Comments 182

Re: Embattled Publisher Embracer's Sales Tumble 22%


The numbers in the in the article are not correct Embracer had a revenue of over 16 billion SEK. And by the way why all this hate for Embracer; they continued the Darksiders franchise (which probably would be dead without them); they gave us 2 good remastered Tomb Raider collection; they gave us the Soul Reaver remaster collection; they gave us Kingdom Come Deliverence II (and sure the high ups at Embracer had a say when Warhorse developed - it's Embracer that owns the company - I can you assure THEY green lit putting more effort into that one than the first - they pay the bills afterall).

Re: Poll: How Long Does It Take You to Beat a Big RPG?


Decades. Yeah really, I've haven't ever finished one yet and I have at least 20 hour in: Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim (95 hours), Fallout 3 (138,5 hours), Fallout New Vegas (60 hours), Two worlds 1+2, Fallout 4, Elex II and The Witcher 3 and I'm still learning. What I have learned though, is that I'm not big fan of medieval themed RPGs, but prefer ones with guns and post apocalyptic/nuclear disaster themed ones (Fallout and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.).

Re: Rumour: Resident Evil 9 Reveal and Release Imminent, Out in January


"largest budget in the series ever", "ambitious plans"
Yeah, I smell an open world, GaaS (to some extent) experience.

Capcom wants to take the series into the future.. And the future is not 10-15 million units sold per entry single player games.. No it's a successful GaaS game that still has some appeal to the old fans.

Re: Brand New Batman: Arkham Game Is a VR Exclusive on Meta Quest 3


Meta is what used to be Facebook (they own Facebook and Instragram it seems) and they have for a year or more been trying to push Meta Verse (which is a VR equivalent to the defunct PlayStation Home "universe" you could say).

So far they haven't had much luck, barely anyone uses it and they loose $1 billion a month I just read yesterday.

It's clearly WB is being money hatted into making this game in order for Meta to sell some more Meta Quest headsets. So Meta Verse can become a success.

The problem as I see it, is that 3D effect is simply not healthy for your brain as it cheats you into believing you're seeing a 3D image when you're actually seeing 2 slightly different 2D images (one per eye).

(and in my personal experience playing on my 3DSs with 3D effect on it stresses your brain double up compared to playing without the 3D effect - I even saw double once when I turned my head away from the 3D image and looked out the window)

Re: The Elder Scrolls, Fallout Dev Wants to Shorten Time Between Games


Kinda funny how people in this thread seems to forget, that there is probably only a small chance that new Fallout and Elders Scrolls games will even release on PS5.

Sure Microsoft are trying out smaller titles on PS5/Switch right now, but who says they will even be that successful.

They have to port them which cost money (plus there's the "little" issue of having to pay a 30% cut to the platform holder, that they won't have to on Xbox itself).

Re: 900 PlayStation Employees Laid Off, London Studio Closed


So the question is whether or not to walk down to the local 365 Discount and buy popcorn for the inevitable Sammy Barker editorial/analysis of the state of the play(station).. and the business as a whole.

It does seem like modern gamers have incredible short attention spans though; A few weeks ago Palworld was the biggest thing, but then came Helldivers 2 and suddenly not that many people play the former anymore (all according to

I wonder how long Helldivers 2 will last in that regard as it's probably just another fairly generic co-op shooter in the end. Guess time will tell.

Re: Xbox Set to Announce Multi-Platform Plans Next Week


Pretty stuffed up on the gaming news front this week and the week after. We'll have quarterly financial reports from Nintendo etc. tomorrow or so (plus probably a Nintendo Direct next week) and now Microsoft will probably confirm (at least some of) the 3rd party rumors next week as well.

The only thing we're now missing out on is some actually exciting/interesting games to play or look forward too that aren't remasters or remakes. Very exciting times ahead when it comes to information about the future of gaming on a whole.

My personal prediction on the future is that in 4-5 years there will be Nintendo, PC and streaming on the hardware front.
On the software front it will only be Nintendo that publishes 1st party software. PlayStation and Microsoft will be 3rd party publishers and maybe host some streaming channels.

Re: Big List of Tomb Raider Remastered PS5, PS4 Upgrades Revealed


Will be interesting to see how the modern controls will hold up.

Camera control with the right stick is a great addition.. But how well will the more "free flowing" character controls blend with the old "slowly walk up to the edge of a ledge, jump back, then run towards the ledge and press jump before you reaches the edge of it, then hold "X" to (hopefully) grab on onto the ledge you're jumping towards" millimeter precision gameplay.

Re: What Time Is Capcom Showcase 2023?


Airs at midnight where I live (and I should be in bed). But Capcom is my favorite company and it's only 36 minutes, so I guess I will have to stay up a bit longer (not that I'm expecting anything from the showcase - I would like a remaster/enhanced version of Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D for modern consoles - but it's probably not going to happen)

Re: Want More Resident Evil Remakes? Tell Capcom Which Ones in Official Survey


I told Capcom I wanted an enhanced/remastered version of my favorite game of all time; Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D.

Just give me a 60 fps version with 4 more stages from RE4/5 and 8 more characters from the RE roster (they might even put Ethan Winters in there - I wouldn't mind) plus 2 stick control and a move and shoot option.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Street Fighter 6?


Street Fighter is my favorite fighting game series. 2. is SNK's King of Fighters series which I've just had my first experience with this week.

But I'm not getting SF6 even though I have a PS4. I prefer to play on handhelds these days and I'm relatively new to the Fighting Game genre as a whole (and not completely sold on the genre yet)

I might get a complete edition for Switch 2 on a sale (if that became a reality), but as of now I have more than enough Fighting Games to delve into.

Re: Rumour: Konami Expected to Feature in Huge PS Showcase in Coming Weeks


Contrary to me the fanboys didn't like the last couple of Castlevanias we got (Lords of Shadow Mirror of Fate and Lords of Shadow 2) and MGS V just wasn't very good imo.

Personally I'm very skeptical there will come anything good out of this. And Silent Hill 2 remake by Blooper, come on! (and I actually still bought the SH games when barely no one else did - good thing is that I got really good prices even for the non Team Silent ones when I sold them)

But ok, if Sony comes up with a large enough sum of money, we'll probably get a MGS remake (and maybe even a new Castlevania), but then Sony might have lost an argument against Microsoft buying ActivisionBlizzard imo.

Re: Resident Evil 4 (PS5) - A True Masterpiece Made Even Better


@Beerheadgamer82 It's fine if you prefer your RE games to be actually scary, but I never found the original trilogy (or Code Veronica) particular scary. They where moody (and at the same time "comfy" - in that it was really good escapism). What scared me most about was the thought of not being able to figure out to actually finish them (they had quite a lot of puzzles and items to find - and you had to search every nook and cranny by repeatedly pushing X)

The remakes, although very solid, well build games, didn't have the same effect on me. It just felt like you had been there before. RE4 on the other hand was a game it took me many years to learn play well, as I found the action in the game very challenging (I actually prefer the stop before you shoot mechanic now, because it adds an element of strategy to the game - plus I think it is cool that you have to "raise" your weapon before you can reload it - it adds a touch of realism to it imo)

I'm sure RE4 remake is a really good and enjoyable game, but I'll wait for a sale because I found the village part of the demo to similar to the original game (plus I'm not a big fan of any of the remakes - I'm actually playing REØ on my Switch now and finding the experience more interesting than the remakes - 4th play through I'm on in 17 years)

Re: Resident Evil 4 (PS5) - A True Masterpiece Made Even Better


@Beerheadgamer82 Resident Evil was never a series about being scared imo; sure the games were moody (and strangely uplifting at the same time - guess it's good to play characters that are in a worse situation than yourself)

Ok, RE1 remake was on the scary side (and Ø too), but I never really liked those ones (felt uninspired and ultimately old). To be truthful the RE Engine games has become way too "serious" in tone imo (especially the remakes - but no Village thankfully)

I played the demo of RE4 remake and wasn't really impressed (too much the same experience as the original), so it'll be pass from me (I'll probably get it at half price or something in a year or two though)

Re: Street Fighter 6 Hype as Cammy's Super Is Based on the Street Fighter 2 Animated Movie


Not that big on fighting games as a whole, but Cammy IS my favorite Street Fighter character (she reminds a slight bit of Jill from Resident Evil personality wise)

But I got to say this is more brutal than I think I really like; Jill has a neck snap finisher too in RE5 Mercenaries and RE: The Mercenaries 3D too, but that's done against infected (majinis or cultists).

Here it is against actual (computer generated of course - but still) human beings. Frankly I think it's become a bit too much.. (but on the other hand when you defeated a character in the earlier games they often landed on their head as well.. so idk really)

Re: PlayStation Says Activision Blizzard Simply Must Remain Independent


@WallyWest They might have if Steam stepped up and really got their "interface" (and by that I mean level of convenience) to the same level as Sony's and Xbox' consoles.

Then they could release a Steam OS "console" for those who want a console experience (a just press "A" to start the game - no tinkering needed - experience).

And the games would be there too (ok, not Nintendo's - but that's why I think there will still be room for Nintendo console/handheld hybrid in the market).

Re: PlayStation Says Activision Blizzard Simply Must Remain Independent



Microsoft release all of their first parties on PC as well. And Sony will end up doing the same sooner than later (they have already come a long way in doing so).

PS4/5 and Xbox consoles are basically PCs anyway. So it's very easy to release the games on PC too (and streaming will probably evolve and become stable and be available through a standard TV in the future).

Re: Poll: Which PS Plus Tier Are You Subscribed To?


None, never liked the idea of subscription based gaming, mainly because my taste in games is quite narrow (horror themed/like third person shooter games mainly).

Besides I've really jumped ship the last 10 years and almost completely play handhelds these days (a much less stressful and "intimate" way of playing IMO - can't wait to get my hands on a Steam Deck ).

Re: Poll: Will You Buy The Last of Us: Part I?


1 hour 40 minutes in and now there's actual challenging gameplay.. and the game seems to be falling apart lol.. the Youtuber playing it just died twice in the same section.. he should probably have played it a bit more stealthy

Re: Poll: Will You Buy The Last of Us: Part I?


No. Got on PS3 already and didn't think it was anything really special.
Besides from that, I understand it's as remake just as much as Demon's Souls remake and the upcoming Dead Space are remakes; basically the same game with a new "coat of paint" plus some minor tweaks to the gameplay/mechanics.
Boring if you ask me.

Re: Resident Evil 4 Remake Announced for PS5, Out March 2023


Can't say I'm extremely excited; I'm sure it will be ok and I will get it for my Steam Deck (if it can run it).
But what will the combat system be? Will it be "gun fu" (setting up enemies for melee finishers) like in the original? Or will it be "oh the horror" and "we can't have any karate stuff, because that's just to unserious for horror (and you know "oh the horror").
Don't get me wrong, I'll get the game regardless (I'm too huge an RE fan not to). But I'm a bit sceptical to what the gameplay will be like (not really a fan of being close to defenseless).
But we'll see I guess (not really a big fan of the whole remake concept either, but that's another discussion).