mobile phones in 2025; like streaming is becoming popular too; like Sony (halfhearted though) copying Gamepass (plus more probably you could add). How do you think the gaming landscape will look in 2030 (or there abouts)? I think there will be PC, streaming, mobile phones and MAYBE a Nintendo hybrid console (Nintendo might stand a chance even though I don't think it will be an easy ride for them at all).
@truerbluer I don't know.. The time slowing mechanism in Max Payne 1 and 2 was quite innovative for the time (I enjoyed both - although I didn't finish 2). Alan Wake's "wear them down with light and finish them with gunpower" gameplay was simple but well done (plus you could evade enemies too). I must say I'm hard pressed to desire more from a combat/gameplay engine (the game had other issues though like being a bit light on exploration and horror - plus the graphics weren't the best at the time IMO). I personally enjoyed my 2 playthroughs though.
@get2sammyb Ok, I didn't about them obstructing the gameplay evolving. I thought EA had sort of figured they could really use the licensing fee themselves, but if they still have to pay to clubs and players there's probably not much to save. (but doesn't FIFA own the rights to Champions League?)
@Marios-love-child So they will have to negotiate with each individual team? (or maybe even each individual player? - I don't know how it's all put together legally - but there was this case with a Dutch player 20-25 years iirc , where it basically said a club could not "own" a player)
Not that I'm a big footie fan, but I do follow results from Premier League, The Championship, my own local leagues plus a few others. And I did actually enjoy PES 2011 and 2012 on my 3DS (the 3D effect was really cool ).
What really interests me is what this - (and quite a few other recent events like Gamepass, PS Plus Premium and ActiBliz, Bethesda, SquareEnix western studios and Bungie buyouts - plus rumours of remaining SquareEnix, Warner Bros and even Ubisoft buyouts) - means for the whole industry.
It kind of feels like the whole industry is dissolving/transcending on a huge scale at the moment. To me it feels like the old model is finally falling apart.
And EA seems to me like just another very big player in the industry that are having a real hard time at the moment or at least when it comes to the mid to long term future. Let me just mention Anthem and Battlefield 2042 being more or less disasters just the last few years.
It's certainly interesting times right now (maybe not from a "hardcore" gamers view point - but maybe it's for the better in the long run - modern games just consumes so much of your time nowadays, being so gigantic in scope).
@MFTWrecks Plus finishers with a stomp/kick down on the opponents head? Isn't it taking it taking the violence a bit too far? I know they're not dying, because it's a superhero game, but still they would have if it had been real. The Arkham games were violent too with arms being broken and all, but at least it seemed more realistic the "victims" actually survived. There's head stomping in Resident Evil 5 too, but that was done to zombies. There's a difference when it's human beings criminal or not IMO. It feels cheap.
Looks pretty meh to me. The character models and animation looks kind of stiff and uninspired. The city/environments doesn't look as good as in the Arkham games. And yet another city to roam about in. Couldn't they have been a bit more creative with the setting? It's now the fourth game in a row taking part in a city.
Tbh I'd much rather buy the rumoured Switch Arkham collection, this looks pretty tame IMO.
The Evil Within 2 is 9 euro and that's steal for that price IMO. It's a kind of "stealth survival horror" game (not totally - there's gunplay and over the top boss fights too!) in a sort of open worlds and linear areas hybrid game.
I haven't played any of these games, but chose Elden Ring because I did quite like Dark Souls (put 80 hours into it - but was burned out on the concept after that - 2 is still sitting on my shelf after all these years ) and Elden Ring is just more of the same IMO (just open world this time).
Most of the games are available on PC or on PS4 or PS5 through remasters and backwards compability anyway. I just don't see the need for them to be available on PS5 through emulation.
But then again as handheld gamer formost these day, I've pre-ordered a Steam Deck and do not intend to purchase a PS5 after the disappointing PS4 generation.
In hindsight the Vita wasn't a great platform; it was OK IMO as it had the redeeming feature of being able to play PSone and PSP classics (not all of them unfortunately, but it DID have a good collection). As of Vita games themselves: Well obviously Persona 4 Golden (even though it doesn't interest me personally - but it must be good mustn't it). Soul Sacrifice Delta was great at the time, but it's not REALLY a classic (got bored with it eventually). Toukiden Kiwami was great too (but again not a real classic). The Vita also had the best collection of fighting games ever on a handheld (Mortal Kombat, Marvel vs Capcom, Street Fighter X Tekken, Injustice, a couple of Blazblue games plus quite a few more). As I said an OK (but also quite underwhelming - at times) platform, that I frankly don't have much desire to play these days (but hey I feel almost the same about the Nintendo 3DS - although not quite - it IS a better platform IMO).
I don't think it's from the (rumoured/leaked) RE4 remake. He looks quite old (his hairline has crept up quite a bit compared to his RE5 self + he just looks more "worn out" from a long hard life). You have to consider that Wesker was 48 years old in RE5 (which is from 2009), so his around 60 now. Then there's also his left arm. Why is it in bandages/injured? I think it might be concept art from the rumoured/leaked RE Outrage/Revelations 3 and that he's returning in that game (or at least I hope he does, because it would be really cool .
That must be without japanese sales. Capcom recently said that Monster Hunter Rise had shipped 7 million copies, while Village had shipped 4 million after 3 weeks (27th of may IIRC).
What about that other they started teasing at least 10 years ago (a sequel to a game from PS2 era - can't even remember its name)? I don't think it has even been released yet (now I remember - Beyond Good and Evil 2, I think).
Yes. Caved in and bought the physical PS4 version slighty reduced in price. Seems quite ok so far, a lot better than 7. It's a bit slow so, but the gunplay that has been so far is quite satisfying (just killed the first sister).
Wonder if Capcom got cold feet after the January showcase, because they realized Verse wasn't so hot a property and quickly added/developed a Mercenaries mode instead?
Give us an official 3rd person mod Capcom, it was a big part of The Mercenaries to actually see who you were playing as. This is just too impersonal (if there's even more characters than one to play with, that is). It seems you can customize your character more or less how you want, so why even have more characters if you can't even see them when your playing (just saying - don't hate me ).
The great thing about Mercenaries in 4, 5 and 6 is the "Gun Fu" gameplay (mix between shooting and melee combat). Here it just seem like a fast moving shooting gallery (I could be wrong, but I'm sceptical I admit).
Just finally played through 7 for the first time. Not a bad game as such, I'm just not really sold on the direction. It reminded me more of a Silent Hill game than a RE game. Then there's also the first person view, I didn't like that either. The Mercenaries? I don't know? Is there melee attacks like in 4, 5 and 6? Just seemed a bit too fast paced/on rails for me. Didn't really stand out, but we'll see.. I will try out the demo if I can fit it into my schedule and feel like doing it at the same time. Probably will wait for a sale because of first person view and being a bit too artsy partsy for my liking. Sorry Capcom, you seem to have lost your way when it comes gameplay since RE6 IMO.
@__jamiie Ok, I admit that sounds a tiny bit arrogant lol, but you do have to consider that Sony themselves probably worked really hard to design the PS3 at that point (2005). After all Japanese people (at least from what I understand) are incredibly hard working people, and then you might get a bit sour from time to time and come out sounding a bit (or maybe even quite a lot) arrogant from all the hard work.
@__jamiie I don't know if Sony were arrogant, probably more too ambitious for their own good. The fact is that the PS3 had a very powerful (and expensive) CPU (the Cell processor) with an out of the ordinary architecture, that was hard to learn to get the most power out of. It took some years (3 maybe) before the third party companies started to really master it, and therefore there were some inferior ports/versions, where the Xbox 360 versions performed better and therefore 360 did better sales wise at first. Then also back then (just like it seem they do today) Microsoft poured a lot of money into the Xbox brand (they released the 360 a year prematurely to get a head, causing the hardware to suffer from overheating issues, leading to the notorius "Red Ring of Death" failure, again causing Microsoft to have to replace a lot of machines cost free). On the first party front the competition was a lot fiercer, Microsoft released a lot of Halo, Gears of War, etc. games during the Xbox 360 era, and also secured a number of (at least console) exclusive "second party" games like Splinter Cell: Conviction, Alan Wake, Condemned: Criminal Origin and Metro: 2033. The PS3 hardware was great, but costly. The Xbox 360 was more like modern consoles (apart from the Switch), I think, with more of a PC like architecture (the "second party" games I just mentioned were also released on PC, but not on PS3). Sony actually tried to push gaming forward with the PS3 IMO. The PS4 on the other hand was weak (but relatively inexpensive - they sort of learned their lesson, you could say), which is probably why they had to make the Pro mid generation (to keep up with PCs mainly, but of course also the Xbox One X).
To be fair Sony build the PS4's success partly on the momentum the PS3 gained from around 2009 or so, with games like Uncharted 2 and later The Last of Us being very successful. It's kind of funny to see how important first party has become to Sony since 2010 or so, before they had mainly Gran Turismo that at least sometimes sold 10 million copies or more. Nowadays it's almost seen as a failure if a Sony first party title doesn't sell at least 10 million copies. Just look at Days Gone, that won't receive a sequel even though it sold pretty well (but that also has something to do with the cost of producing AAA games these days of course).
Silent Hill: Book of Memories is another Vita exclusive that should have been on that list.
It might not be a good traditional Silent Hill game, but it's a very good game on it's own terms. It borrows a bit from Diablo (isometric view/combat heavy), but is not so RPGish as those games (there's a bit of upgrading, but not that much IMO).
It's another Vita game that is becoming extensively expensive physically (and then it's made by Wayforward - almost a recommendation in itself).
Yeah, Soul Sacrifice Delta is what you could consider a semi-classic.
It had very high production production values, lots of interesting bosses (it is almost entirely consisting of boss fights - not much gathering items or killing smaller enemies like in Monster Hunter).
Together with Toukiden Kiwami (that is a much more traditional MH clone), it is the best of the Vita Monster Hunter clones IMO (a tad weird maybe, but the gameplay really rule).
And the Asian english language physical version must be very expensive these days. So grab it from the store before it's to late (it's not particularly cheap though, it still cost the same as when it released - another sign of quality - Sony clearly knows that the game is good and unique).
@Taylorzombie "Evil Call for Resident Duty" (aka RE6 - at least Chris' campaign) is actually pretty great when you set the QTEs to auto execute, and learn to play around with the wealth of different mechanics.
I only voted for the games I think are worthy of at least an 8 (= great) IMO. And that is Resident Evil 4, 5, 6 and Revelations, Tomb Raider Underworld, Dark Souls, Bionic Commando, Dark Sector, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 and Deus Ex: Human Revolution. I think the PS3 had a pretty good selection of great games, if you ask me.
@TheFrenchiestFry Ok, forgot to say it's the Vita version I was talking about (I'm almost completely a handheld gamer these day - might buy RE Village though for my PS4, if the second demo turns out well, being a huge RE fan).
As long as Sony still provides patches/updates I'm pretty much fine (having bought what I want from the PS Vita and PS3 libraries years ago). If they removed the option to update/redownload the games it would be a real problem. For now people must just buy whatever they have missed from the libraries before it's to late (that there probably won't be anymore sales could a problem for people's wallets - it could turn out to be a bit expensive I'm afraid).
I'm personally more bummed that I can't download the Jill Valentine DLC for Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3.
But that's not really Sony (or Capcom's) fault, it's down to Disney (that owns the right to the Marvel universe) withdrawing the license from Capcom in 2013 or something.
Disney wanted to develop the games themselves, and it was a disaster. They lost $800 million over 4 years and now the M vs C franchise/collaboration has been revived (but it didn't seem like Capcom wanted to put that much effort into it; M vs C Infinite isn't that good from what I've heard - and wasn't particularly successful either).
But that's what happens if you get to greedy/arrogant, I guess (and I'm talking about Disney here).
Just read on another site that there WILL be another demo featuring action gameplay. I will decide whether to get the game or not when I've played that.
I hope the PS4 demo of Village will feature actual combat. I watched the PS5 demo on Youtube and I didn't feel like I missed out on anything at all. I'm worried that Village will just be as boring as 7, just with more content (a longer campaign that is; RE:Verse is not my cup of tea at all - would have liked a new version of Mercenaries or Raid and not this VS c***).
Comments 179
Re: Sony 'Not at All Finished' Growing PlayStation Studios via Acquisitions
@Rob3008 Just stating my opinion, that's all .
Re: Sony 'Not at All Finished' Growing PlayStation Studios via Acquisitions
@playstation1995 You do know that Sony themselves was kind of surprised the PS4 was a success. And a lot have changed since then; like Sony porting their games to PC; like them predicting 20% of their business will be on mobile phones in 2025; like streaming is becoming popular too; like Sony (halfhearted though) copying Gamepass (plus more probably you could add).
How do you think the gaming landscape will look in 2030 (or there abouts)? I think there will be PC, streaming, mobile phones and MAYBE a Nintendo hybrid console (Nintendo might stand a chance even though I don't think it will be an easy ride for them at all).
Re: Sony 'Not at All Finished' Growing PlayStation Studios via Acquisitions
@Shepherd_Tallon Exactly!
Re: Sony 'Not at All Finished' Growing PlayStation Studios via Acquisitions
PS5 will be the last Sony console, and frankly I don't care.
Re: PS5 Outsold by Xbox in Japan for First Time, But All Stock Related
@Perturbator That's a damn long time lol.
Re: April 2022 NPD: PS5 Back on Top After Supply Issues Thwart Sales
@4kgk2 Really?
Re: Alan Wake 2 Concept Art Shared, But No News This Summer
@truerbluer I don't know.. The time slowing mechanism in Max Payne 1 and 2 was quite innovative for the time (I enjoyed both - although I didn't finish 2).
Alan Wake's "wear them down with light and finish them with gunpower" gameplay was simple but well done (plus you could evade enemies too).
I must say I'm hard pressed to desire more from a combat/gameplay engine (the game had other issues though like being a bit light on exploration and horror - plus the graphics weren't the best at the time IMO). I personally enjoyed my 2 playthroughs though.
Re: EA Sports Will Officially Ditch FIFA Branding Next Year
@Rob_230 Just learned that in the comment section of Nintendolife's article on the same subject. Not really that big on football.
Re: EA Sports Will Officially Ditch FIFA Branding Next Year
@get2sammyb Ok, I didn't about them obstructing the gameplay evolving. I thought EA had sort of figured they could really use the licensing fee themselves, but if they still have to pay to clubs and players there's probably not much to save. (but doesn't FIFA own the rights to Champions League?)
Re: EA Sports Will Officially Ditch FIFA Branding Next Year
@Marios-love-child So they will have to negotiate with each individual team? (or maybe even each individual player? - I don't know how it's all put together legally - but there was this case with a Dutch player 20-25 years iirc , where it basically said a club could not "own" a player)
Not that I'm a big footie fan, but I do follow results from Premier League, The Championship, my own local leagues plus a few others. And I did actually enjoy PES 2011 and 2012 on my 3DS (the 3D effect was really cool ).
What really interests me is what this - (and quite a few other recent events like Gamepass, PS Plus Premium and ActiBliz, Bethesda, SquareEnix western studios and Bungie buyouts - plus rumours of remaining SquareEnix, Warner Bros and even Ubisoft buyouts) - means for the whole industry.
It kind of feels like the whole industry is dissolving/transcending on a huge scale at the moment. To me it feels like the old model is finally falling apart.
And EA seems to me like just another very big player in the industry that are having a real hard time at the moment or at least when it comes to the mid to long term future. Let me just mention Anthem and Battlefield 2042 being more or less disasters just the last few years.
It's certainly interesting times right now (maybe not from a "hardcore" gamers view point - but maybe it's for the better in the long run - modern games just consumes so much of your time nowadays, being so gigantic in scope).
Re: EA Sports Will Officially Ditch FIFA Branding Next Year
@get2sammyb Ditto.
Re: Lengthy Gotham Knights Gameplay Walkthrough Revealed
@MFTWrecks Plus finishers with a stomp/kick down on the opponents head? Isn't it taking it taking the violence a bit too far?
I know they're not dying, because it's a superhero game, but still they would have if it had been real. The Arkham games were violent too with arms being broken and all, but at least it seemed more realistic the "victims" actually survived.
There's head stomping in Resident Evil 5 too, but that was done to zombies. There's a difference when it's human beings criminal or not IMO. It feels cheap.
Re: Lengthy Gotham Knights Gameplay Walkthrough Revealed
Looks pretty meh to me. The character models and animation looks kind of stiff and uninspired. The city/environments doesn't look as good as in the Arkham games. And yet another city to roam about in. Couldn't they have been a bit more creative with the setting? It's now the fourth game in a row taking part in a city.
Tbh I'd much rather buy the rumoured Switch Arkham collection, this looks pretty tame IMO.
Re: Delayed PS4 Multiplayer Spin-Off Resident Evil Re:Verse Re-Emerges
You'll probably need PS Plus to play it anyway, like that "free" game that came with 3 remake.
Re: PS Store Golden Week and Games Under Sales Slash Prices on Hundreds of PS5, PS4 Titles
The Evil Within 2 is 9 euro and that's steal for that price IMO.
It's a kind of "stealth survival horror" game (not totally - there's gunplay and over the top boss fights too!) in a sort of open worlds and linear areas hybrid game.
A very underrated game IMO.
Re: Poll: What's Your PS5, PS4 Game of the Year So Far?
I haven't played any of these games, but chose Elden Ring because I did quite like Dark Souls (put 80 hours into it - but was burned out on the concept after that - 2 is still sitting on my shelf after all these years ) and Elden Ring is just more of the same IMO (just open world this time).
Re: PS3 Emulation Allegedly in Production for PS5
Most of the games are available on PC or on PS4 or PS5 through remasters and backwards compability anyway. I just don't see the need for them to be available on PS5 through emulation.
But then again as handheld gamer formost these day, I've pre-ordered a Steam Deck and do not intend to purchase a PS5 after the disappointing PS4 generation.
Re: Poll: We Want You to Rate Your Favourite PS Vita Games
In hindsight the Vita wasn't a great platform; it was OK IMO as it had the redeeming feature of being able to play PSone and PSP classics (not all of them unfortunately, but it DID have a good collection).
As of Vita games themselves: Well obviously Persona 4 Golden (even though it doesn't interest me personally - but it must be good mustn't it). Soul Sacrifice Delta was great at the time, but it's not REALLY a classic (got bored with it eventually). Toukiden Kiwami was great too (but again not a real classic).
The Vita also had the best collection of fighting games ever on a handheld (Mortal Kombat, Marvel vs Capcom, Street Fighter X Tekken, Injustice, a couple of Blazblue games plus quite a few more).
As I said an OK (but also quite underwhelming - at times) platform, that I frankly don't have much desire to play these days (but hey I feel almost the same about the Nintendo 3DS - although not quite - it IS a better platform IMO).
Re: Albert Wesker Artwork from Resident Evil 4 Remake Allegedly Leaked
I don't think it's from the (rumoured/leaked) RE4 remake. He looks quite old (his hairline has crept up quite a bit compared to his RE5 self + he just looks more "worn out" from a long hard life).
You have to consider that Wesker was 48 years old in RE5 (which is from 2009), so his around 60 now.
Then there's also his left arm. Why is it in bandages/injured?
I think it might be concept art from the rumoured/leaked RE Outrage/Revelations 3 and that he's returning in that game (or at least I hope he does, because it would be really cool .
Re: GTA 6 Release Window Rumours Pick Up Steam
@TheArt We must just hope the fans aren't dead in the meantime
Re: F1 2021's Braking Point Story Mode Gets First Details, Screenshots
Alone the title sounds super cheesy; "Braking Point". Had it been called "Braking Bad", it would probably be more interesting though
Re: May 2021 NPD: Resident Evil Village Is Second Best-Selling Game of 2021
That must be without japanese sales. Capcom recently said that Monster Hunter Rise had shipped 7 million copies, while Village had shipped 4 million after 3 weeks (27th of may IIRC).
Re: Rainbow Six Extraction Coming This September for PS5, PS4
Kind of reminds me of the Resident Evil spin-off Umbrella Corps (and that's not really a good thing).
Looks kinda cheap IMO.
Re: Prince of Persia Remake Skips Ubisoft Forward, Out Next Year
What about that other they started teasing at least 10 years ago (a sequel to a game from PS2 era - can't even remember its name)?
I don't think it has even been released yet (now I remember - Beyond Good and Evil 2, I think).
Re: Talking Point: Did Sony Lie About PS5?
After years of planning they had to release new hardware, or they would be left behind the PC master race.
Re: Talking Point: Did Sony Lie About PS5?
Yeah, please understand...
Re: Talking Point: Did Sony Lie About PS5?
Diplomatic: They weren't completely honest
Truth: Yes, they lied
But: Please understand...
Re: Poll: Did You Buy Resident Evil Village?
Yes. Caved in and bought the physical PS4 version slighty reduced in price.
Seems quite ok so far, a lot better than 7. It's a bit slow so, but the gunplay that has been so far is quite satisfying (just killed the first sister).
Re: Resident Evil Re:Verse Not Actually Launching with Village
Wonder if Capcom got cold feet after the January showcase, because they realized Verse wasn't so hot a property and quickly added/developed a Mercenaries mode instead?
Re: UK Sales Charts: Cyberpunk 2077 Returns to Top 10 While FIFA 21 Claims Number One
Fifa in the number 1 spot. But for how long if Super League becomes a reality and Konami snaps up the license?
Re: Resident Evil Village Resurrects The Mercenaries Arcade Mode
Give us an official 3rd person mod Capcom, it was a big part of The Mercenaries to actually see who you were playing as.
This is just too impersonal (if there's even more characters than one to play with, that is).
It seems you can customize your character more or less how you want, so why even have more characters if you can't even see them when your playing (just saying - don't hate me ).
Re: Resident Evil Village Demo Coming Soon, Early Access for PS5 and PS4 Players
@huyi To be fair they said you could predownload. Right now it doesn't seem to up, though.
Re: Resident Evil Village Demo Coming Soon, Early Access for PS5 and PS4 Players
I know it's not on rail (God forbid it!). But it just seems too fast paced and shooty, shooty for my liking.
Re: Chris Redfield Features in New Resident Evil Village Trailer
He was an a** in 7 and now he's seemingly the villain. Oh the loss of innocence, who cares if he is in some cutscenes being a bad guy.
Re: Resident Evil Village Resurrects The Mercenaries Arcade Mode
The great thing about Mercenaries in 4, 5 and 6 is the "Gun Fu" gameplay (mix between shooting and melee combat).
Here it just seem like a fast moving shooting gallery (I could be wrong, but I'm sceptical I admit).
Re: Resident Evil Village Demo Coming Soon, Early Access for PS5 and PS4 Players
Just finally played through 7 for the first time. Not a bad game as such, I'm just not really sold on the direction. It reminded me more of a Silent Hill game than a RE game.
Then there's also the first person view, I didn't like that either.
The Mercenaries? I don't know? Is there melee attacks like in 4, 5 and 6? Just seemed a bit too fast paced/on rails for me. Didn't really stand out, but we'll see..
I will try out the demo if I can fit it into my schedule and feel like doing it at the same time.
Probably will wait for a sale because of first person view and being a bit too artsy partsy for my liking.
Sorry Capcom, you seem to have lost your way when it comes gameplay since RE6 IMO.
Re: 10 Digital-Only PSP, PS Vita Games to Buy Before the PS Store Closes
@TwentiethPaul The only store up and running selling Vita games now are on the machine itself, I'm afraid. You have to buy a Vita I'd reckon.
Re: Poll: Is PlayStation Losing Ground to Xbox?
@__jamiie Ok, I admit that sounds a tiny bit arrogant lol, but you do have to consider that Sony themselves probably worked really hard to design the PS3 at that point (2005). After all Japanese people (at least from what I understand) are incredibly hard working people, and then you might get a bit sour from time to time and come out sounding a bit (or maybe even quite a lot) arrogant from all the hard work.
Re: PS5 Has Been UK's Best-Selling Console Two Months in a Row
It seems the Switch is slowing down then?
Nintendo better get that Pro version ready soon, or the Switch will go the way of the Wii; suddenly deflating like a soufflé without warning.
Re: Poll: Is PlayStation Losing Ground to Xbox?
@__jamiie I don't know if Sony were arrogant, probably more too ambitious for their own good.
The fact is that the PS3 had a very powerful (and expensive) CPU (the Cell processor) with an out of the ordinary architecture, that was hard to learn to get the most power out of.
It took some years (3 maybe) before the third party companies started to really master it, and therefore there were some inferior ports/versions, where the Xbox 360 versions performed better and therefore 360 did better sales wise at first.
Then also back then (just like it seem they do today) Microsoft poured a lot of money into the Xbox brand (they released the 360 a year prematurely to get a head, causing the hardware to suffer from overheating issues, leading to the notorius "Red Ring of Death" failure, again causing Microsoft to have to replace a lot of machines cost free).
On the first party front the competition was a lot fiercer, Microsoft released a lot of Halo, Gears of War, etc. games during the Xbox 360 era, and also secured a number of (at least console) exclusive "second party" games like Splinter Cell: Conviction, Alan Wake, Condemned: Criminal Origin and Metro: 2033.
The PS3 hardware was great, but costly. The Xbox 360 was more like modern consoles (apart from the Switch), I think, with more of a PC like architecture (the "second party" games I just mentioned were also released on PC, but not on PS3).
Sony actually tried to push gaming forward with the PS3 IMO. The PS4 on the other hand was weak (but relatively inexpensive - they sort of learned their lesson, you could say), which is probably why they had to make the Pro mid generation (to keep up with PCs mainly, but of course also the Xbox One X).
Re: Poll: Is PlayStation Losing Ground to Xbox?
To be fair Sony build the PS4's success partly on the momentum the PS3 gained from around 2009 or so, with games like Uncharted 2 and later The Last of Us being very successful.
It's kind of funny to see how important first party has become to Sony since 2010 or so, before they had mainly Gran Turismo that at least sometimes sold 10 million copies or more.
Nowadays it's almost seen as a failure if a Sony first party title doesn't sell at least 10 million copies. Just look at Days Gone, that won't receive a sequel even though it sold pretty well (but that also has something to do with the cost of producing AAA games these days of course).
Re: 10 Digital-Only PSP, PS Vita Games to Buy Before the PS Store Closes
Silent Hill: Book of Memories is another Vita exclusive that should have been on that list.
It might not be a good traditional Silent Hill game, but it's a very good game on it's own terms. It borrows a bit from Diablo (isometric view/combat heavy), but is not so RPGish as those games (there's a bit of upgrading, but not that much IMO).
It's another Vita game that is becoming extensively expensive physically (and then it's made by Wayforward - almost a recommendation in itself).
Re: 10 Digital-Only PSP, PS Vita Games to Buy Before the PS Store Closes
Yeah, Soul Sacrifice Delta is what you could consider a semi-classic.
It had very high production production values, lots of interesting bosses (it is almost entirely consisting of boss fights - not much gathering items or killing smaller enemies like in Monster Hunter).
Together with Toukiden Kiwami (that is a much more traditional MH clone), it is the best of the Vita Monster Hunter clones IMO (a tad weird maybe, but the gameplay really rule).
And the Asian english language physical version must be very expensive these days. So grab it from the store before it's to late (it's not particularly cheap though, it still cost the same as when it released - another sign of quality - Sony clearly knows that the game is good and unique).
Re: Resident Evil Village Still Looks Stunning on PS4 Pro
@Taylorzombie "Evil Call for Resident Duty" (aka RE6 - at least Chris' campaign) is actually pretty great when you set the QTEs to auto execute, and learn to play around with the wealth of different mechanics.
Re: Poll: Rate Your Favourite PS3 Games
I only voted for the games I think are worthy of at least an 8 (= great) IMO.
And that is Resident Evil 4, 5, 6 and Revelations, Tomb Raider Underworld, Dark Souls, Bionic Commando, Dark Sector, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 and Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
I think the PS3 had a pretty good selection of great games, if you ask me.
Re: Sony Confirms PS3, PS Vita, PSP Store Closures, Downloads Will Be Retained
@TheFrenchiestFry Ok, forgot to say it's the Vita version I was talking about (I'm almost completely a handheld gamer these day - might buy RE Village though for my PS4, if the second demo turns out well, being a huge RE fan).
Re: Sony Confirms PS3, PS Vita, PSP Store Closures, Downloads Will Be Retained
As long as Sony still provides patches/updates I'm pretty much fine (having bought what I want from the PS Vita and PS3 libraries years ago).
If they removed the option to update/redownload the games it would be a real problem. For now people must just buy whatever they have missed from the libraries before it's to late (that there probably won't be anymore sales could a problem for people's wallets - it could turn out to be a bit expensive I'm afraid).
Re: Sony Confirms PS3, PS Vita, PSP Store Closures, Downloads Will Be Retained
I'm personally more bummed that I can't download the Jill Valentine DLC for Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3.
But that's not really Sony (or Capcom's) fault, it's down to Disney (that owns the right to the Marvel universe) withdrawing the license from Capcom in 2013 or something.
Disney wanted to develop the games themselves, and it was a disaster. They lost $800 million over 4 years and now the M vs C franchise/collaboration has been revived (but it didn't seem like Capcom wanted to put that much effort into it; M vs C Infinite isn't that good from what I've heard - and wasn't particularly successful either).
But that's what happens if you get to greedy/arrogant, I guess (and I'm talking about Disney here).
Re: Next Resident Evil Showcase Planned for April
Just read on another site that there WILL be another demo featuring action gameplay. I will decide whether to get the game or not when I've played that.
Re: Next Resident Evil Showcase Planned for April
I hope the PS4 demo of Village will feature actual combat.
I watched the PS5 demo on Youtube and I didn't feel like I missed out on anything at all.
I'm worried that Village will just be as boring as 7, just with more content (a longer campaign that is; RE:Verse is not my cup of tea at all - would have liked a new version of Mercenaries or Raid and not this VS c***).